When Will It End?

My Sweet Neko

A/N: This next part of the story was based on some of the adorable fanart created by pandabee21. I do not claim these pictures. However, i want to say that they are too adorable and I love them so much! <3




Life was great. Work was actually enjoyable and I was seeing someone wonderful. Junho and I had been official for about a week now and everything was going smoothly. The funny thing was trying to be conspicuous when I would see him at the café. However, it wasn’t that difficult; we just acted how we normally did. After work, I would come back to the café and take Junho home. Sometimes I would stay and he would make me really comfortable if you know what I mean (^_^). I was quite the happy camper. On this particular night, I had taken Junho home and he invited me for dinner. He was a great cook. We sat down and began talking about many different things. The cat situation was one of them.

“So, you liked being my pet?”

“Yes of course” I said. “You really know how to love an animal”

“I try. Animals are so cute and I don’t see how anyone can be mean to them. When I saw you on the bus stop I melted. I had to take you home. I was hoping that you didn’t belong to someone because I wanted to keep you.”

“How sweet” I said.

“I noticed that you do some of the similar things a cat does; it’s not really much of a difference.”

“Like what?”

“You still sleep sprawled out on the bed, you cuddle the same as a cat, you snore like a cat, and you wiggle your nose a lot”

“Do I really?”

“Yes, you never knew that?”

“No” I laughed. He smiled and rubbed my cheek. After dinner, we sat on the couch and watched some TV. Junho laid in my arms and I held him close. The longer we watched TV, the sleepier we got. I knew that we would be more comfortable if we were in the bed so I gently picked Junho up and carried him to the bedroom. He didn’t stir when I put him on the bed. We were already in comfortable clothes so I got in the bed and cuddled next to him. I was so tired. It was a quiet night but I was not prepared to deal with what I woke up with….


The next morning, I had awakened. I was sleepy and was going to get out of bed when I felt something furry tickling my arm. I had no idea what that was. I felt something shift in my arms and I heard a soft “mew~” from below. I looked down and it was Junho! Junho was now a cat! However, he looked different; he had a human body and face, but his hands and feet were paws. He had kitty ears and a tail that matched his hair color. He was also very small. He was no bigger than a two month old kitten. I picked him up and held him up to my face. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and looked at me. I apparently scared the hell out of him.

“Channie! Why is your face so damn big?!”

“Why are you half cat/neko?”


“Look at the mirror”

I held him in front of the mirror and he screamed. I should also note that he could still speak English. Whoever was doing this seemed to have fun making us cats; even if we asked for it or not.

“Why am I a cat?”

“I don’t know…did you wish it?”

“No…but I DID have a dream I was a cat though…”

Wonderful. Now I had to figure out how to change him back. Maybe this was going to be a 24 hour thing I don’t know. I looked around for the most familiar sign I could: the sticky note. Sure enough, there was one. It read: “Good for three days. Have fun Junho”

Like seriously, WHO WAS DOING THIS?!

“Junho, can you take off work for three days?”

“Yea, but I hate lying. At this point, I don’t think I have a choice though. I can’t wait on people being a kitty.”

He asked me to hand him the phone so that he could call his manager. He was a very understanding guy and gave Junho the time off. However, when I began to think about this, it wasn’t such a bad thing. He was so cute and looked like a puff ball. I began using my index finger to scratch behind his tiny ear and he purred.

“Mmm, this feels sooooo gooood”

“Now you know how I feel. I guess it’s my job to take care of you for the next three days just like you did me.”

“This will be interesting. But why do I look so different from you when you were a cat?”

“Good question. In any case you’re so adorable”

He let out a soft mew and blushed. Yea, I was going to have fun with this for the next three days.

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Thanks to everyone who read my story!! ^^ I hoped that you enjoyed reading it because I enjoyed writing it. Please continue to read my work


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Chapter 1: Chansung is such a cutie here!
Chapter 4: oh God, i understand completly... transforming into some animal just to be around the one you like ^^... i'm an imaginary fly on Taecyeon's wall for 4 years (obsesive right?)
Chapter 9: so cuteeeeee)))
ChanHo ^______^
blue_one #4
That was awesomeeeeeeee!
so adorableee!!
DrumRolls #5
happy cute ending XD
the story is just so simple but succeeded to make people squealing cause it's cuteness XDDDD
I liked the fluff~
see ya in your other story =D
BowsnCupcakes #6
(&hearts;) Super cute!
LovesAsianDrama #7
Love the ending, Simply loved it!!!!
OkNuneo-shi #8
AWWWWW Junkittyhobutt was so adorableeeeeee~
HoHoDah #9
Kitty-Junho is way too cute<333333!!! Aw, I like the end too, good job! :33
rocksolidpanda #10
omo! it is working!!!! So cute~