If Heaven Reaches You & Me


We tend to dismiss the people that has always been there for us. We ignore, overlook and disregard the tiniest of things he/she does. But when the end has come, will you be able to say "I love you too" before it's too late?


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ayawani #1
Chapter 1: I'm filling up an ocean with my tears rite now,like when i reading this for the first time reading iy..Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.. TTㅅTT
Sungmin will regreting it for the rest of his life..
Gaembell #2
Chapter 1: i almost curse sungmin here. hahahaa. i remembered one of your fic that frustrated me a lot. the last call i think ;")
it's still my fav fic after all of ur fics hehehe but i still love your fics !
riekyu #3
Chapter 1: Kyu~


Great author nim
just great to make me cry T.T
meacuiza #4
Chapter 1: I'm crying my heart out. This is so heart breaking yet beautiful at the same time. Well written author nim!
wanlingELF #5
Oh this is the other way round, can't help to feel sad for minnie...
petalcha #6
/legit tears D:
WHYYYY?? Sungmin why???! Oh gosh I'm tearing up. It's so heart-breaking and beautiful and the same time.
misspearlblue #8
Congratulations! you've made me cry (again)!
adreana164 #9
This is sad mainly because usually Kyuhyun is the one that showed his love most but Sungmin is too oblivious. By the time he realised it, it was too late. tearing up :'(