Just So You Know

Just So You Know

I shouldn't love you but I want to

I just can't turn away

I shouldn't see you but I can't move

I can't look away….

“Yoong!” A woman in her late 20’s called the little child who is playing at the sand box.

“Ne, umma?” The child looked at her mother.

“Come here for a while”

“Ne” She stood up and ran to her mother. When she’s already in front of her mother, she saw a little girl hiding behind her mother.

“Who is she umma?”

“She’s the child of our new neighbor. Her parents are both working so they asked me if I can take care of her for a while. She’s one year younger than you.”

“Oh, then she’ll be here for the whole day?” Her mother gently nodded. She went behind her mother’s back and stretches her hand to the girl.

“Hello, I’m my name is Im Yoona. What’s yours?”

“Se-seo J-ju Hyun” The little girl is stuttering while holding Yoona’s hand.

“Seo Ju Hyun?” She nodded. “That’s a cute name” the girl blushed at Yoona’s compliment.

“Yoong, I’ll leave her to your care alright? I still have many things to do inside”

“Ok umma” Her mother left them alone. After her mother left, she turned her attention again to the girl.

“Do you have a nickname?”


“Seohyun?” She nodded again. “That’s also cute” She blushed again.

“Hey, do you have a fever? Your face keeps on getting red” Yoona placed her hand on Seohyun’s forehead. The latter became redder. She removed Yoona’s hand and furiously shakes her head. Yoona blinked in confusion.

“You know, you’re kinda weird and silent but I like you”


“I said I like you”

“Yo-you like me?” Yoona nodded.

“Say Seohyun; do have friends here in the neighborhood already?”

“I don’t have”

“Really?” She nodded and hung her head low.

“Then I’ll become your best friend?”


“You said you still don’t have friends here so it also means you still doesn’t have a best friend. I’ll be your best friend.”

“Best friend?”

“Why you don’t want to?”

“N-no! I want it”



“Then from now on, we are best friends and we will never ever be separated.” They made a pinky promise and smiled to each other.

“Come on, hyunnie let’s go play”


“It’s your new nickname. Since I’m already your best friend I should have personal nickname for you so from now on I’ll call you, Hyunnie”

“Then I should also think of nickname for you. Wait aren’t you older than me? I should call you unnie”

“Drop the formalities. I’m your best friend”

“But still you’re older…”

“I insist. Call me Yoong, if not were not going to be best friends anymore”

“E-eh? Alright Yoo-yoong” Yoona smiled.

“See, you can do it. Come on let’s go play now”

~Im Yoona, time to wake up! Wakey wakey up~

Yoona stop her alarm clock that was set by Seohyun and let out a loud groan.

I had that dream again, the dream about the day when Hyunnie came into my life and became one of the most important people for me. I wonder why I’m dreaming about that day these past days.

She went to the bathroom and brushed her teeth. After that she took her shower and wore her school uniform. She grabbed her bag that is beside her bed and went to the kitchen. She saw Seohyun cooking their breakfast so while the latter is still cooking she set the table for them.

She and Seohyun are living in the same house. It started when they first entered high school. Since their school is far away from their houses their family decided to buy a one storey house with two bedrooms near their school and let them stay there together.

“It’s done, c’mon Yoong, let’s eat” Seohyun placed the food at the table and the both started to eat.

“Zis iz delizious, Hyunnie”

“Don’t talk when your mouth is full”

“Sowee” They finished their meal quietly. After the meal, Yoona washed the dishes while Seohyun prepares her things.

“Hey Hyunnie, I’m already done. Let’s get going now”


They went outside and lock the door. They went to their respective bicycles and ride on it. The school is only 5 minutes away from their house so they just use their bikes for transportation.

When they arrived, they park their bike and proceed to their classroom. Even though Seohyun is a year younger than Yoona, she’s on the same level because of her amazing intellect. They went to their friends who are busy chatting.

“Morning!” Yoona greeted them cheerfully.

“Oh, Morning Yoong, Morning Seobb” A tall skinny girl greeted them.

“Sooyoung, what are you guys talking about?” Yoona asked.


“Confessing?” Seohyun asked.

“Uhuh, well these two here, Jjong and Hongki are planning to confess their feelings so they are asking tips from Bora and Sunhwa”

“Oh, who are the persons that they will confess to?” Yoona asked.

“Jjong will confess to Hyo Rin and Hongki to Hara”

“I wish them good luck” Seohyun said. Yoona suddenly laugh out of nowhere. Her friends look at her confusingly.

“Don’t mind me, don’t mind me. Just continue talking. I’ll just put my bag in my desk” Yoona went to her desk and Seohyun followed her for their chairs are beside each other.

“Yoong, why did you laugh?”

“It was nothing” Seohyun pouted.

“Stop pouting Hyunnie, you know I can’t resist that” The latter did not remove the pout in her face.

“Okay, okay. I laughed because of you”


“Yes you”

“What did I do that made you laugh?”

“Your adorableness” Yoona pinched Seohyun’s cheeks.

“Class, go back to your seats. We’re about to start our lesson”


(Lunch Time)

Yoona and Seohyun went to the cafeteria with their friends and sat on their usual table.

“Hyunnie, what do you want? I’ll go get it for you”

“You don’t have to Yoong. I’ll just take it myself.”

“No, just seat there and I’ll take it”

“But Yoong-“

“Uh-uh, no more buts”

“Okay, one full meal and any kind of fruit”

“And your drink?”

“Hmm…milk shake”

“Alright, one full meal with fruit and milk shake, coming right up” Yoona left to get her and Seohyun’s meal.


“Yes Sooyoung unnie?”

“You and Yoong are really close to each other huh?”

“Well, we’ve been best friends ever since we’re little and we also live in the same house”

“You two live in the same house?” Jonghyun asked.

“You didn’t know Jjong oppa?”

“I didn’t know. Did you know Hongki?”

“Of course I do”

“It means I’m the only one who doesn’t know it?”

“What you didn’t know Jjong?” Yoona is back with her and Seohyun’s food. “Here’s your food, Hyunnie”

“Thank you Yoong”

“Welcome Hyunnie” She sat beside Seohyun. “What you didn’t know Jjong?”

“That you and Seobb are living in the same roof”

“Oh, you didn’t know? I thought you know it already”

“No I didn’t. Why didn’t you tell me about it? I’m your best friend”

“Hyunnie’s my only best friend”

“Other Hyunnie”

“Hyunnie’s my one and only best friend, and no else.”

“Alright, but I’m still a close friend of yours”

“That’s acceptable. Well, you didn’t ask”

“You got a point there but still why didn’t you tell it to me?”

