Just Another School Day

First and Last

  A small yawn escaped her lips, as she blinked sleepily. Last night she had stayed up chatting with a friend from (what she considered) her home state in America, and watching music videos online. She had been looking up music videos featuring 2NE1 and Big Bang, two bands her friend had mentioned to her a while ago. Her friend was mostly really into Big Bang though, so she tried to look up more on them that the internet would show to her, so she would be able to talk with her friend about them and understand things more easily that her friend may bring up about them. As she crossed the street, she felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see who it was. “Hiyaa.” He greeted semi-energetically, giving her a grin which she cheerily returned. “Morning Nicki, how’s the cosplay coming along?” It was the one thing he usually talked to her about, that, and the anime con that was coming this summer. Nicki always insisted that she come too, and she did put out some ideas for characters she might dress up as.

  Yet the fact remained that she didn’t actually have any sort of costume and she considered buying it online as unreliable. “Oh, well, I managed to find the makeup I’ll need to make my skin grey blue.” She smiled, trying to appear as encouraging and supportive of the things he would talk to her about that he needed for his outfit. “Oh yeah? Well that’s good. Glad to hear it.” He nodded and continued talking about it, and what other things he would dress up as. As he did, she nodded, making an occasional comment or questioning how he planned to obtain the item or make the bite marks. They continued walking down the sidewalk, the school on the other side of the fence as they walked up to the gate to enter.  One of the narks hollered at a skateboarder to not skate on the road, paranoid he’d be run over.

  Together they crossed the parking lot, walking among a small crowd of fellow students of varying ages. Though she was tired, she couldn’t wait to see her group at their usual meeting spot, entertaining things always happened there. It was practically always guaranteed, unless for some reason a good majority of her friends were gone. Then it was a bit boring and she zoned into her own world on her phone. As they arrived, she was pleased to see today wouldn’t be that kind of day. Practically everybody was there, and the closest one she could target with her eyes was her friend, Lizzie. A wide grin appeared on her face as she left Nikki’s side and ran full speed at Lizzie “ATTAAAAACCCCKKKKK!!!!!” Her friend only had time to turn around a little bit before Alisia launched herself at Lizzie and wrapped arms around her, hugging her and sending her stumbling a bit, trying to maintain balance.

  “Eeek!!!” Her friend yelped a bit but grinned her usual wild and hyper grin as she hugged her back. “I got youuuu.” Alisia informed her friend, making a childish face as she smiled mischievously at her friend. Lizzie chuckled and agreed “Indeed, you do.”  They stayed like that for a bit as Alisia slowly surveyed her surroundings, picking out her next victims. “Look at this.” Her friend said after a moment and Alisia’s gaze turned to the open sketchpad which had a mini comic drawn on it and she smiled. “Awwwww, your wolves look friggin’ adorable!!” She complimented, eyeing the page and it playfully as if she could actually pet the drawn wolves in the panels.

  “Indeed.” Was the reply, grinning and seeming pleased. It was like her catch phrase or something, whenever Lizzie agreed to something, ‘indeed’ was sure to be somewhere in her agreement.  For a little longer she examined the comic, chattering back and forth with Lizzie over it, getting her to laugh was easy. It also amused her at times, wondering how a person could laugh so much when talking with her. She figured it was because she was always such a good sport about everything and so positive. Unable to resist attacking her other victim-friends and chatter with them as well, she gave Lizzie a final, light hug, and then set her sights on her next friend.

  “Leiiiiinnnnnaaaaaaaaa!!!!!” She called cheerily as she tackled and hugged her next friend who let out a squeal of surprise and tensed up, bending forward a bit as well. Alisia giggled over this, and apologized cheerily. “Sowwyyy.” When she recovered, which was in a few moments, her friend laughed lightly and turned to face her “Ah, it’s okay. I’m starting to get used to this.” She grinned at Leina and responded “Heh heh, well that’s good.” For a while she just stayed like that with Leina, discussing some comics she’d seen Leina put up online, mentioning a text she had sent Leina the day before which Leina had yet to respond to. They discussed this minor dilemma until it was figured out that Leina hadn’t received the text till hours after she’d actually sent it, and she’d planned to respond after a quick nap, but apparently forgotten all about her text until Alisia reminded her the next day. Alisia gave a small sigh and smiled cheerily nonetheless “Well, its okay. Just thought I’d mention it.” Practically no matter what, Alisia always forgave her friends no matter what kind of wrong they may have done her.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw another of her friends approach her. “Oiii, Alisiaaa.” Signaling that she wanted her attention and wanted to inform her of whatever was on her mind. Pulling away from Leina, she turned her full attention on her. “What is it?” Knowing this girl, it was either about some lovey dovey romance story she read, or she would ask a favor of Alisia that would be something she didn’t quite want to do. Yet her friend almost always managed to convince her to do it anyway, so you couldn’t blame Alisia of being a bit wary. “I was thinkiinnnggg. Do you want to go to the beach with me this weekend?” If she asked why, she already knew the answer would be ‘Because I’m bored’ or she wanted to escape home and or work. So instead she gave a small smile “Yeah, sure. I think I’m free. Let me guess, I’m driving, right?” Her friend smiled back, emitting an innocence that wasn’t really there. “But of course!!” The small smile kept its place on her lips, shaking her head in bemusement at her friend’s secretly manipulative ways, not that it ever really bothered her. In actuality, she just found it amusing and let her get away with it most of the time.

