
The Adventures of OkCat and Jayrassic Park

"OkCat Taecyeon!" The panicked wail snapped Jay from his blissfully deep sleep and he tried to give Khun a glare over the fur of Taecyeon's tail wrapped snugly around his head.

The OkCat mumbled sleepily behind him. "What is it?" he asked, his voice deep and gravelly from the sleep that still blanketed him. Jay shuddered at the vibrations, a strange shiver travelling from the very tip of his tail all the way up his spine, and he thrashed in the OkCat's grip, trying to break free as his heart began to race for an unknown reason. Taecyeon tightened around him and yawned.

"We can't find Junsu anywhere! Anywhere!"

"Keep it down, Khun," Wooyoung said soothingly as he trotted into view. "It's daytime. There are customers in the store."

"Junsu? Daytime? Why aren't you asleep?" Taecyeon's voice remained husky and Jay shivered again.

"I just have a really bad feeling about him. You know how I'm always right about these feelings. Like when I told you that you would experience love with a green arrival and-"

"Well, if Junsu is missing let's look for him!" Taec interrupted loudly, panic evident as he sprang to his feet. Jay shivered once more, this time a result of the cold breeze left in the OkCat's wake, and tottered forwards. He ignored the panicked conversation taking place beside him and stared sleepily down the length of the shelf at a panda strapping itself into its cardboard box. Stepping closer, the haze of sleep lifted slightly and he asked "Hey, isn't that him?" He trotted along the shelf as the conversation silenced, all staring as the panda finished pulling the wires tight and began shuffling the box towards the edge.

They all gasped as realisation sank in and Wooyoung streaked past, spring clinking. Jay followed at a fast trot (the fastest he could go with his cumbersome legs) and stared in horror as Junsu teetered on the edge of the shelf.

"Goodbye, cruel world!" the panda sobbed, aiming for an approaching trolley and toppling over the edge. Wooyoung leapt forward, grabbing the box with his paws and Junsu with his teeth, but Jay could tell it wouldn't be enough. He wrapped his stubby arms around the fox's legs but his feet were unable to grip and he slid toward the edge as the spring expanded. A fluffy tail suddenly s around his waist and everything seemed to freeze as Wooyoung's spring pulled taut. It was all over a second later. The spring abruptly contracted and Junsu and Wooyoung's upper body bounced back above the shelf before crashing down on top of Jay.

"Are you insane?!" Wooyoung was hissing from somewhere above him as a piece of cardboard pressed his face to the shelf floor. Sobs of despair were Junsu's only answer.

Taecyeon's tail was still around Jay's waist and he used it to rescue Jay from the bottom of the heap, dusting him off after setting him on his feet.

"Panda Junsu, what were you thinking?!" Khun wailed, throwing his arms around the panda's neck and attempting to rock him from side to side, something made nearly impossible due to the stiff cardboard that Junsu was still wired to.

"I can't take it anymore! He'll never notice me so I should just go far away and forget about him!" Junsu cried dramatically.

Khun continued to hug him and Taecyeon lifted a paw to soothingly pat his head as Wooyoung rolled his eyes and Jay looked on, unamused. He had been woken just because an insecure panda couldn't make his existence known to his crush? "I'm going back to bed," he muttered, but when he shuffled back to their corner and closed his eyes, he realised that without the OkCat's warmth there was no way he'd be able to fall back to sleep. He cracked his eye open, feeling a strange sting when he found the OkCat's full attention on the still-whining Junsu. He coughed loudly but Taecyeon continued to pat the panda's head and Jay knew that if he had fur, it would have bristled.


The force of the shout nearly threw Jay against the wall and, when he managed to stop his head from spinning, he stared in amazement at the smaller panda being pinned beneath Taecyeon, the OkCat's forepaws clamped tightly over its mouth. "Keep it down!" he hissed into the new panda's ear and Khun finally released Junsu to put his hands on his hips and chide the newcomer.

"Panda Seunghyun," he began but the panda tore away Taecyeon's hands and interjected eagerly. "Call me Victory!"

He was obviously used to Khun's scolding because he neatly sidestepped what was coming before he could open his mouth again. "Who was it, hyung? What did they do? Let me at 'em!" he shouted without taking breath and holding up his paws in a fighting stance.

Taecyeon gave up trying to restrain him and climbed off, sauntering towards Jay as he moved closer. "Who the hell is that?" Jay asked, watching in amazement as the panda threw himself on Junsu and shook him like a doll.

"Junsu's cousin."

Jay's jaw dropped open and he was amazed even further when Junsu slapped 'Victory's' hands away and caught him in a headlock. "What have I told you about fighting?" Junsu asked, his voice hard and straight-forward, so different from the sobbing Jay had only ever seen him do.

"Hyung!" Seunghyun whined. "Why do you only treat me like this?!"

"Yeah, why can't he be like that with Junho?" Jay asked, watching as Junsu released his cousin and cuffed him round the head instead.

"Someone has to keep you in check."

"But hyung! Anyway, what are you doing in your box?" Seunghyun recoiled suddenly, paws grasping his chest dramatically as he gave a strangled gasp. "You... You weren't..." Jay thought he was about to swoon but then he surprised him again. "Yah!" He leapt forwards instead and looked like he was going to try and strangle Junsu. Junsu slapped him again.