“Hihihi” Seohyun giggled. All her friends look at her. “Jjong oppa and Yoong’s bickering is cute” Jonghyun and Yoona blushed in embarresment.

“Hey why did the two of you stop?” Sooyoung asked. “Too embarrass?” the two blushed again and starting to look like tomatoes.

“Hahaha, you two look like tomatoes” Hongki teased them.

“Stop teasing them Hongki oppa, Sooyoung unnie” Seohyun said.

“Alright, we’ll stop now” Sooyoung and Hongki said.


The bell rung, indicating that lunch’s over and the afternoon session is about to start. The gang cleaned their table and went to the classroom. On the way, Yoona and Seohyun are walking together at the back while their friends are ahead of them.

“Thanks Hyunnie”

“For what Yoong?”

“For stopping Hongki and Sooyoung”

“It was nothing Yoong but you’re really cute back there”

“Just when I thanked you for stopping them to tease, Hyunnie stop it” Seohyun giggled at Yoona’s childish acts.

“Alright, I’ll stop now, Im Choding” Seohyun started to run.

“Wha-what did you said? Yah! Hyunnie, come back here”

Seohyun wasn’t a fast runner so Yoona caught up with her. They went inside the classroom and proceeded to their seats.


There is only one subject left before dismissal and that is Music. The students went to the music room with ther music writing notebooks.

“Okay class, today we’ll have a group performance. Make a group with five members” The other students are having a hard time finding members while the gang is already preparing themselves to perform. After a couple minutes the class has already settled.

“Now each group, choose one representative who will draw the song” The gang chose Hongki. The students went to their teacher who has a glass bowl that has pieces of paper. It was Hongki’s turn to draw. He went to the teacher and draw. She showed it to the teacher and the teacher gave her the piece then he went back.

“What are we performing?” Jonghyun asked.

“Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars” Hongki showed them the paper

“An English song? Can you guys do it?” Yoona asked Jonghyun and Hongki who are in charge of vocals.

“Of course we can, right Jjong?”

“Yeah, Hongki’s right. We can do it. Don’t worry”

“Okay, Sooyoung, Hyunnie you know your places”

“We know” Sooyoung and Seohyun said. Sooyoung will play the drums while Seohyun is in keyboard. Yoona is in charge of the guitar.

The students started performing the song the drawn earlier. After 15 minutes, it was time for the gang to perform. They are the last performer.

“Okay, last group please go to your positions. They will perform Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars”

“Mic check, 1 2 3, Mic check” Jonghyun and Hongki is testing their mics.

“Let’s do this” Sooyoung said and started beating her drumsticks “1 2 3”

“I shouldn’t love you but I want to. I just can’t turn away.” Jonghyun sung the first line

“I shouldn’t see you but I can’t move. I can’t look away” Hongki followed.

The group’s performance goes smoothly and it amazed their classmates and their teacher.

“…Just the way you are, yeah” Jonghyun sung the last line. The class gave them a loud cheers and applause.

“That was really great. You five have good harmony with each other. I wil give your group high remarks” The teacher said.

“Thank you sunsaengnim” Yoona said.

“Now that everyone’s finish already, Goodbye class“

“Goodbye Ms. Kang”

The students went back to there classroom, arranged their things, clean the room and left. Yoona and Seohyun are the only ones left because Seohyun, as the class president needs to prepare the learning materials that they will use the next day.

“Hyunnie, will that take long?” Yoona asked Seohyun who is busy arranging the reports that their classmates submitted earlier.

“Not quite”

“Okay” Yoona didn’t talk because she doesn’t want to disturb Seohyun. Minutes pass and Seohyun is still not finish. Yoona felt hungry and thirsty.

“Hyunnie, I’ll just buy snacks in the cafeteria. Do you want something?”

“No. I’m still full”

“Alright, I’ll go now”

Yoona left so Seohyun is alone in the room. Minutes pass again, Seohyun finally finish but Yoona is not yet back.

“Why is she still not here? Maybe she ate many foods again. I guess I’ll just fetch her there in the cafeteria”

Seohyun carried her and Yoona’s bag and went out of the room. On the way to the cafeteria, a running boy is heading her way. The boy tried to stop but failed. He bumped into Seohyun and they both fell.

“I, I’m sorry” The boy stood up and offered her hand to Seohyun.

“It’s alright” Seohyun said while taking the boy’s hand.

“I’m really really sorry”

“Please, stop apologizing”

“Okay, I’ll be going now” The boy ran off again. Seohyun looked at the boy’s retreating back.

“Hey Hyunnie”

“Oh Yoong”

“What are you doing here? Did you already finish arranging the reports?”

“Yes I’m already finish but you’re not back yet I decided to fetch you”

“Aww, I’m touched. You’re concern about me”

“I’m always concern about you because of your chodingness” Yoona pouted.

“Stop pouting Yoong, you know that it doesn’t have an effect to me” Yoona removed her pout and and started sulking. Seohyun looks at Yoona and heaved a sigh.

“I’m always concern about you because you’re very special and important to me” Yoona’s face brighthen.

“Really?” Seohyun nodded “That’s the first time you said that I’m important to you” Seohyun blushed.

“It’s the first time?” Yoona nodded.

“We-well, you sta-started sulking s-so I said it”

“Is that the only reason?” Yoona moved her face closer to Seohyun’s

“Ye-yes anyways there’s someone who ran into me earlier”

“Ran into you? Did you get injury or any bruises? Cuts? Nothing? Are you fine?”

“I’m fine Yoong I didn’t get any injuries so stop exaggerating, okay?”

“Okay, wait was it a schoolmate?”

“No, I didn’t know him. Maybe he’s new and he looks older maybe around your cousin, Yuri’s age”

“Him?  It’s a boy?” Seohyun nodded

“Oh. What does he looks like?” Yoona’s voice started to became distant and cold.

“He looks clean. I think he’s a gentleman”

“Is that so?”

“Let stop talking about him alright? Let’s go home Yoong”

“If you say so”

The two of them went to the parking of the school and ride their bikes. When they reached their house, Yoona went straight to her room.

Why Yoong did go straight to her room?

Seohyun got curious so she went to Yoona’s room. She saw a note in the latter’s door


Why did I feel coldness in her note?

Seohyun knock at Yoona’s door.

“I’ll prepare dinner. I’ll put your portion in the oven in case you’ll get hungry” After she said that, she went to her room and change.

Why did her mood change when I mention that bumped into a boy?

Seohyun heaved a sigh and went to the kitchen. She cooked their dinner and ate alone. When she finished eating, she washed the dishes and place Yoona’s food in the oven and went to her room to do her homeworks.

