Chapter 31


                Sorotsu could feel Joons arm holding her close to him. She decided it wasn’t time to wake up yet. Suddenly someone was gently shaking her shoulder. A voice whispered “Sorotsu-ssi, It’s time for breakfast.” She slowly opened her eyes to see Luhan on his hands and knees with one hand on her shoulder. His smiling face was only about six inches in front of hers. She opened her eyes wider as he turned the other direction and started to shake Eunhyuk awake.

                She shook her head and remembered she was in a room full of idols. They had all slept in the same room. She rolled over so she was facing Joon. She poked him in the cheek. “Joon.” She whispered smiling. She rarely saw his sleeping face because he usually woke up before her. She poked his cheek again. “Jooon!” she said again. 

                He moved his mouth slightly without waking up. She laughed quietly to herself. She poked him on the nose. “Joon, its time for breakfast.” He crinkled his nose as she pulled her finger away. He still wasn’t waking up. She sighed and looked around to see if anyone was looking at her. The only one looking was an entertained Leeteuk.  She smiled and leaned forward and kissed him softly on the lips. Suddenly Joon pulled her closer and rolled over, pulling her on top of him.

                Leeteuk started laughing as Sorotsu tried to pull away but Joon was grinning and not letting her escape. She gave up and crossed her arms on his chest and rested her head on her arms. “You were awake the whole time, weren’t you?” Joon grinned. She covered his face with her hand and squirmed out of his arms.

                Joon sat up laughing as she jokingly pouted next to him. She looked around and saw some of the idols trying to wake up. Eunhyuk was hugging his pillow as Donghae and Luhan tried to get it away from him. Tao, Minhyuk and Mir were sitting in random spots just staring at the floor. Sorotsu looked at the clock and saw that it was only 7am.

Chanyeol was like Eunhyuk and was refusing to wake up. He had rolled in his blanket like a caterpillar and covered his face with the pillow. Kai, Suho and Kris were beating him with pillows trying to get him to come out. Sorotsu laughed at them and stood up. Joon followed her down the stairs to the restaurant. Breakfast was already prepared and managers and staff were scurrying around reminding everyone that the plane was leaving today. Some of the idols ate quickly and ran off to their rooms to pack.

Sorotsu and Joon sat at the table with Dara and CL. Thunder came wandering down with Baekhyun close behind. They sat at the table too. Staff came and handed them plates with food on it. “We’re sorry guys; you don’t get to order breakfast today. Everyone is eating the same thing.” They nodded and started to eat sleepily. CL rushed Dara to eat faster since they had a lot of packing to do. CL got up and left to pack. Sorotsu would usually be eating slowly and be out of it, but waking up to Luhans face had woke her up.

Dara started to lean forward, like she was going to fall asleep in her food. Thunder poked her forehead and pushed her back into her chair. Kris and Kai came down the stair carrying Chanyeol who was still clinging to his pillow. They set him in a chair and shoved a piece of toast in his mouth. He started chewing and finally opened his eyes.

Eunhyuk came down on his own, still hugging his pillow. Donghae led him to the same table with Chanyeol. Both Eunhyuk and Chanyeol saw each other and laughed and started eating. Donghae and Kris had the looks on their faces like they thought those two were insane. Soon everyone was eating in an awkward rushed, sleepy silence.

Sorotsu and Joon finished eating and went back to their room to pack. As soon as they closed the door behind them, Byoungki came in. “The plane will be here in four hours. So don’t forget that you will have to choose airport clothes and be presentable when you get off the plane. Joon, you help her find an outfit.” He ran off to go check on the other members.

She sighed and laid on the bed. She thought four hours was plenty of time. Joon was suddenly digging through his suit cases and getting clothes every where. Sorotsu rolled onto her stomach. “I thought we were supposed to pack? Not unpack.” She laughed. He sighed. “I got to figure out what to wear for the air port. You do too!”

She laughed at him as he frantically searched his suitcases. He suddenly stopped and turned to her. “Did you bring that dark blue and white striped sweater you wore to SuKiRa?” She nodded confused. “I don’t think it’s the right size for you.” Joon started laughing. “No, I don’t want to wear it! You wear it. I will wear this.” He pulled out a long sleeve shirt that was also dark blue and white striped. “We can have a couple outfit!” he said excitedly. He grabbed a pair of black pants and a pair of black boots.

