Let's Get Outta Here

I'll Only Love You

A/N: I'm glad to see subscribers and comments! I'll update as soon as I can/when I get muse for a chapter. <3 This takes place a few days after the last one.


"[Name]-(y)ah? Do you want to go to the park with me today? I couldn't stand the idea of you staying inside all on your lonesome on such a beautiful day. Especially since I have today off," Jinki's voice is cheery, but tinny, as you hear it over the phone. You play with the idea of going to the park with him.It was probably a good idea. Staying home alone was never fun and Jinki had been such a good friend to you lately. Well...he was always a good friend, but lately he had been your main source of comfort. He would come after his schedules and entertain you, not even caring that he was deathly tired. Sometimes you made him sleep and he would fall asleep with his head in your lap, and sometimes you made him food...or the other way around. He was like medicine for your heartache. 

Speaking of heartache, you had not gone to see Yonghwa since you found out he had gotten himself a girlfriend and not seeing him was fine with you. However, it was apparently not okay with Yonghwa. You two were best friends and he couldn't understand why you hadn't returned any of his text messages or picked up the phone when he called. If he had tried to contact you on Skype, you would simply log off. You knew it was childish but you were hurt and he was the reason...no matter that he didn't know.

"Huh? Yes, I'll definitely go to the park with you!" You tell Jinki.

"Do you mind if I bring Joon along? He's been bugging me lately about not meeting up with him and he really wants to meet you," Jinki's voice gets a little shy at the end of his sentence and you smile. 

"He wants to meet me? How does he know of me?" Your voice is playful and a little teasing.

"Erm...well...I'll see you in fifteen minutes!"

The phone goes dead. Jinki has hung up and you're left shaking your head, a wide smle on your face.

You get ready, and slightly dolled up although you didn't think Jinki would care if you were made up or not because he had seen you in your worst state. However, you were meeting Lee Joon and you decided you had to at least wear a little make up for him. 

Fifteen minutes later on the dot, your buzzer rang and you opened the door to see Jinki and Joon standing there, a basket swinging between them. "We thought you might like a picnic," Jinki explains, nodding his head.

"Sounds good to me!" You smile at the two and step out of your apartment, locking the door behind you. "Oh, I forgot to introduce myself to Joon-ssi," you mutter. 

"No need for introductions," Joon says, "I know a lot about you, thanks to this guy." Joon nudges Jinki in the side with his elbow and Jinki goes promptly pink. You let out a giggle, "Oh really now? Joon nods and the three of you start on your way to the park.

You three arrive at the park with relatively no incident, surprisingly no fans of either Jinki or Joon recognized them. Or if they did, they thought it was a fluke and that it was just two guys who looked like 'Onew' and Joon.

When you are setting up the picnic, Joon realizes he forgot to say you could call him by his real name, Chang Sun. "Ah, [Name]-(y)ah, you can call me Chang Sun oppa, since that is my real name and you call Jinki, Jinki."

"That is because I knew Jinki oppa before he was in SHINee, he was my oppa's best friend and then I got to know him and we became best friends as well. But, since you told me to, I'll call you Chang Sun oppa." Joon nods, the story made sense to him. However he knew that Jinki's feelings were far deeper than just best friends but he wasn't going to mention that to you.

You, Chang Sun, and Jinki sit down to the picnic and make jokes and eat a lot until Jinki looks up behind you and sees Yonghwa. You hadn't told Jinki that Yonghwa was the reason for your heartache, so he didn't see any reasoning behind calling over Yonghwa to say hi. When you realize that Yonghwa was the one Jinki had called over, you think 'Of all the gin joints in all the world...' (A reference to the move Casanova.) 

Yonghwa sits down on the grass nexts to your picnic blanket and you quickly think of an exit. You lean over to Jinki and whisper "Let's get outta here...please." He nods and you take his hand, you both stand up and take off running, dragging him behind you. You leave Joon, wait no...Chang Sun oppa, and Yonghwa behind looking slightly confused. 

You pull Jinki behind a particularly wide tree and take a few deep breaths. You both don't realize that he has sort of got you pinned up against the tree but he does. It's more like he's shading your body with his or something along those lines.

"Now, what was that about?" Jinki asks.

"Ah...the reason I've been such a mess came to sit with us, I had to get away from him..." you say, your voice quiet.

"Oh , I'm sorry," Jinki apologizes, and curses..which he doesn't do often. 

You two stand there for a few minutes before realizing that Jinki has you, back against a tree. And when you do realize that, he doesn't step away. Instead he leans closer.

"[Name]-(y)ah, I have something to confess..." his voice is low and husky but also silky as the same time. 

"W-what?" you ask, confused.

Instead of an answer in words, he leans down and captures your lips with his, kissing you softly. You don't really respond and Jinki pulls away, apologizing profusely. He didn't mean to take advantage of your heartache but he had really liked you as more than a friend for a long time. However, your eyes aren't locked on Jinki's when he pulls away. You see Yonghwa over his shoulder and Yonghwa is looking at you two with a confused expression on his face.

So instead of pushing Jinki away, you pull him by the collar of his shirt and kiss him again..something you know, you could get used to.


I hope it is okay! Comments are soooo loved.

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author nim ~ , update more ^o^
ohh please be fast! I love this ^^
cute XD hahahaha
OMG me as the girl lol ow i would have done that to if i saw my ex lol awesome update soon
Sorry for so many comments but gah i love your writing i do honestly it is amazing please UPDATE
Ahh no I love it you are a very good authornim :3 update chingu
Oh I am sooooo Subing