










Warm fingers glides through your hair, combing it delicately while he hums softly in your ears, “Wake up, sleepy head…”, he says before kissing the top of your head, wrapping you safely around his arms every morning before you wake up, cradling you in his arms like a baby and waits patiently until you wake from your slumber.


“Ten more minutes…”, you answered back, turning around to face him just to lean against his strong chest. You heard him giggle a “No”, bringing a pout to your lips but still he doesn’t shake your body to awareness.


He kissed the top of your head again, “Get up now you big baby…”, he whispers gently, and this time you whined but managed to push yourself up with a yawn, rubbing both eyes with the back of your hands, you felt a shift on the other side of the bed as he gets up, hands reaching out to you and you hold it firmly as he pulls you up.


He drags your still sleepy body to the kitchen, scolding you that you shouldn’t have continued that movie marathon when there’s still so many things to do and so many things to unpack, but when you looked at him and saw his flashy grin, you knew instantly that he was just teasing, “Mean …”, you said with a soft smile before grabbing the milk and cereal box.


Your breakfast with him is constantly consisting of stolen glances, kicks under the table, and with you teasing him as the immature old man. “You know…. When they see us together they don’t notice our age difference…”, he says to you proudly, making you huff against the spoon that’s still inside your mouth and hummed as you chew the cereal, nodding your head as if you agree to him, but in your head you’re thinking of the right words to say to irritate him, you love it when he’s irritated, and you irritate him because that pout on his lips is just that much adorable.


“You’re six years older than me, Yeobo….”, you said with a smile while you point a lazy spoon hanging in between your thumb and index finger, he looked at you with one raised eyebrow.


“So?”, he replies quietly, folding his arms against his chest, “Age doesn’t matter right? You’re too drop dead in love with me to even notice my age…”, he said out the words strictly, but that playful beam at the last words makes you think otherwise.


“Me?”, you point at yourself, “Head over heels for you? Never!”


He laughs loudly, covering his lips with his hand to muffle his loud laughter, when he laughs it always sounds loud, thick and it always seems contagious bringing you to laughing along with him.


You look in his eyes after laughing, that big doe eyes that you can never believe is owned by a man, and then your eyes darted down to his pointed nose and plump lips, his exquisite V shape jaw and his elegantly cut hair. You mused silently about him as you listen to his endless talking, leaning your chin above your folded arms on the table before sighing in contentment. You adore his quirks and silliness and his endless rants and his unstoppable mouth makes you smile, his delicious cooking that always makes your mouth water and his soothing voice that makes your heart melt, there’s also his warm embrace in the mornings and wild kisses at night, there’s his obsession with hugs and how much you want to receive.


You smiled widely, okay, you think to yourself, maybe you are head over heels in love with him, but you’ll never tell him that, because he clearly knows that already.


You picked up the spoon that’s facing down just right beside your bowl of still half full of cereal and milk, you’re still sitting there just listening to his monologue about things that you already know about his life, you listened there happily as you listen to his soothing voice, making a mental note once more of how warm his voice makes you feel, but again you’ll never tell him that, you’ll let him figure out.






“JaeJoong-ah…”, you call his name loudly after opening the box full of kitchen utensils, he looked at you with a blade on his hand, clearly struggling to open the giant box that’s full of display items, he answered you a strangling “What”, after he pierced the blade through the thick duct tape, grunting and groaning and making you laugh loudly when he fall on his back when trying to open the seemingly stubborn box.


“Shouldn’t we fix the living room first?”, you asked him suggestively.


“Uhm…. Yeah… But we should arrange these annoying display items first, honey…”, he said softly, saying the words in a singsong tone before unpacking the things inside the box, his eyes meticulously eyeing the items to see if every display items is there.


You sigh softly as you walk towards him, hands landing on both of his arms before whispering a soft, “Shouldn’t the wife be the boss of housekeeping duties, Dear?”


You heard him huff, turning around to face you, you see that knowing smirk on his overly handsome face, “But what if the husband is better at cleaning duties, cooking, washing clothes and housekeeping?”, and you hit his head playfully.


“Then you do everything else then!”, You said with a grin.


“YAH! I’m not your maid!”, he said defensively with a pout, standing up straight and pointed at his handsome features while saying that he’s too handsome to be one.


“Nah, Yeobo… You’re eight sisters clearly trained you to be their pretty little maid.”, and he laughed loudly before chasing you, running around inside your new house and thinking if this house can really be changed into a home, and when he catches you and wrapped his strong arms around your waist, kissing your neck before whispering words of adornment and irritation, you knew that it was simply all possible.






You yawn loudly, laying your tired body in the soft mattress before heaving a sigh of relief, you’ve unpacked and cleaned half of the items and things that needs to be done and that is enough for you, well at least enough for you on this night, it would be stressing enough for you to continue since you knew that you were in a delicate condition, and your husband, the ever so happy Kim JaeJoong is walking towards bed wearing only a pair of boxers and with a pregnancy test bar in his hand.


“You’re really pregnant… Are you, baby?”, he asked you softly before sitting down on the edge of the bed.


You roll your eyes, “Of course I am… 5 weeks…. Well that’s what the OB said…”, and you pull him down to bed, placing your head just right above his chest and purred lowly when his hands caressed your hair lovingly.


“I’m going to be a Dad…”


You huffed again, “Yeah… an immature Dad…”, and kissed the pout on his lips before continuing, “But you’ll be an awesome Dad…”


You see that overly happy smile on his face, his eyes not leaving the pregnancy test bar on his hand, “You think so?”, he finally replied.


“Yes…”, you answered softly before closing your eyes.


“Thank you…”, he whispered, “Thank you so much for giving me a home…”


“You’re welcome…”, you replied.


You smile softly, tightening your embrace on his chest and you felt him once again covering you with his embrace. “I love you…”, and once again that magical words coming from his lips gives you warmth.


“I love you too….”











Hope you enjoyed this Tia ♥

*sends love all the way to Singapore*



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Chapter 1: Awww. I smiled all the way reading this. Thank you so much
Chapter 1: This is a really sweet story! <3 <3
Chonza #3
Chapter 1: Very sweet and heartwarming story :))
Thank you so much author~
Love it <3 I'm from Singapore too ^^ hehe.
jinsajinsa #5
Nice story!
Hope Jae could find someone that will give him a home.
I love Singapore!
Greetings from Philippines!
koreankendi #6
Im gushing. AWWWWWWWW :")
thisbfic made me feel good :)
simply nice and cuteness overload!!! :)
AWWWW! That's so sweet and cute ;~~~;
Gaaaah I'm dying because of sweetness! *diabets*
2pmfan #9
it's a cute story! I like it! ^_^