Chapter 1

[mini-series] Brown Leaves and Ballads


It is a cold windy afternoon for the people of Seoul. The trees are starting to cry its leaves out and the fallen leaves gives a crunchy sound as people step on it. The usual noisy city also has an unbelievably peaceful aura during this season. Even though the sun is shining so bright, the wind is so cold giving every life form some kind of calmness. Everything is laid-back and is going with the flow, except the Super Fans or the supporters of the pop-ballad group Super Girls.

Amidst the beautiful scenery is a large crowd in front of a music store. They are lined up properly and are waiting to have a hold of their idol’s album. This is Super Girls’ comeback month. Their company has released their album on this very cold day of September. The group has been the highest selling artist for 3 years in a row now that’s why it is not a surprise that the music store today is doomed. Some of the fans are whining on how long they need to wait just to purchase the album. Some are sitting on the portable chairs each of them brings and they are the so-called veterans. Some are just patiently standing on their spot like a certain Cho Kyuhyun.

Cho Kyuhyun.

He is an ordinary university scholar who works on a nearby café. Tall, pale and nerd, he is a favorite among the gangsters of Seoul, but he does not mind, he is happy being him, a straight A student and a fanboy. He keeps it a secret though. Him being Super Girls’ fanboy. His parents want him to focus on his studies only. They don’t give Kyuhyun money for his hobbies, that’s why he secretly works in a café. He doesn’t remember how he started being a fanboy but he is certain that Super Girls’ songs calm his soul. The group does dances but most of the time they sing ballads.

Kyuhyun does not even notice how the line starts to move and how close he is now in the cashier because he is busy listening to his idols’ songs. A smile crept on his face upon hearing his bias’ voice. Among the three members, it is Kim Ryeowook’s voice that he loves the most. Her voice is uniquely high but Kyuhyun does not mind. Her voice calms his everything the best. She also manages to manipulate Kyuhyun’s emotions the most. Kyuhyun smiles when she sings happy songs. He frowns when she sings sad ballads.

After 10 minutes, Kyuhyun now holds onto the album he worked hard for. “Sir, here’s a coupon. Right your bias’ name and drop it on the box in front of her standee. When we got your entry then you’ll be able to take the standee home. It will be raffled at 5pm.”

Kyuhyun follows what the cashier told him. He writes Ryeowook’s name in the coupon and drops it on the box in front of Ryeowook’s standee. He stands there for quite some time before smiling on the standee which is smiling sweetly back at him. “Hope I’ll be able to get you later.”


Kim Ryeowook is standing outside the music store since it has opened. She is a top-star now but it feels like it’s still their debut every time they release their new album. The difference now is that she can’t leave their dorm without any disguise on. She is wearing a mask on and she secured her long blonde hair inside her fedora hat. It is a weak disguise but thanks to her common facial features, she can easily hide from the fans. But that common face always affects her self-confidence in a negative way. She thinks that she is the least popular among the three. She is not as beautiful as Kim Heechul or as adorable and Lee Sungmin. She is just Kim Ryeowook. She is so normal. That is even proven by the number of people dropping their coupons in front of her standee. Though the boxes are opaque, she can clearly imagine the difference between the numbers of the coupons each of the members have. For every 5 coupons for Kim Heechul she will have 1. She does not deny that she is insecure sometimes.

She stayed there for a while when she notices a man standing seriously in front of her standee. She observes him and when she sees a smile on the man’s face she starts to walk towards him. Unbeknownst to her, a group of fangirls are heading towards her direction for they are going to drop their coupon on Sungmin’s standee which is on her standee’s left. She continues to walk when the man turns around and the fangirls bump her.



The girl’s hat flew and her mask miraculously detaches itself from her face. Shock is evident in Kyuhyun’s eyes as he sees her. He then looks behind and onto the girl again and realization hit him. Kim Ryeowook’s now on the ground. In front of him. The fangirls don’t actually mind Ryeowook’s existence because they don’t really notice her. After saying their apologies they go straight Sungmin’s standee. Ryeowook hurriedly get her hat and the mask but she fails to wear it again because of some fans’ reaction upon getting a better view of her face.

“Oh my gosh. Are you, possibly, ugh, Kim Ryeowook?”

“Naah—why will our angel go here? She’s busy, so as Sungmin-unni and Heechul-unni.”

“Nooo!! Look, she really looks like Ryeowook-unni!”

“Wait lemme take a look.”

Kyuhyun observes Ryeowook’s expressions for a while before it dawned to him that she is afraid. He thinks of some plans on how to help the girl and when the fans swooned over Ryeowook he immediately pushes them away and takes Ryeowook’s hand. He makes sure that Ryeowook saw his I-will-get-you-out-of-this look before covering Ryeowook’s face with his jacket. After that he encircles his hand on the girl’s shoulders and shouts, “What are you doing there yeobo? Sorry if some fangirls hit you. Aishh. Are you hurt? Where?”

