The Shop

The Adventures of OkCat and Jayrassic Park

An elaborately designed cardboard box toppled forwards and a grunt sounded from inside when it hit the floor. After a bit of wriggling and ripping, a green and scaly plastic head emerged from the lid and breathed in a gulp of fresh air. He eyed the shelves packed with toys around him and grinned, showing sharp white teeth when he saw the bold green text on the boxes behind him:


A whole shelf named after him. His smile turned to a frown a second later when he wiggled his tail and legs, trying to break from the remaining packaging, but to no avail. A sharp claw flashed in front of his face and his whine turned to a yelp when it sliced through the plastic and cardboard and he tumbled out, somehow landing on his feet.

He glared up at the feline cuddly toy when it lazily its claw, taking in the long tail and the teeth even sharper than his. So this is what an OkCat looked like.

"I didn't need your help, kitty," he spat, ignoring the fact that the OkCat towered above him. He regretted it a moment later: the giant toy lifted a paw and cuffed him round the head for his rudeness. Toppling over, he bounced a few times before coming to rest at the OkCat's feet, wiggling his stubby arms and tail.

"Bastard!" he growled, flailing his limbs to try and climb to a standing position but it was futile. He watched dumbfounded as the feline sauntered away. "You're such a... a... ugly toy!" he shouted, clenching his green, three- hands into fists and waving them threateningly in the air.

The OkCat's tail swished smugly behind him as it padded into the distance and Jay couldn't help the jealousy that surged through him when it sprang gracefully onto a counter top and disappeared from view.

Five minutes later, after much grumbling and manoeuvring, Jay finally managed to use the box to lever himself back to his feet. His night was not off to a good start but things were about to change. He could feel it.

Swaggering forwards, he retraced the path that the shop assistant had taken him down that morning, heading straight for the Jessica display that he had been so excitedly eyeing on his way by.

The blonde plastic dolls immediately saw him coming and they gathered at the edge of the counter.

"Hi ladies," he called, his voice like velvet.

"Come on up," they chorused as a lift descended to the shop floor. Jay climbed in and waited to be hoisted to the top. He stared out at the Jessica paradise with his mouth slightly open as it loomed before him. The three story mansion was like something out of his wildest dreams and the pool and Jacuzzi looked like they'd been made for him.

At least ten Jessica's ushered him towards the Jacuzzi when the lift finished its ascent and he climbed in excitedly, sighing in content when two settled either side of him.

"A real Jayrassic Park!" they sang as a third Jessica played with his tail.

"So strong!" they chorused, gathering round, each reaching out to touch him. This is the life, he thought, sighing inwardly.

He growled, showing his teeth, and they all squealed. "So scary!"

Something yowled angrily to their right and the shrieks turned to real screams as a ball of fur landed in front of them and they all scattered.

"Wait! Jessica, come back! It's just an OkCat!" But it was too late; they'd all disappeared.

A furry face loomed in front of him as he scrambled from the pool.

"What do you think you're doing?" the OkCat asked and Jay could only assume it was the same one from earlier; they all looked the same, unlike the Jayrassic Parks.

He swatted the whiskers away with a stumpy arm and scoffed. "What are you doing? Get out of my way." Waddling around the nuisance that was still breathing down his neck, Jay eyed the drop when he got to the edge of the counter. Without the girls to man the controls, there was no way he'd be able to use the lift to go down.

Something hot and wet suddenly clamped around his throat and he flailed his useless limbs as he was lifted into the air. He screamed in terror when the ground suddenly rushed up to meet him. The OkCat dropped him from its mouth and Jay stood frozen, saliva seeping into his joints. He shuddered, plastic vibrating against the cold floor.

"You could have warned me I was about to go skydiving!" Jay screeched, his voice going embarrassingly high for a dinosaur. "And why do you have saliva?! You're a toy!"

"My creators wanted me to be as authentic as possible," the OkCat purred, arching its back as it stretched languidly, flicking its tail forward to swipe up the mess oozing down Jay's body. It its heel and sauntered away and Jay felt his mouth fall open, dumbstruck.

"Yah! OkCat!" He was ignored. "Get back here! You can't just leave after what you just pulled!" Jay's feet clacked against the linoleum as he tottered after it.

"Oh, were you talking to me? I have a name, you know."

Jay's eye twitched at the sarcasm.

"I'm Taecyeon, but you can call me Taec," it said cheerfully, lowering its face to Jay's and grinning. Up close, Jay could finally see just how big the OkCat's teeth were.

"Well, Taec," Jay started, sweetly,"Why d'you have to go and ruin my evening?!" he raged.

"You don't want to get caught up with those dolls. They'll break your heart," Taecyeon explained before proceeding to clean his fur.

"I'm not looking for love! I just want a-"

"All toys are looking for love," interrupted Taecyeon, eyeing him over a paw.

"Not me," argued Jay, attempting to cross his arms.

"Alright, tough guy. You'll soon change your mind when-" Taecyeon interrupted himself this time, ears pricking up as he stood to attention. "It's the T.O.P.s!" he hissed a second later and Jay was given no warning before Taecyeon's mouth was around his neck again and they were flying down the aisle. Taecyeon leapt up shelf after shelf until they were high above the shop floor, out of reach even for humans.

"The wha-" he tried to ask, but Taecyeon's tail wrapped around his mouth, silencing him.

"Shh." Taecyeon leant out over the edge of the shelf and Jay shuffled forward to join him, watching as an army trooped into view. There were too many of these 'T.O.P.s' for Jay to count but there were six tanks dotted throughout the formation.

They waited for them to march by before Taecyeon finally loosened his tail.

"Who the hell are they?"

"They patrol the store at night and make sure no toys are out of their boxes. You're in deep if you ever get caught," Taecyeon answered, his voice still hushed despite the distance between them and the T.O.P.s.

"But who are they to-"

"They're the law." Taecyeon really had to stop with the interrupting thing.

Jay tried to process this new information as Taecyeon lay on his side, curling his body around Jay's and it was only now that he realised how cold he was. He was grateful for Taecyeon lending his warmth, but he didn't want to admit it and so tried to wrestle himself free.

"Stop being so stubborn," Taecyeon scolded, holding him tighter, and Jay had no choice but to relax.

"Why aren't we going down there back to our displays?"

"To risk getting sold in the morning? No way."

"But isn't that the point?"

"Maybe when I've had enough fun here. For now, I want to stay."

Jay was stopped from asking any further questions when Taecyeon's tail curled around his mouth and pulled him closer, pressing his head against the OkCat's throat. Comforting purrs vibrated through him and Jay soon felt his eyes growing heavy.

Life in the shop was turning out to be a lot more complicated than he'd thought it would be and he vaguely remembered thinking, just before he fell asleep, that he was lucky to have met the OkCat.

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I'm subscring!
This is absolutely awesome!!!
XxVolume-ChanxX #3
Lolz! I totally love the originality of having 2pm as toys! It's really cool! Thumbs up on Onew as a chicken. I hope you write some more chappies in the future!

Update soon, Author-Ssi!
BowsnCupcakes #4
(♥) The cutness in this story is overwhelming.
Hahahaha I love this