  From there, her friend, known as Felicity, discussed what she planned and wanted to do when they arrived at the beach. When she noted some sort of hole in Felicity’s plans, she made sure to point them out. Sometimes Felicity would change around the part of the plan where Alisia had found a hole, or she would disregard it, displeased with her. Of course, to this Alisia would only smile and chuckle, at least when the hole she found was not a big deal or anything.  Otherwise they would debate over it stubbornly until they came to some sort of compromise, or Alisia just gave in. It always differed each time. Of course, sometimes they made occasional joking plans that consisted of some sort of magic or fantasy being involved, like building a sand castle big enough to live in by using their magical ocean powers. By the time Felicity had concluded her plans, the bell rang, and everyone hurried off to their first class.

~Break Time~

  At break she met up with her group of friends again, Felicity following her like a silent shadow. One of her older friends was starting to head to the computer lab to watch K-Pop videos as she always did every day at break, and she hurried over to hug her. In her eyes, she saw her ginger-hair dyed friend as a sort of big sister. Even though at times she didn’t seem too pleased with her presence, there were other times where she made a point of looking out for her which Alisia always silently appreciated.  Though the only thing her friend couldn’t stand for too long was her clinginess, as was proven now. “Okay, okayyy, get off now please.” Knowing better then to really push it, she gave a small pout but gradually released her and let her go. Then she turned and went to immerse herself among her group, Felicity following and placing her stuff next to Alisia’s.

  Easily, she slipped from one small part of the group to the other, listening in and occasionally commenting as well. While listening as one of her friends, Eve, spoke to others and the others jokingly claiming her, Alisia made a face and wrapped her arms around Eve. “Nuh-uhhh, Eve is myyyy wife.” The other two boys Eve had been speaking to that Alisia now addressed found this amusing and played along with her. “Oho, I see.” One of them replied, smirking, while the other decided to take the offensive. “No way, she’s mine.” She quickly took to this and the two began arguing back and forth over whom Eve belonged to, which basically consisted of many ‘She’s mine!’ and ‘Nuh-uhhh, she’s miiinnneee!!!’ Until Eve compromised with them both, “Why don’t we just do a three way?” The boy blushed a bit but Alisia smirked, mischief glittering in her eyes. “Woooo, sounds like fun, baby.” Of course they were all joking and it was merely in good fun, none of them having truly meant a word except to play around.

  When the little messing around was over among them, Eve went back to discussing some costume designs she was having trouble putting together because she couldn’t find the materials. Deciding not to listen in on this, she slowly drifted back over to Lizzie and Felicity, whom were either discussing an anime, a love story Felicity currently loved, or college. Which Alisia didn’t quite approve of how much worry Felicity put into it, though, knowing Felicity, Alisia’s opinion wouldn’t matter too much when it came to Felicity’s determined, super high expectations for college and the like. She sat beside Felicity as Lizzie and she conversed back and forth. Alisia took this time to dig into her purse and check her texts, texting quickly to friends she’d received messages from, before the narks caught her. When she finished up, she tucked her phone back into her purse, the bell ringing a minute or so afterward. Gathering up her stuff, she got up and headed off to class, walking alongside Elizabeth and Felicity.

~Skip to Gym~

  Today the teacher had decided to be kind and let them swim at the pool if they liked. Of course, normally Alisia would have jumped right in. Yet she didn’t want to be the only girl doing so, and none of her friends seemed to want to swim, to her disappointment. So instead of just laying around near the edge of the pool like ninety-five percent of her class, she sat on the bleachers with her friends near the sun so she could try to tan a bit, and texted away on her phone. She also spoke with her friend Lilian, whom had been the one to introduce her to the K-Pop bands she now listened to and looked up on Youtube when she got the chance. They used her phone to look up some pictures of Big Bang and discussed their bias’s. Although she’d like to swim, she was quite content and enjoying herself by discussing K-Pop bands with her friend on the bleachers and letting the sun warm her normally cool skin. Though Lilian also filled her in when she didn’t know something K-Pop related and had to have Lilian explain it to her. She was quite enjoying herself as her friend filled her in on this wondrous world of K-Pop that was slowly but surely opening up to her.

