Love That Can Bloom

Last Dance

It's almost 6:00 AM when Yuri woke up; turning on the other side she fell on the floor realizing that she slept on the couch. She stood up and went straight to her room were another girl is peacefully sleeping; Yuri has to wake the girl for today is their last school activity.


Yuri: "Jessica, wake up. You have to go home and change for your presentation today."

Jessica: "Please let me sleep..."

Yuri: "You don't want to attend our school activity?" (at the same time, a phone can be heard ringing)

Yuri: "I think it's your phone Jessica, let me get it for you!" (looking for the phone inside the room)

Yuri: "Found it!"

Jessica: "Please answer the phone!"

Yuri: (pressing the answer key) "Hello?!"

Tiffany: "Jessica? How come your voice is sounds different?"

Yuri: "Tiffany!"

Tiffany: "Who are you?!"

Yuri: "This is Yuri."

Tiffany: "Why do you have Jessica's phone? Where is she? What did you do to her?"

Yuri: "Wait Tiffany! Take it easy, I did not do anything to Jessica. She is sleeping. It's a long story, can I tell you some other time? I need your help, I can't wake her up. I need to go to school for the presentation, what should I do?"

Tiffany: "Oh right! Gosh, I almost forgot the presentation. Promise you will tell me why Jessica is sleeping at your place later ok?"

Yuri: "Sure"

Tiffany: "Tell Jessica that you prepared a cucumber breakfast for her,, or anything that has cucumber!"

Yuri: "Already, see you in school. I'll take care of Jessica."

Tiffany" "Thanks!"


Yuri went to the kitchen and went back holding something on her hand, she then grab the blanket covering Jessica's face and place her hand near the girl's nose. Jessica's eyes opened and screamed!!!!




Yuri seems to be in a trance when Jessica stood on the bed, the blonde girl doesn't know that she is not wearing anything under the blanket. When Jessica saw that Yuri is not moving with open she screamed again.




Yuri, not letting Jessica finish, pointed a finger back to the blonde girl. Another scream can be heard from the girl.


Jessica: "YURI, WHY AM I ?!"

Yuri (moving out of her trance, ran near Jessica to get the blanket to cover the girl): "You are all wet last night; do you think I will let you dry while sleeping?"

Jessica: "arggghhhh.. Why did you not tell me first thing when I woke up"

Yuri: "You screamed before I got the chance to tell you, remember?!"

Jessica: "Give my clothes and get out of the room so I can dress!"

Yuri: "Wow! Thank You Jessica! You really are great.."


 Yuri moved to get Jessica's clothes and got out of the room to let the other girl dress. She quickly went to the other bathroom to shower. After 45 minutes, Jessica is seated on the kitchen while Yuri's preparing for breakfast. As they have little time, no one dared to start a conversation. Another 15 minutes passed, the two girls are inside the car on their way to Jessica's home. Yuri can't stand the silence.


Yuri: "Get all the stuff you need for the presentations, change your clothes, do whatever you want and I will wait on the car."

Jessica: "Alright"

Yuri: "Are you mad because I removed your clothes last night?"

Jessica: (did not answer) "...."

Yuri: "I'm sorry okay; I just don't want you to get sick."

Jessica: "I understand."

Yuri: "Ok."

Jessica: (hesitating) "Ttttthank You."


Yuri smiled at the same time the car stopped in front of a big house, no mansion - Yuri thought. She stepped out of the car and hurried to the other side to open the door for Jessica; she also opened the door on the back seat to arrange the stuff to make a space for Jessica's stuff. After an hour, Jessica came out of the house, although wearing a short white dress; Yuri felt her stomach flip for the sight in front of her is so beautiful. She took the stuff from Jessica and opens again the front door for her.


Yuri never saw how Jessica blushed whenever she opened the door for her. It seems that Jessica liked the fact that Yuri treats her well,,, like a princess.


In school, everybody is busy preparing for their respective preparation. The time for the dance club to present on the stage, a lot of girls and boys suddenly packed the crowd to watch Hyoyeon, Yuri, Sooyoung and Yoona to perform. Most girls have placards for their favorite dancer and screaming of the names can be heard on the auditorium, while the glee club members are on the side of the stage to watch as well. Music started and the crowd was wowed with the performance, Jessica, Sunny and Seohyun are also amazed.


Sunny: "They are so good! Especially Sooyoung!"

Seohyun: "I love Yoona, she's great" - smiling shyly.

Jessica (thinking out loud): "Yuri sure does have a lot of fans, she dance perfectly."

Sunny (looking at Jessica): "Did you just say, Yuri dance perfectly?!"

Jessica: "What?!"

Sunny "Never mind" - looking at Seohyun with a smile plastered on their face.


After two rounds of other presentation, the moment for the glee club to perform came. The crowd became quiet, as Jessica's voice can be heard. Some closed their eyes to feel the song and the voice of the singing girl, Yuri on the side of the stage is doing the same thing.


Yuri: "Why do I have a feeling that I will not get tired of hearing your voice?"

Yoona: "Say what?!"

Yuri (blushing): "Nothing."


All is well that ends well. Soon, the auditorium is quiet again as only nine girls can be seen seated on the stage. This is the first time both groups are seen together.


Taeyeon: "I'm really glad that the activity is over"

Tiffany: "Good job to all of us!"

Yoona: "This is the first time are groups are together, I'm very happy! Seobaby definitely was great on her performance."

Sooyoung: "That's right; I loved the way Sunny sang the song. It sounded like a lullaby to me."

Sunny: "Your dance performance is really great guys!"

Yuri and Jessica (at the same time) Yuri: "I love to hear Jessica's voice, over and over again!" Jessica: "I will love to see Yuri's dance moves again!"


Everyone is looking at Jessica and Yuri, waiting for someone to say something. Outside, flowers are blooming at the school garden the same time that a love inside the auditorium may have a chance to bloom too.

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mascott #1
Chapter 39: What a great story! Oh my gee! What will happen next? Update please~
lei0606 #2
Hello Author, just done reading this story. And I'm going to say this is beautiful story u should do repost this author, bec from what I seeing u only had a little subs & no votes.. maybe bec to early u posted this & there's not a lot readers in aff I just want to suggest u to repost & continued this story of yours because this is really a good one, I swear.. just suggesting if u dont want I'm really fine of that author..hihi
Good job Author^^ lots of thumbs up!!
jhencuevas #3
end this story please :( like this so much
Chapter 39: please update and continue this story author-ssi!
It's a great story author
I really love to read it
Please update soon
Update this fic ASAP
Chapter 39: Author update the next chapter please.......
reyduffers #9
thank god nicole is ok
can't wait for the next chapter
gitugitu #10
Uncle is no good..and Taecyeon and Victoria need to stop ruin others life. Thankfully Nicole is safe..