chapter 11

Eternal Love

sungyeol pov:

' here i am standing in front of my family house with myungsoo, probably he will think me weird because i not have enough courage to open this door, because the moment i open this door i need to face my mother and my brother probably my father also already come home from the work. i afraid to face them even all of them are my own family'

" did you want me to open the door for you? or we are going to stand here seriously sungyeol i think we already stand in front of your door house for 1 hour". myungsoo said looking annoyed.

' hearing myungsoo i just realize that it is already one hour since we come to my house, i feel pity toward myungsoo for standing with me for one hour. i decide to brave myself and open the door just as i expected my mother, father and my brother in the living room chatting together they don't even greet me. and when i start walking toward them they just notice myungsoo presence'.

" dad, mom this is my friend myungsoo i decide to stay at his house for some time i don't know when i will back".

" is he your new friend? he is very handsome like your brother i don't kknow why he wants to hang around you. and about your stay it is up to you we don't care because you staying in this family only bring shame toward us. we know you were bullied at your school. it is good that your classmate bullied you because you deserve it anyway. just do what your want and the moment you leave this house i will erase your name from family registration".

' my father words really stabbed my heart, i know my own family didn't want me but to this extent really hurt me. from my childhood i always envy other childs with warm fmaily where their father and mother love them. i never receive hug or kiss from my parents. i look at myungsoo to see that he is ready to kill my parents, i quickly hold his hand and exit from my house we walk in silence at the road before myungsoo stop me from walking.'

" what is wrong with your family sungyeol? i don't like them why you stop me from killing them".

" even i hate them they are still people who give birth to me myungsoo they usually treat me like that so i already get used to it. you don't need to worry."

" did something happen between you and your family in the past?".

" well nothing happened and thanks for your concern anyway how we will going to your house?".

" i will call jaejoong to pick us".

myungsoo pov:

' after a while jaejoong come and we ride together in silence sungyeol look outside the window he become really quiet since he met his family. this is why i don't like humans even my own father and mother loves me even they already died. maybe sungyeol love his family but his love never returned. i am sorry sungyeol but i need to know your past i decide to read his mind i close my eyes and looking back at sungyeol past".


"dad, mom look i get my math quiz a good grade" i see sungyeol proudly held his quiz paper and showing it to his father. but his father only frown and he throw the paper to trashbin.

" this is what you call good grade sungyeol? your score only 90 it is really bad compared to your brother he always get 100 every quiz. try to be like your brother sungyeol".

" but i already try my best father". sungyeol said while crying his heart hurt after seeing his father.

" i don't care sungyeol make us proud like your brother as a punishment you will not have dinner tonight". with that his father leave sungyeol alone crying.

this time i see another scene when sungyeol were bullied by his own brother calling him stupid or take his food. i understand why sungyeol don't like his parent he is always treated unequally by them. they always compare him to his brother

" why are you like this sungyeol your grade keep falling and you make our reputation bad because you only attend common school unlike your brother that accepted into private school".

" i am tired of study or being perfect like my brother i don't want anymore father, when i graduate i will open a small coffee shop".

" you ungrateful son, why i keep a son like you in this house from now on we don't care about you just do what you want". with that his father hit sungyeol cheek, his mother didn't care and his brother only smiling seeing that happened.

flashback end

" myungsoo ssi sorry to interrupt your mind but there is a little problem". jaejoong said suddenly interrupt my thought i open my eyes and there is a man in front of our car dressed all black also wearing black sunglasses and holding gun.

" myungsoo who is he?" sungyeol look at me and holding my hand he seems afraid

" tch must be one of them they are hunters or something that hunt our kind because they think our kind are dangerous for humanity .how many times they will come anyway jaejoong you handle this".

normal pov:

' jaejoong calmly exited the car and face the man that holding gun from his appearance he is around 20 and have a tall appearance. he must be one of the hunter that assigned to kill his master'

" who are you?" jaejoong calmly said

" are you human? from your smell i can tell you are normal human do you know what kind of person you are working for and i will give a chance for you to run away because i only need to kill that person inside".

" for me he is the most wonderful person that i work for it is not your business to interfere with my choice".

" oh then such a pity i must eliminate you also even you are a human because you defend a wrong person" and he pointed his gun toward jaejoong direction. seeing this jaejoong smirks.

" thank you for your concern mr hunter and are you sure i am human?" with that suddenly there are ice blade  in jaejoong hand and he attack the other  person. he avoided it but in the end the blade wound his hand, he seems suprise by jaejoong action yet he is amused and hold his bleeding hand

" impossible your scent is a human scent but how can you have a power".

" there is no need to explain anything i will kill anyone who dared to hurt my master".

" i will retreat for now but i will come back again by the way my name is yunho nice to meet you". with that yunho dissappear

' jaejoong go back inside the car and see myungsoo stare at him, seeing that he only smile and he assured myungsoo that everything is alright and about the hunter that come to kill him . after he told myungsoo everything he continued to drive the car'.

" myungsoo did you always targeted by them?". sungyeol said looking at myungsoo with concern

" it is not the first time anyway i already get used to it usually jaejoong or yoona are the one handle them but that guy totally weird this is the first time they back up that easily usually they will try until i hurt at leasy. you don't need to worry sungyeol and if those stupid hunter targeted you i will handle them personally".

" did i bother you for staying at your place?".

" of course not i love having you at my place. i think i will have a fun time by your presence around me".

" thank you  myungsoo you are my third best friend after woohyun and sungjong".

" why i am third? can't i be number one". myungsoo pouted.

" you are so cute myungsoo did you just pouted". sungyeol said while pinching myungsoo cheek

" i didn't do that there must be something wrong with your eyes".

" and now you don't want to admit it but i think it is allright i already save your picture at my handphone".

" what? delete them now how the hell you can take my picture without me noticing it". myungsoo said while try to snatch sungyeol phone from his hand

" i have a good photographic skill you know" both of them laughed and without noticing they already arrive at myungsoo mansion.




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meimei2002 #1
Where are u , authornim TT
Please update ..
TEENTOP10031996 #2
ukissme1991 #3
Chapter 8: please update >.<
Chapter 12: omg I love this... ahh I love it! keep writing!!!!
Chapter 12: I just found this FF
Eternal love jang please update soon
Chapter 12: omg >.< my _______ mind go wild LOL
update soon.
DrumRolls #7
aww, Dongwoo is still so scary towards Sunggyu (ʃ ⌣ ƪ) but I believe he will end up fall for him soon A___A
and myungyeol being all fluff~ lol~
ah yess! woogyu's pleaaase ><
so myungsoo gonna change sungyeol?
DrumRolls #9
aw, I've already read all the chapters and liked it so far (ʃ ⌣ ƪ)