
Let's Play Family [EDITING!]

"Uhhh. You're ditching me this year for this little mimi-termite? How could you?" Jae Hwa's cousin groaned.
"MinHee, you'll be fine over in the US alone. And I miss Korea too. Don't you?" Jae Hwa asked as she packed her bag.
"Of course I do, but I like it here too. There's so much I still want to find out about...," MinHee was cut off as Jae Hwa said, "That's nice to know. I would too, but I have to go pick Minah up from school."
Jae Hwa hurriedly said while checking the time.
"Can't we just talk a bit longer? Half-hour or so? She can wait," MinHee complained.
"No, she can't wait. I'll call you later ok? I have to fill out some forms and stuff for school and other stuff. Talk to you later," Jae Hwa hung up as she called out to the chauffeur.

As all the little girls and boys called out to their moms and ran to them, Minah, went and sat on a bench alone by the windows waiting patiently for her cousin.
"Minah? Aren't you going home?" Minah's teacher asked.
"Hmm," Minah nodded smiling sweetly, "I'm just waiting for omma."
"Alright then. If you need anything I'll be in the classroom. Okay?" Minah's teacher said kindly.
"Hmm," Minah nodded smiling again.
"Excuse Me." A tall man around the age of twenty asked Minah's teacher as he entered the school. "Did the 4th graders get let out already?"
"No, are you looking for someone?" She asked.    
"I'm just here to pick up my nephew," he replied.
"They'll be let out in about a few minutes. Did he have to leave school? If you want me to go get him I can. They're just finishing a few quick activities," She said.
"It's alright. I'll just wait here," he replied noticing the little girl sitting alone on the bench.
"Kim Su Jin," Mrs. Kim reached her hand out.
"Son Dongwoon, nice meeting you," Dongwoon shook her hand.
"If you need anything my classroom is the third one down the hall on the right," Mrs. Kim said giving him a motherly smile.
Dongwoon nodded and sat on the same bench as Minah.
"Excuse me mister, can you tell me what time it is?" Minah asked cutely as she held out her hand showing her yellow flower watch.
"It's 2:30," he answered smiling at her.
"Are you waiting for your Omma?" Dongwoon asked kindly as he handed her a piece of candy.
"Hmm!" Minah smiled adorably as she popped the candy into . "Well, she's not really my omma. I just call her that."
"Really? Wae?"
"My real omma and appa went to heaven," she pointed to the sky. "It's okay though, because I know that they're watching over me every single day," Minah looked at Dongwoon. "Mister, can I call you my appa? You look like a good enough guy."
"Ne," Dongwoon chuckled lightly patting Minah's head.
"Appa! Appa! Appa!" Minah said excitedly as JaeHwa walked into the school.
"Minah is that you?" Jae Hwa quickly ran to Minah. "What are you doing? Oh, jwehsongimnida!" Jae Hwa apologized bowing to Dongwoon.
"Your her eomeoni?" Dongwoon asked observing her as Minah hopped off the bench.
"What? Ani!" Jae Hwa said quickly waving her hands.
"Yep! She's my omma, omma I want some ice cream," Minah said pulling Jae Hwa's shirt.
"Geurae, let's go," Jae Hwa turned to Dongwoon and said, "I'm her imo. She just calls me omma."
"I know," Dongwoon flashed his handsome smile making JaeHwa blush a light shade of pink.
"Appa," Minah started being cut off by JaeHwa saying,"Minah! Don't call him that!"
"Gwenchana, appa said that it's fine," Minah stated surprising JaeHwa. "Appa, isn't omma pretty?" She smiled sweetly looking up at JaeHwa as she held her hand.
"Ne, she's very beautiful," He said as he ruffled Minah's hair making JaeHwa blush even more.
"Well..well, we'll be going now," JaeHwa stuttered quickly bowing and leading Minah out of the school.

When they arrived back home Minah cheerfully ran inside as JaeHwa told the chaffeur he could rest for the rest of the day. After she locked the door, she put her purse on to the kitchen counter and went into the living room where Minah was watching tv.
"Do you have any homework," Jae Hwa asked sitting down on the couch.
"Aniyo, Mrs. Kim said that we did a lot of work today so we don't have any homework." Minah replied.
"Alright then. I have to talk to you. Come here," Jae Hwa said sternly patting the spot on the couch next to her. Minah walked over to Jae Hwa slowly.
"Sit," Jae Hwa patted the spot next to her.
"Am I in trouble?" Minah asked intimidated.
"Ani, I'm just going to tell you something very important, okay?" Minah slowly nodded.
"Next time a stranger tries to talk to you don't talk to them okay?"
"Okay, but can I take the candy they give to me?" Minah asked innocently fiddling with her fingers.
"Did that man give you candy?" JaeHwa asked gently.Minah nodded scared.
"Ani. Don't take any candy from anyone. Unless if it's from someone you know. Got it?"
"De, but can I take it from...." Minah got interrupted from the ringing of the phone.
"Okay, you can go play now." Jae Hwa rushed to the phone.
"Yobosaeyo?" She said. *BEEP* "Oh, they must of hung up." She put the phone back and went to check up on Minah.
JaeHwa climbed the walked to her playroom and heard Minah talking to herself.
"Dear journal, I met appa today, he is very handsome and he said that omma is very beautiful," JaeHwa looked through the crack of the door. She lightly rapped the door making Minah look up a bit startled. "Omma, is that you?"
JaeHwa slowly poked her head through the door and smiled as she walked in.
"Are you writing in your journal?" JaeHwa asked as she sat on the floor by the drawing table.
"Hmm! But I'm going to draw now because I just finished," Minah cheerfully said as she stacked her journal on top of the piling books. Then she happily skipped to the table and top out her markers and crayons and paper organizing them into groups.
"Omma, today I had such a fun day! I'm going to draw it out! Can we add it to the book?" Minah asked as she started scribbling her drawing onto the sheet of paper.