Kyuhyun continues his monologue until he is sure that the fans are now out of sight. They are seated on a bench on an isolated part of a garden in the heart of Seoul. Brown leaves are scattered on the ground and the trees look like a painting in his eyes but as much as he wants to enjoy the scene he can’t. He looks at the silent girl beside him and then he slaps his face. Ryeowook jolts upon Kyuhyun’s action. She looks on the guy like he is some sort of a psycho. Kyuhyun then looks straight in Ryeowook dark brown orbs and he feels like he’s inside a dream. A very beautiful dream.

“A-are you really Kim Ryeowook?”


Ryeowook smiles upon hearing the man’s answer. “What do you think?”

They continue to stare at each other for God knows how long when Ryeowook’s cell phone suddenly rings. She gives an apologetic smile to the man before answering her phone. It’s Heechul and she’s dead worried.

“Nah, I’m fine. Somebody saved me. I’m at the park near the church me and Sungmin-unni visits weekly. Fetch me please?”

After the conversation, Heechul agreed on fetching her dongsaeng and Ryeowook returns on her seat beside the man. She eyes the said man before deciding to break the awkward silence between them. “It’s Heechul-unni.”

“Oh. Y-yeah, I-I-I heard.” The man becomes a stuttering mess upon replying to Ryeowook. His cheeks which is pale white a while ago becomes pinkish and Ryeowook thinks it’s cute.

“You’re blushing Mister! You’re so adorable. Ughh, thank you for saving me a while ago. I wish I can do something for you in return.”

“N-n-no need! Hehehe.”

Ryeowook shrugs her shoulders and observes the man. He is wearing thick eyeglasses, he has a pointy nose and pouty lips. His hair is a bit long that his bangs cover up his right eye. It’s obvious that the man does not care about how he looks but he has a clear face. After eyeing the man’s face, her gaze lands on the bag of album the man’s currently holding tight like it is the only thing that can save him from someone who wants to take his life. She smiles upon remembering how the man looks on her standee a while ago.

“Ahh! Let me sign your album! You brought our new album right?”

The man’s eyes grow the biggest possible after hearing what Ryeowook said. “Is, is it o-okay? Ugh.. Sorry for being like this, I, I’m, no, I really really like you. In fact you are my favorite member.”

“Really? Come on, let me sign there.”

The man hesitated for a moment before giving the album to Ryeowook. She laughs when she saw that the man’s hands are shaking.

“Why am I your favorite then?”

She looks on the man’s eyes and the man looks away. His cheeks are now crimson red, maybe because of embarrassment. She waits for the man to answer but after several minutes he just stayed silent. Instead of waiting for something she is eager to know, she just asks another question to the man. “Ughh, your name?”

She is answered by yet another look from the man. She chuckles before saying “You know, for the sign. Yeah.”

The man smiles awkwardly before finally opening his mouth. “O-oh! Y-yeah. I’m Kyuhyun. Cho Kyuhyun.”

“Uhm. Cho Kyuhyun then.”


Kyuhyun stares at Ryeowook while the latter’s signing his album. He notices that her hands looks so soft, she is smiling while signing his album, she really has high cheekbones, she has small eyes and nose and her straight, long and blonde hair falls freely on her shoulders. He also remembered that the girl sure is petite and she looks real delicate. Kyuhyun then generalizes that Ryeowook’s the true form of extra cuteness.

His daydreaming is cut short when Ryeowook calls his name and hands the album back to him.

“You know Kyuhyun-sshi, I really want to know why I’m your favorite. There’s nothing special about me you know. I’m just, ugh, plain. Yeah.”


“But it’s true.”

“No. You’re special. Very special.”

“In what way?”

Why is Ryeowook special? Kyuhyun thinks of the things that makes Ryeowook different. That makes her stand-out. That makes her special. She’s the best singer in the entire Korean nation. Maybe she’s also the best in the world. Her eyes form perfect little crescents when she smiles. She has a soothing voice. Kyuhyun has a lot of reasons why Ryeowook’s his favorite. He has too many reasons that he can’t even choose just a bit to answer the girl. Instead of answering the girl’s question, he asks her yet another one. “Do people need reasons to like someone?”

“That only counts when you really know someone Kyuhyun-sshi. Even though I’m a public figure and my entire identity is known, you still don’t know who I am. Right? Everything you know is what Kim Ryeowook on the outside. And I want to know what physical characteristics of mine made me so attractive to you.”