He ran over to her suitcases and smiled as he found the sweater and a pair of black jeans. “The stripes are different sizes.” Sorotsu pointed out. He smiled as he put the outfits on the bed. “That doesn’t matter. People will notice.”

She smiled at him as he started shoving things back into suitcases. She noticed that some of the clothes were getting mixed up. She normally would have said something, but they were married now so it shouldn’t matter. Joon grabbed her hand and dragged her into the bathroom. “We need to shower!” She stared at him wide eyed as he started removing his clothes.

He smiled and slowed down when he was only in his boxers. “We don’t have much time, so it will be faster if we shower together.” He kissed her softly on the forehead. He turned the water on as she got undressed. He took off his boxers and got into the water first. She looked over at him and blushed as she got under the water. She wondered if she will ever get used to seeing this.

Joon got his hair wet and turned towards Sorotsu and smiled. She smiled shyly as he pulled her closer so she was under the water as well. She blushed even more. He suddenly grabbed some shampoo and put it in her hair and started washing her hair. She started laughing really hard. He stopped and looked at her confused.

“What’s so funny?” he asked smiling at her as water ran down his body. She smiled at him “I thought you were going to… never mind.” She grabbed shampoo and put it on his hair and started washing his hair too. Joon laughed. He figured that they probably looked silly washing each others hair instead of their own.  He put a handful of bubbles on her cheek, grinning. She made a fake offended face and put bubbles on his nose.

They helped each other rinse their hair. They put the conditioner in their own hair and rinsed it out. They went into the room and started getting dressed. Someone knocked on the door as Sorotsu was pulling her pants on. She stumbled and fell behind the bed as Joon opened the door and Yonghwa came in with some clothes.

Sorotsu popped up from behind the bed and her hair was still wet. Yonghwa laughed as he came in and set the clothes on the bed. “You left these in my room.” He sat on the bed and noticed that Sorotsu was still situating her pants. “Were you two…?” he said motioning towards the bed.

She laughed and sat on the bed. “No. We were getting dressed after taking a shower.” Yonghwa noticed their outfits. “Sorotsu-ssi, did Joon choose your outfits?” She nodded. He leaned back. “This is the first time you guys wore a couple outfit right?” she nodded again.

Yonghwa stood up. “You guys are cute.” They heard someone yelling for Yonghwa. Yonghwa stood up really quickly. “Uggh… My manager is looking for me. I have to finish getting ready. Sorotsu-ssi, don’t forget to dry your hair.” He ran out of the room and back to his room.

Joon smiled at her. They both started packing. Sorotsu went through the Polaroid’s that were on her side table and decided which ones she wanted to have just for herself. She kept the one of Joon carrying her into the room that Minhyuk took. She also kept the one of her with Eunhyuk and Donghae in her room wearing the sunglasses. She put the rest to the side to give to the staff for the photo book.

They did their hair and had half an hour before the plane came. Joon reached into one of his bags and put a black fedora on her head. He then put a black messenger hat on his head and a pair of sunglasses on. Sorotsu grabbed the glasses Thunder gave her and put them on and smiled. They were all ready to go.

The two of them started dragging their suitcases outside the door and checked over the room one more time. Joon hugged her from behind and kissed her neck. “I love you. I’m very happy we met.” She smiled and turned around and kissed him. “Thank you for giving me all these memories.”

Joon smiled and rested his forehead against hers. “You made a lot of friends. You will only have extraordinary memories from now on.” She laughed. “Let’s go show off our outfits. I’m sure you’re very excited to see their reactions.” Joon grinned and wiggled around like an excited puppy.

They left the room and dragged all of their suitcases to the main office building where everyone was starting to gather. Dara and Chanyeol ran up to them as they opened the door. Dara giggled “That’s so cute!! I wish I had a boyfriend to wear couple outfits with!” Chanyeol grabbed one of Sorotsus bags. “Noona! Can I sit by you on the plane?”

Byoungki came in behind them “I’m sorry Chanyeol-ssi. The tickets have already been assigned.” Chanyeol pouted as he put the bag down by everyone else’s luggage.

