Chapter 3

Beautiful Target


I felt disappointed. I didn’t know she has a boyfriend. The guy then held her hands and they both walked outside the store. I felt sad and disappointed.

Errr…. I was a bit mad, maybe I’m jealous? How I wish I was that guy! Out of frustration, I dialed Suzy’s number.

“Baby, I’m coming now.”

“I thought you had a bad stomachache?”

“Well, I think the medicine I just intake was effective.”

“Okay baby, drive safely. I’ll wait for you.”

I hung up and drove to the B2st pub. I walked inside and look for my friends.


I saw Suzy walked up to me and kissed me.

“I missed you!”

She then held my hand and dragged me to the couch where they were sitting.

“Guys look who’s here!”

“Amber! I thought you had a bad stomachache?” Luna asked as she was glaring me, looking for an explanation. I just gave her the I’ll-explain-later look.

She just nodded and continued chatting with Sulli and Victoria.

A guy suddenly approached us.

“Oneeew!!” Luna exclaimed as she hugged her boyfriend. She then dragged her boyfriend closer to us.

“Hey guys. This is Onew!”

We bowed to him.

I shaked his hand. “I’m Amber, bro!”

“I’m Sulli!”

“The name’s Victoria!”

“I’m Suzy, Amber’s girlfriend.”

“Hello everyone. I want you to meet my friends!” Onew said as he walked away. After a few seconds he’s now with a bunch of people.


But wait, I think I know that girl?


As they got closer.

HOLY MOTHER NG SHT. It was Soojung.. And her boyfriend? I felt more jealous since her boyfriend’s hands is on her waist, I suddenly pulled Suzy closer to me and put my hand on her lap. I just stared at her. It was more like a glare. She looked at me with a surprise expression. She then looked away. She avoided my eyes after that.

“Hey guys here are my friends!”

Onew then introduced them one by one.

“This is Jjong, Key, Taemin, Minho and his girlfriend, Krystal!”

We then shaked hands each other. As I was shaking Krystal’s hands,



She still didn’t look at me.

They sat down at our table. Soojung was sitting across me. I stared at her, hoping that she would look at me but she didn’t. I decided to talk to Suzy for the whole time. I stole glances from time to time. I think she stole glances from me as well as I saw her looking at me from time to time. Well anyways, I was flirting with Suzy all the time, trying to make her jealous, IF SHE WILL. Well, I don’t think she’s jealous? Trying to test her, I suddenly tried to make out with Suzy in front of her. I know I’m evil. As I was making out with Suzy, I stole glances from her again. As I was kissing Suzy’s neck.

I saw her face, I nearly laugh out loud but I tried to hide it. Her expression was priceless! Plan succeeded! I smirked, seeing she was affected.

But as I glanced again. I saw Minho’s hand…. Going into Soojung’s lap.. I was surprised with his sudden actions. I think he got  with the sight of me and Suzy making out… I looked at Krystal.. She has this irritated face. I saw Minho’s hand going up on her shirt. Soojung suddenly stood up angrily and walked away.

Minho was surprised as well as I am. She was dumbfounded. Aish this guy. He was so fast. He doesn’t know how to get a room. I suddenly stood up and decided to follow her.

“Hey baby where are you going?”

“I’ll just go out for awhile, I need some fresh air.”

I lied. I walked out of the pub and I saw her walking away. I catch up on her and pulled her hands.

“Where are you going?”

“What do you want!?”

“Nothing. Why are you running away again? Do you really have a habit of running away?”

“It’s nothing!”

She then started to walk away again. I saw her started to cry as she walked away. I pulled her back and hugged her.

“I’m sorry.”

Yeah. I know it’s my fault. But I really want to know if she likes me or not. And I think that cry answered my doubt.

I just her hair as I hugged her.

“I’m so sorry.”

I don’t know what to say. It’s my first to say sorry. Well I mean the first time that I’m totally sincere in saying it. She just hugged me back, she didn’t answered. We stayed like this for god knows how long.

“Are you okay now?”

I think she calmed down a bit, she just nodded.

“Maybe we should go somewhere, to cool you down.”

I happened to see a coffee shop near the place so I decided to go there.


“What do you wanna have?”

“I’ll just have a caramel frappe.”

Finally, she talked.

I ordered our drinks and waited for it. After getting the drinks, we sat on a nearby table.

“Mind if I ask you a question again?”

She just looked at me.

“Alright… What is it?”


I hesitated for a second.

“I-it’s… It’s about your boyfriend..”

She just raised her eyebrow.

“Err. Nothing. Just forget about it.”

I think I shouldn’t really ask about that..

“I don’t love him. It’s just…. He’s a player, and I know he has so many girlfriends.”

“Then why are you still with him?”

“Because… he’s blackmailing me if I break up with him.”

So that’s why…

“Don’t worry.. I’ll protect you.. You should break up with him.”

She suddenly laugh.

“YAAH! Is that a sarcastic laugh or what?”

“You’re funny.”

“I’m being serious here ya know!”

“Why would you even want to protect me even if we just met a few hours ago.”

