Hot Summer 17/18 [REPOST]

Hot Summer

    "You're an idiot," Kibum greeted once you exited the office. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes and jerked back your thumb to point at the mahogany doors you had just exited.

    "She. Is. Crazy." You enunciated every single word, not wanting Kibum to get any wrong ideas about what you were saying. She really was crazy. At least in your opinion she was. You didn't want him to think you were just trying to up to what he probably thought.

    Kibum rolled his eyes at you. "Of course, she's crazy, but so are you. What were you doing?" The anger in his voice was palpable, and you sighed before shrugging.

    "I don't know," you replied honestly. "When I saw Jinki, my mind kind of blanked, and—"

    "Your mind kind of blanked? You really are an idiot! Do you know the press fallout you caused? Do you know how upset Jinki is right now? Even Luna can't get him to stop crying, and she was the only one who could get him to really concentrate on his work after you left!"

    "Wait, what?" you asked, but Kibum held up his hand.

    "Don't stop me when I'm on a rampage!" Kibum raised his hand, and for a minute you thought he was going to slap you, but then he lowered it and continued on his rant. "Jinki just locked himself in his room and refuses to come out. This is all your doing, so fix it! Before the next press conference. That's in three hours, by the way."

    "Kibum!" you yelled, but the blonde gave you a dirty look before stalking off, probably to complain about Jonghyun about your idiocy.

    "His office is that way."

    You looked up to see Jinki's mother in the doorway of the office, looking very amused at the commotion that was occurring in the company's building.

    "Though, I think Luna's already there. You'd better move fast."

    "Thanks," you muttered half-heartedly and trudged off in the direction that Jinki's mom pointed out. You didn't have to turn two corners before you saw Luna standing outside of a doorway, knocking quietly and muttering things that you didn't quite hear until you got closer. She didn't look at you until you stood by the door as well, leaning against the wall.

    "Thank goodness you're here!" Luna exclaimed. "Get him out of there! We have our next press conference in three hours!"

    You stared at her. Was she really asking you for help? Didn't she realize that you were Jinki's ex-girlfriend?

    "Stop staring at me, and do it, please," Luna all but sang, and unsure of what else to do, you just knocked on the door.

    "Jinki," you called quietly, and there was a quiet shuffling behind the door before it quickly opened. You were sure that Luna just had a huge ego downgrade considering that she had probably spent much more time than one second at the door trying to coax Jinki out.

    You didn't even have a moment to speak before Jinki grabbed you by the arm and dragged you into the room, closing and locking the door behind the two of you.

    "What are you doing?" you asked shrilly, and you could hear Luna pounding on the door again. This was not what you wanted. You didn't want to be a relationship wrecker.

    "I lied!" Jinki all but yelled, and you could tell that he was utterly panicked because his hands were trembling slightly as he grasped your arms.

    "Lied?" you queried.

    "I lied about everything," he said, and he buried his face into the junction between your shoulder and neck. "I can't do this anymore. A few months, and I'm already a wreck. Take me back."

    "Back?" you croaked because Jinki's scent was beginning to ade your senses, and you didn't know how much longer you could hold out before kissing him.

    "I don't want to do it anymore," he all but sobbed. "Being Onew. I don't want it. Being Onew is the worst thing in the world. It made you leave me."

    "Jinki…being Onew didn't make me leave you. It was me. I—"

    "Don't lie!" Jinki raised his head from your shoulder and gave you the angriest glare you had ever seen from him. "Don't you ever lie to me! I know I can trust you for the truth!"

    "You want the truth?" you asked quietly, running one hand through Jinki's hair. Even though the haircut is different this time around, it still feels as soft as it was before. "The truth is…I want to be your girlfriend again, but the sad truth is that it'll probably never happen again. Because you've dug yourself a hole so deep that you won't be able to get out. If you love Luna Park, you'd better go out there and fix things with her."

    Jinki stared at you, as if he wasn't expecting this from you. "But…"

    "Grow up, Jinki. Life isn't all happy endings, but I'd rather remember the good times than the bad."

    "Why are you saying this?" Jinki's eyes were on your lips and then flicking over your face before finally he sat back and held open his arms.

    "Goodbye hug," you said, trying to convince yourself that it was not bad at all when you melted into his arms as if it were the most natural place in the world.

    "But I love you," Jinki whimpered quietly, and you felt his lips press to the top of your head.

    "I know," you replied, "but I don't love Onew. I only love Jinki." It was your parting all over again as you couldn't help yourself before pressing your lips against his. It was all very bittersweet and over in a second because Jinki pulled back, and his face hardened.

    You were pretty sure that it was actually over now. Because you couldn't be the person who preserved his smile, not anymore. You were selfish and young and utterly unprepared for the real world. You were made for late night study groups and friendly parties not for stocks and financial alliances. And you didn't want to be like his mother. You had fallen in love with the Jinki who was the cute broadcasting major, not Onew the corporate mastermind. The way you saw it, it would just be best if you let memories be memories. Good memories.

    "See you in the future," you choked out before leaving the room. "Last summer was the best summer I ever had."

    Luna caught you by the shoulder as you walked out and pulled you toward her into a huge. "I'll take care of him," she promised, and you nodded numbly, not caring that this was the fiancée of your ex-girlfriend. You only cared that she was a source of comfort in your sadness.

    You didn't cry as you walked away this time. Maybe this was closure.

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locketblingermvp #1
Chapter 18: I can't believe i Just found this fanfic TT_TT. this is AMAZING!!! ><''. The ending is just AWESOME >< THANK YOU for writing this!!! >n<'
time to reread this
since it is now the summer
and i am 19
That was just too great!! Absolutely loved the ending:)
ExoticKissMe1125 #6
lol, i have an inkling on who the guy is.........but i don't want to be the party pooper that spoils it all. Lol, the shoujo line was hilarious. I have to agree, some shoujo heorines do really annoy me. But gotta luv it!
i love Tao he's like a cute adorable panda like Seungri hahaha
Tao is the best friend yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
I think I know who the guy was maybe.
Jinki :(
I'm getting even more nervous.
no wait that's not all
lol her dress ripped. THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR DRESSING LIKE A even though it's not her fault hahaha.
also i loved the mention of himchan. nearly forgot about him BUT I'M MISSING SOME NORMALNESS IN HER LIFE RIGHT NOW SO EVEN A JERK LIKE HIM WOULD BE WELCOME.
i don't blame her mom for worrying. this is kind of worrisome AND I'M EVEN MORE WORRIED BECAUSE OMINOUS.
the ground really is going to break open, isn't it?