Wedding Prepartion [part 3]

My Fire Princess



"NOMA?!!" Luhan shockingly asked.

"Isn't that one of the most prestigious and expensive restaurant in Denmark?" He added.

"Mhm. But they have a branch here." Your appa replied.

"Why is it there? We can just have catering services. To save money, you know."

"I want that because..... I want to" Your appa replied.

"O---Kay" Luhan answered.

"Don't worry, Luhan. I'm the one spending the money here." Mr. Jung said.

"I know, Mr. Jung. I just don't want you to do all the payment and stuff. It seems like you are the one married to Soon Yee and I don't want you to think that I can't work and pay for my wedding" Luhan said and lowered his head.

"Don't bother, Luhan. I know you're a good and wise man. You're the successor of my company, you know."

"JINJJA???!! But, I can't sir. I'm not smart as you are to be able to handle all of your properties."

"Don't worry, Luhan. I'll teach you everything I know." He said.

"Kamsahamnida, sir." Luhan thanked him.
"You know, I find the 'sir' annoying. You should get used to calling me appa since you'll be married on Sunday." He said.

"Arasso, Mr. Ju-- I mean, appa"

"That's more like it." he laughed.

"We're here, sir." Mr. Lee said.

"Okay, let's go." Mr. Jung said.

"Yah, Soon Yee" Luhan called you but you didn't bother to listen to him since you were engrossed with listening to music.

"Let's go now." He repeated and you just nodded.


"Annyeong, Mr. Jung. Welcome to Noma. You called yesterday about your daughter's wedding. We've prepare the best dishes for the nuptial that I'm sure you'll crave for more." The attendant said.

"Arasso. How sure are you?" He asked.

"If you want, sir you can taste all of them yourselves. The 3 of you can taste all of our dishes and cuisines." The attendant replied.

"Okay. We will"

The attendant snapped and different dishes came. The waiters placed them on the long table.

"Please do taste all of them" The attendant said once more.

We took out time tasting and savoring each dishes' taste. They had a variety of taste. Others were sweet, some were salty and spicy. The rest have different tastes too that words can't describe.


"If you won't mind me asking, sir, who are the couple-to-be married?" The attendant asked.

"Annyeong. I'm Jung Soon Yee. I'm the daughter of Mr. Jung." You smiled.

"Annyeong. I'm Xi Lu Han. I'm Soon Yee's fiance." Luhan  introduced.

"Oh, i see. You two suit each other very much. You both look like a Royal Couple." The attendant complimented.

"Kamsahamnida!" You and Luhan answered in sync.

"Oh! Even in answering too!" The attendant laughed.

After all the tasting and savoring, we decided which dishes to take.

"Uhm. For the appetizer, I'd like the Ahi Tuna Skewers, Tea Smoked Chicken, Chocolate covered Peanut Butter Cheesecake Pops, Flower Crisps filled with Creamy Goat Cheese and Roasted Red Pepper Pesto and Pecan pipe Pops. For the main course, I'd like the Eggs Benedict with Apple Glaze, Sugarcane Skewers and Shrimp with Chile-cilantro rub, Salmon Ravioli with Tomato Salsa, Prawns, and Beef Tenderloin with white onions and cherry tomatoes with chocolate glaze. While as for the dessert, I'd like the Chocolate Souffle Cake, Croisette Cake, Dessert Kabobs and Strawberry and cream. The drinks will be Vanilla Panna Cotta drizzled with Passion fruit and Chandon, Bogle and Eberlyn wines. Oh and I'd like to request a Chocolate Fountain, White Chocolate Fountain and Dark and White Chocolate Fountains--- each with different knickknacks." You said.

"Arasso, Ms. Jung" The attendant said.

"I want it ready by 5 in the afternoon on Sunday." Your appa reminded.

"Ne, sir. It will be ready. Thank you, sir. Congratulations Royal Couple! Annyeong!" The attendant bid goodbye and so did we.

We went back in the car.

"The dishes were great. I can't wait to taste them again on Sunday!" You giggled.

"Nado" Luhan added.

"I'm glad you liked the dishes." Your appa said.

"Are we still going to head somewhere else?" You asked.

"Ani." Your appa said.

"Ahh! That's better. I can finally rest!" You exclaimed.

"Haha. You can rest your head on my shoulders." Luhan offered.

"O-K" You leaned you head on his shoulder and started to wear your earphones to volume up your ipod.

--end of POV--



[A/N: Please comment and subscribe! Well thanks anyways! :*. Mwuah! Sorry if there are no pictures. I'll post them during their nuptial. But if you really can't wait to see the pictures, you may search them in Google. That is always the best option once there are no given pictures by the authors. Just telling XD! Gomawo for your support!]

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Chapter 11: B gold digger
Joyce_Exotic91 #2
Starting to read this plot make me giggled ;P
jellar #3
Chapter 22: Ah ya Can't wait to read the next update ^^
Fighting.New Subscriber ...hahaha
KyaryisShinee #4
Chapter 22: Read this stort straight for 4 hours BEST STORY EVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Chapter 22: you seriously need to update this and like, NOW!!
hahaa <333
I mean really, you should -_-
tricia15 #6
Chapter 21: Aww I wish it could have been were luhan proposed instead of having her appa just arrange it for them :( But I really love how you wrote it and its just amazing I love this story sooo much!!!
Chapter 21: New subscriber <3!!!!
Authornim this just ... DAEBAK!!!!!
Please continue <3
Update soon
new reader of your fic over here :3
I yow stowwiiee xD
killer_ace_machine #9
gomawo pichukwang!! I hope you understand my place. Projects are piling up. And what's worse is that 4 out of 5 will be passed on August 7,8,9,10. and the projects are all VERY DIFFICULT.. But, I know that God is always there to help me. ;'>