
Love in Different Languages

The conversation of Hebe and Selina had just ended, and we all most probably know that! Now, Josh was planning to really get his plan into action by distracting Ella to come with him.

“Ella, can you go with me?” Josh asked Ella.

(AN*: Note that Josh is still imitating Danson’s voice)

“Well, since you’re so persistent, I’ll go ask Chun.” Ella replied and sighed, pulling Josh along with him to find Chun.

“Chun, someone wants to ask you something.” Ella said, turning to Chun.

“What! Why me?” Josh butted in.

“You’re the one who was so persistent of coming along with you.” Ella replied.

“What? Where will you two go?” Chun asked, turning to Ella and Josh.

“I don’t know! For heaven’s sake, Danson, speak up!?” Ella said, frustrated.

“Um, well. As a birthday present for Ella, her parents asked me to lead her to a particular place.” Josh lied, reasoning out.

“Is that true?” Chun asked.

“Of course, it is!” Josh replied, raising his right hand.

“Then, I would come along with you two.” Chun said.

“No, no! We’ll be fine. Besides, her parents asked me to only bring her along.” Danson distracted.

“Fine, but remember to come back with her after about, let’s say 45 minutes, okay?” Chun asked in suspicion.

“Yeah, sure.” Josh replied, walking out with Ella.

Sure, Chun wasn’t quite sure about his decision. This time, he was too suspicious of how he thought Danson acted. So, he followed them as quiet as possible.

“Hey, Ella, is there any more exit gates that we could pass by?” Josh asked.

“Uh, yeah.” Ella replied, turning to the backyard.

“You know, it’s just that it’s too crowded in the other exit gate.” Josh talked, out of the blue as if he read Ella’s mind that she would sooner or later ask why they needed to go out on another gate.

“Oh.” Ella said, following Josh.

As they went out, Josh immediately searched for a cab that they could use to reach their destination and not soon before long, he found one and immediately went inside with Ella sitting beside him.

“Where are we really going?” Ella asked, concerned. She wasn’t really feeling any good thoughts about this trip with Danson.

“We’ll be going to that place where you um… Remember the time you came down to Taiwan with your parents?” Josh asked.

“Yeah.” Ella replied.

“That’s where we’re going.” Josh said.


“Are you feeling better now?” Calvin asked Genie who was now sitting just beside him.

“Yeah.” Genie replied. “In the meantime, I think we should go searching for Ella!”

“Why?” Calvin asked her.

“We just need to! Come on.” Genie replied, with a little sound of frustration on her voice.


The cab that carried Ella and Josh, soon came to a stop. It came to a stop at an old-looking restaurant. Chun thought that Danson would take Ella to her parents, so he decided to follow. On his way inside the restaurant, he didn’t see traces of Ella and Danson. He asked the cashier, but they said that they didn’t see a woman and a man walking right in the front door.

“We have a back door. Maybe you could check back there.” The cashier suggested, while he rushed to the back door.

On his way to the back door, he could hear strange sounds coming from nearby. He tried looking for them, but didn’t see anything—even a clue.

“Where’s Ella!?” Chun asked himself, worry written all over his face.

“You better shut up!” Josh whispered to Ella’s ear, covering .

“Ch—“ Ella spoke up, but failed.

“You still need to come with me.” Josh whispered, trying to push Ella along with him.

Ella tried to resist, but then it turned out that Josh was too strong for her. Soon, she fainted and was carried by Josh to his hideout.


“Oh my God, this isn’t just so good!” Genie exclaimed, not having to have seen Ella anywhere. Neither did she see Josh or Chun.

“Hey, Genie!” Hebe greeted, alongside Selina.

“Guys, no time for greetings… Did you see Ella?” Genie asked in a rushed tone of voice. Behind her was Calvin with his eyebrows raised, wondering why on Earth is Genie suddenly looking for the birthday girl.

“No.” Hebe replied, while Selina stared at Calvin who was unfortunately, looking to Genie’s direction.

“Then, did you see Danson? Or perhaps Chun?” Genie asked again.

“Nope, I didn’t see Danson, but I saw Chun drove his car somewhere out.” Hebe replied.

“Thanks, guys! Calvin, let’s go!” Genie yelled, holding onto his hands, while Selina witnessed the whole scene with jealousy drawn all over her face.

“Go where?” Calvin asked.

“Just follow me.” Genie replied, pulling Calvin with her.

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Visiting old fics!
@jjinbbangbbang, I guess so. :))) This, after all, is my first shot in making an ff. :))) Thanks for the comment! :)

@luckypyo, I hope you did read it. :)))
jjinbbangbbang #3
Ah~ like story but maybe too many minor character?
luckypyo #4
oooh!!! i'm interested..!