the race



CHAPTER 2: The Race



Raia and her siblings arrived at the racetracks. It was at the bottom of Mount Akina. The race was more on drifting and racers were all over the place.

The main event had already started.

"Kuya, the race is almost finishing." Raia told Jiro who were watching the lights of the cars racing down the mountain. (Kuya means older brother in Filipino)

Jiro smiled, "then we're on perfect timing." he said.

"You're going to go against the winner, Gypsy." Chun said, also watching the dancing lights.

"If you win against their king, then we're your slaves and we'll tell the whole ing world that you're better than us." Edison added.

"I don't think this is a good idea Raia." Ziyi said.

"Yeah." Qi agreed. "You don't need to do this, we all know when truth."

"I disagree, unnie." Maki said. "Teach our oppa some lesson."

"Yeah." Yi Chen said, "You can beat whoever that is that's going to win."

"That is if you can." Nickhun said, a triumphant smile was already on his face.

Raia just shrugged the smile on his brothers' face and waited for the race to end.

The first car that arrived garnered applause and screams from whom seemed to be fans of the driver.

The car door opened and a deity got off.

He was wearing some hip-hop clothes, big shirt, baggy pants and a bandana under a cup. The driver's eyes were glittering and he moved as if winning the race was not new to him.

"That’s Tempo." Geng said, he put his arm around Raia's shoulder. "He’s the king. Never lost a game. Beat him and we're yours to command Gypsy."

He looked at Geng, then on her other brothers.

They all looked so sure that he would not beat that Tempo guy.

When she looked at her sisters, her forehead creased.

They all looked defeated, even before the race.

"Ok." Yi Zhen said, and then turned to her. "I take it back. Let’s go home instead."

"Yeah, good idea unnie." Maki said.

"What are you guys saying?" she stomped her foot and wiggled free from Geng. "I thought you guys are with me?" she looked at the two.

"Yeah, we are." Maki said. "But that's Tempo!"

"So?!" she raised her brow then looked at the two eldest who were quiet. "What do you say ate?" (Ate means older sister in Filipino)

"Well. . ." Ziyi made a deep breath before speaking. "That is Tempo, like Geng said he never loses."

"But this is good." Qi said. "Beat him and these fools over here will definitely praise you, maybe even make a statue for you."

Raia thought of what her eldest sisters had said.

They were right. If she wanted to prove to her brothers that she was better than they were, what was better way than beating someone who they all thought was the best.

"So, what do you say Gypsy?" Jiro asked after a while.

She looked at each of them then gave her sweetest smile.

"I’m in."

"Good." Chun said. "Go and asked him for a round."

"Oh. . ." Edison said after she made a step. "He only race once every week and what we saw earlier was his once . . . so . . . good luck." then he giggled like a girl.

Raia squinted her eyes, her brother were obviously playing with her.

They all knew about Tempo's racing ways but did not tell her until the last minute.

She turned to face them, put her hand on her waist. "You’ll all pay for this!" then whirled her way to Jiro's car.

"Hey Chosen, borrow!" she shouted before getting in.

Jiro’s car was customized for racing, it was his hobby.

She could see that Jiro did not agree but was held back by Ziyi.

She started the engine and went were the celebration was happening.

She parked the car near Tempo.

Heads turned her way when she opened her car door.

She walked directly were Tempo was standing.

She made her walk in slow steps, Making sure that Tempo could see what she could offer any male who would want to claim her.

She was wearing a red short short, as Solo said, too short that the cloth actually revealed her soul and more.

Her tube top that looks like a black corset only the strings were on her left side, revealing a pattern of tattoo, hugged her curves.

Her long red curls were flowing freely and her deep yellow eyes appeared to be glowing whenever lights flashed on her face.

She could see him swallowing while watching her every moves. Even the four boys behind him were drooling.

She stood in front of him and tip toed, she brushed her lips on the corner of Tempo's lips and landed a kiss on his cheek, while her hand was on his chest, and she deliberately grazed her nails on him.

"Congratulations pretty boy." Raia whispered in a sultry voice, not leaving his deep eyes.

"th. . .th . . ." Tempo or Choi Seung Hyun cleared his throat when he realized that he stuttered. "Thanks."

Seung Hyun was ramming his brain, he literally froze on his feet when he felt her lips on him, even though that was just a second, he felt electricity flowed.

Blame his hormones but he was damn sure than any normal male would feel the same way, especially with a girl like the one standing in front of him.

He could smell vanilla from her and it reminded him of ice cream that he so wanted to .

Ok, that thought was not good for his pants. He felt it shrinking or there was just something growing inside it.

"You’re welcome." she whispered, her hands still on his chest. "I heard you're the best around here. Mind if I try you on?"

Seung Hyun's ears perked up.

If this girl was referring to the ON his groin was screaming, he was so into it.

He touched her arm with his finger, and he felt her shiver.

"Just tell me the when and the where, and I’m so there." his eyes also not breaking the contact.

The smile that curved her lips knocked him out.

"Good. . ." she murmured. "What’s the bet?"

Seung Hyun blinked when he realized what the enchantress had in mind and stepped back from her reach.

"Whoa!" he put his hands up. "Stop there missy!"

"Why? You just said that you'll be there. . ." Raia said, trying to gain their eye contact back.

"I don't race with amateurs." he said then crossed his arms on his chest.

"Honey, if my hyung is not free. . . I am . . ." the maknae, Seung Ri butted in.

Raia gave him a smile and touched his cheek. "What I sweet dongsaeng you have here." she then looked at Seung Hyun. "So protective of his hyung that he doesn't want people to see him loose."

"Excuse me. . ." Seung Hyun said, his eyes squinting as he pushed Seung Ri away. "Me?" he pointed on himself then pointed at her, "will lose to you?" then he chuckled. "You have to be kidding!"

"Oh really?!" Raia smiled, she knew that she was near her goal. "Then prove it. . ." she purred, He walked near him again, brushing herself on him.

Seung Hyun literally jumped as he made a step back. The nearness of her was sending shivers on him and he knew it was not good.

"Sorry missy but I won't waste my time on you." he said, holding back whatever weird feelings he was having.

Raia made another step towards Seung Hyun that made the latter froze as she tiptoed and whispered, "Then that just proved that you're afraid of me."

She looked at him straight to his eyes while they both could hear the crowd around them, somewhere booing Tempo while others were encouraging him. The girls were all on Raia's side as they encourage the Gypsy.

"Alright." Seung Hyun nodded. "One million dollars."

Raia's lips curved in a triumphant smile. "Grant me three wishes if I win."

"What? I am not a genie. What do you mean three wishes?" Seung Hyun asked.

"Well, I don't race for money." Raia answered. "I already have lots of it."

Seung Hyun smirked; this little girl was too cocky for her own good. "Then get your checks ready." he said as he stepped backward from her and to went for his car.

Raia let her breath go as she watched him going for his car.

She got her phone and dialed Maki. "You got your toys ready?" she asked once she picked up.

"Yup." Maki answered. "What do you want me to play?"

"Hook me up on their com but I want only Tempo to hear me."

"Got it." the tech genius answer. "What do you have in mind unnie?"

"Phone ." Raia answered then hung up before the youngest of them could ask anything.

She got on Jiro’s car and readied herself.

"Its show time."

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Luckyyourcute #1
Oh wow she has so many siblings it's hard to keep up! Lol