Outcasts Aren’t that Bad

A Geek’s Abnormal Life


“Sungyeol-honey, you’re going to be late for school!” called my step mother from the bottom of the stairs, I quickly stepped out of my room, slipping my glasses on and throwing my school bag over my shoulder. I sprinted down the stairs as my step mother gave me directions to the stupid private school since my self-centered step brother left long before I woke up this morning, which was nearly an hour ago. She handed me a paper bag filled with my lunch, talking to me as I put my tennis shoes on, “I’m really sorry I can’t take you…I have a doctor’s appointment in an hour and I just…can’t…I’m sorry.”

I smiled, “It’s okay, just focus on getting better, ok?”

She nodded and ruffled my shaggy brown hair that was nearly to my shoulders, “You need to cut you hair soon…I’ll see you after school, ok?”

I nodded, “I’ll help you with dinner again, if you’d like.”

She smiled and nodded, looking at the clock on the wall, before opening the front door, “Honey, you need to get going otherwise you’ll be late for your first day.”

“I’ll be going then.” I said, rushing out of the house, taking my sweet time walking to my school, using the time alone to think over the changes I went through in just twenty-four hours.

My umma died, I transferred schools, moved in with my uncle, and made enemies with my step brother…Lee Sungyeol your life is officially ed up.

I gripped the strap to the camera bag tightly, a deep frown on my face, glancing at the clock on my wrist.

I should just skip…No, I can’t otherwise umma would be disappointed…

I sighed and continued to force myself to walk.


Ten minutes later, I arrived at the school, only to look at my feet as I made my way into the school ignoring all the glares I received as well as the whispers that followed me. How come I expected this? I bit my lip, finally passing into the school and walking around trying to find the office. I sighed and looked around, not seeing any sign of the office suddenly I saw two boys, both dressed in their school uniforms both uniforms were perfectly in line and I knew automatically they probably were on the student executive board so surely they’d be able to help me.

“She’s a , she really just dated you because you’d help her get the A’s see needed to pass the year?” said the one male, looking at the other.

“Look here hamster, I can’t help it that I’m the top student in the school.” Said the male beside the other, “Well, I was until that new kid applied…”

Oh gosh…they’re talking about me…

“I feel sorry for him though, he hasn’t even attended school for a day and Sungjong already has most everyone turned against him…” said the ‘hamster.’

They really are talking about me…

“Uh…excuse me…” I muttered shyly, both boys jumped not noticing me.

“Ah, you’re Sungyeol-sshi, aren’t you?” said the hamster.

I nodded, bowing, “Hello, I’m Lee Sungyeol, the third year transfer student…”

“I’m Kim Sunggyu, the student council president and number one outcast,” Said the male, smiling widely, making me wonder if his eyes were open when he smiled like that.

“I’m Lee Jinki, but I’m known as Onew.” Said the other male, “I’m the vice president of the student council, and was recently out casted.”

“What do you mean out casted?” I asked, knowing just from the sound of it that it wasn’t going to be good.

“Sungjong pretty much rules the school since Myungsoo lets him, and Kris doesn’t care about his Kingka position…” muttered Sunggyu, “What Sungjong says goes. If he says that everyone is to avoid you they will avoid you like you’re carrying some sort of plague…”

“Why are you telling me this?” I asked.

“Because we’re warning you.” Said Sunggyu, “We tell every transfer student this…”

“Why would a first year rule the school?” I asked.

“He rules the school because Myungsoo, his best friend and 2nd year Kingka doesn’t care about his position, and then there is the third year Kingka Kris who doesn’t even care about his popularity, let alone position.” Said Sunggyu, “Anyway, did you need anything?”

“I need to know where the office is, I need my schedule and locker number…” I said, looking at the two.

“Ah, follow me.” said Sunggyu, smiling warmly at me, “I’m in charge of taking care of those sorts of things, plus the office is Kingka territory and I can guarantee that if you enter there you won’t hear the end of it from Sungjong…Anyway, I hope you don’t mind but I peeked at your schedule and you have the same exact schedule as me.”

“I don’t mind.” I said, smiling, “I’m glad to know that I’m not the only outcast in my class.”

Sunggyu looked at me in shock, “You already know?”

I nodded, “It’s kind of difficult not to know. As soon as I stepped foot on the campus the kids started glaring at me and whispering about me.”

“I see…” said Sunggyu, leading me into a room where six desks sat in a circle; each desk had a swivel chair. The five of the desks were covered in books and files, most of them were organized and the desktop was spotless, one desk was empty, nothing was in it or on it, “Welcome to the outcast headquarters…You’ll find us all here during lunch and break time.”

