Chapter Seven

Shed Light


A/N-Now, before anyone asks—yes I know I'm like, well…a month late with my updating, but I do have a valid excuse. So please hold your rotten vegetables for just a moment and here me out.

See, I had the chapter all typed up and ready for submitting, but I being the smart person I am (Notice the sarcasm…) I decided to quickly check my emails before updating.

And of course, as luck would have it, I downloaded a freaking virus! And this virus wiped everything—and I mean everything. So not only did I have to re-write this chapter, but I had to also re install everything on my computer.

But wait folks, cause it gets worse.

I had specifically written this chapter and chapter eight a bit earlier then planned because I knew I had exams all these two last weeks. But because of the stupid virus, not only was my computer completely empty, but I then had to write this entire chapter all over again in between like five minute breaks before exams.

And that, dear readers, is my excuse.

Now I'll shut up and let you read on.




    Jessica was looking through yet another rack of clothes, while Jay was talking on the phone and trying to balance the shopping bags at the same time.
   Only one week and a half passed to their honeymoon, and almost every day Jessica got a call from her manager about her schedule or many shows that wants her and Jay to appear in. She ignored all of the offers determined to enjoy her honeymoon. Only problem; Jay wasn't making the same effort.

   For example, Jessica dragged him to the mall after lunch, so they could enjoy shopping together. But then the phone calls kept coming, he told her they're too important to miss, leaving her to wander alone, and he followed to pay and carry bags.

   Jessica held two baby doll dresses that were the same but different colors, "Jay which one do you think is nicer?" she asked trying to get his attention.

   He looked briefly at her, "They're both nice babe," and then he turned his back and continued talking on the phone.

   ' That's it!' Jessica thought as she threw the dresses on Jay's head and stomped out of the shop. She only walked a few steps when she heard hurried footsteps follow her, then a hand grabbed her arm.

   "What the hell was that for?" Jay asked half angry and half confused.

   "I'm going back to the hotel alone," she said nonchalantly and pulled her arm from his grasp.

   "Why didn't you say you were tired? Let's go." he seemed to misunderstand her, but she pulled her hand before he reached it.

   "Alone means alone Jay. You already made me used to walking by myself." she said with a voice dripping with ice, then turned and strode to the nearest exit.

   Jay stayed rooted to his place apparently taken aback; he honestly didn't know what went wrong. Whenever they had a fight or argument, Jessica would yell at him, and tell him what he did or said that pissed her off, but she never spoke this coldly to him.

   'Are those hormones making her this worked up?' he wondered to himself,  'she's been having those mood swings a lot lately' 

  he started walking aimlessly not paying much attention to his surrounding, but when he heard someone say the doomed words of " OMG! Is that Jay Park?!" he swiftly went inside the nearest shop, and hid behind a rack of clothes acting like he was looking through them while making sure he hid his face.

   "Can I help you sir? Are you looking for anything specific?" a female voice came from behind him.

   "No I was just-" he stopped abruptly only noticing now that he was in a formal evening dresses shop. He changed his tactics and turned to the girl and smiled, "something pink?" 




   Jessica threw her handbag on an armchair as soon as she walked to their suite and walked directly to the phone to dial the room serves, "Bring me the largest chocolate ice-cream bucket to room 962 right now."

   She changed into one of Jay's large shirts, she hated him at the moment but she rather not wear a nightgown right now. She cursed herself for not packing any simple shirt or pajamas.

   A knock on the door signaled that her ice-cream has arrived. She hurriedly tied her hair up in a messy bun and opened the door to let the waiter in.

   "Your chocolate ice-cream Mrs. Park." a young man said gesturing to the tray he was pushing.

   "I thought I ordered the largest one?!" Jessica said angrily eying the ice-cream in a size of an instant noodles cup.

   The waiter looked scared of her when she switched her icy glare at him, he swallowed loudly and stuttered, "th... this is the largest one we have ma'am."

  'The poor guy looks like he's about to run away in fear', Jessica sighed and made sure to give him a big tip before he left.

   She plumped on the king-sized bed and started eating her precious ice cream while watching TV. She was half way through the ice-cream when she felt sick and bolted to the bathroom.

   "Is baby also mad at daddy?" she said rubbing her stomach after throwing up all her lunch and breakfast. She dragged her feet to the bed and lied on her back.

   "Seems like daddy is angry too, cz he didn't call or come back yet." she fell asleep still rubbing her stomach unconsciously. 





    It's seemed only a few minutes has passed since Jessica closed her eyes to catch some sleep, but the knock on the door woke her up, and when she glanced to the large window the sun has already sat and the sky was turning to dark blue.

   She groaned and got up slowly to open the door. She looked around on her way and noticed that Jay wasn't back yet, and he couldn't be the one knocking because he has an extra keycard to their suite.

   "Who is it?" she asked unsure while turning the lights on.

   "Room service," answered an accented male voice.

