What is my Taeyeon up to?

I am stuck with a lesbian!

It was hard avoiding Taeyeon since she's my roommate but I managed. The next day I walked to school hoping I wouldn't not see Taeyeon but god hates me. Cause when I went to get my books from my locker, I saw her walking my way smirking. *UGH!*

I quickly gabbed my books and was about to run away when I heard "Oh look who's here, the orphan"

That was too familiar for me to ignore, I turned around and smirked "looks like you are back. How was your vacation at the dumpster?" 

"It was awesome, thanks for asking" Smiled Taeyeon. 

*O.o now that I think about it she has the same name as my Taeyeon...WAIT WHAT AM I SAYING! WHAY DID THAT KISS DO TO ME!!?!* 

"So anyways orphan, now that I'm back watch your back" smirked Taeyeon and left with her friends

I shook my head and was about to walk off to class when I remembered that Taeyeon was coming towards me. I turned around thinking I would see her but she was no where in sight. *Did she get scared of Taeyeon or something?  *UGH! ONE OF THEM HAVE TO CHANGE THEIR NAMES! SO ANNOYING!*

I walked to class waiting for Taeyeon....I'll just say my Taeyeon since it's confuses me. DON'T THINK I'M A LESBIAN CAUSE I'M NOT!....waiting for MY taeyeon to come in and annoy me but she never came. *hmm? I wonder where she's right now* She didn't show up at all during science. After science I had gym so I quickly changed and walked to the large gym with Yonna. 

"hmm? _______-ah I don't see Taeyeon? Did she skip today?" Yonna asked

"I am not sure. I saw her today but-" I stopped talking when I heard Taeyeon's voice. Not my Taeyeon. *Oh right I have gym with her* I signed and walked into the gym. I kept quite with my face facing the floor *please ignore me!* But of course everyone hates me! *Is it so hard to listen to me for once!*

"Look, the orphan is here" Yelled Taeyeon. I can tell that she's walking towards me.

I signed and decided I had no other voice but to face her. I looked up and my eyes widened Taeyeon, my taeyeon was standing beside taeyeon the I hate, plus giggling with them. Suddendly I felt betrayed

I gave her a what-are-you-doing-with-them look but she just shrugged

"Tae you see her " Taeyeon pointed towards me "She's the school's orphan. You know if she wasn't smart she would be living on the streets right now" Taeyeon laughed. 

*TAE? Is that her nickname or something?* I kept quite. This didn't bother me since I was used to it. But the fact the my Taeyeon was hanging out with my enemies who already gave her a nice name, made me mad.

"So I see you found yourself a new friend" I said casually hoping that taeyeon, my taeyeon would would deny it but she never happened

"Yep, Wow and looks like you still have only one" Taeyeon eyed yonna who just stick out her tongue

I rolled my eyes. When I opened my mouth to say something, I heard to loud whistle and i knew Mrs.Kim had entered the gym

I stuck my tongue out at Taeyeon and walked off talking one last glance of 'Tae' 

*Ugh why is she with them! Does she even know they are bullies!*

I tried to concentate during gym but failed. I just looking at 'Tae' who was talking with Taeyeon and her friends the whole time. Mrs.Kim didn't bother telling them to stop cause no matter what Taeyeon always does what she wants. 

After gym ended me and Yonna went to the change room. We were changing when Yonna asked "Where is Lee Taeyeon?"

"How am I supposed to know, probably with her new 'friends'" I said casually

"but they are right there"  Yonna pointed to a corner. I looked to where she was pointing and she was right. Taeyeon was with her friends while my Taeyeon was nowhere in site. *I wonder where she is. She'll be late for the next class*

After changing i went to health and to my suprise Taeyeon, my Taeyeon never showed up. I was starting to get worried so when the lunch bell rang I called Yonna to look for her. After hanging up I looked around the school trying to find her. *maybe I just tell the office people to make a call* I was about to enter the office when my phone rang 

"hello?" I said 

"oh _______-ah I found her" Yonna said

"really? where is she?" I smiled relieved

"cafeteria" Yonna replied

"huh? okay? I'll right be there" I turned off the phone and ran to the cafeteria *what is she doing in the cafeteria when I am worried sick*

I ran into the cafeteria and saw Yonna sitting on one of the table. I ran up to her "where is she?" 

Yonna, without looking up, pointed to my right. I looked to where she was pointing and the smile on my face faded *WTF* My Taeyeon was sitting with her new 'friends' laughing. *how much do they laugh* I signed and sat down *So I guess 'Tae' doesn't need me. But we already kissed! i thought she liked me! UGH WAIT I'M HAPPY SHE'S GONE! Now i just have to forget about the kiss!*

The rest of the day was boring. I was yawning in all my classes. So when the school ended I was really happy. I put my books in my locker and walked to the dorm alone since Yonna went to meet her boyfriend and 'Tae' was proabably with her new 'friends'. I decided to take a quick shower then eat. When I was taking a shower I heard the main door of our room open *hmm? yonna is back? Wow she was fast* I turned off the tap and wrapped myself in a white towel and opened the door. 

"Yonna, you're earl-" My eyes widened. I was wrong Yonna wasn't home yet, it was 'Tae' She saw me and smirked. She walked closer to me examining me from head to toe. 

*Oh crap! I'm wearing a towel!* I covered my chest with my arms while trying to back away until I touched the wall *stupid wall!!* "T-taeyeon w-what are y-you d-doing" *Ahhh Why am I stuttering!*

She trapped me between her arms and smirked "I didn't know you would look this hot in a towel"

"Y-yah move!" I tried to push her away but seriously she was strong.

"not going to work babe" she smirked leaning in closer to my face

*______-ah think of something!*

"Y-yah why don't you play with your new friends! I don't have time for this" I said innocently

"but they are no fun" Taeyeon made a face

"Well you looked like you were having a lot of fun with them before, what happened now" I asked this time looking straight in her eyes

"It was just- wait were you jealous?" Taeyeon smirked

"jealous my " I scoffed

"Ah don't lie! And anyway I'm doing all this for you" she said staring at me 

"how is that for me? I hate them!" I blurted

"Don't be impatient. Just wait and see what happens" Taeyeon said and kissed my forehead "okay?"

Without thinking I nodded blushing *WTF!* She let me go and walked to her bed and layed down eyes closed 

*Huh? What just happened?* 

"You know you better take that towel off and change into something else or else I'll take it off for you" She said still eyes closed

*WTF!* "WHAT?!" I yelled 

"I'm not joking" She smirked and got up from her head walking towards me "Should I demonstrate?"

*Omg what is wrong with her!* Before Taeyeon could reach me I ran into the bathroom and shut the door on her face, my face flushed then I heard a loud laugh

*Ugh I hate her so much!* 


A/N: Update! 

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And here is Lee Taeyeon!

taemin best smile

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Story name has been chanced from "Why is there a lesbian at my school" to "I'm stuck with a lesbian! -hyunjoong4ever


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Bluecometx #1
Chapter 15: Please update.. I'm really curious about what will happen next!!!!!!!!! (^。^)
Chapter 15: update soon....
Chapter 1: i have to stuck with 'her'?
-for the title..
just suggesting because you asked..
shiningmj #4
Chapter 14: update pleaseee!!! ^^
KasienSapphire #6
Chapter 14: Taemin IS a real jerk...kekeke.
kyoung #7
Wait... why did he try to get Taeyeon preggy? O.O