
Anything is possible.
Yoochun point of view "Yoochun,wat u doing come on let's go,"said donghae to yoochun,which is the guy that fell down. " We are gonna leave u behind,"ryeowook,his friend,said. Yoochun is staring at junsu back. His heart skip a beat talking to him just now. Yoochun catch up to his friend after a few seconds. "Thoes guys looks like our age"yoochun said,"they should be at school now," "De?who?"Ryeowook said wasn't paying attention. "Those two guys just now!yah! You forget so fast,"he said. " "Ouh..so?why should we care," ryeowook said "Yeah,exactly,come on let's go before we leave u behind,"donghae said ,"do you think we can get in to sm?" "No idea,I just dearly hope so,tis is my last chance since I kw I will not graduate,"yoochun said "I came all the way to seoul to audition..I really want this"donghae said "Well I wish u guys all the best!"Ryeowook said "Ryeowook,u should audition jt nw! Aww man such a waste,"yoochun said,"ur voice is damn gd" "No~~,I don't kw,I don't think my parents will let me,and I'm doing well in my studies,"ryeowook said sadly,looking at the ground. "Ouh,yeah,ryeowook! There is this..wat its call....,chinchin festival! I think so,they is helding a singing competition! u should like damn join in,it is broadcasting on tv! If like ur parent see the broadcast,they will want u to be a singer,man,"donghae said. "Yeah,ryeowook-ssi!"Yoochun said "Ah....I will think abt it,"ryeowook said. The three of them said their goodbyes and went home separetly. Yoochun walk slowly towards the bus stop thinking abt his dreadful life. He looked up and saw his bus. He then ran after it while shouting to the bus to stop,suddenly he tripped on his on foot and fall face flat on the floor. Yoochun heard a familiar voice laughing at him. He looked up and saw junsu laughing his off and also the bus left. Yoochun finally got up and glare at junsu to shut up. "Sorry,sorry! Its too funny! I saw the whole thing! Omg!!!,"junsu said excitedly. He try to stop laughing but failed and continue laughing even more. "Yah,ppl are looking,shut up!"Yoochun said. Junsu finally cool down. "Anyway my name is kim junsu,"he said smiling. "I'm park yoochun,"yoochun said,"so where's ur friend just now," "Ouh,he left me because of that pretty nonna!! And that nonna totally ignored me !"Junsu said angrily,"nvr mind,so what about you?where's your other friends," "They went home,actually we audition just now-"yoochun said put was cutted "Audition! sm??"Junsu said "Actually,yeah, wait did u guys audition as well?"Yoochun said. "Yeah we did,omg,I just hoped we got in,"junsu said. Yoochun looked happy as he kept looking at junsu. "Hey,wat's ur no.?if either of us get in,just text,"yoochun said "Okay,"junsu said,smiling. They exchange no and junsu bus arrived and he got in.they waved to each other byes. Yoochun looked at junsu no and a smile creep out. His heart was beating fast. He can't believe he got his no at the first meeting. He hoped they will see each other more in the future and get to kw him more than junsu's friend just now.
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Wow,70 views! Thank you guys! And I will try to update as soon as I can,my mind is jammed now.
catalina #2
nice one please update as soon as u can
Update soon
Its boring right?