It’s already 10 pm when she finished all her homeworks.

I wonder if Yoong already ate and do the homewroks.

Seohyun went to the kitchen. She found Yoona already finished her dinner. She was about to go back to her room when Yoona called her.

“Wait Hyunnie” Seohyun looked at Yoona. “Sorry for my action earlier.” Yoona hung her head low

“It’s alright Yoong; you don’t have to apologize though I’m curious why you suddenly acted that way”

“I, myself, also don’t know why I did that” Seohyun heave a sigh and went behind Yoona. She hugged Yoona from the back. Yoona was surprised with the hug.


“Shh...Don’t talk Yoong” Yoona didn’t talk and just savored the moment. The hug lasted long and before Seohyun let go and went back to her room, she planted a kiss a Yoona’s cheeks. The latter blushed at the kiss and look at Seohyun’s door.

Why did I blush? Why do I feel butterflies in my stomach? Why is my heart beating fast? Could it be because…


Yoona woke up earlier than Seohyun. She took the liberty of cooking their breakfast while the latter is still asleep. Aftert eating, she took a bath and wore her uniform then she already went to the school. She’s 15 minutes earlier than their schedule. She didn’t know why she’s doing this. All she knew is that she can’t face Seohyun for a while because of her realization last night.

She just placed her bag in their classroom and went to the music room. She picked up the guitar and started strumming. She chose the song Why Don’t You Kiss Her by Jesse Mccartney.

We're the best of friends
And we share our secrets
She knows everything that is on my mind
Lately somethings changed
As I lie awake in my bed
A voice here inside my head
Softly says

Why don't you kiss her
Why don't you tell her
Why don't you let her see
The feelings that you hide
'Cause she'll never know
If you never show
The way you feel inside


The school bell already rung indicating that it was already time for the first class but Yoona just ignored it and continued singing.

Oh im so afraid to make that first move
Just a touch and we
Could cross the line
Everytime she's near
I wanna never let her go
Confess to her what my heart knows
Hold her close

Why don't you kiss her
Why don't you tell her
Why don't you let her see
The feelings that you hide
'Cause she'll never know
If you never show
The way you feel inside

What would you say
I wonder would she just turn away
Or would she promise me
That she's here to stay
It hurts me to wait
I keep asking myself

Why don't you kiss-

Just when she’s already into the song, the door opened. She looked at the door and saw a boy.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Did I disturb you? I heard music coming from here so-“

“-it’s alright.” Yoona cut his words. There is a hint of coldness in her voice. She put down the guitar and went to the intruder.

“You don’t look familiar to me. Are you new here?”

“Yes, I am”

“Oh, what level are you?”

“3rd year”

“Oh, so you’re a senior”

“Yeah and I just transfer here. Today’s my first day of school”

“Skipping class on your first day? You’ve quite got the guts”

“N-no, that truth is I woke up late and got lost here in the campus”

“Ah, anyways since you’re here, let me guide you to your classroom. What is your section?”

“Ah, thank you very much” The boy pulled out a small paper in his pocket “Here. I’m in 3-1”

“3-1? You’re in the first section? Looks like you’ve got brains”

“Ah, not really. I just like to study”

“Okay, c’mon let’s go to your classroom”

They went out of the music room and started walking towards the boy’s classroom.

“By the way, my name is Im Yoona. What’s yours?”

“Yonghwa. Jung Yonghwa. My family just moved here from Busan”


“Can I ask you something?”

“Sure, what is it?”

“Do you always use banmal to persons older than you?”

“No, is that all my guy friends even those who are older than me allows me to use banmanl when talking to them so I think I just got used to it. Sorry if you got offended”

“No, I didn’t get offended. I’m just curious”

“Ah, anyways we’re here” They stop in front of a busy classroom.

“Thank you for accompanying me”

“Don’t mention it. I’ll get going now”

“Thank you again”

Yoona started walking towards her classroom at the other end of the hallway. When she arrived, her teacher is in the middle of discussion. She went to the door and knock to get the teacher’s attention.

“Good Morning Ms. Eun. Sorry I’m late”

“Before I let you enter this classroom, give me a valid reason why you are late”

“I went to the music room to play some music. There I met a transfer student and guide him to his classroom. Valid enough ma’am?”


Yoona entered the room and went to her seat. The teacher resumed her interrupted lesson. She didn’t see the stares and glances’ coming from her best friend whose head is full of questions.



The school bell rung again, indicating that it was lunchtime. Althroughout the morning session, Yoona didn’t talk to Seohyun. Everybody is leaving already to go to the cafeteria except for Yoona and Seohyun. The latter took the opportunity to talk with the older girl. She went to Yoona’s desk. She is busy arranging her things.


“Oh Hyunnie, what is it?”

“Is there something wrong?”

“Wrong? What wrong?”

“Is there something with you? With me? With us?”

“There is nothing wrong, Hyunnie. Are you being like this because I went earlier to school and didn’t go with you?” Seohyun nodded.

“Not only that, you also didn’t talk to me althroughout the morning session”

“I did?” Seohyun nodded

“I didn’t know. I’m sorry Hyunnie it just that there are many things that’s occupying my mind right now and-“

“-and you can’t share it to me.” Yoona nodded.

“Why you can’t share it to me?”

“It’s something personal, Hyunnie” Seohyun heaved a sigh

“If say so.Come on let’s take our lunch now”

“I’m sorry Hyunnie but I want to eat alone. I’ll be going now” Yoona left Seohyun all alone. The latter looked at the retreating back of her friend.

What’s happening to you, Yoong?


Seohyun is eating her lunch all alone at the cafeteria.

What is Yoong’s problem that she can’t tell me? Before even if it’s personal she still share it to me.

Seohyun heaved a sigh

I wonder where she is right now.

“Uh, excuse me is that seat taken already?” A man’s voice stopped Seohyun’s train of thoughts. She looked at the person who interrupted her.

“Ah, you’re the girl whom I bumped to yesterday. Are you alright? Did something bad happen to you or did you get injured yesterday?” The man worriedly asks her.

“No, no, I’m fine.”

“That’s a relief. Uh, is the seat beside you taken already? The other tables are already full”

“Oh, no, no, please take a seat” Seohyun removed her bag and the man place his food at the table and sit beside Seohyun but with a certain distance.

“Are you eating alone? Don’t you have any friends?” Seohyun just looked at her.

“Uh, Sorry if I’m asking too much” Seohyun shaked her head.

“It’s alright. I’m just a bit surprised to see a man who is very talkative”

“Ah really? I’m weird right?”

“No, you’re not.”

“Thank you”

“For what?”

