Shimmering and Sparkling

I hate that i love you the most

Sorry for late update, This one-shot story may not connected to the description but, this story is worth reading for so please read it and don't forget to comment. happy reading.



It’s been along time since I started ignoring Seunghyun huh? Yeah, I remember, I remember it clearly, since that day, the confirmation day about my feeling result. I Can’t sleep normally about 3 straight days forwards. Now every time we have a meeting or practice, I always stay far away from him. Teayang always ask this question. “Ji, Did something happen? why do you  always avoiding seunghyun?” before he could touch my shoulder, I instantly turn back and walk away.  But my ignorance have a limit right? So, One day I went to the dance studio, It’s Sunday so I think that the other’s will not go there, except teayang, he love to dance.

I went down to the parking lot and rode my car, I get my phone and compose a SMS.

To: Taeyang
            ~Dude r u going to Dance studio?

I start the engine and went to the studio, while I am driving going to my destination, my phones vibrates. I get it and flip it up.

From: Teayang

            ~Yea dude,

As I thought, he can’t resist from that room full of mirrors.


“Okay let rehears again”

We went to a full run through from beginning ‘till the end. So far, D-light and Seungri almost got the exact movement and flow of the steps, but Seunghyun doesn’t pay attention Nor he didn’t even move his body a little. “Yah. TOP are you okay?” I called his attention, but bad luck for me, I think his fathom thought made him deft temporary. I walk towards him and give him a shock punch in his chest.

After that, I saw him rubbing his chest, but his face was blank as hell. “Yah, Seung ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?” I screeched to him and finally I caught his attention, “yah what are you thinking?”I ask him calmly, but he didn’t respond or look at my eyes. He bump his back to the wall and slid down, sitting on the floor while his head down. his hair was covering his eyes, but I can see his shoulder was bobbing in rapid motion, I think he was crying, crying? I didn’t saw him crying, ever. But now I think he was crying. “Dude are you crying?” I ask him and sat down in front while rubbing his back, D-light and Seungri sat down besides him. “Seunghyun, sorry for punching you.”


“Seunghyun, sorry for punching you.” Teayang apologized to me, but that wasn’t the reason why I am crying now, the reason is, why does Jiyong keep avoiding me? He is my best friend ‘till now. I don’t know why does he avoid me, did I do something wrong? Did I do something that will cause him to be upset or angry and avoid me? At the same phase, when taeyang punch my chest that triggers my tears, I felt my eyes became watery, burst. I think Taeyang punch triggered and destroy my handicap of my water tank. When I sat down, I wipe my tears using my thumb and relax to regain my steady breathing, “Guy why do you think jiyong always avoiding me?” I raised my head and sat properly.

“Top, I ask him one time but  when I was going to touch his shoulder he  turn around and start walking away” Teayang stated

“So, what do you think, ji is avoiding TOP?”  D-light ask The man besides him.

 “I don-“ before I could finish my sentence we heard I loud thump on the corner of the room


We saw Jiyong standing in the door. “yow!” teayang stand up and went to him, putting his shoulder on the back of the neck of jiyong. “We have this little forum, Care to join?” I saw jiyong nodded and they sat down in front of me, forming a circle.

Third person***

Teayang started the game by putting his hand on the middle. “Okay, we will tell our secrets, one by one, remember we are family so no hiding secrets ok?” He stated, Daesung and seungri agreed and put their hands on the top of Teayang. Seaunhyun and Jiyong is still hesitating to put their hands on. “okay, never mind I can tell I a lie though” jiyong and seunghyun thought in unison and put their hands on the middle as well as Seanghyun.

“Okay, let’s start” Teayang started by himself. “I’ll go first,”

“I have this secret for a long time ago, but I think this scenario will happen, so I will just tell you. The first time I met him, yeah it’s HIM not HER, okay?” the other members were confused and started to leaning to teayang to hear it clearly “When my glance put on his figure,  I was mesmerized, and days start to go on, every time I talk to him, nor touch him, little by little I fell in love to him” D-light and seungri was in shock to what teayang just revealed.

“Okay, so I am done, next-“ he pointed to the man who was sitting on the right side” you ji” jiyong pointed himself “Me?” Teayang nodded and sat down, GD divert his attention to the man who sitting besides to him, who can’t look at him directly. “okay”

“I have the same experienced with taeyang, but I knew him since we are childhood,” Top flinched a little. “But since then, when he told that he had a girl friend, I stop nagging him, to focus on his ‘Girl” ji playfully quoted in air. Teayang saw jiyong eyes, there are something odd, I saw his eyes with water? Filling it up, but still he manages to smile?. How strong his emotion was. “Since that conversation meets it end- I’m done.” jiyong hide wipe his with from his cheeks to the sides, but he just pretend to wipe his tears away. “Seung, your turn” Teayang pointed to TOP, “okay” he agreed.

“I have my own crush to this person, but this person constantly avoiding me, for such a long time, and I can’t bare with it anymore, so that’s why I cry a while ago” He bow down his head and cover his eyes

“Guys, really you know, ask teayang about me. I’m sure he can answer all of your question” D-light stated and pointed to him, “yeah, me too” Seungri agreed. “okay guys, so I think all of you are feeling better now? should we back in to our practice?” Teayang stood up as well as all the members.

