

A/N: please excuse my butchering of romanticized Korean and enjoy!



The constant whispering of the boys sitting near her and the incessant tapping of one of their drumsticks on the table was driving her crazy. It was a library for goodness sakes! Her table was covered in books, her pigtails were pulled so tight she had lost feeling in her head, and her frown lines made her look like a zombie. Surely anyone could take one look at her and realize that this was serious. She needed to study and couldn’t afford to have these rude guys ruin her concentration.

One of them snickered loudly, the one with the long hair. Seohyun glared over at them but went unnoticed. The one she presumed to be the ringleader and oldest had a pleasant smile on his face as if he hadn’t a care in the world. It must’ve been nice.

Just then his minion, the one who looked like a mischievous vampire, took out his acoustic guitar from its case. The minute he plucked the first note, that was the last straw.

Seohyun stood up, slammed her book on the table, and stormed over to them.

“Excuse me,” she said as polite as she could manage. They all looked up at her, which made her question if this was a good idea. They were all fairly handsome up close, and it weakened her judgment a bit.

“Anneyeonghaseyo,” said the one who probably had a really cute eye smile. Still, those drumsticks in his hand brought her back to her original thought.

“Maybe it’s fun for you to make noise in a quiet place, but as you can see,” she waved over at her cluttered table for emphasis, “some people need to concentrate. Take your instruments and leave. Or else I’ll call the librarian over.”

The boys looked around at each other and burst into silent laughter.

“Mianne,” said the long haired one, a playful smile on his face. He stood up and towered over the rest. 

“We’ll leave,” said the vampire, holding up his hands guiltily. “Hyung, let’s go.”

She made eye contact with the ringleader who had been watching her through the entire confrontation. He looked manly and striking right then, but it was clear he was a choding. He had initiated most of the snickering. Her heartbeat quickened, and it startled her. She huffed in frustration at him.

“Nae,” he responded to the vampire. He stood up and followed his chattering dongsaengs away from the table. She stared at her plain shoes for a moment, then looked back up. He turned around briefly, making eye contact with her once again, and grinned slightly.

Again, her heartbeat quickened, but she was determined to ignore it. Now that they were out of her life, she could go back to being an upright student and study for her exams. She her heel and went back to her table, feeling accomplished.


Two hours later, Seohyun left the library to visit her tutor at the bookstore café for the next several hours. It was a beautiful day outside, but she didn’t have time to enjoy it. It was a shame really, but that was the life of an intelligent young girl like herself. The walk to the coffee shop would be her break, and it was all she needed, she told herself. Her books were heavy in her arms, and she walked faster, not wanting to carry them for much longer. She rounded the corner and SMACK!

The books tumbled from her grasp onto the ground. She looked up at the other victim, only to find four boys, the same boys from the library. She had bumped into Ringleader, or rather, Ringleader had bumped into her.

They recognized her too, which caused them to laugh and smile apologetically. She huffed indignantly as she bent down to restack her books. They helped much to her surprise.

“Hey, mianne about earlier. Really.”

“Wow these books are big.”

“And heavy. You’re pretty strong.”

They all talked over each other to her, which annoyed her more. Really, didn’t these boys have any care about their future? Did they just walk around the city annoying every girl trying to work her hardest?

She reached for one of her books the same time the leader did. They touched hands, met eyes, and he smiled at her. The one crooked tooth made it all the more charismatic.

There went her heart again. What was this guy’s deal?

They stood at the same time. His dongsaengs were still talking nonsense behind him.

“It’s a beautiful day out. Why spend it studying?” he said.

She rolled her eyes, counting all of her books to make sure she had them all.

“If you’re not busy—“ he started, but she was on a schedule, and she wasn’t going to let him ruin it.

“Sorry, but I’m in a hurry. I have no time to talk. Kamsahamnida,” she bowed hurriedly and flitted around them.


“She needs a serious break,” said Jonghyun, watching the library girl go in a flash.

“Did you see that? Hyung was trying to invite his library goddess to the concert,” laughed Jungshin. “Seriously, even though she yelled at us, she’s really pretty.”

“Don’t say that around Hyung,” Minhyuk jabbed Jungshin with a drumstick. “It was love at first sight for him.”

“But not for her. She doesn’t recognize us,” said Yonghwa. The library girl wasn’t just pretty. She was beautiful, especially with those large sparkling eyes. But the way she hunched carrying her books, combined with the tightness of her pigtails and the frown, she clearly didn’t want to be seen that way.

“Well now we have to work harder so Library Goddess will see how cool he is and give him a shot.” Jungshin offered.

“Speaking of working hard, we’ve got to go, Hyung. We’re running late.” Jonghyun patted Yonghwa on the shoulder.

“Let’s catch the bus. It’s quicker. Hurry,” ordered Yonghwa. They took off down the street, but he spotted a phone lying on the sidewalk. He picked it up and observed it. It was Library Goddess’s phone. Her wallpaper was a plain selca of herself, frowning of course, but his heart began beating faster anyway. He smiled at the phone and came up with an idea. He’d return it to her very soon.

“Hyung, come on!” his dongsaengs shouted as the bus approached the stop, and he ran to catch up.


Seohyun was even more flustered by now, and her books felt even heavier. She attempted to juggle them with one arm while reaching for her phone to call her tutor, telling him she’d be late. The phone wasn’t there. She continued patting around her leg and even searched her small purse with one hand. No phone.

It dawned on her that it probably fell out when she crashed into the library life ruiners. Were they still there? Would they have it with them?

“Ottoke!” she whined, turning around and running the way she came. 

