Chapter 2

[mini-series] Brown Leaves and Ballads

Added something to the first chapter guys, if you want, check it out! ^~^





Kyuhyun goes home with the album bag on his left hand and a standee on the right. Yes, he got Ryeowook’s standee on the raffle a while ago. He didn’t even expect getting it though, for when he went back, the raffle was done and the standees weren’t outside the music bar anymore. He was about to go home when he decided to take a last look inside. There he saw Ryeowook’s standee on the corner and because he was curious on why his bias’ standee’s still there, he approached the sales lady and asked her.

“Oh, the one whom we picked was not outside a while ago and we already informed him via text message that he won, and it’s a rule to wait for 1 week before we call another person to get the standee.”

Kyuhyun immediately took his phone out and found that it has no battery anymore. He bowed and then turned around. When he was about to leave, the sales lady ran past by him.

“Are you, by any chance, Cho Kyuhyun-sshi?”

“U-ugh… Y-yes I am. H-how did you know?”

“You, come with me. I mean, you need to sign a paper indicating that you got the standee already.”


After signing a paper, Kyuhyun hurriedly grabbed the standee and went out of the store. He was all giddy that some people gave him mocking looks. He just ignored the stares he was receiving, he had no time for that. He got to meet his idol face-to-face, got to hold her shoulders, got to have her sign and now he also got the standee. He can never get any luckier. By now I am fanboy Kyu, not the usual nerd existing in the university.

The moment he arrived at the apartment he is renting, he threw away his bag and ran towards his room. He is not the type to post photos and posters on the wall that is why his room is plain white. He does not even like the color but that was what his parents want to see. Clean, organized and white room. But this is a different story. He now has a standee of Ryeowook and he must put it in a place where he can see it the moment he opens his eyes.

“Should I just paste it on the ceiling then? Nah. That is a silly idea.”

He keeps on changing the place of the standee for the past 15 minutes. Not near the window, not near the door, not near the bed. He can’t seem to find any place at all when his gaze lands on a space between his closet and his study table. He notices the pile of books on the table and an unfinished project near it. He needs to finish it today. Just thinking about getting high grades and perfect marks ruins his mood already. He approaches the table and lays the standee on the unoccupied space beside it unconsciously. He ruffles his hair before sitting on the chair and opening the first book he gets.

“I think I can’t be fanboy Kyu even just for a day.”

Yes. Kyuhyun is a genius, but he is not perfect. He does not know everything. He experiences stress and frustrations too and this time he really gets tired after reading 3 different books in one sitting. Before opening the fourth book, he massages his temples first and lets his eyes roam anywhere but the table top while playing with his rotating chair. It didn’t take a long time for his eyes to land on Ryeowook’s standee. Her eyes are perfect crescents and her smile is so bright. She has her left arm raised up to her shoulder like she’s telling Kyuhyun “Hwaiting!” Kyuhyun doesn’t know if it’s only him or Ryeowook is really glowing with her white dress and blonde hair. Nevertheless, her simple sight recharges Kyuhyun’s battery to the fullest and the guy continues doing his homework with a stupid smile plastered on his face.


It’s been a week since Kyuhyun’s encounter with his idol and things seem to go back to how it’s supposed to be. It’s still early but he is already working his off on a café on the heart of the busy city. He’s on a morning shift for his classes start after lunch. The café just opened that’s why there aren’t many customers yet because morning rush hour on a café like that starts at 10am and it’s still 8am. During this time he usually leisure himself outside however, when he is about to stretch his hands out, a big black tinted van suddenly appeared in front of him. Before the passengers make their way out, Kyuhyun rushes inside the café and stands on the cashier area. He isn’t expecting any customers this morning. After a while, a middle-aged woman really appeared in front of him and asked for 4 orders of caramel macchiato and pancakes. After he registered the orders, he received the payment and began making the coffees. He immediately delivers the order to a table on the right-most corner of the café.

“Here are your orders Ma’am. Enjoy your breakfast!” he chirped happily. While arranging the meals, he notices that only the middle-aged woman has no cover on her face. The other 3 ladies have theirs where you can only see the eyes and nothing more. As he laid the last order his curiosity beats him for he takes a peek on the lady in front of her. Much to his dismay, the lady looks like she’s sleeping because her eyes are closed. He just shrugged it off and returned to his place.

Kyuhyun gets the shock of his life on that early chilly autumn morning when someone speaks from the cashier area when he was about to relax himself and on the verge of flipping the first page of the newspaper he was currently holding into.

“Mister, can I get more—Woah! Kyuhyun-sshi?”