“Who do these desks belong to?” I asked, looking at how they all were facing each other.

“The black one is mine, it belongs to the student council president; the blue desk is Onew’s since he’s the vice president; the three green ones belong to the year representatives, and the gold desk now belongs to you, as the number one ranking student, you are automatically forced onto the student executive committee. Don’t worry we don’t do much, however we do get out of a lot of class towards the end of the year, and we don’t have to make up the work we missed.”

I smiled, “Sounds fun.”

“It really is with all the school festivals that go on.” Said Onew, smiling.

“Anyway, schedule…schedule…Ah! I found it!” said Sunggyu, happily handing me the sheet of paper, which I read over happily.

“Are you sure ours are identical?” I asked.


“I really don’t want to be in a class alone…” I muttered, looking at him, holding back tears, “I lost my mother yesterday, and I had to move into my father’s house…I had to move in with my father who walked out on my mother and I two years ago, so I don’t really think I’ll be able to stand being alone with people who are ordered to hate me.”

Sunggyu checked over my schedule once again and smiled, “I’m positive you have all your classes with me, you also have classes with Onew and some of the other ‘outcasts.’ Don’t worry Yeolie; we won’t be leaving you alone any time soon, once you’re one of us, you stay as one of us.”

I smiled, “Yeolie?”

“Your new nick name…” said Sunggyu, smiling wider than before and his eyes disappeared yet again.

The bell rang and Onew looked at the two of us, “Alright, well, seeing that Sunggyu has you covered, I’m going to my class…unlike you two I have to get to the other side of the school…I’ll see the two of you during lunch.”

“Alright, bye Onew.” Said Sunggyu and I in unison, we both stepped out into the hall and Sunggyu made me face a wall that had fifteen lockers on it.

“This is the east end of the school, according to ‘rulers’ of this school, this is out cast territory, the garden is also outcast territory as well as the back courtyard.” Said Sunggyu, “These fifteen lockers belong to the ‘outcasts’ some times we’ve had to double up since there were so many of us, but most transferred out of the school, so the space has been cleared up. Next year most of the lockers will be open as well, since seven of us outcasts are third years. Anyways, this is my locker, the one to the right of mine is Onew’s and the one to the left is yours. I suggest that you don’t keep anything valuable in there, since the popular kids tend to come down here and cause trouble by throwing everything out of our lockers…we have a section in the student executive room to put your valuable stuff in. It’s a room with no windows and only one steel door, which can only be unlocked with the keys that the six executive members hold. However, we don’t usually put things in there, since no one ever messes with this room, because if the office finds out someone does and they find that someone, they’ll get greatly punished and trust me, it’s not fun.”

I smiled, “So in other words I keep my camera bag in the executive room.”

Sunggyu nodded, “You have a camera?”

I nodded, smiling, “I do.”

“Ah…you’re the new president of the film club as well, aren’t you?” asked Sunggyu.

I nodded, “I am…”

We both walked back in and he handed me a key, which I looked at suspiciously.

“That key is the one to your desk, I still suggest you lock the camera up,” Said Sunggyu.

I smiled, “Alright.”

I quickly put the camera into the desk and locked it up before standing up and following Sunggyu back outside of the room and into the room of our first class, as soon as the two of us walked in, the other students glared.

 Sunggyu bowed to the female teacher who turned to glare at those who were late, however as soon as she saw me she smiled, “I’m Mrs. Kim, you must be Lee Sungyeol, the school’s Elite?”

“The school’s elite?”

“The school’s top student, as the elite you get privileges.” explained Sunggyu from where he stood beside me.

I nodded, bowing to her “I’m Lee Sungyeol.”

She smiled, “Well, seeing that Sunggyu is beside you, I won’t have to explain much. So, both of you can sit in your seats.” She looked at me, “Just sit in one of the empty ones, ok?”

I nodded and followed Sunggyu awkwardly to the back where he sat beside a blonde haired boy who was wearing a pink dress shirt under the school’s black blazer; I decided to take the seat on the other side of Sunggyu, which meant I was sharing a table with him.

“Key.” Said Sunggyu, the blonde boy looked at him through the thick framed pink glasses he was wearing.

“What?” asked the boy with a diva like feel radiating off of him.

“This is the new outcast, Lee Sungyeol.”

“Ah, it’s nice to meet you,” Said Key, smirking at me, “I feel sorry for you, because you have to live with that diva, how do you do it?”

I chuckled and shrugged, “To be honest, I’ve only lived with them for under 24 hours, believe me, once it hits 48 hours since I began to live with them I’ll want to leave. I can tell you that already.”

