The Joker

The Joker

He was always seen as 'The Joker'. The one who could never be serious. But you loved that about him. He was your best friend, and you were his.


"Forget him. He's a jerk, and he doesn't deserve someone as awesome as you," Chanyeol smiled, making a thumbs up.

You sniffed, smiling a teary-eyed smile back. He wiped your tears away with his sleeve, putting his arm around you.

"You really think so?" you asked, looking up at him.

"Of course Hyun Soo. Anyone that makes my best friend cry, is a jerk."

"Oppa, you're my most favourite person in the world, you know that?" you said, resting your head on his shoulder.

He hugged you tightly.

"And you will always be mine."

It was back then in the second year of high school that you knew you could never only think of him as a friend. More than a best friend. Or even a mega best friend, whatever that was. He was your other half. You would do anything for him. You still would.

And now, as you were going to university soon, you were nervous that he'd fall for someone. That he'd forget about you, and always spend time with his girlfriend. You couldn't tell him, you were too shy and afraid. You would hate to ruin your friendship.


"Oppa! Oppa!" you ran towards him, holding the new album you just bought. You were so excited to be crazy and fan girl over everything about it.

He laughed, walking towards you to see what you had brought this time.

"Wah!" you tripped over yourself, and started to fall. Bracing yourself for the hard concrete, you put your hands in front of your face and held the album tightly.

"Careful, Hyunnie," he caught you in his arms, standing you back up.

Then it happened.

You had looked up, and his eyes were looking right into yours.

"Oppa I—" you started to say, before he kissed you.

Pulling away, he apologized. "I'm sorry Hyun Soo. I just had to do that, I had to see what it would be like. Before we went off to university, I had to tell you. I love you, Jung Hyun Soo. I have ever since the first day I met you," he said, looking at your face for an answer.

"I love you too."


Author's Note: Okay, just saying, I know I have a lot of cut off sentence kisses, but those are really one of my favourite kinds. :D I think they're really sweet and spontaneous. Like: "BAM. IN YOUR FACE." <-- Okay, that was unnecessary, but I have a bunch of pictures of Exo... so I'm really happy. (I went on a photo hunting spree)

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fangirl4life #1
thanks! <3
fangirl4life #2
Kamsahamnida! (:
d'aaawww >< love it~!
fangirl4life #4
Thanks <3
Cute! :3
fangirl4life #6
Thank you!
Aww cute ;3
fangirl4life #8
K well, ill make it longer when im back off 'hiatus' xD im not even supposed to be on right now... My fruend changed my password so i cant get on... But i was still logged on on my ipod touch so >:)
That was super cute! >< <3 Although if it was longer, that'd be like...AWESOME! ^^