His eyes opened the same way those little orbs reacted last week ago. Despite his thick nerd glasses, she can still see that they’re still big, shining and cute. She giggled when he suddenly crumpled the newspaper he was about to read and abruptly stood up. He was straightening his already fine-ironed brown cupcake-colored uniform while constantly moving in front of her. She knew that it is so stupid to ask another question when it is already obvious but she needs confirmation, right?

“Are you really Cho Kyuhyun-sshi? Woah! We meet again!”

There is a brief moment of silence before he swallowed hard and decided to say something. “H-h-hello there, ange—I mean, Kim Ryeowook-sshi! Y-y-yeah, we m-m-meet again!” He stupidly said stuttering while scratching an imaginary itch on his head.

“You work here? Ugh, yeah, dumb question right?”

Kyuhyun nods and he opens his mouth but no words come out. He continues nodding until Ryeowook laughs.

“Why are you doing that Kyuhyun-sshi? Oh, can I have more sugar please? I really like sweets, you know.” She said and chuckles when Kyuhyun dashed out to the counter and slips on nothing before returning in front of her. “You are one clumsy guy Kyuhyun-sshi, but it’s cute!”

Ryeowook is about to leave when she turns around and sees Kyuhyun hitting himself on his head. She wonders why he is doing that but when she notices that Kyuhyun’s hits begins to look real hard, he cleared .

“Kyuhyun-sshi, do you want to come with me? I mean, there aren’t many costumers yet so I think you’re free. Can you?”

Kyuhyun seems to hesitate at first but surrenders too when Ryeowook starts to pull his hand. Ryeowook’s hand seems to shake too. It’s the first time she’ll ever introduce a boy to her unnis and her Leeteuk-omma. Most of the time it’s Heechul who was introducing random sunbaes, hoobaes and guy friends to them. Sungmin did that once too. The only man Ryeowook introduced to them was her father and now, she is dragging a guy whom she only knows to be an avid fan of hers to introduce to them, she will be nervous of course.

When they reached the table, the occupants have all their eyes and ears to the people standing in front of them. Ryeowook regains her composure first before starting the awkward introduction.

“U-ugh, Leeteuk-omma, Heechul-unni, Sungmin-unni, this is Cho Kyuhyun. The one I’m talking about. You know, the one who saved me from the fans last week.”


Kyuhyun automatically bows after he heard his name. However, his concentration wasn’t on being formal but to what Ryeowook said. He mentally smiles upon knowing that Ryeowook talked about him. He isn’t aware that he bowed down endlessly that Heechul nudged him on his shoulders.

“Stop doing that. You look stupid. Hahaha.”

Kyuhyun stops after he heard Heechul’s comment and thinks that the Heechul on TV is the same as the Heechul in real life. She may have a not-so-nice mouth but she does not release any bad aura either. She’s just being playful and his admiration for Heechul increases a bit. When he knows that he can control himself again, he studies the table. The one who nudged him was Heechul, the one with her face revealed must be the Leeteuk-omma Ryeowook who is standing beside him talked about. Then the silent girl who is sitting next to Heechul must be Sungmin. It won’t be hard to pin-point who’s who if they aren’t wearing any disguises but they need to wear it even though they don’t want to. They are on the center of Seoul and they aren’t normal people. If they don’t want the café broken then they must wear disguises.

His thoughts were broken when Leeteuk suddenly spoke. “Aren’t you going to invite him to sit down Wookie-ah?”

Ryeowook seems to be surprised too because she jolts up when she heard her name and asked Kyuhyun to immediately sit down. Leeteuk is the only one talking at first and she expressed her gratitude to Kyuhyun for saving her baby. The three seemed to be silent while sipping their coffees but the calm atmosphere was immediately broken when Heechul’s mighty tongue put into action.

“Look at Ryeonggu! She’s blushing unni! Ya Wook you like him don’t you?”

Kyuhyun immediately coughs when he digested everything that Heechul have said. Ryeowook, on the other hand, drops her fork and panicks and when she is about to reach for the fork, Kyuhyun stood up and reaches for it hurriedly. For a brief moment, his and Ryeowook’s hands brushes off each other that made him bump the table. After recovering, he excuses himself to get another fork for Ryeowook and as he is walking farther he hears a voice which he assumes to be Sungmin’s say “Heechul-unni don’t act like that! We might break everything in here and don’t tease our innocent Wookie!”

For a moment, Kyuhyun thinks that Sungmin indeed is the strong and protective member. He smiles upon thinking that his bias receives so much protection and love from the group. Their manager seems to be kind too. The fact that Ryeowook calls her omma and she calls Ryeowook her baby is enough to prove it already.