Kyuhyun’s cut off by the beeping sound coming somewhere behind them. Ryeowook stands up to see who that is.

“It’s Heechul-unni. So, Kyuhyun-sshi, nice to meet you.”

“Oh. Yeah. Take care.”

Ryeowook then runs towards the van and before she enters, she faces Kyuhyun again and shouts, “Hope you win that standee! Hwaiting!”

And Kyuhyun helplessly eyes the retreating figure of the van and slaps himself once again. He is certain that everything is a dream. He stops on slapping himself when he hears a faint thud. He looks on the ground and found his CD lying there. Oh great! He remembered putting it down somewhere in the chair when he heard the beeping sound from the van. Is it broken? He runs towards the CD to check if it is broken somewhere. He chuckles when he remembers that it is made of paper. More like a box. Super Girls’ albums were all made of something unbreakable. And he is suddenly thankful for the company of his idols’ being a major cheapskate and all.

He opens the CD and takes the booklet to scan it. He stops at a certain page where Ryeowook’s photo’s printed and the other side is blank. No, it used to be blank, but now several words are written to it and after reading, Kyuhyun squealed like a crazy fangirl and he can no longer hide the happiness and tingly feeling he’s been holding since he saved Ryeowook from the crowd a while ago. He jumps, skips and turns around while holding the album. He kisses that very page again and again and when he decides to stop, he reads the scribbled letters once more.

To Kyuhyun,

Thank you for saving me a while ago. Aaa, really, what am I going to do if you’re not there? Thank you for supporting Super Girls too. And thank you for choosing me as your favorite member. I’m really curious. Why me? Heechul-unni is a lot prettier. Sungmin-unni’s a lot cuter. Why me? Hope to see you again. By that time I’ll make sure that you’ll answer my question. ^^

It’s long right? I actually want to write a letter of gratitude but this little page won’t allow me. Looking forward on seeing you once again! You’re too cute when you’re blushing. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Love lots,


PS: HOPE YOU WIN THE STANDEE!! If not, then haunt me! XD I’m more than willing to snap a photo with my savior. ^^

And right there, Kyuhyun knows that Ryeowook is indeed special. By that moment he knows that he likes his idol not because of the looks and the physical appearance. He likes Ryeowook because of reasons deeper and more valid than that. And he, too, is more than willing to see Kim Ryeowook again. 



It has been so long since they left the park yet no words have been said. Ryeowook knows that her Heechul-unni is angry, again. It has been Ryeowook’s ritual to visit their album launches every time, and it also has been Heechul’s routine to guard her ever-so-mischievous dongsaeng. Ryeowook also knows that she should not speak unless her unni told her so. No one dares to mess with Kim Heechul, well, except Ryeowook.

“Ugh… Unni, I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.” Ryeowook find herself snuggling close and apologizing to Heechul. Since the release of their second album, Heechul prohibited Ryeowook and Sungmin to come to album launches. They are no more ordinary beginners. They have already won several awards and more or less 101% of Seoul already knows them. They cannot afford having even a single scandal or rumor. Heechul, being the leader and the oldest member, knows that. Ryeowook believes that Heechul’s just trying to protect them. She’s just trying to protect Super Girls’ reputation.

Ryeowook returns to her after 5 minutes of waiting for her unni to answer. She flinches when she hears her unni speak. Long rant ahead. Ryeowook-ah, hwaiting!

“Why are you always making the same mistakes over and over again Wook-ah? I should’ve really chained you to your room a while ago. Do you really want to put an end in your career? You’re so… ugh! What if manager-unni knew about all of this? You can’t go out! You know her well. Sungmin experienced that two years ago and we can’t do anything about it. Wook-ah, we only have each other so please, please, listen to me okay? You are so perfect and calm but when it’s our album launch you really are—“

“But unni, I’m just happy that we’re able to release an album again. And… and… about the manager-thingy, we already changed our manager remember? She’s very kind, unlike our past managers and look, I’m okay! Nothing bad happened.”

“But still! What if Leeteuk-unni becomes a monster too? Aren’t you afraid of that time to happen? We need to behave Wookie. We’re not rookies anymore. Ugh! I’m so frustrated!”

