

That same ice cold hand touched me once again. I felt it wrap around to the palm of my hand holding a tight clutch on it. My other hand, alone and bare.

That's what it felt like... When my heart lost it's love. My beating, loving heart was placed in her hold and her's in mine. Then... one day, she let go. I then understood the dreaded feeling of being alone.

Being here now... feeling her only hold on half way makes me wonder why we ever were....

Why is she even sitting by my bed like this? Acting like she cares... Am I the only one who see's through her lie? Through her inhuman smile...?

"I'm sorry miss... It's past visitor's hours... We need to let the patient rest for now..." A calm voice spoke as a shady figure walked towards the bed I had been laying in for the past few hours.

"I can't just leave..." Her voice... still the same... but her tone was much different.

"I caused this...He wouldn't be here if it weren't for me! I can't just go... I'll just regret never saying I'm sorry..." She spoke with a slight crack in her words. She sounded she was the one hurt...

I felt her hand let go of mine. I had known that feeling so well that now, it doesn't phase me if she were to let go...


"Don't you get it?! I LOVE YOU! You can't just leave me! You can't go! Please Hyuna! Don't go!" My body felt weak. I trembled at the thought of never seeing her again.

"I'm sor-...." She paused then changed her words "Gikwang..."

"I know you love me too... You've said it..." I mumbled to myself not realizing that she heard me...

"I don't love you... I will never love you..." She said coldly as she walked farther and farther down the sidewalk. I stood in the same place for as long as I could until I could no longer see her figure in the distance... A tear streamed down my face... and soon followed by hundreds more...

I couldn't feel my legs. I couldn't move. My face was pale and emotionless as the tears fell. I stared off into the distance feeling dead.

She.... doesn't... love me... The thought hit me like a thousand bricks. What was I supposed to do now?!

I gained the slight strength to walk over to my car. I opened the door with a weak attempt and got in. I sat in the drivers seat for hours on end not even recognizing the skies turn from blue to black.

I'm snapped out of stillness as water falls from the sky. Suddenly drops turn to shatters of rain pouring down on my car. It's raining... it's night... I could barely comprehend the setting. I start my car and start to drive off.

The rain was too hard and fast for the windsheild wipers. I'm going 90 on a 65mph highway to go back home. I just want to get home and fall asleep. Hoping that when I wake up, all of this would only be a dream.

I'm passing car after car and drifting in and out of lanes. When suddenly, a Semi Truck vears into the same lane as I'm vearing into.

A loud horn bursts my ear drum as a bright light blinds me. I feel my body suddenly float to the top of the car. It seemed as if time slowed and my pain was to be longed. My body turned and hit the door to my left on the car. I hear a shatter. The glass on the window cracked and fell to pieces. Each piece flew past my eyes as I felt a sudden sting on my cheek where one piece had decided to puncture me. My head then hit the roof of the car and I felt an extreme pain slowly rising at the bottom of my skull.

Time turned normal as my body slammed against the roof of the car which now seemed to be the bottom. The windows were broken and the metal of the car was crushed and bent. I layed still while feeling the cold blood rush down my face to my neck. My right arm... I couldn't feel it... and my eyes... I couldnt use them... It was dark. I could only hear and feel the pain.... What was this?

I heard screams and sirens... But somehow... the noises started to fade away just like my sight... Eventually I could no longer feel my pain... It was like I was dead. But in some way... I was still conscious...


I turned my head to look around the room. There was a doctor right in front of my bed with a concerning look but when I turned to my left... She looked even more concerned... She got up and walked a few steps away. Her back towards me. The feeling shot me again. A few steps compared to a thousand... it still struck the same pain in my heart. But why? .... I don't love her anymore... I can't love her anymore... It doesn't matter anymore...

"Just let me have a few minutes doctor... please..." She said as she faced the wall hiding her face from both of us.

The doctor walked out of the room and closed the door. It was only me and her in the room now. It was silent and all I could hear was the cold air drift out of the vent above my bed.

Why is everything so cold? The air... her hand... The rain... the car.... the blood.... her....

"Leave." I said as strictly as I could.

I turned to face the wall in front of my bed but I could see her turn to me out of the corner of my eyes.


"Leave!" I said cutting her off.

I can't do this anymore... I can't let her hurt me anymore...

I felt a warm tear fall down my cheek. "AHHH!" I yelled out as I felt the tear stream down my face and sting the cut on my cheek.

"ARE YOU OK?!" She rushed towards me with her face directly in front of mine. "'re crying...." She said softly while cleaning the cut on my face.

I turned my face away from her hand as she pulled me back. "Stay still..." She said as she focused only on the cut not my expression.

What was she doing helping me like this?

I looked down to see a charm bracelet around her wrist. I haven't seen that bracelet in so long...


"Hahaha~! Gikwang stop!" She yelled as I tackled her to the bright green grass and tickled her endlessly. 