 "Oh, Lilian, that reminds me. You won't believe what happened to me yesterday. So, I was heading back into the mall after getting tea from Teavana, right? But I was kind of stupid and got a little too engrossed in my texting..." She chuckled a bit, and she could easily see Lilian was listening to her every word like a good friend. "So, before I knew it, suddenly I feel something just smash into me and I think I forgot to breathe in that moment and I didn't even comprehend the fact that my phone had fallen out of my hand. But I guess I can blame it on the fact the guys I banged into on accident were like, unbelievably surprisingly cute and asian for sure." Lilian's eyes widened, and she could hear the envy in her voice "No way!! You lucky little brat!!" Alisia laughed a bit and nodded "Oh I know, I couldn't believe it either, trust me." They continued discussing her lucky encounter but both of them agreed that if she hadn't exchanged any contact info with them, there was probably no chance she'd ever meet them again.  Though before she realized it, the bell rang, and they got up and headed to the girl’s locker room to change.

~To Lunch~

  She met up with Felicity again, and as was their usual routine, they got lunch together and headed to their usual spot which was near their next class that they shared. Already there, as usual, was Mark with his girlfriend Annalisa sitting in his lap, and her sister sitting next to them. In front of them, with no lunch as was also usual, was Rachel. The four were chattering away about something Rachel had said, teasing her about it. While she and Felicity merely chatted with one another, though recently a boy had joined them after happening upon their lunch spot, though Alisia was skeptical and didn’t think it was just a coincidence he found their spot. Usually he spoke of video war type games that she generally had no interest in. But luckily Felicity seemed to have knowledge in that area so Felicity would be able to easily converse with him at least. She did consider him a bit of a friend so she would be nice and listen to him talk about it, but asking him questions when she had no idea what he was talking about. Her friend, Felicity, generally did the same. Though she also sometimes explained conversations she had with Felicity so he wasn’t completely lost and could somewhat participate in their conversations.

  Honestly though, sometimes she wondered if it was just friendship he sought. During her last class, which she happened to share with him, she would catch him glancing at her and smiling a little when she raised her hand as a way to agree with whatever the teacher had asked concerning their opinions on things. She’d also noticed he never came to her side of the room unless she was actually there, and he would explain how he got certain wounds from playing whatever latest war-type game had come out. Whether it was his attempt at impressing her, she wasn’t sure, but if it wasn’t working. In fact, she’d even heard from her Felicity or Annalisa that he’d come walk by their spot at lunch, but if she wasn’t there, he would just continue walking and wouldn’t sit with the others. If that wasn’t weird, she didn’t know what was. Though then again, she wasn’t necessarily well experienced with guys as any more than just acquaintances to her. Sometimes things he did make her wonder what exactly he thought of her, since sometimes she suspected he didn’t quite see her as a friend.

  ~After School~

  Almost immediately after the school bell rang, she received a text from her mother telling her to pick up her brother right away and then go home. Apparently her dad had come home early. She sighed a bit, disappointed since it meant she would not be allowed to speak with her friends or hang out with them after school for a little while like she usually did. The only reason her dad had any reason to do with her mom wanting her to pick her brother up right away was because her father didn’t like her hanging with her friends after school, claiming it wasted time she could be using to pick up her brother sooner. He also ranted once that if he was left too long after his school had gotten out that it increased the risk of him getting into some kind of fight with others at his school. Not wanting to have to deal with a nagging, irritated dad, she merely went to say good bye to her friends quickly and explained the small situation that had occurred. With that, she headed into the school parking lot, unlocking her car and getting in, starting it, and got into line with other cars waiting to get out.

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To My Readers: Chapter 10 is not a story update. Sorry xP


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Chapter 13: oh my please update this :D
WHOOOOOO-HOOOOOOOO, YOU FINALLY GOT ON THAT FREAKING COMPUTER AND GOT A CHAPTER IN!!!!!!! I LOVE THIS ONE TO THE BONES. OMG, I can't believe Ren let Alisia carry him; I'm going to have the time of my freaking life writing the chapter for this scene!~~~ <3333
I especially love the aeygo and the "Come on, baby girl, don't hesitate now, you know you want my lips on yours. ;3" (and the damn previous comment didn't indent like it was suppose tooooo *pout*) This is the first (and most possible the best) present I got today. Thank you for bringing the first real smile to my face today. *chu* again ;) <33333
I love you to death, Alice~ <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
Thank you *chuuuuuuu* Hope to see you soon, Sweet Alice ;)
Alice I'm crying. Thank you so much <3 I'm . . . God, I'm crying. . . *chu*
omo luv it soo much
Luv you too of course
Update ASAP please
Ooh I like REN's POV ^^ poor Ren how can that beautiful boy dance with a broken ankle x( ???