I stayed silent. Why do I even want to protect her?

“Because I just feel like protecting you.”

“What? Is that a valid reason?”

“Alright. Fine. Because I like you!”

She was surprised. What did I just said? I looked down out of embarrassment.

This girl. I think she just want to hear that. It was kinda obvious!

“Youuu’re meannnnn.” I said.

“You’re just so fun to tease.”

I just pouted. She was really evil. I think she’s more evil than me.

“How about your GIRLFRIEND? I thought you have a girlfriend?”


I really don’t know how to answer it…. If I tell her that I don’t love her? Will she be glad? Or will she be mad at me for playing with girl’s heart just like her boyfriend does..

“Uhmmm. Well.. About that…”

“Speaking of..”

She pointed at the door, and I looked at the direction where she is pointing. I saw Suzy walking inside.

I suddenly stood up.

“Su-s-s-suzy… What are you doing here?”

She stopped infront of me and crossed her arms, waiting for an explanation.

“Uhmm… well…”

She then walked towards Soojung and looked her from head to toe.

“This is Minho’s girlfriend right? Why are you with her?”

She then looked at me, still waiting for an answer. Soojung just looked at me, giving me the what-should-i-do look. She then glared at Suzy.

“Seems like your girlfriend isn’t satisfied with you so that’s why she’s here with me.”

“You…. ..”

Suzy then glared at Soojung. It looks like she will punch Soojung in no time. I suddenly pulled Soojung’s arms and dragged her out. We ran towards the exit. We ran towards my car. We closed the door and locked it fastly. Suzy was knocking on the window angrily and irritatedly. I drove off.

I looked at Suzy for the last time while I was driving. She was really mad and giving me a death glare. And she gave me a bad finger sign.

I suddenly busted out laughing. Soojung then laughed with me.

“Did you see her face?”

 I said as I was laughing.

“It’s really funny. She looked so pissed off.”

“Why did you left her? I thought she’s your girlfriend?”

“She isn’t. I’m not really serious with her.”

She just kept quiet.

“Don’t get the wrong idea. I’m not that kind of player. She’s just.. She’s cheating on me. I saw her the other day with another guy.”

“Oh…. Okay. I’m so sorry.”

“It’s okay.”

I stopped for awhile on the side road.

“Where are we going anyways?”

I really don’t have any idea on where are we going, so I’ll just ask her.

“I have an idea! I’ll drive!”

We then switched places. She drove off. I think it was around 4 am in the morning already? Where is she heading anyways? After a few minutes of driving, we stopped on a cliff. It was around 30 minutes of driving, and I was so tired that I just can’t talk anymore. I was saving my energy for later. We stopped on a cliff. I got out of the car and lied down on the hood. She followed me and did the same.

We’re now lying on the hood.

“This view… It’s so beautiful..”

“Yeah. I actually go here with my dad when I was a kid.”

“Where’s your dad anyways?”

“I don’t even know. He’s always hiding from the collectors so he didn’t go home on our house.”

“So you’re always alone?”

“Yeah. My mom died when I was a kid so I don’t have any parents at the moment.”

“Oh I’m so sorry to hear that..”

“It’s okay..”

There was a moment of silence..



“Thank you for this day.”

“This day?”

“I had fun.”

“Really? Seriously?”

“Yeah. I really had fun. At first I thought you were the typical guy hitting on girls. But you’re different from what my first impression was.”

I just kept silent.

“I really think you’re a serious type of person when it comes to relationship.”

“How did you say so?”

“I just know it.”

“But.. I just abandoned Suzy, isn’t that a bit rude?”

“She deserves it.”


She just glared at me. We were just a few inches apart..

We were looking at each other for a while.

“B-but you don’t even know me well.”

I felt nervous. This girl really makes me nervous. Her face was coming closer to mine. I felt my face moving closer to hers.

But wait!

Wait! I don’t like things to turn out this way. Its way too fast. I want to know her first before kissing her. Who knows what will happen if this kiss would continue on.


“What!?” she groaned.

“I-I want you to know you more first….”

“What do you wanna know!?”

“Everything. Everything about you.”

 “I’m Jung Soojung, 18 years old; my birthday is on October 24. I love mangoes, avocado and burrito, I like the color red, I hate cucumbers and I also love meat. Isn’t that enough!?”

“B-b-b-but.. I want… to know..”


“Yes princess?

“Just shut up and kiss me.”

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amhar03 #1
Chapter 3: Are this totally completed?i feel like it's a bit hanging
Chapter 3: OMG THIS IS MY TYPE of Fic!!! Where are u author... pls continue this story
cynthialuvkpop #3
Chapter 3: Ahh I love Krystal being rough. Just shut up & kiss me><
Chapter 3: Great story. Krystal always takes the initiative
Chapter 2: Who kissed Krystal? Amber does not allow drinking his princess.
Chapter 1: Amber is always the knight in shining armor Krystal.
stoopidcutie #7
Chapter 3: Gawd!!! Sooo cute!!!!
NeZuMiLiU #8
Chapter 3: *OOOOOOOOOO* Aigoooo it was so cute!!!!