Ryeowook chooses not to answer anymore. Even though she tries hard not to remember, images of the group’s past keep on rewinding on her mind. They were fully controlled by their past managers. What do we mean by fully? From the moment they open their eyes to what time they are going to sleep, it was according to the rules. During the promotion of their 2nd album, her Sungmin-unni was caught outside their dorm talking to a certain person on the phone. Their manager immediately grabbed Sungmin’s phone and talked to the listener. Even though the listener didn’t tell their manager who he is and what his relationship with Sungmin was, their manager wasn’t a pea-headed creature and she broke Min’s phone after the conversation. After that, she dragged Sungmin to her bedroom. She harshly pushed the poor girl to her bed and locked the door afterwards. Heechul and Ryeowook were there, but they did nothing to help their teammate. After that incident, Sungmin was seen spacing out and her performances were affected badly that the company meddled with the problem. They told them the truth and then the manager was gone. Even so, the bad things she did to them left a deep scar that they, especially Heechul, can’t bring to trust their new manager Leeteuk.

Ryeowook’s deep thinking is cut by Heechul’s nudging arm. She looks at her unni and saw her teasing stare.  “Unni, aren’t you angry a while ago?”

“Nah--, we have a new manager and she is kind, right? I am going crazy.”

“Looks like you really are. And Leeteuk-unni has been our manager for 2 years now. She’s an angel who kicked the witch away. She’s no more new.”

Leeteuk is really kind. She doesn’t control her talents’ lives. She’s there to catch them when they are blown by a hard wind and she’s also there when they need a friend to talk to. That’s why Ryeowook is confident that they’ll be alright. Maybe Leeteuk will be eager to know what happened to the album launch a while ago. She’ll listen to Ryeowook’s stories while eating popcorn. That’s how Ryeowook is comfortable with Leeteuk. She entrusts her life to her manager. She treats Leeteuk like her second mom.

“You’re always looking at nothing Wookie.”

“Ugh, yeah. I’m just thinking about the stories to tell Teukie-omma later. Hehe.”

“Stories? Oh yeah! Who’s that guy with you a while ago?”

Ryeowook smiled upon understanding the question. “Aa—he’s a friend. Yeah. A special friend.” That special guy who looks at her standee with so much love. That special guy who saved her despite being a complete stranger.

“How is he special? Is our Wookie having a crush on someone? Ha? Ha?” Heechul peppers Ryeowook a lot of questions while tickling the little figure. “Who is that special friend Wookie? Whooooooo?”

Ryeowook tries hard to escape from Heechul’s skilful hands but fails to do so. She is now a laughing mess and before she dies because of lack of oxygen, she surrenders to Heechul and promises to answer all of her unni’s questions.

“Okay unni. He is Cho Kyuhyun. He’s a fan.”

Ryeowook looks at Heechul unreadable face before bursting into another laugh. The older throws tantrums and starts to ignore Ryeowook’s pokes on her sides. She glares at her dongsaeng when she doesn’t stop. “Kim Ryeowook. Do you want me to believe that ?”

“But I’m telling the truth unni. He’s a fan. And he saved my life.”

Heechul holds onto Ryeowook’s shoulders tightly while looking at her dongsaeng’s eyes. does not open even once but her expressive eyes give Ryeowook the hint that her unni needs to know everything. And so she narrates all the details to Heechul. After she’s done, Heechul has her eyes wide open.

“Wookie, what was that? What if there are some paparazzi there and took a photo of you?”

“Unni, don’t scare me. And besides, I and Kyuhyun acted real well, it’s okay! And if there’s someone who took a photo, don’t you think it should be posted online already and Teukie-omma’s calling us crazy now? Hmm?”

Heechul nods in agreement. That makes sense anyway. Who will let this opportunity pass?

Ryeowook, on the other hand, is just staring out of the window and a smile creeps on her face upon recalling everything that happened. From the moment she saw Kyuhyun lovingly staring at her standee, she knew that Kyuhyun isn’t just a normal fan, and she, too, is waiting for the day their paths cross again.



Super Girls. Super Fans. What was that? XD /pardon my limited imagination and vocabulary XDDDD

Don't know when I'll be able to update this but I WILL UPDATE. XD This is unbeta-ed, sorry for the occasional grammatical mistakes. Comments are loved. ^^

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Added something on chapter 1 coz I think it's inappropriate to put it in the 2nd chapter. ^^


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Keyv88 #1
Chapter 2: O.o scandal with kyu?!
Keyv88 #2
Chapter 1: So sweetttt i think this is the only story where kyu is the fan and i really like it
omgggg XD this is just cuute ;A;
trolololol i can just imagine kyu going all fanboying over wook ouo
djakshlafhka- otl update soooooon! <3
nur267 #4
Wow... I really look forward for next updates... I love this story. :)
kyulovewook #5
hahha i love this~
this fic is so awesome! and i can't stop smiling knowing that Kyu is a fanboy of no other than Wookie LOLs
update soon :D
I normally don't read genderbenders, but this fic is awesome! *runs off to subscribe*
deasy_kyuwook #7
aaaahhh...its so cute story...wah kyu become fangirl
i just cant wait new chapter...up date soon