It was soon time to board the plane. Everyone was handed their tickets and they went to find their spots on the plane. The plane was the same kind as the one before, three seats next to the windows and then four seats in the center. Joon and Sorotsu had seats next to each other. Joon had the isle seat and Sorotsu had the center seat. There was an empty seat between her and the window. They wondered which MBLAQ member would sit there. Then they noticed that the idols were mixed together this time and not separated by group.

Dara was sitting between Thunder and Baekhyun. Sorotsu had a feeling that Dara was somehow behind that. Seungho and G.O were sitting in the middle with Sungmin and Ryeowook. Mir and Minhyuk were also in the center with Chanyeol and Kai. Kris, Yonghwa and Tao had the seats behind Joon and Sorotsu. Leeteuk sat in the row ahead of them with CL and Suho.

Sorotsu was starting to be entertained by seeing who got to sit where. She saw Sehun, D.O, Lay and Jungshin sitting in a middle row. Jonghyun sat in front of Baekhyun. Chen and Minzy sat next to him.  Bom came and sat in the seat on the other side of the isle next to Joon. Xiumin sat next to her. Donghae and Eunhyuk took the spots next to Xiumin.

Suddenly Sorotsu realized who was going to be sitting next to her. Luhan came walking up to them and smiled at the both of them and scooted into his seat between her and the window. Joon smiled at him politely and Sorotsu smiled awkwardly.  

The plane took off and soon everyone was doing their own thing. Sorotsu was playing a game on her phone. Luhan pulled a tablet out of his backpack and looked over at Joon. “Joon-sunbae? Would you like to watch a movie?” He opened Pirates of the Caribbean and they watched it with Korean subtitles. He put the tablet on a stand on the tray in front of Sorotsu.

Luhan looked a bit confused at trying to read the subtitles. Joon laughed. “Luhan-ssi, you can turn on Chinese subtitles. We both know English.” Luhan smiled and looked relieved and quickly changed the subtitles.

Sorotsu focused intently on the movie. The flight was 8 hours so she eventually fell asleep on Joon’s shoulder. She learned her lesson from last time and kept both hands near Joon.

When she woke up, there was 45 minutes left in the flight. She sat up most of the idols were asleep. She smiled at Joon who was sleeping looking up. She looked over at Luhan and he was curled up in the seat with his head on a pillow on the arm rest between them. He looked like an angel sleeping. She seriously did not understand how anyone could look like that. She smiled and moved a piece of his hair out of his face.

He opened his eyes slowly and looked up at her. He smiled and blinked a couple times. “Are we there yet?” he asked sleepily. She was speechless. She shook her head slowly “Umm… we have like 45 minutes left.” He smiled and sat up and rubbed his eyes. “Oh, I see.” He stretched and looked out the window.

Sorotsu looked at Joon and squeezed his hand. He yawned and woke up smiling at her. “Hey.” He kissed her forehead softly. He started rummaging around in his bag and pulled out a mirror and a brush. He checked his hair and brushed it and put his hat back on. He handed them to Sorotsu. “Here, people are waiting to take our pictures.” He smiled. She looked around and saw most of the idols were checking their hair and everything. She giggled at them and started to fix her hair in the mirror.

Luhan leaned over by her shoulder so he could see in the mirror and started to fix his hair as well. He smiled at her “I’m sorry. I put my mirror in a different bag. Can we share?” She smiled and nodded. She blushed slightly at seeing their faces next to each other.

Joon held the mirror for them so she could use both of her hands. She put the fedora back on and smiled at Joon. Soon the plane landed. The idols were all saying goodbye to the members from other groups in the plane before getting off. Sorotsu was bombarded with hugs from everywhere.

The idols got off the plane and quickly changed into idol mode. There were fans everywhere taking pictures. She now realized why everyone said their good byes on the plane. The managers and staff quickly began working to keep the fans away from the idols as they were trying to leave the airport. Joon held onto Sorotsu’s shoulders so he wouldn’t lose her. The fans started pushing in as MBLAQ and the members of Super Junior had ended up walking out together.

