The Real Plan

Love in Different Languages

Ella saw Ariel who was hugging his beloved Joe, in her birthday party!

"Hey, ArJoe!" Ella greeted, while the both looked at her direction.

"What's up, Ella?" Joe asked.

"Birthday girl!" Ariel continued.

"Nothing much." Ella replied. "But, shouldn't I be the one asking you two how it's been together!?" Ella asked, emphasizing the word together.

"Well..." Ariel muttered, breaking off the hug with Joe. "I don't know...Joe's not as sweet as Chun." Ariel confessed, while Joe's jaw dropped at the thought.

"What?" Joe questioned out loud.

"Nothing. I said nothing at all, right Ella!?" Ariel questioned, turning to Ella. Signaling for her to lie just a bit for her sake.

"I don't know." Ella replied, and then walked off in thought. "There's not much people in here to be able to talk to decently." Ella thought, and then she heard something yet again, perhaps, coming from the nearby lobby at the restrooms.

"I'll do this myself then." A man said.

"Do it yourself, I won't help you with one bit." The girl replied.

"You just have to talk to her anyway and distract her and bring her to me...something like that." The man explained.

"It's not as easy as you think." The girl replied, while Ella walked off again and wondered about the conversation she just heard, leaning at the wall nearest the restroom lobby. She swore, she just heard Genie's voice..."But how's that if she was just talking to Calvin right there for a minute?" Ella thought, looking at the spot she last glanced at Calvin and Genie talking, but didn't see Genie there. And then, just out of nowhere,
Genie came walking out from the restroom lobby, looking like she needed some air to breathe. "Wonder what happened?" Ella asked herself, while Josh popped out of nowhere, wanting to talk to Ella.

"Hey, Ella." Josh said. "Mind if we talk?" He asked.

"Not really." Ella replied, while they chatted for a while, with a pair of eyes watching over there direction.

"So?" Josh, said, looking at Ella with intent in his eyes.

"What?" Ella asked, feeling uncomfortable with the way he thought Danson looked at her and decided to walk away a bit.

"Wait." Danson said, holding onto Ella's arm, almost strangling her.

"What's wrong with you?" Ella asked, pulling her arm away from his reach.

"Nothing." Josh replied. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Ella replied. "Are you, uh, how should I ask this!?" Ella asked in frustration.

"Ask what?" Josh asked.

"Well, uhm, are you quite in a bad mood or something?" Ella finally asked. "I mean, did you get in a fight with someone?" Ella continued, having to have remembered the conversation she's heard earlier.

"What do you mean?" Josh asked her.

"Uh, nothing important. Really." Ella replied, while Danson put his hands right on top of Ella's shoulders, while Chun went near them.

"What's with you?!" Chun asked in an angry manner, pushing Danson's hand away from Ella.

"Chun." Ella said, pushing him gently away. "Stop."

"What stop?" Chun asked, turning to look at Ella.

"I said stop." Ella replied. "Don't start a fight. Danson's my friend." Ella continued, while Josh wiped the sweat forming just around his lips, glaring at Chun.

"Just look at him." Chun said. "I think he's drunk."

"I think I should walk off for a while. I'll leave you two." Josh said, walking off to where Genie headed.


"The heat from inside you too much?" Josh asked Genie who had her arms crossed, meditating.

"What do you want?" Genie asked in frustration, with anger on her voice.

"Ooh, what did I do?" Josh asked. "I was just being concerned here."

"Concerned?!" Genie asked, shocked about what he just said. "Concerned that I wouldn't be able to help you out with the plan?"

"Not really." Josh replied. "I never really needed your help anyway." Josh continued. "And as to what I can recall, the only thing I asked you to do was to distract her and bring her towards me, nothing more than that."

"It's not as easy as it sounds like." Genie replied. "Good thing you revealed yourself to me, that you were playing the fake Danson!" Genie yelled out.

"As if you would be able to do anything about it?" Josh asked her. "Genie, you're a coward! I hereby announce to you today that you, you, Genie Zhuo wouldn't ever be able to tell the truth to them." Josh continued. "You would never help them. I know you, you're not that courageous girl who would say as she pleases...You're that kind who always says that she would, but then can't!" Josh finished off and walked off, leaving a quite crying Genie behind.

"That's right. I'll never be able to voice out my own opinions." Genie whispered to herself and cried. "With this attitude of mine, I'll never be able to help them whatever happens. It's just so hard to confess the truth."


“I don’t promise to do the plan with you, but then anyway, what am I to do?” Genie asked.

“Simple. You just have to distract her and bring her towards me.” Josh replied. “The other things necessary, I can handle. I’d just have to make it known to you, and then it would surely work out.”


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Visiting old fics!
@jjinbbangbbang, I guess so. :))) This, after all, is my first shot in making an ff. :))) Thanks for the comment! :)

@luckypyo, I hope you did read it. :)))
jjinbbangbbang #3
Ah~ like story but maybe too many minor character?
luckypyo #4
oooh!!! i'm interested..!