“ok guys let rehears the final song” teayang went to his laptop and played the song “Fantastic baby”

They practice again and again.  All of them was breaking a sweat, falling down to their forehead going through to their cheeks. “tae, I will go to the bathroom” Jiyong ask a permission.


I went to the bathroom and washed my face, I put both of my hands on the sink and look at the mirror, “I hope that seunhyun didn’t understand what I’m saying a while ago, Oh gosh, I can’t forgot this feeling neither erase it totally from it’s existence” I looked myself at the mirror, I can see myself with it’s eyes become teary, Suddenly Seung enter the bathroom and I just can’t look at him directly.

The tense in the bathroom become uncomfortable, “ji, who’s that lucky person you love” He ask me, “Nah, it’s just my little alibi” my mind can’t function clearly, and it’s clouded up. so I decided not to tell him, who is that. “really?” he broke the silent roaming around us, he looked at me with his fake surprised face, Then he back washing his hands again. All I can do is watch his beautiful face.

Ji, tell him now or regret if forever. My conscience suddenly speak that cause me to jump a little.

“hyun, can you please come to our room? I’ll wait you there” I passed him with my face all red and went to the studio. “Teayang, I memorize the steps already. I’ll practice it on our apartment.” I get my things and went out to the door, waving my hands while walking backwards, when I turned around my lips brush to the other’s man. When I narrowed my eyes and saw TOP, I put my hands on my forehead and rolled my eyes to my head, then fall back pretending that I will faint. “Oh my GAD!!!” I shouted while I am falling, I don’t care if my back will bang on the floor and the pain will shoot all over my back cause I am used to it. “Ji, are you okay?” hyung shook me off and open my eyes. “dude, joke. Kidding” I splayed my index and middle and stretched them, and sign a “Peace” . I stand up went to my car and open the trunk, throwing all things there. Then went to our room. Luckily I have the key.  I open it sitting on the couch. Hands shivering, Mind clouded up and heart racing up the beat.


“I will buy a coffee, I’ll be back within 5 minutes” I walk outside and went to our room, still I am nervous what will happen there. I stop when I reach the room of ours. “here we goes, I’ll set thing up and stand what I belief” I muttered and reach the door knob, twisting it and pushed.  I saw jiyong on the long black couch while hugging himself, closed eyes tight.  “ji I’m here, so what things you w-want to discuss?” cuss this, why I trembled on my words. “would you like to sit?” he loosen his grip and exhale a heaves one sigh. I nodded and sit besides him, I can feel his warmth so calm mixture of tension. “Do you really HAVE a girlfriend?” he ask me but not looking at my direction. I shake my head and reply “I don’t have once, I stated it to the media so they stop bugging me all around, but unfortunately things got worsen” I rub my hair and got into messy but not awful style. “So, do you have love some one?” He ask me, I instantly remember when I sneak to his room just to take a glimpse of his beautiful face, I walk tip-toe so he wouldn’t wake up, and kiss him softly. “silent means yes, okay. You can leave now, that all I want to tal-“ I cut him by my soft hand which I covered his mouth softly while my other hands wrap around his waist band pulling him closer to me, to cuddle him. It crossed my mind that this is what I want to do since I saw him. “Sorry, sorry, sorry. Sorry” I keep repeating those words, he didn’t flinch nor shake a little. I rest my head on the crook of his neck, while my tears are still falling. “Hyung, don’t cry. I definitely would not leave you.” He hold my hands releasing it from my grip and my arm on his waistline.  That stab me with a sharp blade of sadness.

“you can leave me, hyung. I will follow you back at the stu-“

I shout to him. “I will not leave you anymore, nor even tell lies to you” I stated as I look down.


“NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!” he shouted to me that makes me flinch and look at his figure. Still I don’t have no choice, he is shaking. Afraid of something that will leave him. I want the normal Choi seunghyun back, the one who is so cool, and bright. “hyung, come here” I open my arms so wide to assure he will fit in my hug. He look at me with shock his face. “here come here, still you are kid” I show my very innocent and caring smile to him, that smile, I only shown that to the one who deserves it, it is very often to smile like that.

He lean forwards and wrap his hand around my waist and his face was buried on my chest, I cuddle him putting my other hand on his head, rubbing it. “I told you, I wouldn’t leave you cause we are family, you  are my hyung and most of all you are my best friend, whom I constantly in love with” the last sentence where murmured so he can’t hear it. “ please don’t ignore me anymore, please I’m begging” He hold so tight, but it doesn’t hurt swear. “okay, you won’t stop crying hyung? you are grown up now, Try to hide your tears especially from the other man” I stated and hug him, I tilted my head and rest my cheeks on his head. “okay, now should we go back in the studio room?” I ask him calmly, finally he nodded, we stood up and walk towards to the door, I notice why he is holding my hand? “hyung why are you holding my hands?” I look to his face, I notice that his cheeks become redder and he puff it, he is so cute.

