
Glory Of The Flower



“GET YOUR LAZY ASSES UP!” Zico screamed from the hall.

“Uggh!” I said as I rolled off Kia’s bed. I fell on her. She was laying on the floor, rolled up like a taco on the floor in a yellow blanket. You couldn’t see her. Even her head was covered

“I’M UP NASTY !” Kia yelled from inside her taco shell.

“That was me you idiot!” I slapped what I thought was her face region.

“OUCH! THAT WAS MY YOU IDIOT!” She screamed.

“Oh… sorry, GET UP!” I yelled at her. I stood up and found my uniform. I need a new one. The skirt is way too short. The said it was knee length… it goes to my mid thy! Great! Plus, the top button on the shirt is broken. Its okay, Kia’s shirt has to buttons missing, and her skirt is shorter than mine. What’s sick is that she ripped off her buttons on purpose!

Anyways, I got up, and walked to the bathroom. Without thinking or knocking, I opened the door.

“AHHHH!” I screamed.

There, in nothing but boxers, stood Zico.


Neither of us closed the door. We just stood there looking at each other like idiots.

‘Damn’ I thought ‘he is hot!’

“Why thank you!” he giggled a little. He blushed a bright pink!

“U-uh you weren’t… I didn’t mean to say that out loud.” I blushed really severely

“You’re not too bad you’re self!” he said “I mean damn! What’s in that tank top?”

“HER ! Close the damn door! NASTY !” Kia said as she walked up behind me.

“FINE!” He yelled as he slowly closed the door.

"Jeez, Jade! Are you interested in Zico?" Kia asked

"Uh!....... No..." I said over defensively.

"That was a loaded no!" she continued "YOU LIKE ZICO!! MY NASTY TWIN BROTHER?!?" She pointed to the bathroom door.

I didn’t know what to think. Zico is a sweet and nice guy, but i didnt want a real relationship... I know it’s been 3 years, but I’m not over it yet


"Hey babe." Ashton said as he walked into my room

"Hi." I said fully loaded with anger.

"What’s wrong babe?" he asked

"She in told me. Are you an idiot? She is my best friend and you didn’t expect her to tell me? She came over right after it happened and showed me every message. Then she showed me every letter you wrote her! ARE YOU IN CRAZY! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS! YOU SAID YOU LOVED ME!" I was enraged!

"That ! I’m going to kill her!" He came at me! I was tackled to the ground.

"GET THE OFF HER" Kia yelled from the closet she was hiding in. She pounced on him and he pulled a knife on her.

Luckily Zico had been on the way to pick her up and had just arrived. He knocked out Aston and took me and Kia to the emergency room. I had been stabbed in the foot and had a broken rib. Kia had been stabbed in the tummy. We were fine physically in like a month, but Kia and i have never mentally healed


"No... I mean yes, but no" i said confused


"Calm Down!" I screeched at her.

"Okay whatever! We have to get ready for school.. HURRY UP NASTY !" She yelled at Zico who was still getting ready in the bathroom.

"Calm down Mrs.y! I’m done!" He walked out looking as stunning as ever! His shirts was tight and clearly see through... I almost fainted!

"GET OUT OF THE WAY!" Kia yelled at her brother as i stood there looking very loopy... I’m pretty sure I was drooling!
"Calm down y !" he said and walked away to his room. As he passed me i felt his hand brush against my tummy and when I looked at him he winked at me. I turned a bright red and almost squealed.

"What the is wrong with you now?" Kia asked

"N-nothing! What the are you talking about!" I said

"Okay whatever you say.... Crazy!" she said and we both ran into the bathroom. I washed my hair in the sink and we both put on our small amounts of makeup, me having brown eyes put on red lipstick and light brown eye shadow. She having blue eyes put on bright pink lipstick and a faint pink eye shadow. Our School uniforms are all white besides the logo. I love our school. It’s amazing! I want to sing, like become a trainee. I haven’t looked into it yet. I wish I could say that I’m scooping up all the solos in choir, but I’m too shy to sing in front of anyone but my too best friends... Kia and Jaehyo.

Yes, Jaehyo is my best friend, and has been for a long time. Kia thinks that were secretly in love. We both deny it every time she says something about it...

But he is still awesome. He known when and how to cheer me up. He knows my tickle spots and uses those against me. i love him though. He is like the brother i never had.

Anyways... Kia, Zico, and I are now walking to school. We have an assembly first hr. I Know where ill be! Duh! Singing by myself in the music room.

When we got to school I left our group and went to the music room

"Yes!" I yelled as i stepped into the big room.

"Let’s do this!" I said as I started to sing.

When I finished the song i heard clapping. I turned around to see Zico standing there clapping like a crazy person

"Amazing!" he sang

"Thanks" I blushed and giggled.

"More! Sing more! Please!" He pleaded and i gave in and closed my eyes and started to sing.

When i finished i heard tons of clapping. I opened my eyes and saw half of my school standing in front of me.

"Amazing" One guy yelled "Spectacular" another person said.

"Beautiful." Zico said.

I started to smile and out from nervousness.


She out. Probly from being so nervous. I picked her up and carried her to the nurse.


Hey you guys! Sorry for the late update! You can look forward to a triple update today!

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KyuYou2 #1
update please ?
lamolover #3
OMG I Love it!!!!
KyuYou2 #4
Shuld i add another chapter tonight?
KyuYou2 #5
Hey everyone! This is my first story and i hope your going to like it!