“For letting me sit with you and for not thinking that I’m weird”

“It was nothing. So I think it would be rude of me if I don’t answer questions”

“Uh, it’s alright if you don’t” Seohyun shook her head again.

“It’s alright. I’ll answer it. Yes, I’m eating all alone and I have friends. I usually with my best friend but she wants to eat alone today”

“Oh, did the two of you have a fight or something?”

“No, we didn’t. She just told me that there many things that are occupying her mind right now”

“Is that so? I think it really is a good idea for her to spend sometime alone”

“Yeah, you’re right. Oh yeah, we’re already chatting but we still didn’t know each others name. I’m Seo Juhyun but you can call me Seohyun. I’m a 2nd year student. What’s yours?”

“I’m Jung Yonghwa. I came from Busan so practically I’m a new student here. I’m already in 3rd year”

“Oh, so you’re older than me. I’m sorry for my impoliteness oppa”

“Ah, no, no, you don’t have to apologize. You didn’t know so I understand.”

“But still-“

“I said its okay, so don’t be sorry anymore alright?” Seohyun nodded.

The two continued to chat and laugh with each other. They already felt comfortable with each other.


(Yoona’s Side)

After Yoona left the classroom, she went to the cafeteria and bought some light snack. Then she went to the rooftop.

Great, No one’s here. It’s the perfect place to be alone and reflect. Yoona put down her snacks and lie down.

The sky looks amazing and relaxing. After she said that, she closed her eyes.

What should I do now? I can’t keep on ignoring and making excuses to Hyunnie. It’s either I let this feelings of unrequited love be known or I’ll stop these feelings of mine and just be contented being friends with her…..aish like I can do that easily now that I realize that my feelings for her are so deep. Maybe I already have feelings for her from the start but I just keep on thinking that it is only friendship.


*sigh* If only I can talk to someone about these things. Maybe Yuri unnie can help me.

~neomu taeyeonhae neomu ppeonppeonhae bakkeneun nal sowonhaneun juri kkeuchi an boyeo~ (Yoona’s ringing tone. Seohyun’s line in Twinkle ^_^)


“Yah Im Yoona!” Yoona distance her phone from her ears

“Yah Sooyoung, don’t shout you’re going to make me deaf. What is it? Why did you call?”

“Where are you?”

“Uh, the rooftop, Why?”

“Oh great, I guess you didn’t hear the bell”

“Bell? Wait, what time is it already?”

“12:53. you better get here before 1 or else you’ll feel the wrath of Ms. Jung (Jessica’s Mother)” Yoona immediately stood up and run.

“Can you already see Ms. Jung?”

“Wait, let me take a look…..No, she’s still no where in sight. Oh wait, she’s already in the west staircase! Run faster Yoona!”

“I’m already at my full speed!” Yoona hung up her phone

Yoona is already at the east staircase. She saw her teacher is already near their room. She immeadiately went inside. Sooyoung saw her and approach her.

“That was close” Sooyoung said while tapping Yoona’s shoulders.

“Yeah” Yoona is catching her breath.

The teacher entered their room so the two went to their respective seats.

“Goodafternoon class” the teacher greeted them.

“Goodafternoon Ms. Jung” the teacher nodded to the students respond. She picked a chalk and faced the board but she didn’t write anything.

“Ms Im” She called Yoona.

“Yes ma’am?”

“I saw that”

“I’m sorry, Ma’am. It won’t happen again” Yoona lowered her head.

“I’ll let it pass because that’s your first time”

“Thank you ma’am” The teacher started writing on the board.

Althroughout the class, Yoona didn’t speak nor utter and she keep on lowering her head. She didn’t notice the girl beside her who is looking worriedly at her.

When Ms. Jung’s class ended, Yoona brought out her phone and texted her cousin, Yuri.

From: AgeoYoong
To: KkabYul

Unnie, are you free after class?

From: KkabYul
To: AgeoYoong

Uh, I’m not yet sure because I ask Sica for a date and she haven’t replied to it

From: AgeoYoong
To: KkabYul

Oh, is that so? If your date will be canceled, text me

From: KkabYul
To: AgeoYoong

Sure but what do you want from me?

From: AgeoYoong
To: KkabYul

I need your help

From: KkabYul
To: AgeoYoong

My help? Why me? What about Seohyun?

From: AgeoYoong
To: KkabYul

It’s about her, unnie

From: KkabYul
To: AgeoYoong

Her? Seohyun?

From: AgeoYoong
To: KkabYul

Yes unnie

From: KkabYul
To: AgeoYoong

What about Seohyun? Did the two of you have a fight?

From: AgeoYoong
To: KkabYul

No unnie, we didn’t fight. I’ll tell it to you later if you’re free. I gotta stop texting now unnie, our teacher is already here.

Yoona put her phone in her pocket and listened to the lecture


(Dismissal Time)

All of the students went out of the classroom already except for Yoona and Seohyun. They are still inside cleaning the room. Yoona was erasing the writings on the board when her phone vibrated.

From: KkabYul
To: AgeoYoong

My date is canceled. Sica is going somewhere with her mom. Are you on cleaning duty today?

From: AgeoYoong
To: KkabYul

Yes, I’m on cleaning duty today but I’m already about to finish, just wait for me at the entrance. I still have to pack my things

From: KkabYul
To: AgeoYoong

Alright. Oh yeah, do we need my car?

From: AgeoYoong
To: KkabYul

Yes, we need it. Unnie, can I ask for a favor? Can you bring back my bike in my house?

From: KkabYul
To: AgeoYoong

Sure. I’ll make it quick

From: AgeoYoong
To: KkabYul

Thank you unnie. I’ll see you later :)

Yoona stopped texting and finish erasing. When she made sure that everything is already erased, she went to her seat and begun packing her things. It didn’t take her long to finish packing up her things. Seohyun saw that she is already finished packing so she approached her.

“Yoong, let’s go home”

“Uh, I’m sorry Hyunnie but you need to go home alone”


“I’m going somewhere with Yuri unnie”

“Oh, is that so?”

“I’m really sorry Hyunnie. I didn’t tell it to you earlier because Yuri unnie just confirmed it”

“It’s fine”

Yoona’s phone vibrated. She took it out and saw that she received a message from Yuri saying that she is already waiting in the entrance inside her car.

“I have to go now Hyunnie. Yuri unnie is already waiting for me. See you at home later”

“Yeah, see you. Bye”

“Bye” Yoona went out of the room, running. When Yoona is already no where of sight, Seohyun heaved a sigh. She went out the room and saw that she’s the only student left. When she’s already at the entrance, she heard guitar strumming sounds. She looked for the source of the sound and saw Yonghwa, playing a guitar while singing under a tree. She smiled at the sight and approached him.

