Adapting in just a Month

A Geek’s Abnormal Life


WARNING: Three weeks passed since the previous chapter...^^


[Sungyeol’s PoV]

I sat in my room, sitting with my back against the head board of my bed, I was editing the movie me and all my wonderful hoobae in the film club had created. As the president I was in charge of editing the videos we made, plus I was in charge of making sure everyone in the club participated in assignments like these. I smiled, finally getting the editing to a point I liked. I smiled and save the project before standing up to get a DVD to burn the video on. I smiled seeing that Maru was sleeping happily on my slippers, which lay at the foot of the bed. I bent down and scratched the pup’s head, right behind his ears, which he squirmed to, kicking his one hind leg in enjoyment in his sleep. I chuckled softly, begin careful not to wake the pup up. I then stood up and put the DVD into my laptop, starting the burning.

I yawned lightly and stood up; it was Friday night which meant that Sungjong was out partying probably. From what I heard Myungsoo is supposed to be staying the night, which means Sungjong is going to be here, which means he’s going to be throwing a fit about my friends being here.

Oh well, I guess he can think of this as pay back.

I smiled, “Maru come on boy…”

The little puppy looked at me happily through half lidded eyes, he really is seriously cute…it’s no surprise that even Sungjong succumbs to it. If you’re wondering, Maru is now the “family pet” (even though I’m his master and he listens to me the best) and is now allowed everywhere in the house except for Sungjong’s room and my appa’s office.

Yes, I’m calling him appa again.

Our relationship has gotten somewhat better, even though it’s not as great as it was before, it was getting better and we were actually like father and son now, and could hold a conversation together without it being awkward, plus my appa doesn’t show me his face all the time any more, he’ll actually smile warmly and laugh, so he isn’t as serious around me as he used to be.

The doorbell rang and I smiled, they must be arriving after all it is six. I slipped on my house slippers and picked up Maru, who seemed excited for a reason. He hasn’t met any of my friends before and he only acts like this when…Myungsoo comes…

I sighed and moved down the stairs, feeling a little nervous as I came closer to the front door.

Why am I feeling so nervous?

I took a deep breath and opened the door seeing that Myungsoo was in fact standing on the other side of the door, smiling, “Hey hyung.”

“Hey, Myungsoo…” I said, smiling back at him, “Sungjong isn’t home right now…”

He nodded, “I know he’s over at Ren’s…He told me I could come over here and wait for him if I wanted to…I thought I would because it’s been a while since I’ve seen you…since we’re in different parts of the school all the time and never see each other around school, even when I’m here you’re usually in your room so I never see you, even if your room is across the hall from Sungjong’s.”

I smiled at him, “It’s nice of you to visit and all, but I have some friends coming over…”

Myungsoo’s smile faulted a bit, “Oh, well, they aren’t here are they?”

“They aren’t…” I said, “But they’ll be arriving soon.”

“Can I keep you company until then, then?”

I shrugged, “I guess…”

I moved to let him into the house, he smiled and walked past me, as he did so, he patted the squirming pup in my arms who barked happily as he did so. I closed the door and set Maru on the ground; the pup automatically ran to Myungsoo and his hands as the younger male untied his shoes.

“He’s energetic today,” Said Myungsoo.

I nodded, “He was sleeping before you came…”

Myungsoo laughed, “You make is sound like he’s a baby.”

“He is a baby though…” I said, smiling at Myungsoo, “You should probably go put your things in Sungjong’s room…”

He nodded and picked up Maru, before climbing the stairs, talking to the pup that wagged his tail happily. I shook my head and moved to my own room to check on how the DVD was burning. Seeing that Myungsoo was about to take Maru into Sungjong’s room I spoke up, “He’s not supposed to be in there…It’s an agreement I made with Sungjong.”

Myungsoo frowned and set the pup on the ground before opening Sungjong’s bed room door. The pup was about to follow Myungsoo into Sungjong’s room until I called for him. The little pup then ran into my room and lay in his bed cutely as I finished up the DVD, which automatically ejected when it was finished burning. I stood up after pulling the drive out all the way so I could easily take the disc out. I then went to the desk to grab a case, only to turn around to notice Myungsoo looking at one of many bookshelves that lined my wall, Maru in his arms.

