ep 3 | Ribbons MV shooting and Album recording

Ribbon / girl group. || story


Ribbon dressed up for their first MV shooting for their new album : Ribbons , tittle track PlayBoy ~ They dressed  up like : (GOes by Gaeun , Vivien , Tricia , Rachel , MinJung , Kristin and Michelle)

(This took up lots of space)


"Annyeong ! We're the new group Ribbon imnida ! " Ribbon exclaimed . 

Fast Forward

"I'm so tired , we still have our album recording . Gawd ! " Gaeun exclaimed , Rachel as expected rapidly ran to the staff room to get her latte , smiling from ear to ear . Meantime , Vivien had to find a toilet urgently . " Excuse me ! Anyone in there ? How long are you going to take ? Till next year ? Bale !! " Vivien yelled while banging on the door . ( The MV shooting place has only 1 toilet shared by males and females ) " Ok , I'm done ! " a cold voice said from the toilet . The door opened and Infinite's Myungsoo was standing there , " I'm done right ? Crazy woman . " He continued . " Omo ! Sumbaenim sorry . " Vivien stuck out her tongue and said . 

Min Jung and Kristin were playing Truth or Dare with the PD , Rachel sipping down on her second coffee , Michelle drawing the 'dead' Gaeun , Tricia staring at what Michelle drew and Vivien kicking the 'dead' Gaeun . " Ok , girls we're done with the MV shooting , time for our album recording . Chop chop ! " Manager Rachel uttered as the girls groaned . 

Album Shooting

" You've broke my heart time after time ~ " sang Gaeun . " ...why couldn't I realized quick ? " Kristin duet . "Cause you're just a playboy oh ~ " The girls caroll. Followed by , their other recordings . " Wow ! You girls do have talents , I can assure you all that you will be in the kpop industry for years . " the producer said . " Nae kamsahaminda ! We will try our best too . " Gaeun continued , " Especially some of you that can play instruments , dance , act , sing and compose music too . " the  producer Kim replied . 

Back at the dorm

" I met Myungsoo just now at the shooting , he was scary , I thought he was kind . Pfft , I guess I was wrong . " Vivien said . " 'Omma' , you're so lucky to meet someone famous all me and Kristin did was play Truth or Dare with the PD . " Min Jung pouted . The girls sighed . " Girls girls girls..... ! There's good news , we have been informed that you all will be making your debut at Inkigayo tomorrow ! Let's start practice now ! " Manager Rachel screamed in joy , as the girls danced in joy . They started practicing and practicing , and slept the at 11pm all excited for the events the next day . 

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cheesesotong #1
When did my taste become so GIRLY \(>0<)/
The horror!!!!!!!!!!
My room is all pink and all
michelle108 #2
OMG OMG I hope you continue the story~!! >< and fast. ah, no pressure please.