
I am stuck with a lesbian!

Taemin's POV

"Tae, why isn't your brother picking up his phone?" Taeyeon asked me as we ate our lunch

"Maybe he's in class" I simply said eating the taco

"he doesn't seem like someone who will attend classes a lot" Taeyeon said trying to call me again

haha well that's true . I barely go to class, but even if I'm free I'll never answer your calls. I smiled to myself. I'm happy I have different phones for when I and a girl and when I'm...well me

"Taeyeon you know you made a big mistake not using protection, what if-"

"do you actually think your brother will do something like that?" Taeyeon asked me

"....well you never know" The truth is all the girls I have slept with, we used protection. I don't want some crazy girl coming to me after saying that she was having a baby or something.


"oh i guess its time for gym" Taeyeon said as she got up "I just remembered we are doing swimming today" 

"we are?" I looked at her shocked

"yeah why you don't like swimming?" Taeyeon asked

"ah y-yea" I said thinking of some way of ditching gym


Lee ________ (you) POV

I walked to the swimming pool after I changed into my swimsuit.

"okay ladies for today you can do whatever you want" The teacher told us

YESS! I smiled and walked to the pool and jumped in. The cool water touched my skin sending chills though my body. 

"why are you late Taeyeon?" I looked up when I heard the name Taeyeon and saw Taeyeon standing by the door in her PE clothes. I wonder why she isn't changed

"I can't swim" Taeyeon simply said

"why?" Mrs. Kim asked

"I don't feel like it" Taeyeon replied. WTF? She doesn't want to swim cause she doesn't want to? What kind of reason is that?

"That's not-"

"Mrs.Kim just let her. I mean she doesn't have her swimsuit here so there isn't really a point" Taeyeon, Kim Taeyeon walked up and smiled at Mrs.Kim.

Mrs.Kim signed "you better have your swimsuit here tomorrow"

"We'll see when tomorrow comes" Taeyeon said and walked to the edge of the pool and sat down. What the hell is wrong with her? I decided to go and ask her.

"hey" I said as I sat next to her

"what?" Taeyeon gave me a weird look

"umm...well why aren't you swimming?" I asked kinda unsure if I should have said that

"why? Did you want to see my body?" Taeyeon looked at me smirking

"h-huh! n-no! who do you think I am?" I said defending myself

"not bad" Taeyeon whispered

"what?" I said confused

"your body" Taeyeon said looking at my chest smirking again

"y-yah!" I yelled now trying to cover my chest with my arms

"what?" Taeyeon remained expressionless

"y-you....seriously!" I said as I went back into water. I don't want to sit anywhere near her! Who does she think she is always saying those kind of things to me. I hate her so much! I looked back and saw that Taeyeon was looking around the swimming pool. Does she not know how to swim.....I wonder. I smiled as I approched her, underwater. When I saw her feet in water I pulled them towards me dragging Taeyeon into the water

"hahahahahaha!!" i brust into laughter as Taeyeon came onto the surface

"YAH!" Taeyeon yelled. I froze. Wow it was the first time I heard her yell and she sounds so mad....nah probably just joking 

"hahahahaha" I continued laughing

"Don't think I'll let you off easily" Taeyeon said through gritted teeth and got out of the swimming pool leaving the room


Taemin POV

I decided to take a quick shower before the gym class ends then change into dry clothes. Seriously what's with _____-ah today! Why did she have to pull me into the water? I quickly took a shower and as I was about to change into my dry clothes I realized that I forgot my shirt on the counter. Frustrated I wore my jeans, opened the door and walked out. I was about to grab the shirt when I heard a scream.



A/N: Update!


elle girl taemin cute shot

girl?.. jking, Taemin^^

here's the girl taemin! :)

Haha can't stop loving him!!! xD

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Story name has been chanced from "Why is there a lesbian at my school" to "I'm stuck with a lesbian! -hyunjoong4ever


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Bluecometx #1
Chapter 15: Please update.. I'm really curious about what will happen next!!!!!!!!! (^。^)
Chapter 15: update soon....
Chapter 1: i have to stuck with 'her'?
-for the title..
just suggesting because you asked..
shiningmj #4
Chapter 14: update pleaseee!!! ^^
KasienSapphire #6
Chapter 14: Taemin IS a real jerk...kekeke.
kyoung #7
Wait... why did he try to get Taeyeon preggy? O.O