Soon there was barely any space and the mangers and idols had to try and push through. Sorotsu and Joon ended up having to hold hands and she had to walk behind him. Some girls must have been anti-fans of Sorotsu and they pried their hands apart and separated them. Joon got pushed forwards as the fans closed in the gap between the two of them. She was being pushed further behind Joon and he kept trying to get back to her but the fans wouldn’t separate between them. They were intent on not letting them reunite. One girl pushed Sorotsu and she started to fall backwards.

Suddenly someone caught her. She looked up and Eunhyuk and Donghae had caught her. Joon sighed in relief as the two Super Junior members kept her between them. They smiled politely at the fans and asked them to move out of their way. The fans were speechless and moved out of the way. Joon quickly grabbed Sorotsu and checked to see if she was alright.

“I’m fine. Let’s go home.” She smiled at him. Joon grabbed her shoulders again and Donghae and Eunhyuk walked behind them.  They met up with Byoungki outside and got in the van, waving to the Super Junior members.

In the van Joon told everyone what happened. Everyone looked worried and Sorotsu explained that there was nothing wrong with her. They went straight to her house. Byoungki looked at everyone. “Only Joon and Sorotsu are allowed to get out of this van right now. The rest of you have to go to the dorm.” Mir was the only one who whined. Joon climbed out and started grabbing her bags from the back. Sorotsu smiled at everyone as she climbed over Seungho to get out of the van. She waved at them “See you guys later!” she unlocked her door for Joon.

He set the bags in her bedroom and came back out smiling. “We should make me a key too.” He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her. “I have an extra key already.” She laughed and went to a drawer in the kitchen and pulled out a little metal box and handed it to him.

He grinned and pulled her into another hug. “You already had a key made for me!” he said excitedly. She laughed “They give you two keys when you get a house.” He pouted a bit. “Well, I will protect this key with my life!” he said putting the box in his pocket. Sorotsu laughed at him. “You should get going before Mir starts crying or something. You can come back whenever.”

Joon smiled and pulled her into a kiss. Sorotsu thought she was melting. “I will text you later.”  He said as he walked out the door. She waved at the van from her door as they drove away.

She went into the bedroom and started unpacking the clothes. She separated the dirty clothes from the clean clothes. Suddenly she realized that smaller bag with her underwear wasn’t in the suitcase. She had Joons underwear.

When MBLAQ got back to the dorm, there were fans waiting for them. They quickly got inside. They all went to their rooms to unpack. Joon and Thunder were unpacking onto their beds. Joon pulled out the smaller bag that had his underwear in it and put it to the side and started putting his dirty clothes to the side. Mir came into their room and started helping them put away clothes.

Mir ped Joons smaller bag and opened it and suddenly stopped moving. Thunder and Joon looked at him confused as he pulled out a pair of white lace . “Ahh… Hyung…?” Thunder looked up from his suitcase and his jaw dropped. Joon looked and suddenly jumped on the bag, covering it with his body, grabbing the pair out of Mir’s hands. “Don’t look!!” he said as he quickly zipped the bag up. Realizing he was still holding the lace ones, he fumbled and ped it and threw them in and re-zipped it.

“You guys did not see anything.” He glared at them. Thunder smirked and went back to his clothes. Mir started laughing and left the room to tell Seungho and G.O.

Joon’s phone started to play You and I by MBLAQ. Thunder started laughing at the ringtone. “That’s your ringtone for Sorotsu?” Joon glared at him as he answered the phone. “Hello? Yeah, I just found out too. I will bring them over. Ok! See you soon! I love you. Bye!” Joon grabbed the bag and went to find Byoungki.

Byoungki told him to take a cab and that he could stay over there tonight. Joon ran back and grabbed some clothes and threw them into a backpack and put Sorotsus bag in as well.

He made it to her house quickly. He smiled as he used his key for the first time and went in. Sorotsu was sitting cross-legged on the couch watching TV and eating dry cereal out of the box. She had just shoved a handful of cereal in as Joon came in the door smiling. She froze and had a shocked look on her face. Joon started laughing as he closed the door. “What are you doing?” She mumbled with a mouth full “Eating cereal.”