She reached the corner, expecting them to still be there, laughing at her and contemplating how they’d spend the rest of their day playing, but they were climbing on the bus at the stop down the street.

“Yah! Yah!” she shouted at them, but the last boy slipped into the bus without a single look back at her.

These boys were so much trouble! She flagged down a taxi quickly and asked it to follow the bus.

The logic was to go to the next stop, and when the bus would let someone off, she’d ambush the boys and demand her phone back. But the bus never stopped. It continued across town and stopped in a crowded part of the city. She saw the boys sprinting off the bus, but she was unable to reach them with her books weighing down on her. So many things were weighing on her that day, it seemed.

“Just wait here,” she told the taxi driver. “I’ll be right back. Keep the meter rolling.”

“Annio! Just pay me now,” snapped the taxi driver. “I don’t want to be caught in this concert crowd.”

“But I need to leave my books somewhere. Please, Ahjusshi, my exams are approaching, and I’m having a really tough day. Just wait,” she pleaded, attempting aegyo. It failed. She paid up and went the same way as the boys had run, carrying her large stack of books.  


Somehow, she ended up smack-dab in the middle of the concert crowd itself. The security at the entrance had taken her books under the promise that they wouldn’t abandon them. By the looks of the crowd, they were probably untrustworthy.

She huffed and shoved her way toward the front of the crowd, hoping she could get a good view of everyone. Spotting the tall one should be no problem, even with the pointless glowsticks being waved in the air during the daytime. But by the time she reached the front of the stage, there was no use in looking for anyone.

The library life ruiners were right in front of her! On stage! Playing their instruments! The tall one on the bass, jamming and untouchable, the one with the lovely eye smile playing his drums excitedly, the vampire strumming his guitar with burning passion, and lastly the leader in the middle of it all with his guitar, his voice emotional and charismatic. Her heart began to beat at record pace as she stared up at him.

The crowd danced enthusiastically around her. Two people standing next to her on opposite sides danced so close that her ponytails became ragged. She pulled out her scrunchies, her wavy hair falling past her shoulders. Her heart was beating so fast as she watched the leader and his dongsangs own their stage and their song. They had futures afterall. This feeling, the feeling creeping up on her, was why they were always smiling.

Studying could wait for a few minutes. She needed to relax, just for a bit. She needed to get lost in the crowd, in this feeling, for just a small amount of time. She began to dance slightly, clapping along politely, watching the charming leader with admiration. He was really attractive, she thought. She allowed her self the free brain space to think so.

Then something happened. His eyes rested on her, and she froze. He smiled with his crooked tooth, and she was sure that any moment she was going to have a heart attack.

The leader squatted down and held out his hand to her.

“Come on!” he shouted. “Take it!”

Logic couldn’t help her with what she did next. She took his hand, and he pulled her up onto the stage. She embarrassingly faced the cheering crowd, a sea of people who didn’t have a care in the world. She wanted to be like that.

“Now’s your chance to run,” he said in her ear.

She danced with her whole body right then, not caring about her books, her tutor session, her stupid exams that were making her mean and crazy. She danced with him and all of the library life ruiners, and it felt good.


Hours later after her onstage stunt, and the sun had gone down, Seohyun stood face to face with Yonghwa. That was this handsome oppa’s name. Yonghwa. ‘Yooong’ she would call him if they were to ever reach banmal status. There was so much to say to him, but she was stumped and feeling shy.

He handed her the phone.

“Kamsahamnida,” she said shyly.

“Good luck on your exams, Seohyun. Don’t worry. I’ll stay clear from libraries and street corners from now on,” he teased. “But you’ll remember me right?”

How could I forget you, she thought, but responded with a polite “Nae.”

They parted then, and in an instant, she felt alone and restricted again. There was nothing to do but go back to work. She took out her phone to call her tutor, and her eyes widened at her wallpaper. It had been changed to a picture of Yonghwa. He stared back at her from the phone, holding his two hands in front of his chest to create a heart. She scrolled in her contact folder and found his name. This clever guy had inserted his own phone number.

She smirked and called him right away.

“Yoboseyo?” he answered.

“I’ve decided that I want to play some more. I’ve studied a lot, and I’m not ready to go back. So can you do it?” she asked as boldly as when she yelled at him and his band mates earlier in the day.

Someone approached from behind, and she heard the call end. She turned around, and he was standing there once again.

He held out his hand. “Where should we run away to?”

She took his hand and decided that it didn’t really matter.       



A/N: How'd you like it? Please comment and give me feedback if you'd like. I'm currently writing a Yongseo fanfic and will post it soon as please check it out when the time comes :) Thank you for reading.

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cnsd13 #1
7 years has passed, but this one shot is one of my favourite. Coming back cause I need a dose of Yongseo.
Chapter 1: T.T SO CUTE. haha Seobaby being bold :D
Chapter 1: cute !!! loved it :D
Chapter 1: Mushy mushy.... love it... i love how yong wooo her with the wallpaper kekeke
i super love it.. please make a sequel :D
Chapter 1: I like this. No sequel? :D I can really see Seohyun adn CNBlue in the fanfic, which I usually can't do. :) I hope you make a sequel
This was super cute! I'm really glad I found this :D And also, "The tall one on the bass, jamming and untouchable, the one with the lovely eye smile playing his drums excitedly, the vampire strumming his guitar with burning passion, and lastly the leader in the middle of it all with his guitar, his voice emotional and charismatic." i see what you did there xD
can't stop smiling... simple but well written... :)
A very cute and well written story! I like it a lot
cnsd13 #10
this is fun to read... no tension but a smile :)