“Are all these awards yours?” asked Myungsoo in awe, I ignored him and moved to get the disc out of my computer.

I nodded, not sure if he could see me, I spoke up, “They’re all mine…there is a mix of photography and film awards I’ve gotten through the year…” 

“Wow…You’ve won the national Senior High Film Festival before?” said Myungsoo.

“Yeah, I’ve won it twice already…” I said, closing the drive on my laptop and then closing my laptop up and moving it to the desk where I laid it and put the DVD, which was in a case, into my bag. I then moved to where Myungsoo was standing, I told him happily about each award and answered some of his questions.

“I’m a photographer outside of school.” Said Myungsoo, “I could show some of them to you some time…”

I smiled, “I’d like that. However, Sungjong might not like that.”

“I wouldn’t like it…” hissed a voice behind us, we both turned around and saw Sungjong glaring at us, “Myungsoo, come on, Ren is waiting in my room with JR…I don’t want to walk on the two of them making out again…”

Myungsoo nodded quietly, handing Maru back to me and smiling at me before leaving the room. Once he was in Sungjong’s room with the door shut, Sungjong looked at me with a pointed glare and snarled, “Don’t talk to him again…if you do I will make your life in school living hell for the next five months…”

I looked at him and nodded silently, he then left the room, going into his own and slamming his door behind him. I sighed and looked at Maru who looked dejected; I picked up the pup and carried him down stairs, sitting down on the couch with him in my lap waiting for the others to come. Suddenly I got a text from Key.

-Hey can Taemin and I bring Jonghyun and Minho? I promise they aren’t that bad.-

-Go ahead and bring them, just be aware that Ren and JR are now staying the night as well…-

-I thought Sungjong hated Ren…-

-I thought so too, but I guess we’re wrong…just tell Taeminnie so he knows…-

-Okay…we’ll be there in a few after we pick up Jonghyun and Minho…they aren’t staying the night though, so don’t worry about that.-


I then put my phone back into my pocket as the doorbell rang, I smiled as Maru started to get excited again, I held the pup in my arms and moved to the door, which I opened up to see Onew, Sunggyu, Woohyun, Dongwoo, and Hoya.

“I told you this was the right house!” said Woohyun happily, “Kim Sunggyu, you were wrong, so admit it!”

I moved aside to let them all in, “What is going on?”

Onew looked at me, “Woohyun and Sunggyu were arguing about which house was yours, Woohyun called this one while Sunggyu called the one across the road…”

I nodded in understanding and smiled at Hoya and Dongwoo who already had their shoes off and were looking around the room, Dongwoo whistled, “When they said that your house was a mansion, they weren’t kidding…”

Hoya then looked at me, “Tao won’t be here because he’s out with Kris tonight…apparently they hooked up without us knowing…Luhan and Sehun are out on a date as well, and Chanyeol and Baekhyun are celebrating their first anniversary.”

I nodded, “I knew the last two couples weren’t coming, also, I suspected that Tao wouldn’t come since Luhan didn’t.”

“Who are we waiting on?” asked Sunggyu, looking at me.

“Key and Taemin who are bring Jonghyun and Minho over for a little while,” I said, smirking.

“Do you think they’re going to hook up?” asked Woohyun, “It’s obvious that Key and Jonghyun both like each other, but the two are just so dense they don’t notice the other person’s feelings!”

I couldn’t help but to laugh, “I can already tell you that Minho and Taemin are going to hook up first.”

“What makes you think that?” asked Onew.

“The fact that Key and Jonghyun are so dense, that’s what,” I said, smiling, we all burst out into laughter.

“I am not dense…I’m the almighty Key.” Said Key appearing in the door, “I find your statement offensive. Do you really talk about me behind my back when I’m not near? If you do, that is really, really offensive!”