He put his bag down on the floor and sat next to her. “Why are you eating it like this?” he said grabbing a handful for himself. She swallowed her food. “The milk went bad while we were gone. I need to go buy more food.”

Joon got up excitedly. He realized they were still in couple outfits. “Let’s go grocery shopping! It will be the first time ever as a couple. We are still wearing our couple outfit, let’s make it a date!” Sorotsu started laughing. “A date to the grocery store?” He nodded happily.

She stood up and put her shoes on. “Well, let’s go then.” Joon ushered her out of the door impatiently. Sorotsu was about to lock the door when he stopped her. “No! Wait, I want to do it.” He said locking the door. He grinned as he offered her his arm and they walked to the closest store. He grabbed a cart and smiled at her. They walked up and down the isles getting what they needed. Soon people started to recognize them and were taking pictures.

Joon ignored the people taking pictures and helped her pick out food. They paid for the food and Joon gave an autograph to the store owner and they walked back. Joon smiled as he unlocked the door. He loved the feeling of being able to do this.

He helped her put away the groceries. She smiled at him. “I really feel like we are married right now.” He laughed “That’s because we are!” he said as he put the bread away. He leaned against the counter and smiled at her. “Are you still hungry?” She nodded. “What should I make?” she asked him. “I will help too!” She smiled and pulled out some ingredients. She had Joon cut the ingredients as she cooked.

Joon set out the side dishes as she finished cooking. She brought out both plates and they sat down and happily began eating. Joon smiled at her. “Oh! I brought your underwear back. Mir almost unpacked them.” She started to choke on the rice she was eating. Joon looked at her worried as she caught her breath. “Wha… What?!” she asked confused.

He laughed and explained what happened. She put her forehead on the table. “Mir-ssi and Thunder-oppa saw my underwear…” Joon laughed. “I covered them as soon as they saw. So its ok.” She sighed. There wasn’t anything she could do about it now. They finished eating and Joon made her sit on the couch as he did the dishes, which only involved putting them in the dishwasher.

He came running to her when he finished and pinned her to the couch with a silly grin on his face. He started kissing her neck softly and then cuddled up to her, wrapping his arms around her. She smiled and mindlessly played with his hair. They laid there and watched TV for a while. A celebrity news show came on and they started talking about the wedding event. The big story was that they had all returned together. They had pictures and fan videos of what happened at the airport and then even a few pictures from when they were at the grocery store not that long ago.

They both sat up and stared at the TV. Joon was shocked “Whoa… They work fast! How is grocery shopping even news?” They reporter continued on. “Mnet and our sources who work with MBLAQ all say that the wedding was only a mock wedding, but that Lee Joon and Sorotsu are in fact a couple. They would not answer if the couple had any intentions to be married any time soon. The fans think that they are indeed a very close couple and with the grocery shopping trip today, we can for sure say that Joon is off of the market and will be for a long while.”

Joon started laughing. “I’m sure that they all think we are married. As soon as our parents meet, I will go on SuKiRa and announce our engagement.” Sorotsu started laughing. “Its funny that we are announcing our engagement after we are already registered as married.” Joon turned off the TV and started kissing her neck again. “Let’s go to bed. We have a lot to prepare for.” She smiled as he led her into the bedroom.

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fruitimoodi #1
THis is amazing!
Chapter 34: awww!! and LMAO!! CHANYEOL AND HIS WHITE FLOWER AHAHAHAHH I laughed pretty hard at that part.
Chapter 32: awww this is cute. question though, how long did her father live in america?
Chapter 32: 21P
ok thats me marking my spot. i wish aff had like a place holder option or something.

anyways im falling aasssllleeepp and i need to get up at a reasonable time tomorrow. I'M GOING TO THE FAIIIRR hhahha.

i lol'd at the part where he shook cheondungs hand saying he was most attractive hahha
Chapter 32: ok im back again
Chapter 32: 4am is not night!!
Chapter 31: aww that was really cute. lol.
Chapter 31: ok i lol'd at the scene hahaha
Chapter 31: lol OF COURSE dara was behind her sitting between cheondung and baeky!!BAHHAHAHAHAH i love dara
Chapter 31: hahhaha ok so chanyeol is really cracking me up hahah. still had his pillow at breakfast bahahhaha