Chapter 8.

Seeing Through Her Eyes
Jaekyung felt dizzy after crouching over and wiping the floors for so long, with the help of her counter she got up with a huff. She blew her bangs off of her face and washed her hands in the sink. She was feeling rather proud of herself for finally getting all that cookie dough off the floors.
“Baekhyun, go wash your face and put an apron on afterwards, I’ll teach you how to make cookies properly.” All Jaekyung wanted to do was to lay down and do nothing all day but now that all her baking materials were out, it’d be nice to bake something; it’s been so long since the last time she made cookies. Medical students need a break and stress reliever too.

“Actually? Ahh Jaekyung noona, you’re the best!” It took Jaekyung a week to convince Baekhyun to call her noona, turns out she’s only seven months older than him but still older. He had refused initially but Choi Jae Kyung does not take no for an answer.

“Yes, now hurry up before I change my mind.” Baekhyun got up to his feet and went to the washroom immediately. Jaekyung chuckled at how cute he was, how is it possible for a twenty year old to act like such a child? Wait... cute? Ah, what are you thinking Jaekyung? He’s just a dongsaeng.
Jaekyung organized her measuring cups, mixer, bowls and other baking materials as she waited for Baekhyun to come out.
“Yep.” Jaekyung then proceeded to split the dry ingredients from her wet ingredients into separate bowls, asking Baekhyun to pass her an egg or the sugar every now and then, making sure that he could be involved in the baking process without ruining anything.
“Pour a cup of chocolate chips and mix it thoroughly okay?” Jaekyung pushed the bowl of cookie dough towards Baekhyun and looked up at him expectantly. Baekhyun took the bowl from Jaekyung and pour the chocolate chips in slowly as he mixed the dough, making sure that he had spread them evenly. His tongue was sticking out as he concentrated, the task Jaekyung had given him was easy but he didn’t want to screw up.
“Done.” Baekhyun passed the bowled back to Jaekyung, carefully noting the expression on her face. She smiled.
“Looks good, let’s set this on the cookie sheets now.” Jaekyung took a small chunk of cookie down began to roll them into tiny balls, pressing them slightly in the center to flatten them out into a shape of a cookie. “Do you think you can do the rest without my help?”
“Yeah, that looks easy enough.” Jaekyung washed her hands and took off her apron as she watched Baekhyun set the shape of the cookie dough. “I’m preheating the oven right now, once you’re done with the cookies, place them into the oven and set the timer to twenty minutes. Let them sit for five minutes after you hear that it’s done before taking them out. Make sure you don’t wait any longer than that though, the cookies will burn. I’ve had a long day at school so I’m going to go take a shower now.” With that Jaekyung made her way towards her room to grab her towel and clothes, doubling checking to make sure she had everything this time. She then walked to the washroom; she was in desperate need of a shower.
Baekhyun sat on chair in the kitchen as he waited for the cookies to bake; the sweet aroma of chocolate began to fill the air. The moment the smell reached Baekhyun’s nose though he grew dejected, although he and parents aren’t close right now the relationship he had with his mother was much better when he was a child. The baking of cookies was something he use to do with his mother all the time, that was, until he had gotten older and more rebellious. A small feeling of guilt grew in Baekhyun’s heart. He realized that hasn’t left Jaekyung’s house in two weeks now, he hasn’t gone back his parents who visited him at the hospital every single day. He was starting to miss them. He had seen his new form as freedom at first but as the clock began to tick and the time he spent away from home increased, Baekhyun realized just how much he wanted to be in the comfort of his own bed. He even missed going to school and laughing with his friends. It made him wonder how they felt about his coma; did they miss his presence as well? At this instant, Jaekyung’s mini oven produced a loud ding, breaking Baekhyun from his deep thoughts. He let out a sigh and put on a pair of oven mits, only five more minutes before he gets to eat the chocolate chip cookies he’s been craving. Baekhyun didn’t know this but his sudden craving for cookies was his due to his subconscious, he wanted to do something related to his mother, his home and the life he was starting to miss dearly.
Wiping the misty mirrors of her washroom, Jaekyung got dressed and made sure she looked decent before leaving the humid room. Her hair was still wet when she left, her hands held the towel that she used to dry her hair. Jaekyung was rubbing the towel against the right side of her hair while she walked to the kitchen. Jaekyung had expected a pouting or smiling Baekhyun to sit in front of the mini oven only to see nothing but sadness in his eyes. For the sixteen days they have spent together, Jaekyung has never seen Baekhyun look like that. He was always complaining or whining, making a mess of her house.
“Baekhyun, are you okay? What’s wrong? You can tell noona.” 
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Might do a double update but I'll need you guys to feed me energy through comments! LOL XD


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Chapter 60: This was a heartwarming story.
Chapter 59: I wonder if there are relationships in the world that are this lovely and pure.
Chapter 57: I'm going to cry. This is too sweet!
Chapter 54: He's so perfect, I hate it!
Chapter 53: This...would be so wonderful...
Chapter 51: Like...a sprinkling of jealousy is nice.

For flavour.
Chapter 50: It must be so nice to go out on a beautiful date with someone who you love...
Chapter 49: Smug Baekhyunie is so scrumptious.

As for the delivery boy...Luhan?
Chapter 47: I can be feisty!