“Are they really that bad?” Asked Key, showing a horrified facial expression.

I nodded, “They really are.”

“I’m so sorry!” said Key, he stood up quickly when the teacher wasn’t looking and hugged me tightly, “If you have any problem with the call me over and I’ll take care of the punk!”

I nodded and pushed him off me, “You should probably pay attention to the lesson now…”

The male nodded and sat down at his seat again, only to start writing down the notes on the board extremely quickly.   


Before I realized it, lunch time arrived and Sunggyu dragged me to the student executive committee room AKA: the outcast headquarters. Sunggyu opened the door and all the other boys in the room greeted him happily. Sunggyu then cleared his throat, gaining everyone’s attention, which then latched onto me.

(AN: the italicized parts in the next paragraph are Sungyeol’s thoughts, ok? Only for this part.)

“Fellow outcasts, this is Lee Sungyeol, Lee Sungjong’s step brother and the new Elite as well as the newest outcast…” said Sunggyu, he then turned towards me and pointed at the other boys as he named them off, “Sungyeol, these are the other outcasts who are on Sungjong’s bad side. That’s Woohyun.” Mirror boy. “Dongwoo.” Obviously some sort of dancer. “Hoya.” Other dancer. “Taemin…he’s Sungjong’s worst enemy so he has it the worst out of all of us, also he’s the first year class representative...” Alright, he looks a little obsessed with banana milk. “Those two are Chanyeol and Baekhyun…or as Sungjong refers to them egg and bacon. They’re both great friends with Myungsoo, but are hated by Sungjong. Also, you’ll be seeing a lot of Baekhyun since he’s the second year representative.” I nodded, okay so remember them Sungyeol…you can remember their names, you know you can. “The quiet boy in the corner is Tao, he’s a first year Chinese exchange student…don’t do too much skin ship with him in the halls or, I promise you, Kris will hurt you….”Okay, so panda is off limits, steer somewhat clear of him in the halls. “The person beside him is the other Chinese exchange student Luhan…he’s really only here because Tao is.” Okay…so other Chinese kid? I don’t know anything to remember him by… “And finally the person beside Luhan is Sehun, he isn’t really an outcast like us, however he is usually latched onto Luhan, and usually gives anyone close to Luhan a death glare. He’s also Taemin’s best friend.” Okay, in other words steer clear of him for now… “Do you know them all now?”

“For the most part…” I said, smiling at him.

“Okay, now for the ‘popular’ people whom you should avoid...” said Onew, taking over for Sunggyu, “There is Sungjong, who is the king of the school, and Suzy, the schools whor-I mean queen. I suggest you avoid them at all costs…The popular people it’s rather safe to be near are Minho, Jonghyun, Kris, and Myungsoo, as long as you’re nice to them they’ll be nice to you, however, if one of them is dubbed as ‘Suzy’s’ I’d suggest avoiding them, or else Suzy will become a huge and annoying problem for you.”

I nodded, “Alright, anyone else?”

“Yes, one final person, Ren, he’s an to every one including Sungjong, who is his rival, so he isn’t outcasted,” Said Onew.


After lunch, school continued on as boring as that, after school, I went to the film club and met the people who were working under me, since I’m the president of the film club now. They all listened to me and were really friendly to me within the club, however, they avoided me outside the club, but I knew it was because they feared being outcasts. They were terrified of the thought of being outcasts.


After school, I returned home and made dinner with my step mother, who I really loved, and then ate with her and my father, since Sungjong didn’t return. After dinner I went to my room and did my homework and then I went to bed long before Sungjong returned home, as I laid in bed, I stared at the picture of my mother and I with Maru and felt tears prick my eyes…Her funeral was just a few days away…there just a few days left until I have to say good-bye to her for good. 



Hope you enjoyed...please comment! ^^

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10/7: I have a double, possibly triple, update coming for you all later today to make up for my lack of updates. I really am sorry...


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Chapter 4: "...so you didn't scare thr pretty boy off..." - haha i like how myung calps yeol pretty boy ^^
Chapter 24: The epilogue is really cute! ^^
Chapter 24: was worth all my night!♡
Chapter 24: yup. that was hell'a short. makes me want to crave for a proposal and an mpreg continuation. ^^
Chapter 23: ahhw~~ that's not crappy at all. that was actually perfect. myung did great setting up the place, the bouquet, everything was set right in it's proper place.
good job.
nightsky #6
Chapter 24: Now this is what I called a MyungYeol fic! I loved it ^^
Chapter 24: great story anyways~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!