Why is he connecting everything to Ryeowook?

When Ryeowook’s name pops up, the scene where Heechul asked their maknae if she likes Kyuhyun replays on his mind. By the way Ryeowook reacted, is there a possibility that she, indeed, likes Kyuhyun?


For 4 straight days Ryeowook eats her breakfast on the same café. She comes with or without her unnis. The coffee and pancakes taste delicious. She enjoys Kyuhyun’s company and the latter seems to enjoy hers too. Kyuhyun seemed to treat her as a friend rather than an idol for he was more comfortable now. The early morning autumn scent also energizes her so much. Kyuhyun and her talks about the most random of all things like Kyuhyun’s university, to why he became a fan of Super Girls, to the outer space, to giraffes and to much complicated things such as life and love. She knew that Kyuhyun never really had a girl friend before nor a girl whom he thinks she likes. He is constricted into studying and more studying. His parents don’t want him to be just a smart student. They want him to be the smartest. They hate passing marks for they like it to be perfect. Kyuhyun thought he’d go crazy but thanks to a certain ballad song from Super Girls and his mind remembered how to breathe again. Ryeowook pitied Kyuhyun for his situation but she is also thankful that their music helped Kyuhyun and maybe a lot more others.

However, on the 5th day of her supposedly breakfast meeting with Kyuhyun, Leeteuk appears on the dorm door even before she steps out.

“Don’t go out now.”

Leeteuk has a serious tone and Ryeowook feels weird about it. Normally, Leeteuk will accompany her to the café or greet her with her dimple smile but today is different. There’s also an authoritative vibe coming out from her omma that make her feel a little scared. Despite that feeling, she gathers all of her courage and greets her omma with her nervous smile. “Good morning omma! What’s wrong?”

Leeteuk sighs before giving Ryeowook a piece of paper. “Read it.”

Ryeowook breathes hard before opening the paper. She trembles after reading the paper and giving it back to Leeteuk. “Omma, am I the one the letter’s talking about?”

Leeteuk shakes her head and gives Ryeowook an assurance smile before motioning her to go inside. She calls the other members first before settling down on the living room. “So I received this letter a while ago from an anonymous sender. Heechul, read this aloud so that everybody will hear.”

“Huh—so early in the morning!” Heechul whines, but she takes the letter nonetheless and starts reading it. “Do you think you can handle them well? Are you ready for Super Girls’ first scandal? I can see that they’re already growing up, aren’t they? Guide them well Teuk-sshi.”

“What’s that? Is the sender threatening you Leeteuk-unni?” Sungmin asked. “Scandal? It’s not like we have boyfriends and all. Maybe Heechul-unni, but she handles it real well so you don’t need to worry!”


“Maybe it’s me. Omma, maybe it’s me. I’ve been going to the café where…” Ryeowook fails to finish her sentence for she starts on crying and Sungmin immediately wraps her hands on her little dongsaeng. Leeteuk rubs her back while shushing her before talking again.

“It’s not Wookie. I’m not pointing anyone, so do you Heechul. And I am not warning you because I don’t want you to meet other people. I just, I just want to protect you. We don’t know who the letter-sender is so we need to be careful right? What if that crazy anonymous writer hurts you? I don’t want that to happen so as long as I can I will protect you.”

After Ryeowook calms down and Heechul’s temper balances, Leeteuk stands up and goes to the kitchen. “Stay there! Breathe in, breathe out.”

The three just nod and remain silent as Leeteuk prepares for their breakfast.




Waahh, at last I've had a time to update! Hope you like this one. Un-betaed. Random. Hehehe. Comments are loved. Thanks to the subscribers and the ones who commented! ^-^

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Added something on chapter 1 coz I think it's inappropriate to put it in the 2nd chapter. ^^


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Keyv88 #1
Chapter 2: O.o scandal with kyu?!
Keyv88 #2
Chapter 1: So sweetttt i think this is the only story where kyu is the fan and i really like it
omgggg XD this is just cuute ;A;
trolololol i can just imagine kyu going all fanboying over wook ouo
djakshlafhka- otl update soooooon! <3
nur267 #4
Wow... I really look forward for next updates... I love this story. :)
kyulovewook #5
hahha i love this~
this fic is so awesome! and i can't stop smiling knowing that Kyu is a fanboy of no other than Wookie LOLs
update soon :D
I normally don't read genderbenders, but this fic is awesome! *runs off to subscribe*
deasy_kyuwook #7
aaaahhh...its so cute story...wah kyu become fangirl
i just cant wait new chapter...up date soon