Hidden Memory

Distorted Memories

A/N: The following story in this chapter happened in the past.

Green = What Jong In didn’t know.

Purple = What Kyung Soo didn’t know.


"Kyung Soo-ah! Give it back!" A twelve-years-old Jong In shouted, running after his friend.


"If you want it, why don’t you come get it yourself?" Kyung Soo laughed, sticking out his tongue.


"But… But, it’s mine!" Jong In pouted as he managed to grab Kyung Soo’s arm.


"Too short!" Kyung Soo by holding up the ball.


"Yah! That’s cheating!" Jong In stood on tiptoes. "I’m never going to lend you my video games if you don’t give it back!" The younger boy was on the verge of crying.


"Ok, ok, ok." Kyung Soo sighed as he lowered his arm.


He was weak against Jong In’s aegyo.


"Yay! Thank yo—!"


"Ha! Not too fast, silly one!" Kyung Soo smirked as he threw the ball across the narrow street.


"I hate you!" Jong In ran over the ball without thinking twice.


Kyung Soo held on his stomach as he bent down, laughing. He loved to . It had become part of his life. Scouring through bushes, Jong In held up the ball in his hand, widely smiling.


"I got it, Kyung Soo-ah!" He frolicked towards his precious friend, happily humming a Pororo’s song.


As Kyung Soo was about to start singing with him, he suddenly froze on the spot. His eyes widened as he witnessed an upcoming danger.


"Jong In-ah! Run!" Kyung Soo yelled at him from the pathway, making incomprehensible gestures.


"Huh? What’s wron—?" Jong In turned his head to the right as he heard a sharp horn.


It was too late. Jong In remembered a fierce impact on his small figure. Two blazing lights. A loud screeching sound. The painful contact between his lungs and the cement. Ceaseless cries from a familiar voice. Blurred sight. The smell of blood. Then, nothing. Just him and the darkness.




"Jong In-ah! Jong In-ah!" Kyung Soo had been crying for who knows how long already. "I’m sorry! It’s all because of me! Please, don’t die!" He kept on weeping, sitting on a hospital’s chair.


"Kyung Soo-ah…" A soft voice sounded before him as he looked up.


"Ahjumma..." He hiccupped at the sight of Jong In’s mother. "I’m sorry. It’s all because of me!" He sobbed.


"Stop crying, ok?" She warmly wrapped her arms around his small figure. "He’s fine now." She gently his hairs.


"Really?" Kyung Soo wiped off some of his tears, eyes reddened. "Jong In-ah won’t die?"


"He won’t." She sweetly smiled at him, caressing his cheeks.


"Then…" Kyung Soo swallowed back his bitter tears. "Can I see him?" He gripped on Jong In’s mother’s sleeve.


"Kyung Soo-ah… I’m sorry." She sorrowfully smiled. "You can’t."


"Why not? I’m his best friend!" He pouted.


"Jong In… He doesn’t want to see you." She uttered in a whisper, barely audible.


"What?" Kyung Soo stopped crying, his heart being torn apart. "Did… Did he really say that?"


"Yes." She averted her eyes from the child’s hurtful gaze. "Though, I don’t know why… He just won’t tell me— Kyung Soo-ah?" She crouched down as the young boy idly fell on the ghostly white floor.


It was too much. Why must Jong In stab him where it was the weakest, where it hurt the most? His world started to fall apart from this moment onwards.


The next day, Kyung Soo came back to the hospital in spite of himself. Though, it was different this time. Standing beside a pillar, his whole body was glued to it as if his life depended on this grip. He silently peeked across the hallway; his gaze rested on the closed door leading to Jong In. Catching a glimpse at Jong In’s mother stepping out of the awfully quiet room, Kyung Soo shamefully hid behind the pillar, leaning his back on the stony material. Peeking over his shoulders, he counted in his head until she left, her figure slowly fading away behind nurses’. Nervously grabbing the fabric of the shirt over his chest, he took a few steps towards Jong In’s room. He froze in front of it, unable to open it. He reached out his quivering hand only to let it down as it brushed the knob. He remained here for a few minutes before leaving the place without a sound. Biting his lips, he swallowed back his tears. He was ashamed of himself.