“~uri seoro banmal haneun sa iga dwe gireul-“


“Oh Seohyun, why are you still here? It’s late already”

“I just finish my cleaning duty”


“Oppa, you’re really good in playing the guitar and singing”

“Jeez, stop lying. I’m not that good”

“It’s not a lie oppa, you’re really good”

“If you’ll keep on complimenting me, I’ll be force to believe it”

“You don’t need to be forced oppa because it’s the truth”

“Alright alright, I’ll believe you. Say do you know how to play the guitar?”

“A little bit”

“Really? Can you show it to me?”

“Eh? But I’m not that good”

“It’s alright” Yonghwa handed his guitar to Seohyun

“Okay. Here I go” Seohyun started strumming and sing

I am not the kind of girl
Who should be rudely barging in on a white veil occasion
But you are not the kind of boy
Who should be marrying the wrong girl

I lose myself in a daydream
Where I stand and say

Baby, I didn’t say my vows,
So glad you were around
When they said, "Speak now"

When Seohyun ended her song, Yonghwa gave her a round of applause.

“Wow, you’re really a liar. Aren’t you?”


“You said that you’re not good but the truth is you are beyond good. You’re really great”

“Really oppa?” Yonghwa nodded.



“The song you sung earlier, is that your compostion?”

“It is and I just it earlier. What do you think? Is it good?”

“It is great. It sounds so sweet and cute. Can you teach me how to play it?”

“Sure but we need to change location. The gate is about close. It closes at 6:00 right? It’s already 5:56” Seohyun looked at her watch to confirm it.

“You’re right oppa. I didn’t notice the time. Where should we go?”

“Hmm…does a café sound good to you? I’ll treat you”

“It sounds good to me. I’ll just go get my bicycle”

“You ride a bicycle to school?”

“Yes, is there a problem with that oppa?”

“None, it just that we’re the same”

“Same? You mean you also ride a bicycle to school?”

“Uhuh, my house is just near so I use my bicycle”

“Me either”

“So, let’s go get our bicycles”


After they got their bicycles, they went to a nearby café and there Yonghwa taught Seohyun how to play his composition.


(Yoona’s side after she went out of the classroom)

Yoona ran towards Yuri’s convertible car in the school entrance and went inside.

“Hey unnie”

“Hey, so what are you going to tell me?”

“I’ll tell it to you later unnie, let’s go to the cliff first”


Yuri started the engine and speed off to their secret place – the cliff. The cliff is a cliff that was discovered by Yuri and Yoona when they were still little. Only the two of them knows it. Nobody would think that there could be a cliff somewhere around a modern city.

After 10 minutes of ride, they already arrived at the cliff. They went out of the car and sat under the lone tree facing the sea.

“We’re here so you better talk now”

“Yuri unnie, what would you do if you will fall in love with your best friend? Are you going to confess or you will keep it to yourself?”

“Hmm…maybe I’m going to confess my feelings”

“What if that person doesn’t feel the same and it will ruin the long friendship?”

“It is bound to happen even either way. If I confess and that person doesn’t feel the same, we will become awkward with each other and eventually we will drift apart. If I don’t confess and keep my feelings to myself, a day will come and all the bottled up feelings will pour out. Wait why are you asking me about these things? I though you have something to tell me about Seo-. Wait a minute, could it be that you confess to Seohyun?”


“Then you have feelings for Seohyun?” Yoona nodded.

“And you’re contemplating if you’re going to confess or not?” Yoona nodded again.

“*sigh* my baby cousin is a grown up already” Yuri patted Yoona’s head.

“Stop it unnie, I’m being serious here”

“Sorry. Okay, first things first, since when did you have feelings Seohyun?”

“I don’t know unnie. Maybe for a long time already but I just recently realized it”

“When is that recent?”

“When she described the boy she bumped to, I suddenly felt jealous because I feel like she’s complimenting him. When we got home I started being cold to her. Even though I’m being cold to her, she still prepared dinner for me. I ate so late that night to avoid her. When I finished eating she entered the kitchen. She saw me so she was about to go back to her room but I stopped her and apologize. She accepted it and gave me a hug and kiss in the cheek then she went back to her room. When she kissed me, I suddenly blushed and I felt butterflies in my stomach”

“Uh…that was a long story”


“Okay okay, I’m sorry. Well, I think you’re right, maybe you already have feelings for Seohyun ever before that day. There is just something I wan’t to ask you”

“What is it?”

“Why are you hesitating to confess?”

“I’m afraid”

“Afraid? Afraid of being rejected?”

“Sorta but the thing I’m afraid of is our friendship?”

“Your friendship with Seohyun?”

“Yes, I’m afraid of ruining our friendship”

“Now that’s what everyone is afraid of but you can’t do anything if you want your feelings to be known. You have to risk that friendship coz’ if you decide not to take the risk, eventually a day will come when you don’t want to be friends anymore and confess but it will be too late already”

“I think I need more days to come up with a decision unnie”

“I understand that but you need to be fast, you don’t know when a rival will come” Yoona nodded.



“You and Sica unnie were also best friends before the two of you became a couple right?”

“Yes we were”

“It means that you take the risk of ruining your friendship when you confess to her?”

“Yes I did and that risk didn’t came to waste because she also felt the same way”

“I wish my situation is also the same as yours unnie”

“You will never know Yoona if you won’t take the risk”

Because of their serious talk, they didn’t realize that is already dark.

“Unnie, I need to go home now”

“Alright, I’ll drive you home”


(Seohyun’s side – at the café)

Seohyun and Yonghwa spend the rest of their time talking and the latter teaching Seohyun. They also didn’t realize that it was already dark not until Seohyun looked outside.

“Oh, it’s already dark outside”

“You’re right. We we’re so caught up in the lecture”

“Yeah but it was so much fun”

“I think we should go home now.” They went outside of the café to their bicycles.

“Which way will you go Seohyun?”

“Right. What about you oppa?”

“Left. Do you want me to accompany you? It’s not safe for a girl like you to go home late at night”

“It’s alright oppa; my house is not that far”

“But – “

“It’s fine oppa”

“Alright, oh yeah, Seohyun”


“If it is okay for you, may I know your number?”

“It okay for me. It’s………..” Yonghwa registered Seohyun’s number

“Thank you. I’ll just text so you can save my number”

“Okay. Bye oppa”


And so they went to their own ways


(Yoona’s side)

Yuri and Yoona arrived at Yoona’s home.

