
Hidden Love

Eunhyuk now seated inside a little café decorated with a little touch of western style giving a homey and comfortable feeling to the customers. But it doesn’t gave him any feeling right now who’s facing Lee Donghae the guy he bump earlier. Donghae still giving Hyukjae a smile as if he hasn’t done anything wrong. Eunhyuk sighed, ‘how did I get myself into this?’


Eunhyuk continued to run through the crowd of people, glancing the watch situated at his left wrist as he cursed again that he is late for to work. And it is all because he forgot that his car has been sent to the workshop for service meaning he doesn’t have a ride to go to work and plus taking a bus would waste his time and taking a taxi would be costly. So Eunhyuk deciced that the best way is to walk or actually run to work. “Leeteuk hyung is going to kill me!”hyukjae muttered under his breath as he kept running but unfortunately he crash into someone and both fall on the ground.

“OUCH!” both groaned from the impact of the crash.

Eunhyuk rubbed the back of his head because of the fall but quickly stood up as he remembered that he needs to get to work fast! But then when he saw the guy he crash still lying on the ground, he mentally slapped himself, ‘How could I forget that I crash into someone!’

“I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to crash into you! Let me help you!”eunhyuk held out his hand in front of donghae. But Donghae just keeps staring at him, ‘Why is it that he seems so familiar?’ Donghae mused. And what came out from Donghae’s mouth sure shocked himself and as eunhyuk looked at it, the guy was shocked too, “Will you marry me?”

Eunhyuk looked at him with eyes widen and a dumbfounded face, “Ehh??!!”

‘Is this guy nuts or what? I just bump into him not hit him with a metal or a baseball bat..’eunhyuk started to think that Donghae is not a person with a straight mind and thinking that leaving would be a wise choice but he still think that he needed to be confirm that Donghae is alright.

“Are you ok? Did I crash into you that hard?”, eunhyuk asked, concern was shown on his face. Donghae quickly stood up on his feet and shook his head but then he looked at eunhyuk’s hand and once again did something making eunhyuk surprised. He grabbed eunhyuk’s hands and looked at him with his famous pleading-puppy dog eyes, “Please be my wife..”Donghae said to eunhyuk.

Eunhyuk was somewhat in a trance seeing the guy teary eyes and he don’t know why but it’s like he’s being hypnotised. But then when donghae speak, “Please be my wife..”eunhyuk woke up and looked at a guys with an unbelievable expression, “W-What?! No!” and he yanked his hand out from the guy hands and was about to walk away but donghae just grabbed his wrist and turn eunhyuk to face him again. “Please, just let me explain..”Donghae said with his voice pleading and again attack eunhyuk with his teary eyes.


That’s how eunhyuk got himself inside the café with two coffees for him and donghae set out on the table by the waitress just minutes ago and it is still untouched. Eunhyuk can’t stand the silence anymore and began to talk, “So why the heck are you proposing to a stranger that just bump into you in the streets and I’m really curious because the stranger is ME!”which is going to be slaughtered by Leeteuk hyung when I arrived at work! Eunhyuk added in his mind and huffed while crossing his arms over his chest.

Donghae smile disappeared and he sighed, “I can explain Eunhyuk-shi..”Donghae said looking at Eunhyuk which seems to be caught off guard by Donghae’s sudden change of tone which contained sadness or giving up on something. Eunhyuk cleared his throat, “Then explain..”he said simply and Donghae gave him a weak smile. ‘At least he wants to hear my reasons..’

“I’m asking a stranger or in the meaning you to become my wife is because of my mom..”Donghae started and Eunhyuk started to listen carefully to him by staying silent. “Well, with my age now and to added with a stable career, my mom wants me to get married not caring if it’s a girl or a guy since I’m bi..”Donghae paused to see eunhyuk’s reaction but he saw that eunhyuk still remain calm. ‘So he doesn’t mind the thought of being gay..’ Donghae began to smile inside his mind.

Donghae continued again, “So, because she badly wants me to get married, she sets me out with countless of blind dates..”Eunhyuk furrowed his eyebrows, “So why didn’t you get married to one of them then?”he asked curiously. “Because I don’t love any of them and I’ll be force to love if I actually married one of them and live with them forever.. To add they’re acting like s around me,,”Donghae replied immediately and looked at Eunhyuk with a serious face.

But Eunhyuk didn’t faltered, “So what’s the difference if you marry me? you’ll still have to live with me and all..”Eunhyuk stated as he still doesn’t get anything that Donghae is trying to say to him. Donghae’s expression changed and a bright smile forms on his face, “Ah~ but it does make a difference Eunhyuk-shi..”Eunhyuk raised an eyebrow, “How?”

“In our marriage, i don’t have to love you and you don’t have to love me..”Donghae finish his sentence and eunhyuk feels his blood boiled. Eunhyuk clenched his jaw and stood up, “You’re insane!”he snapped and walk away from the table to the exit. “Is he crazy or what to marry a stranger just because of his mom?! That crazy bastard! Does he thinks I’m stupid?! I want a marriage that build with love not a loveless marriage!”Eunhyuk cursed under his breath as he walked.

Donghae who’s shocked at Eunhyuk sudden outburst snapped into reality as he saw eunyuk’s figure walking away. “!” he ran after eunhyuk after eunhyuk after leaving a couple of bills on the table and fortunately he managed to catch up to the latter on the street. He grabbed eunhyuk’s hand and due to the force, eunhyuk body being pulled back and turned around facing Donghae.

Eunhyuk was surprised on how the hell did Donghae catch up to him? but he quickly regained composure and tried to let his hand go from Dnghae’s tight grip, “Let me go Donghae-shi!”