For the next following days, Kyung Soo kept coming back with little hope of seeing his childhood friend. It had become part of his daily routine after school. Though, Jong In never once stepped out nor did Kyung Soo ever hear his voice from the other side of the door. As a week went by, Kyung Soo had finally lost his cool. He could no longer stay here, by Jong In’s side without feeling himself drowning in a sea of shame and sadness. He painfully accepted the fact that Jong In didn’t want to see him ever again.            


Kyung Soo turned his back to the impassable door as he walked away. He gradually quickened his pace. Clenching his teeth, Kyung Soo kept on running. He wanted to escape reality. He clumsily bumped into a few people, earning curses as he didn’t bother on apologizing. Stains of tears remaining on his cheeks, he wiped them off as he slowed down, his lungs hurting from all the running. He couldn’t cry because he knew that he was the guilty one.


I hate you!


The same three words kept echoing in his mind. Jong In had all the reasons in the world to despise him now. If he hadn’t started that prank, Jong In wouldn’t have run across the street. He wouldn’t have walked back without looking. He wouldn’t have been hit by a car. Jong In would still be wandering down the streets beside him, widely smiling and childishly laughing. It was all his fault. Just blame Kyung Soo! Jong In would never forgive him now. He was better off not around anymore. Jong In would live a better life without him.


"Jong In-ah…" Kyung Soo bit his lips, trying to keep himself from shedding any more tears. "I really wanted to see you one last time… even if you hate me now… I really…"




Weakly parting his lips, Jong In attempted to swallow a gush of air. Barely opening his eyes, he tried to stay awake as a motherly warm voice sounded beside him. He could hardly hear anything. His eyesight was blurry as if a mist had caged him from the outside world. Feeling the heaviness of his eyelids, he slowly let himself fall into darkness once again. It felt cold as he unconsciously knew that someone was missing. Kyung Soo, he mouthed before completely losing his senses.


Letting out a painful moan, Jong In frowned in his lightened sleep. He hesitantly opened his tired eyes and blinked a few times. Lying on a bed, he anxiously looked around, discovering his new surroundings for the first time. He gasped instead of uttering an audible word as his throat felt sore. He weakly coughed.


"Jong In-ah!"


From the corner of his eyes, he witnessed his mom literally jumping up from the chair as she rushed to his side.


"Jong In-ah… How are you feeling? Please, say something." She gently the top of his head.


"M—Mom?" His voice cracked from the lack of use.


"Yes?" She faintly smiled, trying to remain calm despite the urge of tightly embracing his son.


"Where am I?" He asked in a whisper, heaving a gush of air.


"You’re in the hospital. D—Do you remember what happened?" She carefully chose her words.


"Yeah… I think… I got hit by a car?" Jong In shivered at the thought of it. "How long have I been unconscious?" He bit his lips.


"Three weeks." Her mother mentally counted.


Jong In grimaced as he felt a wave of pain when he tried to move his arm.    


"I was so scared when you went into the surgery room and when the doctor told me that he had to put you into a comatose state, so that you’ll heal faster."  She tightly gripped the edge of the sheet, her knuckles turning white. "I thought that you’ll never wake up." She muffled a sob.


"Mom, I’m alright now." Jong In opted for his warm-hearted smile. "See? It’s not that bad." The boy moved his lungs underneath the sheets.


Truthfully speaking, only his left leg and arms hurt more than the rest of his body at the moment. Pouting, he noticed a certain someone’s absence as he glanced around.


"Mom? Where’s Kyung Soo-ah?" Jong In wondered loudly as his gaze sadly rested on his mother. "Why isn’t he here?"


"Honey…" She sorrowfully sighed.


"Wait. Did he come when I was unconscious? Oh mom, I want to see him!" The child widely smiled, temporarily forgetting his pain.


"Jong In-ah, please, listen to me." she hushed his young son.


"Mom?" He bit his lips.


Deep down, he somehow didn’t have a good feeling about it.