“Thanks for the ride Yuri unnie”

“No problem”

“Oh yeah unnie, where did you put my bicycle?”

“Near the hammock”

“Alright. Bye unnie. Thank you for your time”

“It was nothing. So, I’ll go now. Bye Yoong”

After Yuri left, Yoona went inside their house. She noticed that the house is very dark and there is no sign of anyone inside.

That’s odd. Did Seohyun go somewhere? It’s very rare for her to go outside at night.

Yoona use her own key to open the door. She went to Seohyun’s room and saw that the latter’s

Her bag is nowhere in sight. She still hasn’t got home yet.

Yoona grabbed her phone and dialed Seohyun’s phone.

*The person you are calling is currently unavailable*

What the? Why is her phone off? She never turns off her phone. Did something happen to her? Aishh Im Yoona, why are still standing here. I better look for her.

When Yoona was about to open the door, she heard tire screeching sounds. She thought it was Seohyun so she opened the door widely to confirm it and she was right. Seohyun just entered their front yard and placed her bike near Yoona’s. She looked at door and notice Yoona looking at her.

“Oh Yoong, your home” Seohyun went inside and when she was about to enter her room, Yoona called her.


“Yes yoong?”

“Why did you come home late?”

“Well, I thought you will come home late so I spend time in a café near the school.”

“Are you alone or you’re with someone?”

“I’m with someone. A senior friend” Seohyun went inside her room.

Are you lying to me, Hyunnie? The only person who I know that is close to you from the senior class is Yuri unnie and she’s with the whole time. Are you seeing someone, Hyunnie?

That night, they ate their dinner without speaking to each other and went to bed without uttering any single word. Days went past and they started to become distant with each other. When they are talking, it was only reminders and all about school stuffs. They also went home at different time. Seohyun kept on going home late and everytime Yoona asks her is she’s with someone, she always says the she’s with a senior friend.

At school, they still hang out with their friends and eat lunch with them but the two rarely talk with each other. Their friends noticed it so one day; they asked Yoona if something happened between her and Seohyun. She always says that nothing is going on between them.

Days turn into Months. Yoona became fed up with the recent happenings. She doesn’t know what is going on with Seohyun’s life anymore. Everytime Seohyun goes home very late; she wanted to act like she doesn’t care but she can’t do it. Her heart won’t let her do it so all she can do is take a glimsp of the girl.

I shouldn't love you but I want to

I just can't turn away

I shouldn't see you but I can't move

I can't look away

One day, Yoona decided that she will follow or stalk Seohyun after classes. When the bell for the dismissal time rung, Seohyun immediately arranged her things and went out of the room. Yoona bid farewell to their friends and followed Seohyun. She saw Seohyun going out of the school using her bicycle. She went to her bicycle and followed suite. She kept a good distance between her and Seohyun so that the latter won’t see her. Seohyun stopped at a nearby café. She parked her bike and went inside. She sat at an empty seat near the glass wall. Yoona is outside, across the café. She’s behind a large tree.

Hyunnie’s not doing anything and she’s now with someone. Maybe I should go home already.

When she was about to ride her bike, she saw the guy whom she guided to his room.

That guy looks familiar. Ah, the transferee. I think his name is Jung Yonghwa? Yeah Yonghwa. He’s going inside the café. He’s waving to someone.

Yoona looked at Seohyun’s location and saw her waving. Yonghwa went to Seohyun and sat across her. The two of them are happily talking to each other. Yoona couldn’t believe the scene in front of her.

No way. This can’t be happening. The senior friend, Seohyun’s talking about is him – Jung Yonghwa

Yoona felt numb. She was petrified. The past months she kept on contemplating if she should confess or not but because of their situation she say that there is always tomorrow but now there is no more tomorrow for her love.

When she her senses came back, she hopped on her bike and went home. She locked herself in her room and cried her heart out. Because of exhaustion, she fell asleep. It was already dark outside when woke up. She felt thirsty so she went out of her room. When she was about to go to the Kitchen, she saw Seohyun entering their house. The latter saw Yoona’s blood shot eyes so she immeadiately approached her.

“Yoong, what happened? Are you alright? Why are your eyes like that? Did you cry?”

“I’m alright”

“But Yoong – “

“I said I’m fine!” Yoona shouted at Seohyun. The girl was shocked at Yoona’s outburst. The latter muttered a sorry before going back to her room, forgetting her thirstiness.

And I don't know how to be fine when I'm not

'Cause I don't know how to make a feeling stop

The next day became quiet and awkward for the two of them. At home, they ate their breakfast separately. Yoona ate at her room while Seohyun at the kitchen. The latter went to earlier to school while the former is late. During their Science class, the class was divided by pairs. They were partners but they are not talking with each other and did the activity individually.

It's getting hard to be around you

There's so much I can't say

Do you want me to hide the feelings

And look the other way?

The week went by with them being like that to each other. Saturday morning, Seohyun went out with Yonghwa that day. Yoona didn’t know about it. She just knew it when she saw the post-it note in their fridge. Yoona, who is bored and pissed off, decided to go outside too. She hopped on her bike and started pedaling towards the park. While cycling around the park, she saw Seohyun and Yonghwa sitting at a bench while eating ice cream. She parked her bike nearby and hid behind the tree that is behind the two.


“Yes oppa?”

“Um, there is something that I want to tell you”

“What is it oppa?” Yonghwa shifted his postion and looked directly at Seohyun.

“I…I…I like you Seohyun. Will you be my girlfriend?” Seohyun was surprised at his confession so is Yoona who is trying so hard not to make any sounds.

“Oppa…I…I – “

“You don’t have to answer right. I just want you to know my feelings for you” Seohyun shooked her head.

“I also like you Oppa” Yonghwa was shocked at the girl’s response.

“You…you also like me? So that means that you’re accepting it?” Seohyun nodded. Because of too much happiness, Yonghwa hugged Seohyun. Yoona, once again became numb and petrified. She could hear her own heart shattering in pieces. Tears slowly trickled out of her eyes.

“Let’s go Seohyun”

She heard Yonghwa. Before they discover her, she immediately grabbed her bike and hopped on it. She pedaled her way to the cliff. There she screamed out and cried all of her pain. It was already midnight when she went home. She went straight to her room, not noticing the girl who fell asleep at the sofa, waiting for her arrival.

The next morning, Seohyun confronted Yoona.

“Yoong, what time did you went home last night?”

“I don’t know”

“I was awake until 11:00. So you could be home by midnight”

“You already knew it so why did you bother to ask me?”

“Im Yoona!”

“What?! Why are questioning me about going home late when I don’t even ask you when YOU go home late?” Seohyun is stunned at Yoona’s words.

