Chapter 7

Can't I be the one?

**I'm glad to see that you guys like the story so far hehe :)  Sorry for my late updates I'm really trying to do an update a day but recently internet has been stupid! :( I'm a bad author I know. 

You woke up the next morning exited and happy. Today was Friday, which meant that there was dance class and then the weekend. You couldn't wait for he end of the day, you skipped to school in the morning and met Tao at the school gate.
"wow someone looks cheerful today." Tao smiled seeing how happy you were.
You nodded and smiled back. "of course I am, today's Friday Tao! Which means dance class and then the week end!"
Tao laughed at how cute you were being "Wahh you're that exited for dance class?"
You nodded and smiled like a little child, you couldn't help it. Dance was the thing you looked forward too the most during the week. 
The bell rang and you walked with Tao to class. You looked around at all the students rushing off to class but you couldn't see one person. Kai.
Tao noticed that you seemed to be looking for someone. "_____ who are you looking for?" Tao said leaning towards you.
You turned to Tao quickly and shook your head. "No one was just looking around. Come on, lets go to class." 
Tao nodded and put his arm around you. "aaraso..let's go." And with that you both walked off to class
(A/N Can we just take a moment to imagine Tao putting his arm around you jkfbvfb omg.)

Kai was late for school again. Kai hated the feeling of being late every morning, but he couldn't help it. He had to drop his neighbors' daughter at school every day before school. She was only 5 years old and Kai was more than happy to help, he had a caring nature and loved little kids. So when his neighbor's back got badly hurt he was more than happy to help out. Even if it meant he would be late for school every morning.
Kai rushed inside the classroom to find everyone in there seats and his teacher already teaching. "ommo...sorry...I'm...late."  Kai said out of breath.
The teacher looked Kai up and down. "Oh Kai you're usual. Please take a seat so I can begin to teach again." Kai nodded and went to take his seat he noticed you sitting next to Tao and waved to you, you smiled and waved back. 

After the lesson finished you and Tao got ready to go to your next class. Kai had already got out before you two, you thought he had probably wanted to get to his next class before the hallways became too crowded.
You and Tao walked out of the class together. As you walked out you heard some one call your name. "_____ wait for me."
You turned around and saw Kai leaning against the door frame. He rushed up to you and started walking with you and Tao. 
"Hey _____, I see you got home safely." Kai smiled 
You nodded and smiled "Ne, thank you. I also ate the rest of those kimbap triangles." You giggled
Tao raised a brow. "What the hell are you guys talking about?" 
"Oh me and _____ hung out yesterday, didn't we ____?" Kai laughed.
A wave of jealousy washed over Tao. Why is Kai hanging out with ______? She was my friend first.
Kai noticed that Tao looked a little upset "Hey, you okay man?" Kai said punching Tao lightly on the shoulder.
"I'm fine." Tao mumbled, pushing Kai's hand away. 
You just stood there looking at both Kai and Tao acting really weird. "So, you guys ready for dance class today?" You said trying to break the awkwardness
Tao and Kai laughed together at you. " Why are you always so exited about dance?" Tao said ruffling your hair. 
You shrugged and continued to walk to your class. Kai and Tao left you as they had class somewhere else. 

The rest of the day went pretty fast after that since it was mostly fun subjects like art and music. Soon it was lunch and of course you were going to go outside to the field, it was becoming your favorite place to be. It was calm there since not many people sat here, and you preferred it that way. ~
You sat down to eat your lunch, you were alone but you didn't mind.
You took a bite out of your sand which and noticed someone in the distance waving at you. You couldn't really make out who it was, as they got closer you recognized the person...It was Kai.
He walked up to your table and took a seat. "Hey _____, enjoying your lunch?"
You smiled and nodded, very cutely. 
You and Kai continued to talk about your day and were enjoying each others company.

Tao had seen you eating your lunch from afar, you were being your cute self as usual and that made Tao smile a bit.
But he had seen you talking with Kai and the jealous feeling returned to Tao. Why is Kai always with _____ nowadays? 
Tao walked over to you guys with a grumpy look on his face. He couldn't understand why he was acting this way but he couldn't help it. Kai was his best friend but he felt as if Kai was taking you away from him and that irritated Tao a lot.
Tao sat down right next to Kai and pushed him out the way "Hey _____ how're you?" 
Kai was almost pushed off the seat. He looked up at Tao "What's with this guy?" Kai thought.
He pushed Tao back and smiled sarcastically. Tao glared at Kai and pushed him back again.
Whilst the two guys were fighting you just sat there watching them munching on your sand which.
"Uhh everything okay?" You said raising a brow.
Both Kai and Tao stopped pushing each other, they turned to face you and smiled. "Of course everythings okay ____" Kai giggled. 
You continued to eat your lunch whilst Tao and Kai secretly pushed each other under the table (omg why is this becoming an OTP fic? lolol)

You Tao and Kai continued chatting whilst you ate your lunch. You noticed from time to time from the corner of your eye that a group of girls where staring at you, you found it a bit weird but you took no notice. It was probably because you were new.
The school bell rang and you all packed your things, you briefly hugged Tao and Kai before you left for class. The girls were still looking at you in a funny way as you left, but you shrugged it off and walked to class.

Class seemed to go on forever. Your eyes were glued to the clock the whole time, which probably wasn't a good Idea since it was chemistry and you had a test on exothermic and endothermic reactions coming up soon (A/N Ohhh see what I did there?)
But at last after an agonizing hour of chemistry the bell finally rang.
"Have a good weekend all of you." Your teacher called as students rushed out of the classroom.