"Kyung Soo-ah… He never came and he won’t come." She said in one breath, trying to remain neutral.


"Why? No, it can’t be! You’re lying! Why won’t Kyung Soo-ah come?" Jong In cried as his eyes became watery.


"He moved out." She spoke up the truth.


His back stiffed as those three words kept echoing in his mind, triggering an outbreak inside of him. His mind went blank. He couldn’t believe it. It wasn’t true. It must be a nightmare. His heart shattered into countless tiny fragments as he could no longer bury his deepest feelings. A tear escaped from his eyes, flowing down his cheek and staining the white sheet. He pushed aside the pain burning his lungs as he shoved away the blanket.


"I… I need to see him." He mumbled as he jumped on his feet.


He had barely touched the floor when his legs were drained of all strength. He fell down, relying on his weakened hands to carry on his weight. He muffled a painful moan as he tried to stand up in vain.


"Jong In-ah! Please, don’t mov—" She bent down only to be coldly yanked away by her son.


"Don’t touch me!" He swallowed back his tears. "If he doesn’t want to come, I’ll go to his house instead!"


On the verge of despair, the feeble boy crawled on the floor, heading to the door. He ignored his mom’s cries as well as his aching body. He didn’t care anymore. He had lost his sanity. He simply wanted to see Kyung Soo. Was it a sin?


"Kyung Soo-ah! Kyung Soo-ah! It’s not true, right? You’re hiding behind that door, playing a prank on me again, right? It’s not funny anymore, so come out, ok? Please?" Jong In broke down, letting his tears pour down.


"Jong In-ah! Stop it! He… He’s moved to Busan. You won’t see him." She admitted at loss.


Jong In stopped crawling, his reddened eyes bulging out of his face.


"Busan… Busan… It’s somewhere in South Korea. It shouldn’t be that far away!" He blurted out as he started to move again.


"Honey! What are you doing? Stop it already!" She dashed to his side, trying to stop him from moving any further. "You’re still injured! What if your wounds open?"


"I don’t care! I don’t care! I’m going to Busan! I’ll crawl all the way there until I have no strength left if I need to!" Jong In slouched on the floor, inches from the door.


He banged the floor with his fist, ashamed of himself.


"Kyung Soo-ah, didn’t you promise me that we’ll always be together? Was it a lie? Why did you leave without telling me?" He wiped off some of his tears with his sleeve. "Why didn’t you come see me once before leaving? Is it wrong for me to want to see you?"


His words were barely understandable by his mom, muffled by hiccups and sobs.


Kyung Soo, I hate you. I hate you from breaking your promise. I hate you from leaving me. 

A/N: Annyeong! I wasn't sure how to write this chapter... Hope it didn't come out too ty... =.= i know that I said this story will be fluffly and all, but ARGH how did it end up like this? -sobs in a corner- I've failed as an author... T-T Next chapter, I promise that there'll be cute and fluffy moments, ok? It'll also be the last one. And yeah, I just noticed that this chapter is WOW colorful. xD 

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Chapter 3: Omg happy ending<3 and wow kai's mom is sucha er lol
renchop #2
Seriously i think kai as the top but actually with his childishness make him in bottom position. Actually loved kyungsoo topping so much hahaha xD
Angsty, fluffy cuteness. What's not to like? :D

The marriage thing was adorbs! I like that you held true to your theme and that the characters were nicely defined.

Great first fanfic and I hope you will write many more :D
FizUTwinS #4
Loooooooove it! <3 <3
I really enjoyed reading it ^^
haha sure it wasnt fluffy just like u said in the forewrods but whatever xD if there's not a bit of drama, then it wont be fun, right? :P

so everything was just cause of kai's mother =.= ah seriously some parents =.= but oh well, at least kai's sis was here to help them understand what was wrong.. so i loved the happy ending :)
Aww ;A;
Kaisoo ,
When is about hurt and comfort fanfic , it must be kaisoo !
Kai we know kyungsoo love u badly. And I love both of them still keep their love for 5 years.
Ahh kaisoo , author-nim fighting (ง` ˛´)ง