
Where it all started: The Hospital

I skipped home happily, not caring for a thing in the world. Well, except for the date I have with Lee Joon oppa. I quickly got dressed in my empty home as it was almost time for my date not surprisingly, as I kept looking at the beautiful flowers long the pathway as I made my way home.

' He didn't say where we were going. How shall I dress? Casual? Dressy? Downright y? Arh Kim Soyeon what are you thinking?' I thought and slapped my face.

In the end, I chose something in between Dressy and Casual. You could say it was perfect for the first date. 


It was 7.15 pm. 

'Where's Lee Joon oppa?' I thought as I sat on one of the sofas, wondering why he was late. Men are usually not the ones that are late, it's the women. I waited and waited, time slowly went passed. I slowly fell into a slumber...

"DING DONG!" The doorbell screamed into my ears.  I woke up, startled. I looked at my watch.

" 8.30 pm?!" I said, shocked. I hurriedly went to open the door, instead of seeing Lee Joon oppa, I saw the newspaper guy.

"Miss Kim, it's time to pay money for the newspapers. " he greeted me.

  I Fumbled through my bag and found my purse. I found the money and gave it to him.  I crashed onto the sofa.

" where's Lee Joon oppa?!" I couldn't take it anymore. I pressed his name on my contact list and heard the familiar ringing. 

" This phone has been switched off. Please try again later. " 

'What is this?' I thought. Irritated, I went upstairs to change into normal clothes. I didn't want to go out with Lee joon oppa that day anymore.  I heard my phone ringing. I thought it was Lee Joon oppa, so I ignored the phone. But whoever was calling tried again. I squinted my eyes. ' Sandeul oppa!' I read. I quickly hurried to my phone and answered the call.

" Hello Soyeonnie!!" The greeting was unbelievably cute, and I almost giggled. 

" Hello Sandeul oppa." I greeted back less enthusiastically.

  "Aww Soyeonnie what's wrong? " he asked, clearly worried in his tone of voice.

" It's nothing. Do you want to meet up? I'm free. " I asked him.  It was silence on the other side of the line for a while. 

"Sure! Where do you want to meet? I'm up for a movie! " Sandeul beamed. 

" Sandeul oppa, I was thinking about- "


" Soyeonnie! Stop drinking! You're already drunk! Why in the world did I let you drink?" Sandeul oppa said as he patted my back. 

"Maybe because you listen to other people too much?" I replied, feeling dizzy.

" I don't trust people that easily you know. " Sandeul oppa looked away. 

" What do you mean? " I looked at him seriously.  " I mean.... Forget it. I'll tell you when you're sober. Now come on, let's bring you home. " Sandeul oppa got up from his chair and lifted me from mine. He carried me all the way home and despite being drunk, I swear I could feel my heart beating faster. What's happening to me? 

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HeartGold426 #1
Great story so far~ ^ - ^ I like it.
sweetlittlenothings_ #2
Again on my phone. Real sorry about that! :3 editing tommorow after remedial lessons in school :D and oh the reason why I can update so fast is because its the school holidays in my country. :D yippee! By the way, how's my English? :P
sweetlittlenothings_ #3
Edited! :D
sweetlittlenothings_ #4
Thank you. :D my computer's wifi signal . :( so I can't edit chapter 2. Meanwhile, typing chapter 3! :3
wow this is really good update!!
sweetlittlenothings_ #6
Second chapter. :D Its a tad messed up. Sorry about that, I updated using my phone. Will go on the computer later to sort it all out. Thanks guys :D 3 subscribers!
bana98 #7
Yeah. sure. update soon
sweetlittlenothings_ #8
Updated first chapter! :D Hope you guys like this one. :D