Proposal? O.o

Totally Lame but Impossibly Perfect

The next day, L.Joe walked you to school. When you got there, you saw Eun Jung and immediately peeled away from L.Joe. "Eun Jung... I need to talk to you~" you sang nervously. Eun Jung shot you a suspicious stare but followed as you pulled her away. "Listen; I need advice." You sighed and rubbed your temples, massaging your forehead.

"Ayo, wassup girrrllll~?" Eun Jung mimicked Chanyeol and Kris from their live version of "Two Moons", grinning. "I'm here for you. What do you need help with?"

You sighed again. "Why can't girls tell their guy bestfriends that they have a boyfriend?"

Eun Jung raised an eyebrow. "Don't you mean 'Why don't girls tell their best friends that they got a boyfriend'?" She laughed. "You're so obvious! Now, who's the lucky guy?" Her eyes widened and she cut you off before you could even speak. "WAIT. It's Kai, isn't it?" You opened your mouth, but she interrupted again. "Okay. The answer to your problem is that you're afraid of losing your 'fallback guy'."

"What?" You finally managed to get a word in.

"Yeah, you know." Eun Jung shrugged. "In case things don't work out with Kai, you'll still have L.Joe. You're just afraid that if you tell him, you'll lose him." She shook her head. "Simple."

You facepalmed yourself. "Oh gosh, that makes me sound so selfish."

"Because you are," Eun Jung voiced, stating what seemed to be her opinion.

You glared at her. "Shut up." Then, you turned to look at L.Joe. He caught your glance and started heading over. "Oh... he's coming over." Eun Jung turned to watch as L.Joe walked closer and closer. "Otteokae?!"

"Tell him." Your best friend acted like she was stating the obvious. In a way, she kind of was.

"It's not that easy!" you wailed.

"Sure it is," she replied. L.Joe now stood in front of you. "Watch," she told you. "Hey, L.Joe! ~~~~ is dating Kai now!" You cringed as you heard her say it so bluntly.

L.Joe raised his eyebrow, keeping a cool face. Inside, his stomach was doing flips. "What? Is that true?" You looked at Eun Jung, who gestured for you to tell him. Slowly, you nodded. "Congratulations," L.Joe said. Inside, his brain was frozen. *So that kiss... it did mean something...*

The whole day, L.Joe seemed to be in a daze, keeping a slight distance from you. As confused as you were, you couldn't wait for the day to end so you could see your boyfriend.

In Kai's usual spot, there was a guy in a tuxedo. Next to him, there was another guy wearing a matching tux. He turned, and you recognized him to be Chanyeol. He grinned and sent you a wink.

You started walking over, visibly confused. "Um, Chanyeol-ssi?" You cleared your throat, beginning to blush as the idol walked over to you instead. "What are you doing here?"

"Don't ask me," Chanyeol almost belted out in his low- and loud- voice. "Ask him." He jerked a thumb in the direction of the tuxedo-wearing-guy in Kai's spot. Chanyeol then put his hand on your shoulder and guided you over to Kai. "Come on, don't be shy~"

Shyly (you weren't following Chanyeol's instructions very well), you tapped the guy's shoulder. "Um, excuse me-"

"Yes?" He turned to you.

You blushed, realizing that it was Kai without his usual messy-straight hairstyle and casual clothes. "Um, Kai? What's all this-" before you could say anything, Kai dropped to one knee and held out a box. Your face heated up. *There's no way he's proposing- we haven't even dated for a year yet, and besides, we're too young, right?* You began to panic.

"Will you," Kai opened the box, "accompany me to the SM Dinner?" The box had a charm bracelet with EXO's power symbols on it. You began to blush even more now that you realized all your worrying was for nothing.

You nodded quickly. "Yes, of course!" Beaming, Kai said no more and crushed you in a hug.

"Wait, why am I here?" Chanyeol suddenly killed the moment. Kai just shrugged, otherwise ignoring him and continuing to hold onto you. Chanyeol sighed and then walked over. "Since I'm here..." He joined the group hug. Kai shot him a weird glance, but you just giggled.

"I'll buy you a dress, okay? I have great taste," Kai boasted proudly. "I'll take care of everything."