You bolted out of the classroom and outside. As usual Tao was waiting at the school gate, you smiled and went over to him. "Hey Tao, what are you doing here?" You said.
Tao looked a little embarrassed. "Uhh _____ are you doing anything this Saturday?" Tao said rubbing his neck.
You smiled and nodded "What do you have in mind?" 
Tao lit up. "o-oh okay well I was thinking lunch and then icecream." 
You put a thumbs up. "Sounds cool." 

Just when you and Tao were about to leave you heard someone call your name. " ______ WAAAIIIT." 
You turned around to see Eun Jung running towards you, you smiled and walked up to her. " ____! Finally... I...!" Eun Jung said putting he hands on her thighs trying to catch her breath. 
You and Tao giggled "Are you okay?" You said patting Eun Jung on the back.
She nodded and stood up. " I was just going to ask you if you were free now to go hang out." 
You shook your head "Sorry, but unfortunately I'm not...I have dance class." 
Eun Jung tilted her head "You dance? Any ways what about Saturday?"
You shook your head once again "No sorry I'm going out with Tao. " You said pointing at Tao who was in his own world. 
"Oh is Tao your boyfriend? Annyeonghaeseyo." Eun Jung smiled.
You and Tao blushed, though Tao was the shade of a tomato. "N-no we're just friends." You said awkwardly.
Eun Jung covered "Ommo I'm sorry ____ any ways I have to get going now. But I'll see you on Monday? Uhh see you...Tao."
You and Tao both smiled, you hugged Eun Jung before you and Tao walked away.

Tao walked with you up to the bus stop, then you both went your separate ways to get ready for dance. 
Your walk home was quick, you were exited for dance and didn't waste any time getting dressed. 
You had a good feeling about today, but for some reason you were slightly worried. For Kai. Ever since Kai had told you about his back you couldn't help but worry about him. How was he supposed to dance today? How was he supposed to do anything? 
You quickly shook the thought out of your head and got ready to leave.

Tao and Kai met up beforehand so that they could walk to the studio together. 
" hung out with _____the other day, huh?" Tao said swinging his duffel bag over his shoulder. 
Kai nodded "Yup, I met her outside the local convenient store. We talked for ages up until 9:30. It's so weird."
Jealousy stirred in Tao. What the hell man? ____ IS MY FRIEND.
On the surface though he had a poker face. "Oh cool...but what about Sooyoung?" 
Kai suddenly felt uncomfortable. He loved Sooyoung with all his heart, but recently she'd been distant and cold towards him. It hurt him a lot.
"S-sooyoung's fine." Kai simply said.
Tao could sense that something was wrong with Kai but for some reason his jealousy got the better of him.

You rushed to the studio excitedly, anticipation filled your whole body as you walked through the doors. Of course the first people you saw were Tao and Kai. 
As soon as both of them saw you, they walked towards you.
You noticed what Kai was wearing as soon as you looked at him.
He was wearing a puffy black jacket, black skinny jeans, with a black vest inside and a black snap back hat.
(He's wearing what he wore in the mama demo ver. sfiokjdfb omg.)
He looked good....really good, you couldn't help but stare at him, he jut looked so manly and cool. It gave you goose bumps. 
After what seemed like a lifetime of you staring at Kai, Tao finally spoke. "Uh ____? you okay?" he said raising a brow.
You snapped out of your trance and nodded. "O-oh yeah I was just trying to read the logo on Kai's hat."  Liar.
Kai smiled and took his hat off, his hair fell perfectly and you could see his face properly now. "Wow, are you so handsome?"  You thought.

For some reason you had butterflies in your tummy, but it wasn't because of Kai...right?

**Okay sorry again for the super late update, but I promise to do a double update or something like that in the next couple of days okay? <3 
Also Dance scene coming up in the next chapter ^_^

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Japanda #1
Chapter 15: awwww, i kindna knew you were pointing to kai being the guy we all like in the ff. i feel bad for tao though :(
Japanda #2
Chapter 14: itd ok author i understand you just take ur time but as long as you dont stop writing this ff update soon :D
Mirux27 #3
Chapter 14: I'm so glad you finally updated! :D I was so happy to see a double update!!! Yay!!! Although I think I'm really looking forward to this mushy dramatic stuff you mentioned, and if there will be any fluff between "me" and Tao. (^o^) He's so freaking cute I swear! I will look forward to the rest of the story and your updates! d(^~^)b
Guyyysss, I'm so sorry I haven't been updating all. But It's because I have like 3-4 chapters lost in cyber space PLUS the quadruple update I was planning on doing! So once they get the stuff back I'll update and gjlkjfddb drama has happened guys! so wait for all that mushy dramatic stuff...please? Lol I really wonder if you guys are gonna read this...anyways yeah, I'm super duper sorry! <3
Japanda #5
omg so Tao is so cute getting jealous easy
i need more chapters update soon plz
krisyeor #6
sobbing i flipped when i saw an update. dfklsj;fksdj I NEEED MORE OMG
Mirux27 #7
omg, I was giggling like a schoolgirl when OT12 appeared. LOOOOL. I love them all too much! And I would love to trade places with my character at any time. hahahaha! Talking to Kris in English sdlkfskjdfhskljdf!! I enjoyed reading your double update a lot! :D Tao is such a cute kungfu panda in your story, I really hope "me" and him end up together. He's being too cute I swear. ^-^