The commercial, featuring meh. (to describe how gr nichkhun is, sorry klem)

Nichkhun and his new jeans. Dedicated to iNichkhunBiased.

Voldemort appeared (sorry, my story does not make sense. people appear randomly). He asked me, "wanna make a commercial with me?" "NOOOO I AM BUSY" Actually, it might be nice. I get more fans and whatsoever so, yeah. "FINE. BUT AFTER THAT I HAVE TO CONFESS SOMETHING" "Confess now," Voldy held my neck. He is harmless. His bite is worse than his... Eh? I never learn english so I do not know idioms. I type in korean and i use google translate (kay, so my fans will be like: OMG NICHKHUN USES GOOGLE TRANSLATE? EEE! FROM NOW ON I AM GOING TO USE IT!) "Okay, voldy, I.. Um, I think... I think I like you." "WHAT!?" Voldy says as he slaps me. I changed the subject. "Okay, so our commercial topic will be..." I had to think fast. "Go green. Reduce, reuse and recycle." See? I am so smart. (Fans: EEEEEE! NICHKHUN IS SMART! I AM GOING TO STUDY DILIGENTLY SO I CAN BE SMART LIKE HIM!!!) "Alright, darling." Voldy answered. Wait, did he call me darling? Oh this could not be happening. Whatever. 


N : Reduce

V : (takes off nose and throws it up)

N : Reuse

V : (takes off nose, puts it on again)

N : Recycle

V : (cuts nose into pieces, threads them into bracelet)

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I cant help but love this story omg
iChanyeolBiased #2
Omg this is like the best story ever.
PHDV13 #3
evil people
what is this