Day at the Beach

First and Last

  As they were driving to the beach, an occasional palm tree, houses, stores and restaurants sped by outside the window, as Alisia drove Felicity and herself to the beach. Both had already gotten in their bathing suits and were wearing simple sundresses over them, the beach stuff stored in the trunk of the car. Though Felicity had asked her to invite others, as per usual, practically everyone was busy for whatever their reasons happened to be. Though she was used to that kind of response by now, since Felicity seemed to usually be the only one who ever wanted anything to do with her outside of school. The road bumped a bit under them, causing slight unease for her for a few moments before she relaxed again. It was starting to get sandy on the road, and if she peeked up at the sky, she clearly saw seagulls flying about on this cloudless, hot day. Around her it was all too obvious that a lot of others seemed to have the same idea as them as others either walked the rest of the way or were driving with beach gear attached to the outside of their car. “Hope we find a good spot.” She commented, pulling into a parking lot, noting her friend taking a quick look around at the others going to the beach and frowned just ever so slightly, nodding.  “Yeah, really.”

 As she found a parking spot, Felicity hopped out of the dark red convertible as she put the car into park, and popped the trunk open. By the time she got out of the car, Felicity was already grabbing the things out of the trunk, Alisia standing beside her and taking out things as well. Using the back of her hand, Alisia closed the trunk and they headed towards the beach, where the hot sand and crashing waves awaited them. Seagulls cried out in the sky and scavenged the ground looking for bits of food that beachgoers may have left on the beach. Glad she didn’t have to walk on this sand barefoot, since her feet would probably burn in this weather. “Hey, let’s set up over here.” Felicity suggested, heading toward an empty spot that wasn’t too close to the ocean, nor too far away. Nodding in agreement, "Okay." She followed Felicity and set her things down, and then began to set things up, Felicity unfolding the chairs while Alisia picked up the beach umbrella and stabbed it into the ground as far as it would go, then twirling it around to dig it into the ground, working at that for a while. Meanwhile, Felicity took out some other things to set up or place around their spot.

  Satisfied that the umbrella would stand upright on its own and provide shade, Alisia picked out the towels they had brought along and placed one on each chair, placing the cooler full of food and drinks between their chairs. “Ready to get in the water?” She asked, turning to Felicity, grinning a bit. “Yeah, after we put on sunblock.” A small, erted smirk appeared on Alisia’s face. “Heh, sure, and I’ll happily put sun tan lotion on you if you need help.” Felicity made a face though, and threw her sandal at her. “Okay, NO, I can do that by myself .” At this Alisia merely laughed, having only been teasing and took out the suntan lotion, putting some on her hand before handing it over to Felicity. She then rubbed the sun tan lotion on herself, leaving no bare skin untouched, covering herself from head to toe with suntan lotion, Felicity doing the same. “Nowww are you ready to go in the water with me?” Alisia asked her, glancing over to her; both their skins now had a light scent of suntan lotion on it, and she couldn’t think of anything else that they would absolutely need to do before getting in the water. Felicity picked up the beach ball that they’d brought along and nodded, “Yeah, let’s go.”

  A big grin appeared on her lips and she slipped off her sandals, setting them beside one of the chairs, immediately already hopping from foot to foot so the sand wouldn’t completely burn her feet as she slipped off her lavender purple sundress, wearing a dark purple and red flowery tankini. In a bit of a hurry to get her feet off the sand burning her feet, she made a mad dash for the ocean before her feet would end up burning any more. The difference between the hot sand and cold, cool salty ocean water was a pleasant change and feeling to her feet and she began to wade in further. Within a few moments, Felicity came to join her, standing on the sandy beach with ball in hand and then shouted “Catch!!!” Quickly, Alisia spun around in time to catch sight of the ball. It soared above her as she jumped for it, “Almost got it…” Stumbling back a bit as the plastic brushed her finger tips, just out of reach. Behind her she heard it splash and she turned around to get it. By that time, Felicity had waded into the water as well, and kind of just watched her as Alisia jumped and dove for the ball, merely resulting in a splash and water spraying into her hair and getting the edge of her hair wet. Wrapping her arms around the ball, she stood up again, grinning and playfully struck a triumphant pose. Felicity merely chuckled, amused by her friend’s behavior.

  For a while this game of catch continued between them, that is, until Felicity sent the ball flying back onto shore. A small pout appeared on Alisia’s face as she complained “Dang Felicity…you didn’t have to throw so hard or so far…” The only reason she wasn’t too pleased was because she didn’t think the water would keep her feet cool for long once she touched hot sand. Her friend only smirked a bit and apologized “Sorryyy, I didn’t mean to.” In return she smiled a bit “You meanie.” Then she turned towards the shore and went to go get the ball, pausing when she saw a light haired brunette pick up the ball, she hadn’t noticed it’d fallen near boys…As she gave the group of boys a look over, trying to decide what to do, a feeling of shock washed over her, it was the same boys she’d helped last weekend at the mall. Feeling a bit shy now, she continued heading towards the brunette as he looked up to try and figure out whom the ball belonged to. She saw his eyes widen at the sight of her, and she gave a small smile.