You tilted your head. "Uh, okay?" Then, you grinned. "But I'm trusting you! So don't screw up!"

"Aye, aye, captain!" Kai gave you a salute and then kissed your cheek.

Chanyeol rolled his eyes. "You're a laaammmeee boyfriend..."

"Oh yeah?" Kai challenged. "Let's see you try and be better!"

Chanyeol grinned. "Fine!" He walked over to give you a back hug. Then, he rested his head on your shoulder and whispered into your ear. "How's my beautiful girlfriend doing today?" Your face flushed red again. Chanyeol kissed your cheek and grinned. "Can I have a kiss-"

"YAH! NOT WITH MY GIRL!" Kai snapped out of his little 'trance/daze' and stormed over to rip you away from Chanyeol. "What kinds of friends do I have...?" He shook his head and sighed.

"Mianhae, hyung." Chanyeol apologized.

Kai glared at him again. "Wait, what?" He pointed to himself. "I'm not your hyung! YAH!" He rushed over to Chanyeol and the two of them began to bicker. Smiling happily to yourself, you carefully looked at your new bracelet, humming 'What is Love' to yourself quietly while you waited for Kai to stop arguing. He finally noticed that you were waiting for him and scoffed.

"Next time, Park Chanyeol! I'll get you next time!" He slung his arm over your shoulder and pointed at his eyes, then Chanyeol's eyes. "I'm watching you..." Then he stuck his tongue out at Chanyeol while steering you out of the coffee shop. "So! Let's go home! I'll meet your parents!"

You nodded. "A-Ah, okay." Kai took you home and greeted your parents, who doted over Kai. Your father trusted him (Kai was pretty lame- he probably wouldn't hurt you, he thought), and you two looked cute together. Your mother was a bit disappointed that you weren't dating L.Joe, but was won over by Kai's polite smile, accompanied by his compliments and manners.

That night, you texted Kai.

To: Kai

From: Me

Don't visit my house today unless you wanna wake up me parents, kekeke ^.~ I'm staying at a friend's house tonight.

Sighing, you bit your lip and walked towards L.Joe's house. *He hasn't texted or called... I wonder if he's okay?*


Okay I really want to give L.Joe more time, but I keep giving Kai points. What's wrong with me?! D: NEXT CHAPTERS! Oh, and I know that YEOL isn't wearing a tux here, but it's just so darn cute. 

Kai: Don't lie, you love meh ;D

Me: NO!

Kai: YES!

Me: NO! ...maybe

...And so it starts >,>

@Isabella_luvs_shinee: IKR. /sigh Well, maybe... somehow... they'll both have her? IDK xD

@Taemint17: L.Joe is very worthy indeed. D: YOU KNOW WHAT, I'LL HAVE TO MAKE KAI SCREW UP A FEW TIMES. :D

@mrssimple808: Everything will turn out fine in the end~ hehe :D So stay tunneeeeddd!

@iAsianFriend: OMG LOL. xD Gotta love piano. And piano teachers? No? Yes? Haha and yes~ L.JOE :D xD And yeah, I did ;D They're ready to... Um... Bingo?

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OHMYGOD 99 SUBSCRIBERS xD come on. Such a tease


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Chapter 14: L.joe is a sweet bestfriend. :)
I suggested your story to a friend! My best ecer story to read xD
Chapter 30: cool alternative endings :)) you are brilliant!!
ZELOnegoya16 #4
Chapter 1: Thanks for making me the main
--daedreamer #5
Chapter 31: LOL you are so kind to your characters haha xD
Hwayoung lives two lives? Next thing you know, she's a spy x3
I will most definitely check it out~! =D
Chapter 30: This is an amazing story and even after reading both endings i don't know which guy to choose!!! Argh... I'm gonna go crazy like this... ^-^ Please do more Kai and L.Joe FF!!! Saranghae <3
Chapter 10: Arrghhhh... I'm crying like an idiot for L.Joe... its okay darling there are many other girls who wanna date you!!!! T-T
--daedreamer #9
And wow. The way you said it all really made it seem so meaningful! It was really nice! x3
Anyway, off to read the epilogues! =D