Meow! (This Really Happened!)

My Sweet Neko

I awoke the next morning feeling quite refreshed. It was good to not have to get up and go to work, but something was different about this morning in particular. I couldn’t explain this feeling, but I knew something was going to be different. I opened my eye and stretched. It felt like I was covered in a mass of sheets and the only thing I had over me was the comforter and that was only halfway on my body. When I stretched my arms forward, I saw a paw. A small paw, like a cat’s paw. I’m dreaming. I have to be.

When I tried to rub my eyes, the only thing I felt was fur and I almost scratched myself. That was never possible for me because I never had long nails. In shock, I sat up and looked forward. Right in front of my bed was my dresser with the big mirror. The only thing that I saw in front of me was a cat in the middle of the bed. I did several movements to make sure what I was seeing was me and when each movement was matched, I screamed.


I cannot tell you how long it took exactly for me to get my life together, but I finally was able to accept that this really happened. To complete the weirdness, there was a sticky note on my window. I don’t know how I didn’t see it before, but I hopped up on the windowsill to read it and it said:

“You have 15 days to tell him how you feel. Please make the most of it.”

Yes; some supernatural force heard my wish and granted it. Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it. The whole thing was just strange. It was going to be hard to get through a whole day with being a cat. The height disadvantage was the main problem. I had to jump up on things just to get to them, but I had to admit; I made a pretty y cat. My next problem I realized was how I was going to get in and out of the house without being able to get to the doorknob.  Because my form was supernatural, I was wondering if I had any kind of powers. Well, whatever the case, I was going to have to find out through trial and error.

There were a few things that I came to the conclusion of: I could not fly, I was able to walk through door and only doors whenever I pleased (which was pretty cool), I could jump really high, and I could not speak English; just “cat”.

Once I was able to distinguish all of these things, daily life became a little easier. However, there was one thing I forgot to take into consideration: finding Junho. I didn’t tell him that I was on vacation from work, but I think I may have mentioned it. In any case, it was going to be weird him not seeing me, well in human form at least, for two whole weeks and no explanation. However, I couldn’t worry about something as trivial as this. I needed to find a way to make things work.

It was a good thing that no one saw me move through doors and walk about of the apartment building. I was also glad that it was good weather today. It was sunny but not too warm. Because today was Friday, Junho was going to be leaving work around 3:00 PM, and I knew that I had to get to that bus stop as quick as possible. There weren’t too many stray cats but there were a few here and there. Apparently, one of the things about being a cat is that you had to deal with the alley cats that were for the most part always in heat.

This chick came up to me and asked me what my name was. Yeah: although it sounds like we are speaking cat, it really translates to English but no one knows that. She had never seen me before and I was not about to tell her the reason why. She kept rubbing up on me and I was starting to become annoyed. Some things never changed; no matter human or animal, some things are just gender traits. Walking away as fast as I could, I sat down by this alley that wasn’t too far from the bus stop. I made sure to hide myself so she wouldn’t find me. It would have been helpful if I had a watch or something because I had no idea how long I was going to have to wait.

Just when I was getting tired and was going to take a nap, I heard footsteps crossing the street. It was Junho! I could barely contain my excitement. However, I tried to walk over to him as calmly as possible so I won’t seem too suspicious (like he would know anyway). I came up to him and meowed to get his attention.


“Aww, what a cute kitty cat!” he smiled. He reached down and petted my head and rubbed my ears. Now I know why cats like being petted so much because it feels so damn good! I closed my eyes and gently purred. He smiled because I was so satisfied with the petting.

“I have never seen you before. I wonder if you belong to someone. Well, I don’t want anything to happen to you, so I’ll take you home with me. How does that sound?”

“Mew!” ( yea!)

He smiles. “It’s settled then. Come here.”

I jumped on his lap and he put me inside of his duffle bag and left it half open. Because we were getting on the bus, he didn’t want it to be too obvious that he had me with him. I was finally going home with him. I think that this wasn’t so bad after all; I couldn’t have asked for anything better.



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Thanks to everyone who read my story!! ^^ I hoped that you enjoyed reading it because I enjoyed writing it. Please continue to read my work


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Chapter 1: Chansung is such a cutie here!
Chapter 4: oh God, i understand completly... transforming into some animal just to be around the one you like ^^... i'm an imaginary fly on Taecyeon's wall for 4 years (obsesive right?)
Chapter 9: so cuteeeeee)))
ChanHo ^______^
blue_one #4
That was awesomeeeeeeee!
so adorableee!!
DrumRolls #5
happy cute ending XD
the story is just so simple but succeeded to make people squealing cause it's cuteness XDDDD
I liked the fluff~
see ya in your other story =D
BowsnCupcakes #6
(♥) Super cute!
LovesAsianDrama #7
Love the ending, Simply loved it!!!!
OkNuneo-shi #8
AWWWWW Junkittyhobutt was so adorableeeeeee~
HoHoDah #9
Kitty-Junho is way too cute<333333!!! Aw, I like the end too, good job! :33
rocksolidpanda #10
omo! it is working!!!! So cute~