   “H-hiya…” Her voice had grown smaller, she knew, but she couldn’t help it, her shyness around people she wasn’t familiar with was coming out. There was no denying it; from his appearance she could tell straight away, and against all odds here they were again, meeting by pure coincidence. For a moment, they both just kind of looked at each other, as if letting the situation sink in. “Well, I never thought I’d see you here again.” He commented, smiling a bit. Not too sure what to do, she just laughed nervously and nodded in agreement. “Heh, yeah, same here.” Glancing at the other boys she saw them turn to see who the brunette was talking to, making her feel a bit nervous. “Oh, I’m going to bet this is your ball huh? Here.” He offered the ball to her, and she took it, her hands brushing against his which did absolutely nothing as far as calming her nerves was concerned.

  “S-sorry.” Were the first words that came to mind and ended up being blurted out, and for a moment he looked confused. “….Huh?” Then she could feel her cheeks warm up and she had a feeling that they were a light pink, how embarrassing. “My hands accidentally brushed against yours.” A small frown appeared on his lips, and then he laughed. “Nah, don’t worry about it. It’s no big deal at all.” Nodding slightly, she wondered what to do now. Would it be alright to just leave now? Not quite, it would seem, as the brunette decided to try and continue talking with her. “So, are you here alone?” His eyes scanned the people behind her, as if trying to figure out which group of people she might be with at the beach. Though she shook her head and gestured out at the ocean, where her friend waited, probably wondering what exactly was going on. In fact, she had a feeling her friend would be coming to shore soon if she didn’t stop talking.

  “No, I’m not alone. I came with a friend, we were playing around with this ball.” Alisia explained, smiling a little. “Oh, I see. Well its good your not alone.” Feeling a bit uncertain she nodded, then a bit surprised as the boy with dark chocolate brown hair and side bangs came over and asked “Hey, wanna hang out with us? Your friend can too.” The light haired brunette seemed surprised too, and as if on cue, her friend Felicity somehow managed to appear at her side without her noticing. She tended to tease Felicity of being ninja-like, and having her just suddenly seem to appear at her side, just seemed to prove her point. “Whats going on?” Were the first words out of Felicity’s mouth. Turning a little to face her friend she responded “They were inviting us to hang out with them. You want to?” Felicity’s eyes scanned the boys and after a moment she nodded “Yeah, sure!” The chocolate brown haired brunette smiled. “Great! I’ll let the other guys know.”

  Her eyes temporarily followed the chocolate haired brunette as he told the other three guys what was going on. She saw their eyes flicker towards her and Felicity, and the feeling of nervousness so far showed no sign of leaving her. The light haired brunette turned to her again, smiling a bit. “Well, I suppose if we’re all going to hang out, we should probably get to know each other’s names, right?” He laughed lightly and she smiled back, nodding in agreement. “Yeah, probably. Well, my name’s Alisia, and this is my friend, Felicity.” Felicity smiled and responded “Nice to meet you.” Nodding, he responded “It’s nice to properly meet you guys too. My name’s Kang, but you two can call me Baek Ho.” After exchanging greetings, right on time, the other four boys came to join them and Baek Ho introduced them. “Hey guys, this is Felicity and Alisia. Felicity and Alisia? These guys are JR, Min Hyun, Ren, and Aron.” When they were all introduced, some of her nervousness dissipated, but it didn’t do much for her shyness. “Its nice to meet you guys.”

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To My Readers: Chapter 10 is not a story update. Sorry xP


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Chapter 13: oh my please update this :D
WHOOOOOO-HOOOOOOOO, YOU FINALLY GOT ON THAT FREAKING COMPUTER AND GOT A CHAPTER IN!!!!!!! I LOVE THIS ONE TO THE BONES. OMG, I can't believe Ren let Alisia carry him; I'm going to have the time of my freaking life writing the chapter for this scene!~~~ <3333
I especially love the aeygo and the "Come on, baby girl, don't hesitate now, you know you want my lips on yours. ;3" (and the damn previous comment didn't indent like it was suppose tooooo *pout*) This is the first (and most possible the best) present I got today. Thank you for bringing the first real smile to my face today. *chu* again ;) <33333
I love you to death, Alice~ <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
Thank you *chuuuuuuu* Hope to see you soon, Sweet Alice ;)
Alice I'm crying. Thank you so much <3 I'm . . . God, I'm crying. . . *chu*
omo luv it soo much
Luv you too of course
Update ASAP please
Ooh I like REN's POV ^^ poor Ren how can that beautiful boy dance with a broken ankle x( ???