Choosing outfit (boys)

My Fire Princess

--Luhan's POV--


I'm lying here in my bed. I'm awake but I don't want to stand. I'm tired. 


Ni dang ran kan bu tou kong tian de miracle
Zhe bu shi meng bie zai wen fang kong ni de tou
Ni de si xu hun luan nai xin now behold
Wo zen me bu xiang hou hui mo ji so qing deng hou~


Stupid phone. Why do you have to ring? Someone's calling. And it's Kkamjjong.


[A/N: Sky blue is Kai. Maroon is Luhan]



Yah Luhan! Are you done preparing for the double date later?

Double date? What double date are you talking about?

Are you forgetting the double date your jagiya said?

Shoot! I forgot about it.

Uh-oh. You're in big trouble dude.

I'll fix this. What should I prepare?

You, you're outfit and a gift.

A gift?

Ne. A gift for your jagiya.

Are you all prepared?

Ani. We're the same. Why don't we go together?

Sure. Let's meet in Seoul Station by 9.

Arasso. See you.

You too. Annyeong!



*What time is it already? 8:30? I only have 30 mins. left. I should take a bath now and eat my breakfast*


>>Fast Forward>>


*Where is this Kai? I'm here in Seoul Station already. I'll call that Kkamjjong*


Yah Kai! Where are you? I've been waiting here for almost half an hour. Where are you?

I'm here near the ticket booth area. I've been waiting for you for almost half an hour too.

Aish. I'll go there. Annyeong.


"Yah Kkamjjong!" I shouted.

"Luhan!" He waved. I walked to the ticket booth area.

"Let's go now to the shop where I buy my stuff. We can buy a gift for our jagiyas."

"Do you even know a shop that sells stuff like that?"

"Of course. Let's go"


We headed to a huge shop that sells jewelries and clothes. So we went in. A saleslady attended to our presence.


"Annyeong Mr. Kim. How may I help you?"

"Annyeong. I want to see your American outfits."

"What for?"

"For wearing, duhh. Do you really have to ask that? Use your CS." Kai elbowed me.

"Mi-mianhae sir. Th-this way." The saleslady assisted us to the men's section--- American outfits.

"This is the American outfit section. YOu can choose whatever you want. And you can fit them too. I'll leave you both, sirs." She bowed and left.

"Luhan. Don't bring your ice-prince attitude here. This isn't the school. You don't rule this place." I rolled my eyes.

"How do I look in these Luhan?"

"You don't have to ask me. You always look good in those. Didn't you remember last year when we had the play? You wore an American outfit and you looked good in it."

"I agree with you. I really look good in American outfits. How about you Luhan?"

"Oh me? I look the best in American outfits." I proudly smirked.

"Yah Kai. I'll separate with you for now. Annyeong."

"Wae? You want to be alone in searching for the best gift for Soon Yee?"

"Hah. She's very rich so she can have everything she wants. I won't buy her a gift. Annyeong!"

"Arasso. Message me where to meet."

"Got it."

I left him while I wander around the huge shop. I saw different clothes, hats, outfits, dresses, sandals, shoes, make-up, jewelries, etc. *What shall I buy for Soon Yee? But she's rich. She can buy everything she wants.*

"Excuse me sir. You've been staring at the couple rings, do you want to take a look and try it on sir?" another saleslady asked.

"Sure. May I?" she nodded.


"The black ring fits me. I wonder if the other one will fit to Soon Yee's ring finger." I whispered.

"I can try it on for your girl sir" She offered.

"No need. I'll take the couple ring."

"Anything else sir?"

"I'll take the flame ring and the ice ring too."

"Arasso sir."

"Uh. Can you place the gold ring in a box? I'll just wear the black one."

"Sure sir. Thank you for buying sir. Please do come back and bring your jagiya with you." She smiled. I can't help myself so I smiled too. *I hope you'll like what I'll give you Soon Yee.*



I've bought the gift. I have to tell Kai where to meet.


to: Kai

from: Luhan

Kkamjjong, I'm bored already. Can we meet now? Are you done buying the American outfits?


to: Luhan

from: Kai

Ne. I'm here in the cashier's area. I'm paying the our outfits. Meet me. Cashier 5.


to: Kai

from: Luhan

I see you now.


"Hey Luhan. How're you? Have you found the perfect present for Soon Yee?"

"I told you I won't buy. She's rich enough to receive any presents."

"Yeah whatever. Let's go now. Before we'll be late for the date."



We left the shop and went home. We are going to prepare for the double date already. The double date will be at 6 pm. It's still 1. *I'll take a rest at home while waiting for the time to pass.*



[A/N: Don't forget to comment and subscribe!]

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Chapter 11: B gold digger
Joyce_Exotic91 #2
Starting to read this plot make me giggled ;P
jellar #3
Chapter 22: Ah ya Can't wait to read the next update ^^
Fighting.New Subscriber ...hahaha
KyaryisShinee #4
Chapter 22: Read this stort straight for 4 hours BEST STORY EVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Chapter 22: you seriously need to update this and like, NOW!!
hahaa <333
I mean really, you should -_-
tricia15 #6
Chapter 21: Aww I wish it could have been were luhan proposed instead of having her appa just arrange it for them :( But I really love how you wrote it and its just amazing I love this story sooo much!!!
Chapter 21: New subscriber <3!!!!
Authornim this just ... DAEBAK!!!!!
Please continue <3
Update soon
new reader of your fic over here :3
I yow stowwiiee xD
killer_ace_machine #9
gomawo pichukwang!! I hope you understand my place. Projects are piling up. And what's worse is that 4 out of 5 will be passed on August 7,8,9,10. and the projects are all VERY DIFFICULT.. But, I know that God is always there to help me. ;'>