Taecyeon left Jay's side and stepped between the cousins who were nearly at each others throats.

"Hyung, let me help! I'll make Junho notice you! But I'll need some help..." Seunghyun said, looking pointedly at everyone around him.

"No! I don't need you all to-"

"I'll do it," Jay interrupted, solemnly.

"You?!" everyone chorused (even Taecyeon, which he had to admit stung ever so slightly). He gave a curt nod.

"Why?" asked Taec, thoroughly bewildered by Jay's wish to help someone other than himself. Something flickered in his eyes that said he knew that Jay must have some ulterior motive and he was right, but Jay would never admit it to anyone, not even himself: he wanted to get Junsu's problem out of the way so that he could have the OkCat's undivided attention all to himself.

"I'm feeling charitable, okay?" Jay replied, irritably, and everyone except the OkCat recoiled at his tone. "But I'm not doing anything until the morning... evening. So, you" - he pointed an ominous finger at the OkCat - "get over here and keep me warm."

* * *

"So what's the plan?" Seunghyun asked six hours later when he, Jay and Junsu had gathered at the foot of the OkCat and dinosaur's shelf.

"What d'ya mean? I thought you already had one."

"No, that was your job."

"You said you needed help. That meant you had one but needed assistance."

"It meant I needed help thinking of one and needed assistance." To say the least, Jay was certainly not amused by this turn of events.

"Fine," he said, flatly. "Then first things first." He grabbed Junsu's wrist and dragged him down the aisle and took a left.

"W-Where are we going?!" asked a panicked Junsu as Junho's aisle loomed closer.

"You'll see." He swung Junsu into Junho's aisle, glad to see that Junho's evening speech was yet to begin; he tightened his grip, making the sure the struggling panda couldn't escape.

"Hey, Junho!" Jay called, waving the lion over.

"Good evening, Jay," the lion rumbled as he approached and Jay nodded, distracted, wanting nothing more than to get this over and done with so he could join Taecyeon doing... whatever it was he was doing.

"Junho, this is Jun..."

"Good evening, Seunghyun." Jay trailed off when he realised that the panda in his grip was not the correct one.

"Call me Victory!"

Jay released the younger panda in favour of cradling his head in despair.

* * *

"Look, Seunghyun. You-"

"Call me Victory!"

Jay's eyelids drooped in stony dismay at the panda's neverending love for the phrase. "Uh... V... whatever. Anyway. It's your turn. You think of something."

Victory his chin thoughtfully with his paw, the exaggerated act of pondering only acting as a fan to the flame of Jay's annoyance. The panda clapped his hands together a second later in delight and scampered away without a word of explanation. Jay scrambled after him, limbs creaking when he arrived, breathless, at Khun's overflowing boutique.

"Khun, do you have a lion costume?" he heard Victory ask as he tottered to a halt a few paces behind.

"No... but I've got a tiger." He said it with such hopeful enthusiasm that even Jay didn't have the heart to turn it down.

"It'll do."

Khun beamed and began rummaging eagerly through one of his chest of drawers, murmuring beneath his breath as his expression grew concentrated. "Here!"

Jay was pleased to see that it wasn't small like he'd been expecting. Seunghyun... (he mentally corrected himself) Victory should fit with a tiny bit of a squeeze.

"You, put it on," Jay ordered.

Victory stared at the costume in horror. "Why me?!"

"I'm hardly designed to manoeuvre into something like that," Jay explained heatedly, waving his stubby limbs in the panda's direction.

"Touchy," the panda muttered with a dark look and Jay bristled; he couldn't help it if he got a bit irritable whenever the inconvenience of his figure was into the spotlight.

It turned out that it was a bit more of a squeeze than Jay originally imagined. He tried tugging on the back of the outfit to secure the velcro but he could barely reach with the short length of his arms. Khun had been bouncing back and forth on the balls of his feet and was only too eager to oblige when Jay waved him over for assistance. After a few groans of discomfort on Victory's part the velcro was secured and Khun pulled up the tiger hood. It was only now that Jay realised he didn't understand the relevance.

Victory gave him a look of disdain when he voiced as much. "We'll get Junsu to pretend that I'm Junho and voilà! He won't be scared anymore."

The contempt in Victory's voice stung and Jay hid what he really thought of the plan; he would thoroughly enjoy rubbing Victory's nose into the ground when it failed. "Sounds great." He looked around and suddenly realised that he hadn't seen Junsu since he disappeared from under his nose back in Junho's aisle. "Now we just need to find him."

They marched stiffly back the way they'd come - Victory boasting that he knew exactly where Junsu would be and that his plan was 100% foolproof all the while - when suddenly the sound of approaching tanks had Victory clambering all over Jay in terror.

"The T.O.P.s!!!!!!!!!" he screeched and Jay threw him off in time to see the formation of tanks and T.O.P.s advancing in the distance.

