World of Chances


My eyes widened, heart racing and hands trembling. I thought the whole world stopped from spinning.

His face, his eyes, his nose and my eyes run down to his lips. I didn’t know what to think like my mind was stuck in a room of darkness, too afraid to talk that I might get eaten by something.

His lips moved, he was speaking but I couldn’t hear it. He smiled and out of a sudden I felt a hand touched my chest. It wasn’t some kind of harassment or anything because I could feel his hand touching my heart, my beating heart, my alive imperfect heart.

“I know this heart is only beating for me.”

That brought me back to senses. I looked to his eyes and then to his hand touching my chest. Seeing him doing that, I panicked and immediately pushed him away. He got his on the cold ground while I turned really furious, covering my chest with my hand.

“Why did you do that?!” I shouted madly.

“The thing I said was the truth, I know time will come that you’ll be after me.”


He started walking leaving me all confused. He walked passed me and when I turned and was about to speak, he was gone.

“Jam!” It was Minam’s voice.


I was back in the house. Left my bicycle to the garage and slowly entered the house since Umma would be angry seeing me too late. I peeked through the doors of our kitchen and living room luckily she wasn’t there. I tiptoed upstairs and as I grab my door knob, I heard Umma shouting.

I eavesdropped on their room’s door.

“Appa’s back?” I murmured.

I kept silent and listened intently.

“You came back with this mess!” Umma was so mad and she was crying.

“I didn’t want this thing to happen.” Appa reasoned out.

“You didn’t want but you enjoyed it.”


“Joong, if you want us back then you have to fix this mess.”

The door knob turned signalling that Umma was coming out. I immediately entered my room and closed the door. Appa, who was only coming back once a year, brought a problem?

I walked to my restroom and washed my face with the cold water.

“Something isn’t right.”

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Please Update!!!!!!!!!
ladylexcy #2
plz..... update.....its interesting, you know...
Whaaaaaaat is going on there?
You're doing it agaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain! Again, you stopped a chappi on its most interesting point. One more time and I'll kill you! >_<
Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaase updaaaate!
Omomomomomomomomomo ._.
You can't a chapter like this! You gotta go on .________________.
I wanna read mooooooore >_<
Update soon, or Imma kill you! :D
Oh myyy, what a pic! *_* *drooling*
Why is the chapter sooo short? Wanna read moore!