the accidental moment

Anything is possible.
The wind blows gently and the birds sang a beautiful melody. They were at a park. Yoochun is helping junsu taking care of his eyes with a smile. Junsu closed his eyes sweetly causing yoochun to skip a beat. Hyukjae who was sitting next to junsu saw this and found it suspicious. "So..why aren't you in school?"Hyukjae asked suspiciously. "I was from LA. My parents decided to migrate here and at the same time asked me to audition for SMent. And I still haven't apply for a school yet,"yoochun said "My god! LA! But u don't look like a foreigner,u look korean though,"junsu said "I was born here but was raised at LA. My korean is not that good,"yoochun said "Its okay what?! Humble much,"hyukjae said slightly anger. At the same time yoochun had finish with junsu eye."Done!" He said happily. Junsu touch his eyes and feel uncomfortable. "Are u sure its necessary to cover up my whole left eye? I can't see~!!"Junsu said "Well,that's what that ajumma in the shop said to me,"he said scratching his head. "What do think hyukkie~?... So uncomfortable!! ,"junsu asked "Ermm...I don't know.. Since its the ajumma then it should be correct,"he said,"but I'm not sure.." "Ahhh, whatever!! Come on guys,let's go!"Junsu said standing up. "Go where??"Both yoochun and hyukjae said at the same time. "To play soccer!! Of course,"junsu said,"I know this place," while he smirked. Junsu led the way,running. The others had no choice but to catch up with junsu. They finally reach to an abandoned carpark. The outside looked demolished and about to collapse anytime but the inside looked well build and stable. There's even a sofa but it does look a bit eerie. "Wow!"Yoochun said amaze at the sight. "How come I didn't know of this place?!! I'm your best friend!" Hyukjae said slightly anger. Junsu chuckled "we were always at the field what~ thr's no point in showing u this place. Anyway I wanted this place to be my secret hideout. I would stay here most of the time only to sleep in this sofa to get away from the noisy world outside," junsu said smiling while taking a seat on the sofa,"I'm a bit hesitant to show u to this place at first but I felt so lonely here, sleeping, so yeah.." "Ermm..isn't this too much for me for u letting me know ur so call 'secret hideout',"yoochun said while raising up his hand. "Haha ,nah ,its okay. The more the merrier!"Junsu said.," okay let's play~!!!" He stands up and kick a ball that out of no where in his hands and they play for almost the whole day. "Hahaha! I'm leading!!"Junsu yelled while running with the ball "No your not,junsu!!!"Huyjae yelled back running even faster so did yoochun. Yoochun ran almost catching up to junsu and when he finally side by side with him he kicked the ball away to the left causing junsu to lose balance from avoiding tripping on yoochun's feet. Yoochun saw this and tried to prevent him from falling down however hyukjae at the back didn't realize the situation and bump into them causing junsu to fall first and yoochun on top of him and their lips touch. Hyukjae manage to balance himself from falling down. Junsu widened his eyes to the fullest when their lips touch so did yoochun. They stayed in that position for afew seconds. Yoochun face turned as red as a tomato. You could never imagined how happy and lucky yoochun isright now. Finally,junsu spoke with their lips still touched," ermm.. Yoochun,can u get up?" "Oh,I'm so sorry, Junsu!! It.. was hyukjae fault," yoochun said getting up. Hyukjae who got the ball approached us feeling suspicious because of the long wait. "Its okay yoochun. I've been in this situation a couple of times. It feels gross right? I know,"junsu said while wiping his lips,"yucks!! Again~" he shivered. Yoochun on the other hand felt dumb struck and frozen because of too much happiness. "I can't believe it... My lips touch his soft and absolute kissable lips!! Am I dreaming?? My god!! I want more!! But I know that's impossibe"Yoochun was freaking out in his thoughts. "Hey guys,what's with the wait," hyukjae said looking at them sitting at the floor. Junsu who was still wiping his lips with his one eye said,"it happens again," "What?!"Hyukjae turn to face yoochun who was still in his fantasied world while glaring. "Ah..ishh..I hate this!! My god!! Why can't it be a pretty girl instead," junsu said. Yoochun felt heartbroken hearing what junsu said. He stand up apologize to junsu again and rushed out of there,leaving them there,clueless.
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Wow,70 views! Thank you guys! And I will try to update as soon as I can,my mind is jammed now.
catalina #2
nice one please update as soon as u can
Update soon
Its boring right?