I'll love all of the hurt away



“Hey you…”

A soft voice made him stop from his tracks. His heart stopped beating as he knew to whom the voice belongs to. It’s been more than a month now since he last talked to her and he doesn’t know if talking to her was a good idea.


“I’m happy for you”


The voice continued as it sounded closer to him now. He closed his eyes and turned around forcing a smile on his face. He slowly opened his eyes and indeed, the beauty he once fell for was now standing in front of him.


You’re still as beautiful as before…





Dara ran as she held a pink envelope close to her chest. She stopped at the corner of the hall expecting to hear loud music but instead she was greeted with silence. She glanced at her watch to see if she was early.


He’s not here?


She proceeded to walk towards the door and tried to listen if someone was inside but to no avail, there was nothing she could hear from the other end. Dara slowly turned the knob and pushed the door away expecting to see an empty dance hall but there he was. Taeyang was sitting with his face covered by his palms. The scene made her heart drop as she knew all too well what this meant. She wanted to hug him, to comfort him, to make him feel that he’s not alone… and so she did. She made her way towards him and kneeled just beside him as she wrapped her arms around him.


After a few minutes, she felt him move underneath her arms. She looked and saw his face with a blank expression. He looked at her and gave her a small smile and he slowly stood up leaving Dara on the floor. He moved towards the player and began tinkering it. Soon, loud music was playing across the room as he looked back at Dara with his face still unreadable.


“Come on, let’s practice now”




 Still clinging on the pink envelope, she took a glimpse of Taeyang who was quietly sitting across the room with a frown on his face.


It’s really not a great idea to give this to him right now…


She placed it in between her notebook as she looked back at Se7en who was now picking on looking at the list of today’s performers.


“Dara Park”


Dara jerked as she heard Se7en call her name. Her heart moved faster as she felt nervous having to sing in front of the class. She did practice last night as she got the feeling that she’ll be called toda but she's shy remember?


“If you may, please sing us a song” Se7en continued as he pointed at the space in front indicating Dara to stand there.


She slowly made her way in front and went to the corner to grab an acoustic guitar. She sat in front and plucked at the strings of the guitar to see if they were in tune. She looked in front and saw everyone staring at her waiting for her to begin. Her eyes drifted to Taeyang who had his eyes fixed outside the window. She sighed as her hands began to move making the guitar play a melody….


What is that sad look in your eyes
Why are you crying?
Tell me now, tell me now
Tell me, why you’re feeling this way
I hate to see you so down, oh baby
Is it your heart
Oh, that’s breaking all in pieces
Making you cry, Making you feel blue
Is there anything that I can do?


She looked up to see some of her classmates swaying their heads with the melody of her guitar. She also saw how Seungri and Bom were smiling proudly at her. But the thing that saw that made her heart flutter was that Taeyang was now looking at her… with a small smile on his face.

Why don’t you tell me where it hurts now, baby
And I’ll do my best to make it better
Yes, I’ll do my best to make those tears all go away
Just tell me where it hurts now, tell me
And I love you with a love so tender
Oh and if you let me stay
I’ll love all of the hurt away

GD noticed how a blush was forming on the princess’ cheeks while she was singing. He looked towards the gaze of the princess’ and saw that it was on Taeyang who was smiling giddily. His eyes want back to look at the princess and stared at her thinking to himself that he needed to apologize to this girl. He can now see in front of his own eyes the sincerity of this girl and a pang of guilt enveloped him as he thought she was going to hurt his friend.  Yes, he wronged her indeed… He was out of line. And if things go smoothly with this girl and his friend, he has to undo their little misunderstanding.


Where are all those tears coming from
Why are they falling
Somebody, somebody, somebody left your heart in the cold
You just need somebody to hold on, baby
Give me a chance to put back all the pieces
Take your broken heart
Make it just like new
There’s so many things that I can do 

Why don’t you tell me where it hurts now, baby
And I’ll do my best to make it better
Yes, I’ll do my best to make those tears all go away
Just tell me where it hurts now, tell me
And I love you with a love so tender
Oh and if you let me stay
I’ll love all of the hurt away


As she played the last notes on the guitar, she closed her eyes as she prevented a tear from dropping. She was surprised to hear loud claps coming from her classmates and as she opened her eyes she saw that some of her classmates were even standing up while others were whistling. She looked at Taeyang’s direction and saw how he was also standing up with a big smile on his face. She felt delighted as she was able to bring back a smile on his face. Her heart moved faster and her body felt warm. She knows it now as she smiled from ear to ear.


I love you Taeyang and I'll love all of the hurt away.


Author's Note:

And I because I didn't want to ruin the momentum, I updated yet again! :))

I made use of MYMP's (a local group here in our country) song entitled "Tell me where it hurts" as it fit the scenario very much :D PLUS! I know Dara knows how to play this song (or atleast the intro) :)))) 

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ashleydreams #1
Darayang is dara and TAEYANG
NSabbey21 #2
Chapter 37: Kyaaaaa. Excited to read the next chap. Well, I'm a jaedara fan but I can sense this FF is going to be with darahon side.
Chapter 19: i'm really glad to encounter fellow fil. in aff! mabuhay pinoy! AJA! ^_^...LOVE THIS CHAP. quite slow though :)
Chapter 37: sweet and cute. thanks for the update authornim :)
inakuyon #5
Chapter 36: no...please update ...
Chapter 1: is it a darayang story? and oh what is the meaning of gedunken?
darayang4ever #7
Chapter 2: Darayang???????
authornim you are
me! Ive been waiting for an update for such a long time!!!