I chuckled, holding Maru out to him, “Look who was waiting for you.”

Key let out a high pitched squeal and pulled Maru out of my grasp, “He’s so cute! Look, he looks like Jonghyun!”

“I don’t look like a dog,” hissed Jonghyun, taking off his shoe.

“You’re right, you look more like a dinosaur,” muttered Minho, closing the door behind Taemin for me.

“You shouldn’t be speaking you frog,” muttered Jonghyun in response, glaring at the taller male.

Minho looked at Taemin, “Do I look like a frog?”

Taemin looked at him, closely, “You kind of do to be honest…”

Minho looked at him emotionlessly.

“So, where are we sleeping tonight?” asked

“My room is large enough for us all, so you can go ahead and set your things in there…four of us can share the bed, the rest of you can sleep on the floor, I have some mattresses for you to use…” I said.

“Where is your room?” asked Key, whistling, “Damn, I wish I lived here.”

“No you don’t…” I muttered, “You’d have a head ache every day from the damn diva that lives here…”

“Sungyeol, Key is a diva…” muttered Onew, only to get slapped on the shoulder by Key, “Ow…”

“So, who all is staying the night?” I asked, leading them up the stairs.

“I have a big test tomorrow in the college class I’m taking,” Said Onew, “So I can’t stay too long and I can’t be up too late.”

“As much as I’d love to stay here, I have to go to a stupid family gathering tomorrow down in Busan, so you can count me out.” Said Woohyun, “However, I can stay as long as I’d like.”

“Dongwoo, Hoya?” I asked.

“We can stay.” Said the two happily, smiling at me.

“Alright, so that means that Key, Taemin, Hoya, Dongwoo, and Sunggyu are the only ones staying?” I asked, they all nodded, “Alright then, you all can fight over which two of you will be sleeping on the floor…”

They smiled and nodded, I came to my room and opened the door more than it was, they walked in and looked around in shock. Their eyes roamed all over the place in complete and total awe, Taemin and Key both were automatically attracted to the awards as were Sunggyu and Onew.

“Damn, that is a lot of awards…” said Jonghyun looking at the shelf in awe.

“No Sherlock.” Muttered Key, which made Jonghyun, looked at him like a kicked puppy.

I tilted my head a bit, “Oh my god, he does look like a dinosaur.”

The others cracked up laughing and suddenly the door to the room across the hall opened and Sungjong stepped out, glaring, “Can you all shut up?”

I looked at him, “Sungjong, this isn’t just your house…you might own the school by my room is MY room and it’s ‘outcast’ territory, like at school, outcast territory isn’t ran by you.”

Sungjong glared at me and stormed back into his room.

The others looked at me, Onew was the first to speak, “I never knew that you had it in you to talk that way to him.”

“Look, he’s really beginning to annoy me.” I said, “He acts like this house belongs solely to him and that all other inhabitants of the house are his salves…”

“Well, go Sungyeol!” said Key, making me roll my eyes.

“Anyways, all the things to do are down stairs…” I said, smiling, “So put your things down and let’s go.”

The others nodded and put their things in my room, we all then headed downstairs again happily after I shut Maru up in my room because the poor pup was exhausted yet again thanks to Key. 



So, yeah, double update...I hope you enjoyed! ^^

Please remember to comment, because they encourage me to write more and update quicker. 

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10/7: I have a double, possibly triple, update coming for you all later today to make up for my lack of updates. I really am sorry...


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Chapter 4: " you didn't scare thr pretty boy off..." - haha i like how myung calps yeol pretty boy ^^
Chapter 24: The epilogue is really cute! ^^
Chapter 24: was worth all my night!♡
Chapter 24: yup. that was hell'a short. makes me want to crave for a proposal and an mpreg continuation. ^^
Chapter 23: ahhw~~ that's not crappy at all. that was actually perfect. myung did great setting up the place, the bouquet, everything was set right in it's proper place.
good job.
nightsky #6
Chapter 24: Now this is what I called a MyungYeol fic! I loved it ^^
Chapter 24: great story anyways~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!