“What’s wrong with you Yoong?”

“What’s wrong with me? Nothing is wrong with me. I’m perfectly fine. I feel great!”

“I don’t believe you”

“Then don’t believe me!”

“Yoona, please tell me what’s wrong. Please, tell me what is happening to you”

“You wanna know? You wanna know? Alright I’ll tell you. I’m heart broken!”

“Heart broken? Who broke your heart?”

“You want to know who broke my heart?”

“Yes, I want to”

“It was YOU!”

“Huh? Me? I don’t get you Yoong”

“You don’t get me because you don’t know my feelings for you. I love you Seohyun. My love is not like of a sisterly love nor a friendly love. My love is more than that! The day I first saw you with Yonghwa, I cried my heart out in my room. While I was crying I’m also trying to mend my broken heart by convincing it to let you go but my heart can’t do it because deep inside me, I don’t want that to happen. Now, that the two of you are already together, I don’t know if can still stay in the same house with you without crying my heart out, Seohyun.”

Yoona grabbed her jacket in the coats’ rack and went outside. Seohyun was surprised at the sudden confession and revelation of Yoona.

Just so you know

This feeling's taking control of me

And I can't help it

I won't sit around, I can't let him win now

Thought you should know

I've tried my best to let go of you

But I don't want to

I just gotta say it all

Before I go

Just so you know

Yoona went to the cliff. Earlier while on her way to the cliff, she texted Yuri that she wanted to meet her. Yuri arrived and she immediately went to her cousin.

“Yoona” She called her. The latter didn’t say anything in response. She sat beside her.

“Tell me what happened” Yoona told her what happened these past few months.

“So what do want to do now?”

“I want to runaway. I want to go somewhere far unnie”

“Do have any place in your mind?” Yoona shook her head.

“Does a province sound good to you?”

“Anywhere is fine as long as it’s far from here.”

“Do you remember Uncle Jae Suk?” Yuri asked her. Yoona nodded.

“He informed me yesterday that he really needed an assistant in his farm. So what do you think?”

“I’ll go”

“When do want to go?”


“Now? Right now? But – “Yoona stared at her.

“Alright but what about your clothes?”

“You’ll sneak it out of the house after three days”

“What will you wear for those three days?”

“I’m sure Uncle Jae Suk has some clothes that I can wear for that short time”

“What about your – “

“– I’ll buy of course”

“Oh, so it means that you have money with you?”


“*sigh* Here” Yuri handed her bills

“Thank you. Oh yeah unnie, here are my keys for the front door and my room” Yoona handed Yuri her keys

“You really are preapare to run away huh?”

“No, it just pop in my head earlier”

“You little kid…*sigh* are you going to take a bus or do you want me to drive you there?”

“I’ll take the bus unnie. Just drive me to the bus terminal”



(Bus Terminal)

Earlier, while on their way to the terminal, Yoona bought the things she needed while Yuri contacted their Uncle.

“I guess, I’ll just see after three days Yoona”

“Yeah, so…goodbye Yuri unnie”

“Goodbye, take care of yourself there”

“I will unnie” Yoona went inside of the bus and left.


Night quietly approached. Yoona just arrived at his uncle’s farm.

“Uncle Jae Suk?” She didn’t hear any response nor any sound.

“Uncle Jae Suk” She called his name while lurking aroung his house.

“Oh, Yoona, you’re here” She saw him behind her with all of his farming tools.

“Just got back from farming uncle?”

“Yeah, I had many things to do. Now, why don’t we go inside? It’s about to get chilly and I know you’re tired from your trip”

They went inside his house. His house is mostly made of logs and wood.

“Nice place you have here uncle”

“Really? Well, thank you. Oh, take a seat first. I’ll just go get us some drinks. Just feel at home and be comfortable”

“Okay uncle” Yoona looked around the house.
This place looks peaceful. I’m sure I will have good time staying here.

“Here have some juice” Jae Suk came back with two glasses of juice. Yoona accepted it while sitting across his uncle. “So, why did you decide to come here? I know it’s not because I needed an assistant to help me in my farm”

“I just want some time off from the city. I want to go to a far place where I can have peace.” His uncle nodded at her answer.

“You have problems back there in the city?”

“Well, yeah.”

“Just like I thought. *sigh* Kids these days. Alright, I will not ask you what that problem is because I don’t want to meddle in your life.”

“Thank you uncle, I appreciate it”

“You’re welcome. Now, your room is at the second floor, the one that is at end of the hall. It has a balcony where you can see a part of the farm and you have your own bathroom and shower room. Go unpack your things and have a rest.We need to wake up early tomorrow.”

“Uh, about my things uncle, the truth is, my stay at the province is sudden so I don’t have any clothes with me. I want to ask if you have any spare clothes”

“Oh, I have spare clothes. It was your cousin Hyoyeon’s clothes. She left some of her things when she moved in the city. It’s in the room beside yours”

“Thank you very much uncle”

His uncle just nodded and went upstairs to his room. Yoona also went upstairs to her room. She unpacked the things she bought earlier that day and took a quick bath. After that, she jumped to her soft bed with her facing the ceiling.

Tomorrow is the start of my new life. It’s a good thing that we are on break from school. I don’t want to get a scolding from my parents. Oh yeah, I need to tell Uncle Jae Suk to not to tell my parents about my escaped. *yawn* Looks like I need to go to sleep now.

Yoona slowly drift of to sleep, unaware of the worried girl whom she left all alone at their house back in the city.


(After Three days)

Three days passed, Yoona is already comfortable in the farm. She helps his uncle manage the farm while Seohyun, back in the city, don’t know what to do anymore because she don’t know where Yoona went and she can’t find her anywhere. She called their friends and they all said that Yoona is not with them and they haven’t talked to her for days. She also tried calling her but all she got is a message that Yoona is out of coverage area. That day, she asked Yonghwa to accompany her in finding Yoona.

“Oppa, I don’t know what to do anymore”

“Please, calm down Seohyun. Calm down”

“How can I calm down oppa when I don’t know where Yoona is?”

“I know we can find her sooner or later”

“I hope so oppa”


“Yes oppa?”

“What is Yoona to you?”

“She’s my best friend, childhood friend and the most precious person I have. She’s there whenever I need her. She always makes me laugh when I’m feeling down. She does everything for in her own little way”

“How did the two of you meet?”

“We met when we were still little…..”

Seohyun started telling Yonghwa about how she and Yoona met, the memories they shared together when they were little till now, and the great things that Yoona did for her. She tell it to him with a smile on her face.

“Seohyun, do you like me?”

“Of course oppa, I like you”

“Okay then do you really want to be with me?”