“I won’t let go until you agree Eunhyuk-shi..”Donghae said firmly and Eunhyuk began to get conscious with the people that are staring at them. Who wouldn’t want a free drama right? ‘This guy is starting to get on my nerve!’

“I don’t want to get married to you Donghae-shi!”Eunhyuk hissed and Donghae could see how mad Eunhyuk is because he saw that Eunhyuk’s face is already red from holding all the anger. ‘I got to talk slowly to him..’

Donghae released a sigh and looked into Eunhyuk’s eyes, “I’ll pay you.” Eunhyuk stunned, “W-What?”he uttered.

"Please help me! i'll pay you as much as you want!"Donghae said with a desperate voice.

"Don't kid with me Mr. Lee! Marriage isn't the kind of things that can be play with!"Eunhyuk finally get his hand of Donghae’s grip.

"Be my wife Eunhyuk.." Donghae plead but Eunhyuk looked straight into his eyes and firmly said, “No.” and turn his heel to walk away. But Donghae said something that made him stopped, “Then you must take responsibilities!” Eunhyuk turned around facing Donghae with an unbelievable face, “Take responsibilities for what?”

Donghae smirked and show his crack iPhone 5, “If you don’t want to be my wife then you have to pay the cost of my phone. The exact price I bought it right here, right now since you’re the one who bump into me and made me lose my grip on my phone..”Donghae eyes sparkled seeing Eunhyuk stunned on his placed. ‘It’s working!’Donghae mused as his grin getting wider. Donghae actually doesn’t care at all about his iPhone. He’s rich! Why would he care about a mere handphone? But seeing how Eunhyuk dressed, Donghae knows that Eunhyuk’s life isn’t like him.

Eunhyuk on the other hand felt his blood drained from his face. He only works as a teacher in a high school! ‘How the hell am I going to pay him the price of an iPhone?! An iPhone 5 to be exact!’ He’s doomed.

Eunhyuk swallowed his saliva and looked at Donghae, “A-About your phone, I’m really, really sorry that I broke it. But I don’t have the money right now. So, can you please gave me time to pay you back? I promise I’ll pay you..”Eunhyuk said politely and softly to Donghae.

Donghae was holding back at the smile seeing how the tables are turn now, Eunhyuk was now pleading at him and he’s the one that have control. But one thought just crossed his mind which made him shook his head. ‘Why did I think that he looked cute pleading like that?’ Donghae doesn’t know why he wants eunhyuk to be his wife, or fake wife to be exact. But something about eunhyuk made him felt familiar and comfortable. But he just shrugged it off and thinks it must be his imagination.

Donghae came closer to eunhyuk and smirked, “No. I want you to pay me right now if not, I would report to the police that you were trying to steal my phone and wallet and my broken phone is the evidence.. so Eunhyuk-shi, what is your decision? To pay me right now or just be married to me and I even pay you..”Eunhyuk was about to retort back but then something crossed his mind, ‘Siwon..’

He sighed and looked at Donghae, “F-Fine.. I’ll be your wife.. But! You must promise to pay me..”

Donghae raised up both of his hands in a defensive way, “Alright,alright.. so I assume that you already agree to marry me?”Donghae raised his eyebrow and eunhyuk reluctantly nod his head. Donghae grinned and held out his hand Eunhyuk looked at it and hesitantly held out his hand. Donghae that saw it rolled his eyes and grab Eunhyuk’s hand and pulled Eunhyuk close until their nose is almost touching, “Please take care of me my future wife..”Donghae smirked before he kissed eunhyuk’s cheek making eunhyuk stunned.

‘Oh no! what have I got myself into?!!’eunhyuk could only scream in his mind.


A/N:uhh..hi? *get throws with bricks,fruits, anything you readers can find*

I have nothing to explain.. I am guilty for not updating this fic and my other stories.. so I won’t be begging you guys for forgiveness because I don’t deserve it.. I have committed a sin and I’m guilty..(u_u)*drama much?*

So I just want to say that you guys are CRAZY FOR SUBBING THIS EVENTHOUGH YOU KNOW THAT I DIDN’T UPDATE THIS FOR SO LONG!*pants* sorry..too excited..^^’ but I really am thankful to you for your AWESOMENESS! ;D

For this story,to be honest, I already planned out the ending but still stuck for how the story will progress.. so I warn you that every chapter is what I type with my weird mind on the spot.. so don’t get your hopes high for a great or amazing story but I assure you that I’m doing my best to write it..:)) p/s:ignore the grammatical errors please..:B

Don’t ever think that I’m not going to finish my stories because I will..^^ but it may take a little more time but I will finish them.. I’m busy with college and my schedule is pack..:/ so I hope you guys understand..:)

I tell you guys on the next chapter why eunhyuk suddenly changed his mind to marry Donghae alright! ;)

As usual,



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i'll try to post another chapter tomorrow and also for mommy and daddy..:)


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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 3: Crazy hae...hyuk seems familiar to hae...are they have some relationship before this??
looking forward :)
wildrose88 #2
Chapter 3: I love this story already aaaaaaa
barani #3
Chapter 3: Please update soon. ..
ekasuju #4
Chapter 3: please update soon!!!!!
Chapter 3: hmmm... hyuk looks familiar to hae? maye he met him the the past somewhere? and wonnie is not a real brother of hyukkie. maybe he'll be a competition to hae when he recovers already. :-)
Chapter 3: Updaate soon?
yekung #7
Chapter 3: update soon!!
another cute story!! I want to see the next updates!!
kewanalynne #9
Chapter 3: love the story author-nim. I can't wait for the next update. ^_^
Chapter 3: poor siwonnie....
hope he will be okay...
hyukkie surely feel really sad if he lost siwonnie....
cannot wait for their marriage..<3<3
Thanks for your update and cannot wait for your next updates...v(^_^)v