Chapter Five

Shed Light

A.N: I'm really really sorry for not updating for so long though I can give you a hundered excuses but I know if you're still sticking to this story [i hope you are]  you'd want to read so yea happy reading<3



    The SNSD girls were spread all around a waiting room in the beach hotel where Jessica's and Jay's wedding will be held in 30 minutes, fixing each other dresses and make up.

   Jessica herself was sitting on a plush arm chair messaging her temples, thinking about all the events of the past week was giving her a headache; after announcing their relationship and wedding date on a live TV show, they got all the reactions they expected, they received many hate mail from obsessive fans, but also they got much more best wishes from supportive ones.

    Krystal and Yuri were trying to calm her down so she won't throw her guts out.
  "I don't see why you are so down, it's your wedding days for God's sake!" Krystal was almost yelling, "You're a famous Idol, you're marrying an equally famous Idol, not to mention a very hot one! And you're having his baby!"

  "Shut up Krys! It's supposed to be a secret! Did you not see the media outside the hotel? Hell someone could be lurking around and listening to us right now!" Yuri hissed at her.

    "Both of you go do something more useful, you're not doing a good job keeping Sica calmed," Tiffany came shooing the two with her hands.

   "Here, drink some water." She handed Jessica bottled water.

   "Thanks." Jessica smiled weakly at her, which Tiffany returned with her famous eye smile and left her alone.

   Jessica was about to swallow the water when a voice came from behind her, "So you are pregnant?" she spat the water out and turned fast to see Mrs. Park.

   "I'm sorry," she wiped the water from the corners of then cleared and stuttered, "No.. no, they just meant that we will have kids in the future." She looked hopefully.

   "My dear, I'm not a fool," she smiled kindly, "I knew there must be something to rush this marriage, beside, Jaebum is terrible when it comes to hiding secrets from me."

   Jessica's face turned to a ghostly shade of white, "I.. I'm sorry we tried to hide this from you, Mrs. Park." She couldn't look at her mother in law in the eye so she bowed her head.

   "I think you should start calling me 'mother', and don't worry," Mrs. Park chuckled and lifted Jessica's face with her finger, "I'll keep the secret, but you should smile, a beautiful bride like you shouldn't look so sullen."





   Jay's breath caught up when he saw Jessica walk down the aisle with her father, dressed in a beautiful ivory strapless dress, she never looked more beautiful.

   "I can't believe I'm giving you away to that boy, look at that goofy smile." Mr. Jung said while walking next to his daughter.

   "Dad, please." Jessica sighed exasperatedly.

   "You still can change your mind you know."

   She chuckled, "I know, but he's the person I want to spend the rest of my life with."

   They reached Jay, and Mr. Jung handed his daughter's hand to him, "Take care of her or else."

   "I will," Jay replied with his goofy grin still plastered on his face and his eyes glued to Jessica, "you're beautiful." He mouthed to her, and she gave him one of her sweetest smiles.

   All thoughts were interrupted when the minister began.

   "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony, if there is anyone who does not think that these two should wed, let them speak now or forever hold their peace." He began.

   There was silence in the room.

  "Good...let us continue. The couple has written their own vows."


  After exchanging their vows, there was the media conference and the photo shoot before the reception.


   Everybody seemed to have fun; Boom and Leeteuk took it upon themselves to make everyone laugh, others preformed a few songs, they had their first dance as husband and wife and as tradition they fed each other cake.

  The reception came to end but not right before the last toast Jehan and Krystal presented.
Krystal started, "Jessica was always too picky in everything; I never thought she would find a man to her taste, amazingly enough she found Jay oppa! But seriously, you don't marry someone just because you think you can live with them, you marry them because you know you can't live without them. I wish Jessica and Jay all the best now and forever."


   "I have to agree with my new sister Krystal here, you guys are a match made in heaven, so as you go through life together, always love each other, respect each other and be there for each other. Never forget to say "I'm sorry" when you mess up and never go to bed angry. Separately, you're both wonderful people, but together you take love to a new level. I love you both. Congratulations! To the new Mr. and Mrs. Park!" Jehan raised his glass.

   "To Mr. and Mrs. Park!" everybody repeated.




    Jay and Jessica were changed into more comfortable clothes and were heading to the car to go to the airport, they said goodbye to everyone and finally reached their parents. The fathers just shook hands with Jay and hugged Jessica, but Jay's mum took them to the side.

   "You two take care, Jaebum don't let Jessica get tired, don't let her lift heavy things, don't let her eat too much spicy food, but get her whatever she wants to eat with no arguing, and most of all DON'T make her angry."

   She kissed Jay's cheek whose face went from confused to a shock realizations in a matter of seconds, "Wh..what??"

  Jessica laughed while she hugged her mother in law, and then dragged her husband to the car, "Don't worry Jay, mothers know best."


   When they finally settled down in their suite in the grand hotel close to Rio's beach. Jessica went straight to the balcony leaving Jay to deal with the porter.

   She was mesmerized with the beautiful scenery a room in the 15th floor can provide, she closed her eyes breathing the faint smell of the sea.  It wasn't until two sets of strong arms circled around her waist that she opened her eyes, she put her hand over his, and Jay rested his chin on her shoulder so she reached her left arm to play with his hair

   "We did it." She whispered.

   "Are you having second thoughts?" he said jokingly, but Jessica turned glaring at him, "babe I was kidd-" but he was cut off when she pressed her lips to his.

   "Watch what you say to a woman driven by her hormones." She chuckled at his baffled expression that soon turned into a wide smile before he pressed his lips against hers again, he ran his tongue on her lips asking for permission and was quickly granted.
   Jay deepened the kiss and felt the tightness in his pants, so in one swift move he put an arm behind Jessica's knees and lifted her up. She squealed and hugged his neck tighter.
"Jess I need to breathe so I can move us inside."




A.N: So here's the wedding, I'm sorry if anyone was disappointed. The next chapter will probably have more drama, so tell me what do you think. instructive critsism is highly appreciated.

 Suu xx

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kimkaheon #2
jaywalker211 #3
Chapter 8: Great plot! Please update author-nim. Fighting! :))))
Chapter 8: Woah i love this one too! Authornim, u sure r very talented.hihi.
happylovestories #5
Chapter 7: Love it so far! Update! And I also like how you've weaved some Taecyoon in!
lovelikesea #6
Chapter 7: Love this story. Very very much :D
Lately is so difficult found jessica and jay fanfic, and i found it, and this the one of the best ones
raudhaimnida #7
Chapter 7: yay you finally updated!!! Your story is amazing!! I love it!! Ur story make up for the lack of jaysica's moments in reality. :) I really love JAYSICA so much!!! Btw, joah rocks!!! Have you seen welcome mv? JAY IS SOOOOO HOT!!! hehe update soon!!!
twentynine #8
Chapter 7: /tears of joy.. finally updated :" why is jay always so clueless kkk love this chappie
update soon will ya? thx <3
Toriaa #9
Chapter 6: finally an update!
Jay is so cute doing everything Jessica ask of him :D
Chapter 1: Yay! You're back! Thank God, you continued this story. I almost forgot about it. lol Anyways, welcome back author-nim! =) By the way, I read the sequel of Claustrophobia. Can you make it an official story? You know more chapters. =)