Serious Love



Unfortunately, even after this announcement, the two best friends from hell weren’t done

“We were going to marry my son with Kang Hun Dae’s daughter, but he now has six of them. So we thought it would be best to let the kids decide.”

“There is nothing to discuss.” Ok Taecyeon FINALLY spoke up. “I already chose my bride.”

WAIT WHAT?! This was a first. Me and my sister shared the same opinion. I could see on their faces that they had the same what the? look as me.

Then he got out of his chair and stood behind me and said “I choose her.”

WAIT! NO! IS THIS A JOKE?!?!? I looked around to see if there were any cameras. But no such luck.

Everyone was looking at me. My sisters were looking at me like I had grown horns on my head. My parents looked confused, while Mr. Ok looked amused. HE THOUGHT THIS IS FUNNY?!

I turned my head to see him looking straight at me. I quickly turned back around.

“Don’t misunderstand me because I love all my daughters the same. But why her? My older daughters would be much more suited to your high class life.” My mom exclaimed. My dad just nodded, like he wanted to know the same thing.

“Tell us son.” Mr. Ok urged his son.

“Well as you said Mrs. Kang. One of your older daughters would suit my life the most, but I don’t want a high class trophy wife.” He started to explain as he went to sit back down. “I just want someone to support me, and love as I am. And not for what I wear of earn. Though I’m sure none of you daughters are like that.”

“I can be that kind of wife!” “You should marry me!” it seemed my sisters had found their voices.  Thank God!

“There is nothing special about her. She is too plain to even be our sister.” Said Sunye.

“Sunye!” my dad scolded her quietly, trying not to catch the attention of the whole restaurant.

I got up from my seat to get away from the craziness, but my legs gave out and the world turned back. But the funny thing is I never felt the ground make contact with my body. Strange…. Those were my last thoughts before I let the darkness take over.

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stopped-sorry :'(
if the subscribers dont rise soon i might stop the story!
Thanks AliceB!
AliceB #4
Looks like a good story so far, keep up the good work! :)
silent readers please comment! I WOULD LOVE YOUR VIEWS ON THIS STORY!!!!!