ep.1 | get ready for the drama. || get ready your heart. ||| let's go.

Ribbon / girl group. || story


Get up!❞ Gayoon shouted at every member, yanking their blankets. Eunhee groaned. Min Neul sighed and pulled her blankets up. Min Jung curled up in a ball and continued sleeping. Kyung Mi yawned, got up and rushed to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. Soomin got up quietly and went into the washroom. Gayoon sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. Just then, Soohye flew in and dragged the members up. Eunhee, Min Neul and Min Jung shot up and scattered out of Soohye's sight. " Good one, " Gayoon chuckled and high-fived Soohye.


❣ Practise. 8am-1pm

❣ MV shooting

❣ Album recording

❣ More practise. 7pm-1am



" Why did I even join Ribbon? " Min Neul asked to nobody in particular, pinching her cheeks. Soohye passed by, holding a stack of towels, " Because you're stupid, " she chuckled. Min Neul rolled her eyes and got into her training outfit. Kyungmi came out with a cup of coffee in her hand, " Always ready with a cup of coffee! " she cutely grinned. Gayoon was all ready, waiting at the living room, flipping channels. Eunhee was in a mess, all of her clothes were scattered on her bed. Soohye dropped whatever she was doing and ran over to help her. Soomin was sharing cereal with Gayoon in the living room. And they were both laughing at that random reality show they . Minjung glanced at the TV and turned back to whatever she was doing then turned back again. Her eyes sparkled and she scrambled to the living room to watch the reality show.

❀ one petal has fallen.

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cheesesotong #1
When did my taste become so GIRLY \(>0<)/
The horror!!!!!!!!!!
My room is all pink and all
michelle108 #2
OMG OMG I hope you continue the story~!! >< and fast. ah, no pressure please.