A flash of fur and the writhing panda was thrown onto the nearest shelf and then a familiar mouth was around Jay's neck. He was launched onto the shelf alongside the still flailing panda and Taecyeon's body wrapped around him protectively as his tail whipped out to silence Victory. They watched with bated breaths as the army passed them by (the shelf they were on not quite being high enough to hide their position).

Taecyeon released them when the T.O.P.s had moved on but Jay silenced them before anyone could say a word: Junsu was emerging from behind a pile of children's pop-up books on ground level nearly directly opposite them, dusting himself off as he watched the receding army. But that wasn't what was interesting. A great shaggy head appeared from behind a display of spy gadgets (ironically) but instead of watching the soldiers as Junsu was doing... he was watching the panda.

Jay excitedly thumped Taecyeon on the shoulder and pointed with both arms at the spying lion. Junho's eyes were narrowed like a predator eyeing its prey and he emerged from his hiding place with a feline grace, prowling after the oblivious panda with sensual steps as his body hugged the ground. The gap between the two grew smaller until Jay was holding his breath in anticipation. Junho seemed to weigh his target in his mind before pulling back like a contracted spring and leaping forwards.

Junsu cried out in surprise at the body flattening him to the floor, nearly passing out in shock when Junho flipped him over beneath him and stared deeply into his eyes.

"Who are you?" Junho's deep voice rumbled across the aisle and all Junsu did was squeak in response. "Hmm?" The lion's nose pressed against the base of Junsu's throat, dragging through the fur as he breathed in deeply, seeming to think it would somehow reveal an answer. "You're related to Seunghyun." Victory jerked next to Jay and Taecyeon's tail whipped out before he could correct Junho of his name. "What is your name?"


"But you are not a duck."

Even from their hiding place on the shelf opposite, Jay could see the panda's lower lip trembling. Despite this, when he spoke, his voice was surprisingly composed. "No. No, I'm not."

"Are my subjects being manufactured in different forms? This is very interest-"

"Yah!" The lion jumped off of Junsu at the furious outburst. "I'm not one of your mindless, pathetic subjects, Emperor Junho," Junsu continued with a sneer, climbing to his feet and proceeding to jab the lion in the chest with a paw, Junho scrambling backwards in surprise (and what looked to be a hint of fear). "We're not all out to serve you, you... you self-important... cat!"

Junho sat erect, all four paws pulled together tightly as he bowed his head, obviously terrified to meet Junsu's eyes.

Junsu stared at the subdued lion, his mouth working open and closed in shock at his own outburst. He took a deep breath, his chest swelling, and with haughty "Hmph!" he his heel and marched away, oblivious of the way Junho stared after him in amazed longing.

"Junsu wait!" he called, leaping to his feet and pursuing the retreating panda with a graceful lope, his tail swishing through the air behind him. They rounded the corner of the next aisle and Jay and Victory made to jump down and follow but Taecyeon held them back.

"Leave them be," the OkCat purred proudly and Jay narrowed his eyes.

"Was this your doing?"

"Not exactly. Just a bit of nudging and right place, right time..." Taecyeon trailed off, his expression saying 'and you can guess the rest'.

Jay's face contorted into barely controlled rage but the OkCat swiftly diverted his attention. "What are you wearing?" he asked the tiger-striped panda next to them and Victory stared down at his attire, whining at the plan he never got to set into motion.

"Someone help me," he whimpered, trying to reach behind for the velcro, but Jay gave him a nudge and he toppled from the shelf with a small scream.

"Go ask Khun. I'm sure he'd love to help," Jay called down and then rounded on the grinning OkCat. Taecyeon's smile wilted slightly beneath Jay's glare but it returned when Jay tried to reach up and hit him - tried being the keyword. He screamed in irritation at his stubby arms but gasped when Taecyeon's tail traced from the tip of his own, all the way up his spine and down to his nose in what could only be described as a seductive manner. The mood was immediately broken.

"Come on, stumpy. Now Junsu's been taken care of you can have my undivided attention all to yourself."

Jay spluttered in shock. "H-How did you know- Stumpy?!" Taecyeon's tail wrapped around his mouth, silencing him.

"Khun has those feelings, remember?" he whispered into Jay's ear.

Jay was thankful for his unchanging green plastic as he flushed profusely on the inside. The OkCat chuckled knowingly into his ear, saving him from further embarrassment by wrapping his mouth around his neck and lifting him into the air.

"I can't believe you," Jay muttered (also unable to believe that having the OkCat's mouth around his throat no longer fazed him).

Taecyeon just hummed around him and he shuddered, swiping for the OkCat's jaw and missing. He felt the vibration of Taecyeon's chuckle and he shivered again as the OkCat eyed him knowingly.

"Just get moving," Jay huffed, crossing his arms irritably. "Hmm hmm hmm," the OkCat hummed. As you wish.


If anyone understands the 'As you wish' reference, I'll love you forever ;)

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I'm subscring!
This is absolutely awesome!!!
XxVolume-ChanxX #3
Lolz! I totally love the originality of having 2pm as toys! It's really cool! Thumbs up on Onew as a chicken. I hope you write some more chappies in the future!

Update soon, Author-Ssi!
BowsnCupcakes #4
(♥) The cutness in this story is overwhelming.
Hahahaha I love this