The Disclosure

The Boy who came from America

Long chapter~~~


He took his blanket and pillow and clawed closer to Yoseob. Now they were lying there under two blankets close and facing each other. Simon was snoring on the bed. Suddenly Yoseob smirked, took Daniels hand and turned around. He had now his arm around his hyung and laid chest to back with him.

*This is a bit too close* Daniel thought. *But if I back off now hyung will be upset. I know him to well*

He felt awkward being so close to his best friend and laid there all tensed. Suddenly Yoseob patted his hand.

“Sleep babo” he whispered.

*Did my years in the US make me homophobic or something?* Daniel thought. *He’s you best friend stop being an idiot*

He closed his eyes and tried to stop thinking. He just felt the warmth coming from body in his arm and it wasn’t even unpleasant. Faster than he realized he drifted into sleep.



He turned around seeing a girl form the other class. He had seen her before but never talked to her.

“I have seen you on Monday”

“So” she was up to something he knew that for sure.

“You’re good”

“Emmm…Thank you?!”

“How about doing something together? Now?”

*I haven’t even debut and I already have a person here that only wants me for the fame* Besides that she never talked to him before she wasn’t his typ. Yes, she was pretty but there was something about her that him suspicious.

“Err I have training now” he said “See ya” With this he left as fast as possible without running.

When he arrived at Mboat’s building he met Simon in the hallway.

“Come with me” he said.

“The CEO wants to talk to the trainees”

Daniel was confused but followed his hyung to a hall. Yoseob was already there and they stood next to him.

“What is this about?” Daniel asked.

“Dunno” Yoseob said. He looked as confused as he felt.

“This is not good” Simon said low with a shadow on his face.

The CEO came in and everyone stopped talking and looked at him.

“Thank you all for coming here. I’ll make it short” he said.

“We declared this management insolvent.”

Well you nearly flooded me with comments @@

Give me some feed back please~

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yoshido #1
Please update.. i love YOda..!!! please..
vuegurl_92 #2
oh yeah please continue with your other fanfic!!!<br />
I just been to busy to reply...<br />
so please continue it.
vuegurl_92 #3
oh...this another story!<br />
yeah and it's YODA TOO!!!!<br />
I LOVE YODA!<br />
can't wait till another update!