“I just miss our childhood, Holding our hands while we are running. Holding our hands while one of us is crying, holding our hands while we are frightened by the lightning and thunder”

I think his normal character were triggered cause he started swaying our hands, back and forth. I look to his face that is very innocent, and that is the reason why I’d fall in love with him. Later on we reach the dance studio. “Hyung, regain your “cool character” now.” I ordered him, because the bright persona of himself were often to show in people, I am the one who always saw that expression. He nodded and went inside, I turn around and went walk slowly.

“Ya! Where do you think you are going?” That voice, I turn around “Going home already, I am tired hyung” I smiled frown “No you are prohibited to go, come here-“ he walk to my direction and grab my wrist “We have our practice remember” he pull to the studio.

“Oh! Ji, I thought you were going somewhere?” Taeyang ask me while moving his body rhythm on the beat of the sound. “yeah, but T O P grab my hand carrying me here” Daesung and Seungri look at Seunghyun, who still holding my wrist.  “Hyung you can let go of my hand now” I show my poker face “Oh sorry” he apologized. I went to the corner, I put my earphones and played the song “good night baby”  that I sang with TOP. I sat at the corner while watching them dancing the routine. “how good they are?” I thought

Aren’t you going to confess your love to your so called Hyun? My conscience talk and it’s startled me, I know it’s weird but it’s true.

“just gave me a moment” I talk back to other me.
Good, so my nasty boy jiyong turns into obedient one?
“Are you kidding me?”

After that talking I feel my eyes wear heavy, and I hiccup. Tears appear because of the stretch. I didn’t realize I bow my head down and I don’t even breath for a while that cause me to faint for a while.


I slowly open my eyes and I saw a tall figure lying down on the floor, I focused on his face. Slowly the vision sharpened and I saw Seunghyun. I lift my upper body, supporting it by pushing the bed down. “hyung are you okay?” I scan the area and I realize I am on our apartment, I lift my left hand to check what time it is

*8:30 pm*

“Hyung you’ve fallen asleep while we are practicing” he stoop up and flickered his pants by his hand to swipe all the dust that stick on it. “I see” I look at the window, seeing a moon clouded covered by the evaporated water from the sea. “anything you want?” he ask me, I know he is staring my back cause I constantly felt it, it gives me shiver all the way down. “oh nothing, thanks for asking” I can’t turn around to see his face, those adorable eyes, those thin pink lips.

“Okay I should take my leave, good night my little”

I heard the moan from the floor were fading and I heard the door creak slowly open,


My conscience shouted at me “HYUNG!” I didn’t meant to shout but I already raise my voice onto the top of my lungs. “Why?” he ask me, “can you please stay here until I sleep again? Please” I begged to him still not turning around. “Why?” he ask again,

“Cause I miss those arms who hug me when I am crying sad, I miss those words ‘don’t worry, everything will be alright’ and Those rubbing on my head cause that bring me a happy mood, p-p-please?”

Thing are not smoothly progress, cause I can still see the moon but it’s blurred by water still in my eyes, I don’t know why I am crying. I want to wipe it all away by my hands but I felt my arm are numb and heavy at the same time that makes it hard to lift. I let my tears fall peacefully down through my cheeks, falling through the blanket covering my lower body.

“hyung, are you sti-“ someone cut my sentence off by hugging me back, “yes, I am here. And I will stay until you fall asleep” I lay my head on his chest closing my teary eyes. The last tear fall down into my eyes but still I am conscious. “hyung” I whispered slowly, “waeyo?” still swinging a little from the left to the right to comfort me.

“I love you”

Finally, I feel like I’ve been burden those all times, now I feel relax and calm. Still I don’t open my eyes. I am not afraid to what will he react, I just let him do anything.

“I love you too, so please don’t do that again okay? Don’t ignore me?”

He broke the silent around us, but he leave the peace, care and tenderness still roaming around us. I don’t feel even a slight awkwardness. I feel so comfort, I think he know how to comfort me. I just nodded slightly and turn a little to buried my right cheeks and I put my hand on his chest feeling his heart beat. “I’ll tell you something ji,” he rub slightly my back “I’m sure you can feel my beat?” I nodded still closed eyes, because If I open my eyes I think I’ll vanish the emotions. “that beat and my heart are belongs to you and that will be lock for ever” he say the last two syllables in the cutes way.

I can feel the twilight still radiating from above hitting our body, it is so light and cold. I feel his hands getting something on his pocket. He get my right hand and slid something circular on my middle finger, “hyun what’s that?”

“open your eyes”

I slowly open my eyes and I saw a sparkling, shimmering gold from my hand. Vision got sharpened, now I can see a gold ring on my finger. “That ring will be our lock from our fellings” he lift his right hand to let me see the another ring.

“I Love you”
“I love you too”

I lean closer to his face, I closed my eyes and put my lips to his. Feeling his warm and so soft one, he put his hand on my back to support me to not fall. This kiss was so tender, just our lips touch. I feel like I am with him forever.

Shining brightly. Twilight is our only light for our room, making the room visible a little and comfort us. It is like a talisman that repels all bad emotion who was intend to break our warm ones. 


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Danees #1
Chapter 1: Just keep on writing
This was really so so SO cute! Thank you! :)