“Of-of course yes, I...I want to be with the person I like”

“You want to be with the person that you like not the person you love?”

“What’s with that question oppa?”

“You want to be with someone you like because you can’t be with the person you love. I don’t know if you notice it but earlier when you talk about Yoona, you have that special smile on your face and your eyes is full of happiness while remembering all the memories you shared with her.”

“Wha…what are you talking about oppa?”

“Seohyun, tell me the truth. Do you really like me or you just go out with so that you will forget about your feelings for the person you love?”


“I can clearly see that it is not me that you see everytime we went out together in our dates. Deep in your heart, I know that you’re imagining that you are with Yoona not me. You wanted to bury your feelings for her because you know that it’s not right and you don’t want to ruin your friendship with her.” Seohyun lowered her head.

“I guess with you lowering your head means I’m right.”  

“I’m sorry oppa”

“Why are you apologizing? It’s alright and I should thank you for the moments we had for these past months. So as a parting gift, I have something to tell you”

“What is oppa?”

“I think I know a person who knew where Yoona is”

“What?! Who oppa? Please tell it to me”

“Answer this first, what is the relationship of Yoona and Kwon Yuri”

“Kwon Yuri? Yuri unnie? She is Yoona’s cousin”

“Ah, so that’s why…”

“What oppa?”

“Earlier when I was cycling, I was about to go to your house, I saw Kwon Yuri went out of your house with luggages”

“Yuri unnie went out of my house with luggages? But that’s imposibble; she doesn’t have any keys to our house and the spare key is with me not unless she has….”

“Not unless she has Yoona’s keys right?” Seohyun nodded.

“Now I know thank you oppa. Thank you very much”

“It’s the only thing I can give you as a parting gift to our relationship”


“But you can still treat as an older brother and come to whenever you have a problem”

“I will oppa. Thank you again” Yonghwa nodded.

“You better go to Kwon Yuri now and Seohyun remember to always go to where your heart tells you to go”

“I’ll remember that, bye oppa”

Seohyun hopped on her bike and went to Yuri’s house. She saw Yuri is about to enter her car so she ran to her to stop her.

“Yuri unnie”

“Seohyun, what are you doing here?”

“Where is Yoona?”

“Yoona? I don’t know where she is”

“I know that you know where Yoona is so please Yuri unnie, please tell me she is” Seohyun begged Yuri. Tears are trickling down her face. Yuri couldn’t take the sight of the younger girl crying in front of her.

“Alright, come with me. I’m going to where Yoona is”

“Really unnie?”

“Yes. I’m going to deliver her things to where she is right now”

“Thank you unnie” Seohyun went inside the car and Yuri speed off.


After hours of driving, they already arrive at Jae Suk’s farm. Seohyun is sleeping in the passenger seat.

“Seohyun, seohyun, wake up, we’re already here.” Seohyun woke up. She went out of the car and observed her surroundings.

“We’re in a province right unnie?”

“Yes we are. Right now, we’re at a province where our – Yoona and I, uncle owns a farm. She’s working as his assistant in managing the farm.”

“Where is she unnie?”

“Can you see that house made of logs and woods?”


“That is where Yoona is staying. It’s our uncle’s house” Right after Yuri finished her sentence, Seohyun ran to the direction of the house.

“Hey Seohyun, wait for me!”

Seohyun ignored her and fasten her pace. When she arrived at the house, she searched for any sign of Yoona. In the garden, she saw someone wearing a farm clothes and busily plowing the plants. She recognized it as Yoona.

“Yoong?” The person in farm clothes looked at the source of the voice. Seohyun is right. It was Yoona who is plowing the plants.

“Yoong!” Seohyun ran to Yoona and hugged her tightly. “You, you, why did ran way? Why did you left me all alone? Don’t you know how worried I was?” She started pounding Yoona’s chest. The latter grabbed Seohyun’s hands to stop her.

“Hyunnie, what are you doing here?”

“Yoona” Yoona looked at the person who called her.

“Yuri unnie” She looked back at Seohyun then to Yuri. She already knew that Yuri helped Seohyun.

“Hyunnie, let’s go talk at another place” Yoona dragged Seohyun at the back of the house where a wooden swing is placed under a tree. The two of them sat there.

“What are you doing here Hyunnie?”

“I wanted know where you are”

“Did you go with Yuri unnie?”

“Yes, I begged her to tell me where you are”

“Stop wasting your time here Hyunnie. Go back to the city” Yoona stood up and was about to leave but Seohyun grabbed her wrist.

“I’m not wasting my time and I won’t go back to the city not until you come with me.”

“I’m not coming back. I’m staying here.”

“If you’re staying here, then I’ll also stay here”

“Stop being childish Hyunnie!”

“I’m not being childish. I just want to be with you!”

“Huh? What are talking about? You want to be with me?”

“I love you, Yoong. Ever since we were little I already like and as years passed it grew so much and turned to love. I know it is wrong for me to love you because we’re best friends and I don’t want to ruin our friendship if you don’t feel the same as I am so I use Yonghwa oppa to bury my feelings for you but it failed. He discovered that I have feelings for you so he set me free and told me to go where my heart tells me to go, so now here I am in front of you because my heart tells me to go you.” Seohyun said while tears flowed down her eyes

“But that day when I blurted out my feelings for you…”

“I was so overwhelmed and shocked that you also feel the same as me. I don’t know what to do so I just stayed there motionless then you ran away” She hugged Yoona tightly while her head is at the crook of Yoona’s head

“I love you, Yoong so please go back with me. I can’t live without by my side” Yoona hugged her back.

“I love you too Hyunnie and sorry. I did horrible things to you”

“No, no, no, you didn’t. I should be the one apologizing to you.”

Yoona started caressing Seohyun’s cheek then she slowly leaned towards Seohyun’s lips but stop when they were only an inch away. She looked at Seohyun’s eyes like asking for permission. The latter closed her eyes. Yoona take it as an approval so she leaned and kissed Seohyun.

From afar, Yuri and his uncle watched the couple shared their first kiss under the night sky with bright moon and stars.

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YulSicSLTTR #1
Chapter 1: What a bipolar couple XD but anyway I love them *-*
bottled up feelings what a nice fluff story author-nim :) yoonhyun so sweet.
omg~ yoonhyun fluff~ , xD hope you write more yoonhyun fics~
chyan01 #4
Waa !! So sweet! I like it very much. You must write more YoonHyun, Author. I'm waiting for another stories. Oh, and thanks for writing this beautiful story. ^^
soonyu #5
omo,i dont like one-shots because well it`s litlle,but this is super cute