   "I didn't order anything," she mumbled walking to the door and counting how many movies she watched about people in hotels had mysterious visits from the room service only to end up being killed.

   'Don't be silly' she shook her head as if to rid of the absurd idea and try to shake the lingering sleepiness in her mind.

   She opened the door and was greeted with a smiling man holding two boxes, "Your husband ordered these to be delivered to you along with this," he extended his hand to give her a dark red envelope.

   Jessica took the envelope and gestured him to place the boxes on the table in the sitting area.

  After dismissing him, she proceeded to open the envelope and read it.

'You know I'm not good at picking dresses but I hope you like it.

Get dressed and let me make it up to you for whatever I did.

Meet me in the hotel lobby in 20 minutes,

Love, Jay'

   It was written in Jay's messy hand writing, with many spelling mistakes, 'I think I should start giving him lessons in how to spell words in Korean' she smiled to herself forgetting that she was mad at him, and opened the first box which was the smaller one.

   "This is cute!" she exclaimed loudly looking at the silver heels, with shiny silver beads.
She hurriedly opened the bigger box and pulled out a light pink one-shoulder dress that reached her knees. It was loose but would hug her figure in all the right places, the silver Swarovski shimmered on the chest; in short, it was beautiful!

   She went to the bathroom and took a fast shower, put on a light makeup, got dressed, and contemplated about what to do to her long honey-colored hair, but opted to leave it down in loose curls.





    Jay was dressed in a black suit, and a light grey dress shirt leaving the first two buttons open showing off his six stars tattoo. He looked around looking for Jessica, she was a bit late. He knew she was stubborn and wouldn't come down if she was still mad at him, but he hoped by now her anger would subdue.

     His plan was to spend a nice evening with his wife, make her forget whatever made her mad that afternoon, then he could tell her his news, that he was sure she'll go ballistic, when he does.

   He walked to the elevator determined to go up to their room and drag her out. But that wasn't necessary, because when the elevator doors opened, his breath hitched in throat. There she was standing elegantly wearing the dress he bought her, and smiling.

   The smile wasn't directed at him though; he looked at her left and saw a tall man with sandy blonde hair talking with her.

   He coughed pointedly, the frown messing his handsome features. Jessica sighed knowing exactly what her husband is thinking.

   "Jay-" she started but was cut off by the blonde next to her striding out of the elevator, taking Jay's right hand in his and shaking it enthusiastically.

   "I can't believe I got to meet not only Jessica Jung but Jay Park as well!" said the blonde man in English laced with an Australian accent, "I'm a huge fan of both of you!"

   "Fan?" confusion replaced Jay's anger as he looked at Jessica who was trying to stifle a giggle while walking to his side.

   "Well I was a bit disappointed as many other fans, when the amazing Jay Park stole my celebrity crush," he gave them a large grin that made Jay uncomfortable. 

   "I hope you will still support us both, now if there isn't anything we could do for you; we'll be going so if you'll excuse us." Jay said timidly, trying hard not to sound rude but something about this guy was unsettling. 

   "Yes I'm sorry, I forgot you're on your honeymoon, please don't mind me." he waved his hand nervously and turned away.

   As soon as he was gone, Jay looked at Jessica, "I really can't leave you out of my sight for a minute can I?" giving her the White roses bouquet he was holding.

   She just rolled her eyes as she took it, "they're lovely, but I'm still mad at you, you know. But boredom killed me, so I thought I'll satisfy my curiosity and see what you planned to make it up to me."

   Jay swallowed; he was sure she'll love the restaurant he was taking her to, but he was afraid by the end of the night, she'll throw the roses at him and kick him out of their room.

   He pulled himself together and kissed her cheek, "You look gorgeous as always."

   "Well you should thank whoever helped you pick the dress," she smirked playfully as she hooked her arm in Jay's and they started walking to their rented car.





    Jay stopped the car in front of the restaurant that looked like a huge beach house with wall-sized glass windows. He ran to the other side to open the door for his wife and held her hand leading her inside.

   She raised an eyebrow at his antics, but didn't say anything for she knew that he had no clue why was she mad at him, but he was trying his best to make it up to her.

   Jay was about to tell the receptionist his reservation's name, when a voice came from their right, "Mr. Park," they turned to see a man in his forties and wore a black suit came smiling at them, "this must be your lovely wife," he extended his hand to Jessica, "I'm the manager, Jack Williams,"

   Jessica shook his hand with a smile, "nice to meet you Mr. Williams."

   "Is our table ready?" Jay asked.

   "Yes, everything is ready as you requested, let me usher you." he turned to the left and lead them up a spiral staircase.

   Jessica was awed, apparently, Jay rented the roof of the restaurant that had an amazing view of the town next to the beach; there was only a table set for two, and beautiful dim lights surrounded the ground and a few flower pots. There was a grand White piano positioned a few feet from the table, nobody was playing it, so Jessica wondered if Jay also rented a whole orchestra to play or what.

