Time's Up!

My Sweet Neko


I had nine more days to make some things happen. It wasn’t that I was no longer taking this whole thing seriously; it’s just that I wanted to go about things in my own unique way. I really don’t know who even turned me into a cat to be honest with you. Whoever it was, they were probably watching my every move. However, today was the eighth day and I had officially run out of time. I had made up in my mind to do something risky and I hoped that Junho would forgive me later for it…


The whole day had gone normal and it was time for the two of us to go to bed. However, on this night in particular, Junho seemed a bit restless. I didn’t know why, and I crawled into his lap and looked up at him. He smiled and rubbed my head.

“Oh kitty; you have no idea how lucky you have it.”

“Mew?” (What do you mean?)

“You can communicate with the one you like; I cannot. I know Chansung is on vacation and  probably having the time of his life. Sometimes I ask myself if I had been a fool to fall for him. Think about it. It has been over a week since I had seen him and he could be doing anything. He could have met someone and have a fling and I probably won’t have a chance with him now. Plus, I don’t even know if I am his type. If I could have just seen his face or have talked to him I probably won’t be feeling like this now. I should have asked for his number but I was too afraid. I just don’t know what to do Channie.”

There was some irony in this. What he didn’t know was that the ENTIRE time he had been communicating with the one he liked. But all of the other stuff that he said was not true. Even if I did go on vacation, I wasn’t the type to have flings. That was a bit trifling. Not to mention he was my type all of the way and then some. If I could just say “I like you too” then that would be great but I can’t. All I could do was comfort him by rubbing up close to his body and lying against his stomach. I began to feel so worrisome. What would happen tomorrow? How could I explain to him that I magically turned into a cat? I had so many questions that I could not answer.

 Junho began telling me more about some of his past relationships over these past few days. He would share so much with me. His last boyfriend was so mean to him for no reason and when he got caught cheating by Junho, he left Junho. He deserves so much better than that. I would never do such, but he is such a special person and he has no idea. I wasn’t sure if this was love or not but it sure had the potential to blossom into it. All I wanted was to tell him my true feelings and hope that he would return them the same.

He decided to rest his mind and finally go to sleep. I decided to join him, but I was so scared. I didn’t know when I was going to change back exactly, but I knew that I could not be here when it happened. In the middle of the night, I found a sticky note attached to my paw. I don’t know what it was about sticky notes; I found it random as hell and unconventional but I got the point nonetheless. It read: “Your time has now expired. You have somewhat completed your mission, but it is going to be hard to explain all of this. Think wisely.”

I thought this to be a “no ”, but that was going to be the issue: explaining this. And judging by the note, I was no longer going to get any help. I let out a sigh. I didn’t need to throw the notes away; they just disappeared on their own. I checked to make sure Junho was still sleeping and jumped on the windowsill. I looked out the window and saw nothing but stars.

Just days ago I found myself doing the same thing and all this crazy happened after. However, these had been the best days of my life and I owe it all to Junho. One thing I never wanted to do was break his heart. What I was going to do in the next hours was going to devastate him, but I had to do it. I waited until it was 3 AM. At this time I would be in the closet sleeping while he would get ready for work so I wouldn’t be in the way. He would fix my food and put it in my bowl before he left. I went in the closet and slept until then.


The morning came and Junho got up and went to work. This was risky that I hid in the hallway closet; not knowing if I was going to change back or not. By some miracle, I was still a cat. Once he left, I had turned back into my human form and filled up all the free space in the closet. It was funny because I had forgotten how big I was until I changed back. I had been so used to being a cat where I almost forgot what I looked like as a human. I carefully made sure that the cost was clear and come out of hiding. I also made sure that he didn’t leave anything and that he wouldn’t have a reason to come home earlier than he should. I looked on the calendar and it was a Friday. He would get off early and I knew that I had to be out of here before he got home. I made sure to leave everything in its place and left out the apartment to go home; somewhere I hadn’t been in so long. To do this right, I had to lie; something I wasn’t too proud of, but had to under the circumstances. Technically, I was running away from home; a home that I wanted to be in with Junho.

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Thanks to everyone who read my story!! ^^ I hoped that you enjoyed reading it because I enjoyed writing it. Please continue to read my work


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Chapter 1: Chansung is such a cutie here!
Chapter 4: oh God, i understand completly... transforming into some animal just to be around the one you like ^^... i'm an imaginary fly on Taecyeon's wall for 4 years (obsesive right?)
Chapter 9: so cuteeeeee)))
ChanHo ^______^
blue_one #4
That was awesomeeeeeeee!
so adorableee!!
DrumRolls #5
happy cute ending XD
the story is just so simple but succeeded to make people squealing cause it's cuteness XDDDD
I liked the fluff~
see ya in your other story =D
BowsnCupcakes #6
(♥) Super cute!
LovesAsianDrama #7
Love the ending, Simply loved it!!!!
OkNuneo-shi #8
AWWWWW Junkittyhobutt was so adorableeeeeee~
HoHoDah #9
Kitty-Junho is way too cute<333333!!! Aw, I like the end too, good job! :33
rocksolidpanda #10
omo! it is working!!!! So cute~