I finally stopped and laughed as she jokingly hit my shoulder.

"Should we eat now?" I smiled greatly and pulled out the picnic we had made for our date.

It was the first spring of our newly found love. The sun was bright and the grass was healthy. There were flowers in the distance surroung a lake with a wooden bridge over it. We both sat up on the grass and had our picnic.

In my pocket was a beautiful gold charm bracelet with 6 different charms on it. Each charm of something she loved. I pulled it out as she ate and stared at the sky.

"Hold out your hand~" I said to her not being able to get rid of the smile on my face.

She giggled and held her hand out for me. I pulled the bracelet from my pocket and put it around her wrist.

She touched it in awe of it's beauty. "Wow~~~" She said softly while forming a cute smile upon her face.

"Thank you oppa~!!!!" She said happily as she grabbed me for a big hug.


She noticed me staring at the bracelet on her hand and moved her hands away from me.

"Can I ask you something?" I said quietly but loud enough for her to hear.

She looked at me like she was scared of what I was going to say.

"Why are you here?"

"Mwoh?" She looked confused and surprised at the same time.

"You're wearing the bracelet I gave you. You're in this hospital room with me. You cleaned my cut. You held my hand... You.. wanted to stay here after visiting hours... You're acting like you care again... After leaving me dumped on the sidewalk. Alone. For no reason. Crushing my heart into a million pieces and then stomping all over them..." I started to feel anger in the pit of my stomach. Then I exploded..."HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME HYUNA?! WHY?! WHY DID YOU DECIDE THAT SUDDENLY I WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU! WHY DID YOU TELL ME YOU DON'T LOVE ME!? WHEN!....When..."

She looked at me with sad eyes. Water started to rise and seep over the edge of her bottom eye lashes. Tears started to stream down her face as she stood up and looked away from me.

"Hyuna... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to-"

"No. Don't apologize. It's ok... I... did hurt you..." She said under her breath.

I could hear the sadness in her voice and I saw her arms start to tremble from my words.

"I left you because...."

I cut her off. "Hyuna. Stop." I didn't want to hear why I wasn't good enough for her. Why her love didn't belong to me anymore.

"Gikwang... just let me say it... please..."

I stayed silent as she turned to the chair next to my bed and sat down.

That ice cold hand once again touched me. It wrapped around to the palm of my hand holding a tight clutch on it. My other hand, alone.

Then she grabbed my other hand and held it in her other hand.

"I couldn't be with you... My father... he put me in an arranged marraige Gikwang..." She looked down at our hands.

I felt a drop of water splash against my left hand. It was her tear...

"...What?! An... an arranged marraige?! Why didn't you just tell me?!"

"I didn't know how! So... so I just said... I don't love you instead... I was hoping that I could move on and do as my father pleased. And If I told you I didn't love you, then you would move on as well. And no one would be disapointed..." She hesitated. "But... I was disapointed. And... you were crushed. All because of me... And now your here... hurt... and in pain... all because of me..." She burst into tears and let go of my hands to wipe away her tears.

"Hyuna... it's not your fault..." I said sofly to her.

She shot up from her seat still sobbing "YES IT IS! IT'S ALL MY FAULT! YOU COULD HAVE DIED BECAUSE OF ME!"

I slowly sat up from my bed and used all the strength I had to stand up.

I was now face to face with her. Her eyes seemed in more pain than mine. I pushed myself to move closer and closer. I lifted my weak, bruised arm and placed my hand on the side of her face. She looked up to me as I smiled softly at her. "I love you..." I said to her as I leaned in to give her my last soft kiss.

"I love you too... I will ALWAYS love you..." She said as we pulled away from our kiss. My hand started to tremble as it still set on her cheek. My heart was pounding and I could feel the weakness in my body grow stronger. My head suddenly started hurting. Maybe from standing up to quick.... The bottom of my skull struck a sharp pain out of nowhere (point of impact in the car accident). I yelled out as the pain grew stronger and stronger.

"DOCTOR! DOCTOR!!!" The same yelling and screaming began again... just like when I was in the car... I could no longer feel my legs and my whole body starting turning numb.

Multiple doctors rushed in and were about to put me back in my bed.

This time it all started to fade at once...

I couldn't hear. I couldn't see. I couldn't feel. I couldn't speak.

Though... I could think...

And all I thought of was her.

Suddenly my mind escaped me and I felt one big shock. It was the only pain I felt before...


I collapsed...

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exoticeunhae #1
Nice one shot! I really like kikwang and hyuna! do more of this pair please ^^ maybe a sequel oneshot?
Chapter 1: I love it *___*!?
So emotional TT__TT !!
kimchikimchi123 #3
I really like this one too <3
angeLLina #4
nice one shot! I really liked the way you did the descriptions. Hoping for more hyuna-kikwang fics from you!! :D
LittleRidgey #5