   "I hope everything was set as you pleased Mr. Park?" asked the manager.

   "Yes, thank you." answered him Jay while still observing his wife's reaction to the place.

   "Lucas is staying here and be your waiter for the night." the manager gestured to a tall tan man standing next to their table.

   Jay only nodded as he saw Jessica's smile widen. Jack Williams bowed and left.

  "Jay I never knew you were so good in surprises," she beamed at him, "you're doing a good job at making me forget why I was mad."

   Jay grinned and walked her to the table, dismissing the waiter who pulled the chair for Jessica, "thank you. I'll tend to my wife. You can pour the juice and bring the food I ordered in 10 minutes."

    After the waiter left, Jay looked at his wife who was still immersed in looking at every detail, "I still have a small surprise babe," he winked at her and went to the piano. "You know I'm not that good in playing piano, but I wanna play you the first track in my coming album called "Joah", which I dedicate to you."
[AN: don't you wish there was a piano version of this song too? :P]

   He started playing the piano with a few mistakes, but Jessica didn't even hear them because she was too focused on her husband's voice and the lyrics to his song.

   When Jay finished, he got up and walked to their table as Jessica stood clapping and hugged him tight, "It's beautiful!" 

   He returned her hug as fiercely and kissed her passionatly, "so you're not mad at me anymore?" he grinned sheepishly at her as they sat back down.

   "Nobody can stay mad, after hearing the great Jay Park singing a song like that," She gave him one of her sweetest smiles, "and besides, your skills in playing the piano isn't as bad as your writing skills."

   "Hey! I do know how to write!"

   "Not in Korean you don't," she chuckled at his cute frown.

   They talked about random things as their food arrived and they started eating. When their deserts arrived, Jay thought it was time to tell her was he was wanted to tell her since noon.

   "Hey babe?"

   "Hmm?" she was savoring the taste of the amazing chocolate mousse she ordered.

   "Do you like it here? I mean not just the restaurant but Rio in general?"

   She looked at him from the corner of her eye while still scooping more chocolate to , "I do. Though, I'd like it more if my husband wasn't on the phone most the time."

   "Is this why you were so mad?" Jay exclaimed genuine confusion evident on his face.

   "As much as I love you Jay, you could be really dense sometimes. But you can make it up to me in the next two weeks." She smirked now wiping the chocolate off the corners of her lips.

    'This is gonna be harder than I thought.' Jay swallowed the said out loud, "Babe you know everything I do is for us, for our family, and for children's future,"

    Her smirk turned into a smile, she grabbed his hand on the table and was about to say something but Jay continued while looking at his half eaten desert, "that's why… that's why we need to go back to Seoul tomorrow,"

    Jessica's smile fell slowly and she pulled her hand back. Jay chanced a look at her. Her face had an unreadable expression, "I'm really sorry, the boys along with Chase are leaving to Seattle by the end of the week. Chase and I still have loads of work about the production before then."

    He didn't tell her that he would be leaving with them to Seattle yet, but he was afraid something might happen to Jessica, because he was still waiting for her to snap at him like always, but her face remained motionless, "Jessica-"

    "I'm tired, let's go back to the hotel." She stood up and walked away without giving looking at him.

    He sighed; this went worse than he thought. When Jessica stays silent, then hell will break loose later.   




AN: I know the plot is so slow, but bear with me?

anywho, I'm happy I finished this on Jay's birthday!!! well atleast where I live, it's been his birthday for only an hour and half >.>

So yea, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Jay Park! and a belated one for Jessica ;D

comments and subscribtions make me want to update faster!!!


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kimkaheon #2
jaywalker211 #3
Chapter 8: Great plot! Please update author-nim. Fighting! :))))
Chapter 8: Woah i love this one too! Authornim, u sure r very talented.hihi.
happylovestories #5
Chapter 7: Love it so far! Update! And I also like how you've weaved some Taecyoon in!
lovelikesea #6
Chapter 7: Love this story. Very very much :D
Lately is so difficult found jessica and jay fanfic, and i found it, and this the one of the best ones
raudhaimnida #7
Chapter 7: yay you finally updated!!! Your story is amazing!! I love it!! Ur story make up for the lack of jaysica's moments in reality. :) I really love JAYSICA so much!!! Btw, joah rocks!!! Have you seen welcome mv? JAY IS SOOOOO HOT!!! hehe update soon!!!
twentynine #8
Chapter 7: /tears of joy.. finally updated :" why is jay always so clueless kkk love this chappie
update soon will ya? thx <3
Toriaa #9
Chapter 6: finally an update!
Jay is so cute doing everything Jessica ask of him :D
Chapter 1: Yay! You're back! Thank God, you continued this story. I almost forgot about it. lol Anyways, welcome back author-nim! =) By the way, I read the sequel of Claustrophobia. Can you make it an official story? You know more chapters. =)