It was the end of the school day for Minah and JaeHwa was still at school trying to catch up with her schoolwork. Minah sat on the lonely bench by the entrance of the school waiting for JaeHwa. Twenty minutes have already passed and JaeHwa still wasn't there to pick Minah up. Minah sat there thinking about how all the kids at her school were so lucky. Everyday they had an omma and appa to come and pick them up.


JaeHwa literally threw her backpack on the street for it was slowing her down as she ran to Minah's school while the cold autumn wind whipped at her face. The closer JaeHwa got to the school, the more tired she got. She was carrying every subject in her backpack. Finally, tired of all the weight, JaeHwa angrily threw her backpack onto the ground only focusing on trying to get to Minah. Without knowing she was being watched the whole time, JaeHwa ran crossed the sidewalk before the light could turn red while a guy with fire red hair went and picked up her backpack quickly chasing after her.

(yes!!! kekekeke. oh ho ho, look who it is ^ ( ^  ^ ) ^  


"Minah!" JaeHwa gasped as she opened the school door. "Minah! Where are you?" JaeHwa worriedly cried out as she searched around the school entrance while the remaining staff watched as she ran around. "Ajusshi, have you seen a girl this tall, 4 years old?" She desperately asked.
"Aniyo, maybe you should check in the office though," he answered leaving the school as JaeHwa ran to the offices.
The guy with red hair ran into the school looking for the running girl.
"Ajusshi! Have you seen a girl? A highschooler around here?" He asked the man leaving the school.
"De, I think she was headed towards the offices," he replied getting annoyed.
"Ah, kamsahamnida," he replied bowing as he ran towards the offices.
"Why does everyone keep on calling me ajusshi? I'm not that old looking am I?


"Minah! Please, where are you?" JaeHwa tried opening the locked door to the offices. She quickly turned and ran towards the kindergarten classes passing a tall guy with red hair.
"JaeHwa!" Minah yelled cheerfully when she heard JaeHwa. She quickly ran out of a room only to see a tall guy with red hair's back facing her. JaeHwa immediately spun around at the sound of Minah's voice and bumped into someone almost falling over, but being caught by the person.
"Minah!" JaeHwa pushed away from the person and saw Minah smiling happily by her teacher.
"JaeHwa!" Minah yelled again as she ran to JaeHwa. JaeHwa cried into Minah's shoulder as she held Minah.
"Minah, I'm so sorry. I tried getting here as fast as I could! Gwenchana?" JaeHwa rushed out as she held Minah's face.
"JaeHwa, gwenchana. Mrs. Kim told me that I could wait in her room," Minah smiled brightly.
"Gomawo, thank you so much Mrs. Kim. I can't thank you enough," JaeHwa stood up and bowed multiple times to Mrs. Kim.
"Gwenchana, it wasn't a problem. If you need anything just ask me alright? All of my kids have gone to college and I rarely see them, but watching Minah was like watching my own child," Mrs. Kim compassionately said.
"Excuse me," the guy cleared his throat inturrupting them. "I think you dropped this," he handed JaeHwa her backpack.
"Oh, gomawo," JaeHwa thanked him taking her bag.


"JaeHwa?" Minah quietly said as they rode back in their limo.
"Ne," JaeHwa gently said as she played with Minah's hair as she laid in her lap.
"Today, a lot of kids got picked up by their ommas and appas. They do everyday," she quietly said.
"Hmm," JaeHwa hummed signaling for Minah to continue.
"Well, I was just wondering, since omma and appa are in heaven now and you pick me up everyday. Can I call you my omma?" Minah asked sitting up and looking at JaeHwa.
"Of course," JaeHwa kissed Minah on the forehead.
"Omma! Omma! Omma!" Minah squealed happily. Now I just have to find appa!


"Omma," Minah inturrupted JaeHwa's train of thought. "Remember what next week is?" Minah asked excitedly jumping up and down in her chair.
"Hmm, let me think. Your field trip," JaeHwa smiled.
"And," Minah said annoyed that JaeHwa was playing with her.
"And what?" JaeHwa questioned playfully.
"Omma!" Minah pouted.
"I'm just kidding," JaeHwa got up and went to hug Minah,"It's your birthday next week! How could I forget." JaeHwa lifted Minah up off from her chair swinging her around. Minah laughed squealing as she flew around the room.

So how's the first chapter?? Okay? I'm writing from third person and it's kind of hard XD Please comment and subscribe :)

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YoungMiPark #1
Chapter 4: Please update this story
midnightangelxo #2
Wow !!! Update Soon :)
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- First to Comment! Just Do Who You Wanna Do First! :)